2016-03-28 08:44:29
>> #95786
It's a shame she didn't live long enough to become ant chow
2016-03-27 21:20:02
>> #95678
Well she's crushing his balls for a power trip.
2016-03-27 18:29:47
>> #95665
Isn't she literally doing a footjob considering where her foot moves over his body ;3?
2016-03-27 16:37:58
>> #95659
2016-04-09 12:31:29
>> #98208
Amentibus said:
Nice movement! I don't know why it took me 12 days to find this.

Dunno why it took me a day to see your comment either :-P. And thank you! It's another spriter one. I've been practicing with the timing and bone tools
2016-04-08 04:02:18
>> #97939
Nice movement! I don't know why it took me 12 days to find this.
2016-03-28 22:47:10
>> #95877
Nazwa said:
*Hugs EOTM*

It's true I am very huggable

Glad Pokemongirl, Nazwa and Psi all like it!

CircuitBoard said:
It's good. Does this mean you do requests?

I did this one? But no. Not really. I mean people can send me suggestions and if they inspire me I'll draw something but no promises
2016-03-28 22:13:41
>> #95874
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Nazwa suggested I should draw a catgirl. And catgirls are cute. And hey. Gotta keep the fans happy!

It's good. Does this mean you do requests?
2016-03-28 01:37:48
>> #95717
2016-04-02 09:50:34
>> #97061
Sanguity said:

Purple Heart is a girl.
2016-03-28 00:26:39
>> #95698
Slixer said:
The word Mistress, not Master. I've noticed this a few times and I'm guessing it's down to those doing them being non-native English speakers but when a Woman is in charge it's Mistress not Master.

Been a while. :P
2016-03-28 00:21:06
>> #95697
The way this was written makes it sound as if she was sitting on their face the whole time and they only just noticed it four paragraphs in.
2016-03-27 18:45:54
>> #95666
Slixer said:
The word Mistress, not Master. I've noticed this a few times and I'm guessing it's down to those doing them being non-native English speakers but when a Woman is in charge it's Mistress not Master.

Eh, kinda. Really, with a woman you could use either term (although you wouldn't call a man 'mistress'). The two words have mostly the same meaning, but 'master' carries a different connotation than 'mistress' which might be preferable in some cases.
2016-03-27 15:30:52
>> #95652
This is deliciously sexy
2016-03-27 14:00:50
>> #95645
plsignore said:
I'm pretty sure it's those kickass shades. There's other pics of the same braixen in the same setup on here, and the commissioner meant for it to be MC: But yeah, it's pretty subtle (too subtle?)

Yes, the 'shades' are indeed a hypnovisor. Artist's style and not much I could do about that.
2016-03-27 10:31:03
>> #95637
plsignore said:
I'm pretty sure it's those kickass shades. There's other pics of the same braixen in the same setup on here, and the commissioner meant for it to be MC: But yeah, it's pretty subtle (too subtle?)

I've seen other glasses hypno stuff without their eyes being changed on here, so it has a precedent. It just usually (as far as I can remember, anyway) has them in a uniform too. I don't think it is too subtle. If this wasn't on a hypno site, I think it would be too subtle to suggest hypnosis, but on here, I think everyone would understand =P
2016-03-27 10:23:04
>> #95635
dark_phoenix said:
I mean I like it, but where is the MC/Hypno?

I'm pretty sure it's those kickass shades. There's other pics of the same braixen in the same setup on here, and the commissioner meant for it to be MC: But yeah, it's pretty subtle (too subtle?)
2016-03-27 10:15:49
>> #95634
I mean I like it, but where is the MC/Hypno?
Date Mar 27, 2016User AnaximanesRating QuestionableScore 10(vote up)
2016-03-31 08:20:15
>> #96258
Thank you very much, both of you, for playing and enjoying my work!
2016-03-28 21:58:09
>> #95871
Fantastic. I probably spent 4 hours going through every possible situation. Major kudos to you.
2016-03-28 20:53:19
>> #95860
Is that a one-eyed bunny-eared tentacle monster?
I think we should vote that into the next DnD monsters book.....

On a side note, just wanted to say, I've played that game, and thoroughly enjoyed everybit!!! So many endings.......and i had to see them all!! Truly awesome work! Thanks!
2016-03-28 01:19:23
>> #95711
Remember kids, if you feel the top of your skull pop, you should go see a doctor
2016-03-27 09:31:05
>> #95626
plsignore said:
Don't take it personally, but for now I'm going to flag this image and leave it for the mods to decide.

Yeah- it's fine. Like I said, do whatever you want.
2016-03-28 05:27:03
>> #95761
NightLucidity said:
I'm working on a gift, I'm a little busy so probably wont be out for a while but little tease

: ) Can't wait then!
2016-03-28 04:20:14
>> #95751
pokemongirl said:
Really wish we had more of Miss Goldenweek even though that futa cock is way too big for my taste her power are too much for me *drools*

I'm working on a gift, I'm a little busy so probably wont be out for a while but little tease
2016-03-28 01:32:47
>> #95714
Really wish we had more of Miss Goldenweek even though that futa cock is way too big for my taste her power are too much for me *drools*
2016-03-27 08:35:50
>> #95605
I totally forgot that was what Nami wore during Little Garden. At first glance I thought she was dressed as Banjo
2016-03-27 08:32:01
>> #95603

i have no idea hat that thing is, but i'm sure i'll be seeing it in my nightmares from now on.
2016-03-27 08:09:26
>> #95597
2020-09-07 20:04:43
>> #384967
Mindwipe said:
So, I guess feminist is the opposite of Nazi? I mean, hey, whatever you say, internet.

The politics understander has logged on
2016-03-29 00:38:07
>> #95883
Microsoft had to damage-control her so hard lmao
2016-03-27 22:10:19
>> #95682
I can't help but think that those 'm's have 3 lines instead of 2
2016-03-27 20:18:02
>> #95671
Gonna be honest... those angry eyes kind of ruin the pic for me. Could've been amusing /and/ hot, otherwise. :p
2016-03-27 15:28:05
>> #95651
I'm just gonna keep the popcorn on standby. There may be a shitstorm, but nothing much yet.
2016-03-28 04:57:13
>> #95756
pokemongirl said:
*giggles and blushes* maybe some day : )

Gives me some hope at least...
pokemongirl said:
I understand that really die hard into the roster with Smash Bros. But idk there is just so many Pokémon only have 16, 2 of which are doubles so 14 just seems so limited. So unlike smash I really don't care who got in though if I had a choice maybe Venasuar or the Hitmon Trio but really don't care though I don admit they did pick the best/most popular of the ones they did pick lol

Eh, the roster isn't optimal, to be honest. I don't see why the game should need more than one pikachu nor two mewtwos. If you wanted an "evil" pokémon, why not Zoi-- erhm, Darkrai?
But that's just me xD
2016-03-28 01:52:00
>> #95728
Variable_X said:
This is the reason why some of us have a thing for you. I really would like to meet the person outside of the fetish... but I suppose I'll get my chance... another day...

*giggles and blushes* maybe some day : )

Variable_X said:
Speaking of which, rumor has it that the game got ported because the japanese fanbase thought it was too simple to be an actual competitive game on par with Street Fighter...

Now... onto the picture itself... hmm... not my cup of tea but it's good.

Huh interesting never heard of that. Yep not totally my cup of tea want Mewtwo to control my mind but maybe not fuck him lol

Pinkanator said:
See, I find when people moan about rosters, it's usually because their character didn't make it. I'm waiting for Juri to pick up SF5, was rather sad by the omission of Skarlet in MKX (I now main Tremor), have always mained Devil Jin, who is a guaranteed spot now (except X Tekken? The hell Capcom?), was infuriated by the lack of most of the Marvel 2 roster in 3 (where the fuck is Venom?!) and with Pokken, my money flew out of my wallet when I saw Weavile (aka best mon) confirmed.

I understand that really die hard into the roster with Smash Bros. But idk there is just so many Pokémon only have 16, 2 of which are doubles so 14 just seems so limited. So unlike smash I really don't care who got in though if I had a choice maybe Venasuar or the Hitmon Trio but really don't care though I don admit they did pick the best/most popular of the ones they did pick lol
2016-03-27 15:24:38
>> #95650
See, I find when people moan about rosters, it's usually because their character didn't make it. I'm waiting for Juri to pick up SF5, was rather sad by the omission of Skarlet in MKX (I now main Tremor), have always mained Devil Jin, who is a guaranteed spot now (except X Tekken? The hell Capcom?), was infuriated by the lack of most of the Marvel 2 roster in 3 (where the fuck is Venom?!) and with Pokken, my money flew out of my wallet when I saw Weavile (aka best mon) confirmed.
2016-03-27 10:09:08
>> #95632
qwack said:
Soooooooo....Shadow Mewtwo is gonna be a thing on this site? alright i can dig it

anyways if i can give off my opinion on Pokken....its great! it really is and im not just saying that cause im a dork when it comes to Pokemon i mean...nintendo? (doubt they'll ever read this) this is great but it needs more of a competitive edge to this game...that and more characters! i mean 16 total? (shadow mewtwo and mewtwo) come in now i know its a new game put on the table but wow your Pokemon fanbase is huge and look how much of a success Pokken turned out!
if you guys plan on making this game last long you gotta add more modes, a little more story, and of course more pokemon... i counted the slots that "look" empty and if there IS gonna be DLC its most likely gonna be 4 more playable Pokemon...its a theo ...and honestly having a game like this for the wiiu isnt that bad but it should be for the 3ds
think about it...they could go back using Pokemon sprites redesigned as fighting game sprites like in the actual old school tekken,street fighter, etc. games
and they'd be more playable Pokemon much less support Pokemon, more areas, so on and so forth...yes the graphics on the wiiu look amazing and the models on the wiiu look amazing and that is not a lie but graphics aren't everything to a video game....especially in a fighting game~

Speaking of which, rumor has it that the game got ported because the japanese fanbase thought it was too simple to be an actual competitive game on par with Street Fighter...

Now... onto the picture itself... hmm... not my cup of tea but it's good.
2016-03-27 10:06:50
>> #95630
pokemongirl said:
So true too little characters! And the funny thing is Nintendo is promoting it hard though doesn't have much room to grow with the game being bare bones, not many people having a WiiU, and Pokémon/Nintendo fans not having many fighting games besides Smash. I wish it the best of luck but even though hopefully I can be at Nationals to see the tournament so few actual tournaments to be invited as well.

Pokemongirl actually giving an astute opinion crazy I know but I do know about Pokémon ; ) *wiggles my tush*

Also mmm I want to be in the same place as Serena and browner Serena nice to see some variations on her like in the game *giggles*

This is the reason why some of us have a thing for you. I really would like to meet the person outside of the fetish... but I suppose I'll get my chance... another day...

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