2016-06-06 07:16:50
>> #108003
2016-03-15 17:51:50
>> #93374
There's an animated version?
2016-03-15 08:27:09
>> #93332
Here's the un-animated version.
2016-03-16 20:50:44
>> #93521
Relanor said:
Drooling....drooling....if this were just the drooling....hnnnnn~~

This has a non-animated version that's just the last picture with no text.
2016-03-16 02:56:20
>> #93430
Drooling....drooling....if this were just the drooling....hnnnnn~~
2016-03-16 00:25:00
>> #93410
On the one hand, amazing drool. On the other hand, the flashing hurts my eyes :( I'd love to see a different version of this, that doesn't hurt to look at :x
2016-03-15 22:54:08
>> #93405
Cowsinner said:'s a flash animation.......
*leaves* win this round you.
2016-03-15 20:35:58
>> #93387
Myuk said:
tbh the flashing is annoying

Its still great tho. Dont get me wrong :)
2016-03-15 08:02:53
>> #93330
2016-03-17 04:18:33
>> #93575
Anon123456 said:
oh btw, a few notes on how to pixel art :P....

thanks for the tips friend
2016-03-17 03:10:05
>> #93562
oh btw, a few notes on how to pixel art :P

1: never make an outline more than 1 pixel deep, it makes it too jagged :P (as it is on the drawing around the front shoulder and arm) it might feel weird, but the best way to do a clean outline is having it like one of those circles you can create in ms paint :P

2: especially in animation, don't worry about how it can be interpreted, pixel art is meant to be somewhat abstract, so even if it looks weird on its own, the fact that the viewer knows what a detail is supposed to be saves it :P rather that than making it too big or clunky (not any examples on this drawing, since it mostly happens on clothes). the important thing is the overall flow.

3: of course, there's many ways to shade a character. cel shading (no outline, clean colors), toon shading (like cell shading, but with a black outline), what's important is to be mindful of the material, especially in pixel art, the darker the outline, the denser and heavier it appears, so clothes usually have a relatively darker outline than hair, for example.

4: various tricks to make pixel art pop. “dither”. The effect of making a transition between two colors, usually shadows or gradient, by entwining them in a checkerboard pattern. “pillow shading”. The effect of making a transition over several pixels flatly with few colors. Can be combined with dither for more smooth effect. There’s also sometimes entire colors designated for easing the transition/gradient/dithering between colors.

5: general lil tips: if you’re ever in doubt of where to place a shadow, just remember this:
If something is not being hit straight on (90 degrees) by light, it gets darker, and if it’s occluded (in shadow) of something else, it gets even darker :P (try visualizing a moon with craters or a golf ball or a paper towel with bumps)

6: the style is completely personal, but it can be tricky when shading something with lesser bumps/petrusions, like eyes or nose. But you pretty much did so perfectly on this picture :P (tho sidenote: on women, it’s usually better to make the hips a little too wide than too narrow. Usually about the width of the shoulders. And on top of that then comes the butt :P but it seems like an honest oversight honestly. Hmm, what else, technically the front boob is a bit too small, due to the perspective, but I think you already noticed, and don’t need me to notice also/cringe over :P sorry. Pretty nice picture overall :3

(sidenote, if you ever wanna make a more “buff” female, (not saying there’s anything wrong with your girls), contrary to those weird growth comics that floats around the internet, girls still have female forms and such when gaining muscle :P their limbs just get denser.)
Also, nice use of skewed frontfacing light source perspective/eliminating the darkened outline on the front facing arm :3 looks nice.
2016-03-17 00:28:05
>> #93541
Zko said:
thanks for the info, tho I'm pretty happy with photoshop's pixel drawing capabilities, and since photoshop has hundreds of tools it seems more preferable.

Fair nuff :P and i realize the capabilities of photoshop, and you'd think they'd cover that too, but it's actually more geared towards smooth photo blending/retouching, "tiling" is a tool for example that's in pyxeledit, but not photoshop (tho i'm sure you can get an addon for that). Keep in mind, PyxelEdit is actually based on photoshop, but specialized for pixelart in particular :P tiling, animated, sprites or whatmore.

however, obviously, it's 100% your choice :3 just thought you should be informed to as much :P

any way, here's a site listing and describing pros and cons of various programs for pixelart. (22 listed in total. use the arrows to navigate between them.) ("shovel knight" is made in cosmigo pro motion, but that costs about 90$, which is why smaller budget individuals/indie devs usually go for pyxel edit :3)

oh, and it includes photoshop on the ranking as well :P (you need to press/open every product listing in a new tab to see all the listed pros and cons)

in summary, photoshop is by no means a bad pixelart software, but pyxeledit and cosmigo are just SO much more streamlined/geared for pixelart workflow :P

luck on your endeavours! :D
2016-03-16 16:28:54
>> #93505
Anon123456 said:
uuuuh nice :3 though if you're doing pixel art, there's a cheap (9$) pixel art and tiling program (yes, it has animation and layers and onion skin too) that works on proffesional level. the program is called "PyxelEdit" :)

thanks for the info, tho I'm pretty happy with photoshop's pixel drawing capabilities, and since photoshop has hundreds of tools it seems more preferable.
2016-03-16 16:19:18
>> #93503
oh also, for inspiration (character, background, phong/cel shading, stylizing edges (depending on material) and so forth)

i would reccomend looking at spriter resource for following beautiful 16-bit (snes, gba, sega, pc (retro pixelart)) games :3

the legend of zelda: minish cap.
pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team red/blue
pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald
pokemon firered/leafgreen
hamtaro: ham ham heartbreak
chrono trigger
link to the past
freedom planet (steam, recent retro game)

(keep in mind, old games, regardless of processer power, gpu or ram or disc space(those were more about objects per screen or scanline, or item data stored, or save file/game resource total size), being 16-bit, they could only have 16 colors per sprite (1 had to be transparency, 1 was usually white, and 1 was usually a dark grey or black), so sometimes, especially in backgrounds/cutscenes, some transition colors looked a bit... off :P (tho they could overlap sprites or put them in "tall mode" or change per 8x8 pixel cells, big sprites were just alot of small cells.

but you don't HAVE to stay within those limitations :P not to mention screensize, pallettes(16 colors in each square usable on different stuff, or 4 colors per square in 8-bit(stored differently for background and sprites. tho could be expanded with chips (memory bank controller (for just bank switching on game boy color/monochrome) memory management chip (Mmc1-6, vrc2-6, various. Allowed different things. More palettes stored, more sound channels on nes. Etcetera.) or super fx(allowed yoshis island on snes), super fx2(allowed 3d on snes) )


btw, lots of pyxel edit tutorials on youtube :3
2016-03-15 21:20:52
>> #93393
*giggles and squeezes her tits*
2016-03-15 05:22:10
>> #93311
dark_phoenix said:
Mmm, feline girls <3

One feline girl and a "hot" girl :D
2016-03-15 05:16:44
>> #93310
Mmm, feline girls <3
2016-03-15 21:24:52
>> #93394
*giggles* I really like this : )
2016-03-15 13:57:56
>> #93366
I mean, sure, the self-insert looks like a total douchebag, but on the other hand, She-Hulk.
2016-03-15 12:10:47
>> #93351
sissyslave said:
am i the only one who really wants to punch daveboysmith's self-insert right in the fucking face

If I have the choice between getting hypno art (especially from great artists) with a self-insert guy or not getting hypno art at all... the first option wins every time. Just deal with it guys, be glad it's not one of those obese and ugly fellows that seem to make up 90% of the male doms/characters in hypno doujinji.

The only reason I want to punch the self-insert in the face is because he looks just like the protoganist from Death Note ^^.
2016-03-15 08:23:50
>> #93331
shslhypnoguy said:
Hate to insult the art but it looks like somebody beat you to it in this artwork, he looks a bit face dead and dented

shslhypnoguy used Critizice!
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
2016-03-15 06:16:43
>> #93322
sissyslave said:
am i the only one who really wants to punch daveboysmith's self-insert right in the fucking face

Hate to insult the art but it looks like somebody beat you to it in this artwork, he looks a bit face dead and dented
2018-04-19 01:59:51
>> #247150
EoD said:
To many arms 0/10

Yes I AM going to say this on every image with Yang from now on.

You know, I think that could be armful to your reputation. You might think it armless, but a lot of people look to be getting up in arms about it. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that you might want to disarm this situation before we need an armistice.

I am not sorry.
2017-03-30 06:16:28
>> #164633
I'm yet to see a single commission from hypnohub...guess i need to try harder
2016-09-23 10:26:57
>> #127070
Sleepyhead97 said:
Is it just me or does it look like the colouring of Yang's nipple has been accidently coloured onto Neo's hand?

so it is...wonder why i never noticed...
2016-08-20 22:09:42
>> #120588
Is it just me or does it look like the colouring of Yang's nipple has been accidently coloured onto Neo's hand?
2016-08-20 21:52:26
>> #120581
Bobby: Neo you bitch I was going to hypnotize Yang to do that.
Neo: *flip Bobby off*.
Bobby: oh now you done it.
2016-03-15 08:47:10
>> #93338
rocketracer294 said:
Poor Joyce. She was already broken enough by Febe.

'Broken enough'...?
2016-03-15 06:05:03
>> #93319
Poor Joyce. She was already broken enough by Febe.
2016-03-15 05:07:18
>> #93308
Not even a little bit.
2016-03-15 04:28:42
>> #93298
this is getting very tedious, I know.
2016-03-15 01:37:16
>> #93293
I always love more corruption
2017-03-01 05:10:17
>> #158997
After a good fap, deep sagely thoughts arise.

Once upon a time, I, Sagely Commenter, dreamt I was a drinking water fountain, providing refreshing water hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a fountain. I was conscious only of my happiness as a fountain, unaware that I was a Commenter. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a Commenter dreaming I was a water fountain, or whether I am now a water fountain, dreaming I am a Sagely Commenter. Between a Commenter and a water fountain there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things.
2016-03-21 19:35:04
>> #94263
This reminds me of a longer hentai where a girl actually was set-up as a drinking fountain. No hypnosis in that one though.
2016-03-17 15:26:06
>> #93653
HypnOlster said:
Am I the only one thinking that sitting on that would be sort of... well, painful. I mean she is RIGHT ON the tap no matter what hole it is in that would not sit comfortably.

emm kinda...yeah, that is why my way out of that was making it a hypnotic dream for her ^^
2016-03-17 12:11:48
>> #93638
Am I the only one thinking that sitting on that would be sort of... well, painful. I mean she is RIGHT ON the tap no matter what hole it is in that would not sit comfortably.
2016-03-16 04:20:30
>> #93446
tempest said:
In the begining
There was a fountain...
but it wasn't... just any fountain!
it was a fountain of light
it was a fountain of truth
it was a fountain of dreeeaaaammmsssss
it was a fountain of drool!
it was a hypo hypo hypo hypo hypo hypo hypno fountain!


lol thanks for the coment ^^

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