Date Mar 21, 2016User hfox909Rating ExplicitScore 20(vote up)
2016-03-21 21:22:04
>> #94291
LittleToyMaker said:

Wow, I think it's been a whole week since I've last seen you freak out.
2016-03-21 21:09:03
>> #94283
LittleToyMaker said:

2016-03-21 16:37:04
>> #94255
2016-03-21 16:30:04
>> #94254
2016-03-21 16:00:31
>> #94249
Lol, huskies so cuuuute :3
2019-11-29 07:31:12
>> #345833
To be honest, i think that the reveal from The Last Jedi won't be undone (it's a good way to keep Rey from being a Mary Sue). Instead, I think that Rey will be a foil to Anakin Skywalker - rather than being a Chosen One who fell, Rey is really just a nobody who became somebody only by doing good deeds and being a good person.
2016-07-16 22:31:41
>> #114715
I lean towards Rey being Palpatine. I think its way too obvious for her to just be a skywalker.
Mister Vi
2016-03-23 03:40:22
>> #94514
you also have to consider the choice of director, JJ Abhrams is the king of the mass appeal "safe move" see also: his star trek movies... It makes sense that 7 was as unoriginal as it was.. consider now that he isn't doing episode 8. Rian Johnson is, and this is a man who has literally won awards for originality.. (for serious it's the first thing I read about the guy.) It's seems incredibly likely that the plan was to make sure people were on board with the idea that new star wars movies won't be prequel bad before changing things up any... As for the changes to cannon... I couldn't care less, I can still play those games and not give a shit if their related to the movies... Hell they're basically licensed fan-fics anyway.
2016-03-23 03:19:19
>> #94499
Pinkanator said:
To be honest, I think it plays it so safe to show they CAN do a Star Wars before they do something new with the new cast *cough* more Phasma *cough* since the last time they did something new, meesa thinks it wad to bombad. But what do I know, I'm still salty over the closure of Lucasarts and the fuck you to the decades of expanded work. Because no one liked the Gendy Clone Wars, KOTOR, Force Unleashed, SOTE, the space flight games or any of that garbage, right?

Clone wars is 100% canon, as is Rebels. They are slowly using Rebels now to add in what is now canon from the old EU. They are also reusing music from KOTOR and locations and such. Malachor is a place they are going to, (or have, I'm not caught up yet) and if you check out the new canon star map - Rakata Prime is on there. I'm pretty sure they are working up to Revan being canon as well.
2016-03-22 23:31:31
>> #94472
While I can understand why they chose to keep it similar to IV as to not only keep it familiar in the eyes of the current fan base, but draw in the newer generations into it, I personally feel that between this and the fact that Disney completely shat on all the existing canon prior to the movie's release by un-canonizing it has put me in a rather unpleasant stance with what they are trying to do. It may work for you guys, which is cool and all if it gets the hyperdrive working, but personally they failed to grab my interest by NOT trying something new from the gate.
Date Mar 21, 2016User malrothRating ExplicitScore 15(vote up)
2016-03-21 18:26:00
>> #94258
Oh I see

2016-03-21 09:02:46
>> #94232
She's the Romantic interest in the game "Arc the Lad 2" and the 2001 Anime of the same name based on the game series.
2016-03-21 08:59:54
>> #94231
who is she?
2016-03-21 22:29:28
>> #94307
The insane part would be if she actually DID NOTHING and she's being led to believe she did, and now has to make up for it, somehow.

Myuk, I...I just love all of this. Thank you.
2016-03-21 22:22:38
>> #94303
muffinmuffler said:
A normal large scale dom would do exactly what Sasha is doing. And yes, all the girls are happy.

If Febe remembered her past, but was still enslaved, she would desire freedom. She is trying to condition her. Her explaining that her past had to be forgotten due to "trama" is a stupid result. The evil option is dumb.

...I actually no longer have any idea what you're saying. The girls ARE being conditioned, none of your endings would even have a CHANCE of happening in the story with it still being believable and keeping Sasha in character, and Inma WAS NEVER UNDER SASHA'S CONTROL, WHICH MYUK HIMSELF TRIED TO EXPLAIN.

We DON'T know why she is being punished, so DON'T try to make up crap like that to try and explain YOUR beliefs that NO ONE else believes in. I'm sorry for losing my temper, but you make NO SENSE.

Fucking thank you for existing.
Nazwa, mate, people like different shit.
Deal with it.
It isn't your story.
Hell, you already got more than anyone else did considering Febe was added based on your request for a cat girl.
2016-03-21 22:05:23
>> #94301
Nazwa said:
I dislike the *scale* of what she does. Well, that, and use of possesive demons.

Only part I see on this topic is

When? Right after they get captured.

My point?

Normal mass-scale hypno-domme would at least try to make girls happy here. *every* girl who realize that something is wrong reacts in... certain way. Just take a look at how much would it take to solve this "problem", thus ending up comic till we get new protagoinsts:

Good option: Ensuring her that her memories of family had to be removed due to trauma.
Neutral option: Conditioning. ANY. Conditioning that increase her obedience after simple action.
Evil option: Give her few scars. Explain that they are result of what took her memories away. If she doubts, offer to remove them (ofc, instead make sure that she thinks she had more of them and some got removed).

Yep. What would work for Febe from long time, would also work now for Kara to ensure she is obedient. That's it. With tools she have... is it *really* this hard?

A normal large scale dom would do exactly what Sasha is doing. And yes, all the girls are happy.

If Febe remembered her past, but was still enslaved, she would desire freedom. She is trying to condition her. Her explaining that her past had to be forgotten due to "trama" is a stupid result. The evil option is dumb.

...I actually no longer have any idea what you're saying. The girls ARE being conditioned, none of your endings would even have a CHANCE of happening in the story with it still being believable and keeping Sasha in character, and Inma WAS NEVER UNDER SASHA'S CONTROL, WHICH MYUK HIMSELF TRIED TO EXPLAIN.

We DON'T know why she is being punished, so DON'T try to make up crap like that to try and explain YOUR beliefs that NO ONE else believes in. I'm sorry for losing my temper, but you make NO SENSE.
2016-03-21 21:55:05
>> #94299
muffinmuffler said:
You realize that you're describing 99% of all doms in hypnosis-centered fiction, right? And that most people WANT that kind of dom in fiction, that most people fantasize about being stolen away and brainwashed? Not necessarily in real life, of course, but people like the thought.

I dislike the *scale* of what she does. Well, that, and use of possesive demons.

muffinmuffler said:
Who the hell said that that was her reasoning? Did you just pull that out of a hat, or what?

Only part I see on this topic is

When? Right after they get captured.

My point?

Normal mass-scale hypno-domme would at least try to make girls happy here. *every* girl who realize that something is wrong reacts in... certain way. Just take a look at how much would it take to solve this "problem", thus ending up comic till we get new protagoinsts:

Good option: Ensuring her that her memories of family had to be removed due to trauma.
Neutral option: Conditioning. ANY. Conditioning that increase her obedience after simple action.
Evil option: Give her few scars. Explain that they are result of what took her memories away. If she doubts, offer to remove them (ofc, instead make sure that she thinks she had more of them and some got removed).

Yep. What would work for Febe from long time, would also work now for Kara to ensure she is obedient. That's it. With tools she have... is it *really* this hard?
2016-03-21 21:27:12
>> #94295
muffinmuffler said:
You realize that you're describing 99% of all doms in hypnosis-centered fiction, right? And that most people WANT that kind of dom in fiction, that most people fantasize about being stolen away and brainwashed? Not necessarily in real life, of course, but people like the thought.

Thank you for expressing everything I can't be bothered to.
2016-03-21 05:47:26
>> #94208
This is actually the first time I have seen "Saimin Jutsu" being written in hiragana ...
2016-03-21 04:18:30
>> #94187
What's this?! Misty is evolving!
2016-03-21 04:04:32
>> #94184
Staryu evolved into Starro-yu. x3
2016-03-29 14:17:18
>> #95987
EoD said:
Let me guess. It was flagged by that Art guy? And I can't remember how to spell his full username. That guy who said he would flag every manip and text image.


it's just a troll ignore the trolls
2016-03-22 08:24:27
>> #94398
Vanndril said:
Just noting to explain (since this was flagged as not MC) that empty eyes are considered a sign of mind control.

Let me guess. It was flagged by that Art guy? And I can't remember how to spell his full username. That guy who said he would flag every manip and text image.
2016-03-22 04:27:49
>> #94371
Just noting to explain (since this was flagged as not MC) that empty eyes are considered a sign of mind control.
2016-03-21 20:08:15
>> #94269
It's the facial expressions. It has to be. The passive surprise on ones face, and the collected control on the others.
2016-03-21 03:49:53
>> #94180
I don't know why I love this as much as I do, but I do XD
2016-03-21 00:52:07
>> #94155
Mun-nyah? SO sexy!
2017-06-29 04:39:47
>> #184886
Ya know, for a succubus, she sure is submissive
2016-03-21 02:18:11
>> #94168
Whisper said:
Just to point this out, the drool is always on the right side of the mouth if i recall in all of your pics...
In this one, i think it would be better to have it on the left due to her head angle.
Just my opinion.

good insight :)
2016-03-21 02:12:20
>> #94167
I am really impressed about the rate you upload new pictures with high quality
2016-03-21 02:09:15
>> #94166
Just to point this out, the drool is always on the right side of the mouth if i recall in all of your pics...
In this one, i think it would be better to have it on the left due to her head angle.
Just my opinion.
2016-03-21 00:17:56
>> #94146
Hot shit. Sasha best master.
2016-03-21 16:28:10
>> #94253
Anno1404 said:
You mean <<|this>> ? Or a new one?

Yes, that's the one. ^^
2016-03-21 04:17:02
>> #94186
daveyboysmith9 said:
Thanks! Glad you like the pic! The trick is finding the right artist who can do Gadget justice. Also commissioned a Gadget hypno maid picture by the same artist. ^^

You mean <<|this>> ? Or a new one?
2016-03-21 02:45:10
>> #94175
Mmmm those outfits and expressions *bites lip* MUST HAVE
2016-03-21 01:07:52
>> #94159
Dantus said:
Hot Gadget by erohd, you really got good taste with your commissions ^^.

Great pic, really looking forward to you (perhaps, I really hope so :D) continuing to valiantly fight the disturbing lack of Gadet content on the Hub ;-).

Thanks! Glad you like the pic! The trick is finding the right artist who can do Gadget justice. Also commissioned a Gadget hypno maid picture by the same artist. ^^
2016-03-21 00:57:26
>> #94156
daveyboysmith9 said:
Hi everyone! For those of you wondering, I couldn't get into my original account. I forgot the password and dummy me didn't have my email on the account to change the password, so I had to create a new account in order to make posts. So if anyone was trying to write to me original account name Daveyboysmith, you can now find me here.

As for the picture, it was done by the really great artsit Erohd at! I really love this one. Especially the outfits Gadget and Tanya are wearing Hope you all like it too. Hope to have more of The Cult Cafe and other things soon! ^^

Hot Gadget by erohd, you really got good taste with your commissions ^^.

Great pic, really looking forward to you (perhaps, I really hope so :D) continuing to valiantly fight the disturbing lack of Gadet content on the Hub ;-).

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