2016-03-13 21:12:58
>> #93142
Did wonder where it went.
2016-03-13 21:10:30
>> #93141
Reuploaded. I forgot to draw Inma's collar.
2016-03-13 20:29:17
>> #93130
So THAT'S what's in the Vatican library...
2016-04-13 08:41:58
>> #98897
Well, in Homestuck related news...

Homestuck's over. The last part was just added. And honestly, while I did enjoy the story and this last's a little underwhelming to me.

2016-04-13 07:31:12
>> #98891
Uh, she's a teenager through the entire story, her thirteenth birthday is like a month before John's? And then she spent three years on the battleship so she's 16 now.
2016-03-14 09:51:07
>> #93225
Vorp said:
Should this be tagged as loli? I mean yeah jade is canonically like 16, but there are other canonically teenage characters on the hub that aren't tagged as loli.

Wonderful job btw, late night delight. Your art's expressive as all heck.

thanks my dude, i appreciate that. Also yeah i really wasn't certain; as you guys said, she's canonically a preteen, but i wasn't really drawing her as such; or rather, i was using a really abstract style that made age interpretation difficult, as proportions are basically most of what i use to figure out how old a character should be. i leave it to the discretion of the admins, but for the time being i tagged it thusly cause. y'know, better safe than sorry.
2016-03-14 06:53:32
>> #93201
Vorp said:
True, but I'd argue that Jade kinda skirts the line here. There are Misty pics on the hub with a similar body type that aren't tagged loli:

Yeahh I agree this isn't that loli like? But I guess it doesn't hurt to have it tagged as such.
2016-03-14 03:20:52
>> #93184
shslhypnoguy said:
I'm pretty sure that loli just applies to body type rather than canon age

True, but I'd argue that Jade kinda skirts the line here. There are Misty pics on the hub with a similar body type that aren't tagged loli:
2016-03-13 19:35:34
>> #93127
Welp this sums me up perfectly~
2016-03-13 19:33:17
>> #93125
Kaitty is such a cutie :3
2016-03-13 19:32:31
>> #93124
ZeldaIsHot said:
You're my favourite person on the hub so far so comment more so that I can tell you how much I love you.

Ok, this is another comment~
2016-03-13 19:21:35
>> #93122
ecchime said:
Good slave <3

2016-03-13 18:41:25
>> #93116
Good slave <3
2016-03-13 16:09:11
>> #93106
Something like that would surely leave quite the mark on any company('s floor).
2016-03-13 13:42:56
>> #93096
With the right self hypnosis files you can be sure to make a splash at your next presentation.
2018-07-13 05:07:06
>> #269836
disgustinggirl said:
It's always good to have an excuse, as long as you're convinced you came up with it yourself.

According to the latest scientific studies, you don't even need an app! Your brain does that all by itself.
2016-03-15 10:45:16
>> #93345
AnonFart said:
Nice app. Does it come with a fart control too?

disgustinggirl said:
You need a totally different app for that sort of thing.
2016-03-15 10:44:55
>> #93344
MasakakiKairi said:
Where can I download this app?

It comes with the DG Industries "Program your colleagues!" Kit.

2016-03-15 10:41:55
>> #93343
AnonFart said:
Nice app. Does it come with a fart control too?

You need a totally different app for that sort of thing.
2016-03-14 18:12:02
>> #93252
Nice app. Does it come with a fart control too?
2016-03-14 18:21:28
>> #93253
Nazwa said:
Joy have spirals of different sizes. While her eyes are both of same size/almost same size on this pic. Same for Anger.

Spirals over Disgusts and Joys hair.

And thinning Sadness glasses frame a bit. (left eye)

I have seen so much worse here that nobody gives a crap about because hating hypnOlster is from now on going to be a shitty in joke.And it's certainly not flaggable.
2016-03-14 10:48:45
>> #93228
Got flagged by new user? One upload just today. Good upload but I don't think this warrants a flag. But I am a bit biased :)
2016-03-14 07:38:41
>> #93211
greenhousedog said:
not to mention the black dot in riley's hair

Assumed that's a flea.
2016-03-14 07:15:01
>> #93209
Nazwa said:
Joy have spirals of different sizes. While her eyes are both of same size/almost same size on this pic. Same for Anger.

Spirals over Disgusts and Joys hair.

And thinning Sadness glasses frame a bit. (left eye)

not to mention the black dot in riley's hair
2016-03-14 02:17:13
>> #93177
anazron said:
Oh come on people, this one isn't that bad.

Joy have spirals of different sizes. While her eyes are both of same size/almost same size on this pic. Same for Anger.

Spirals over Disgusts and Joys hair.

And thinning Sadness glasses frame a bit. (left eye)
2016-03-18 20:00:28
>> #93813
Nazwa said:
Oh, Shinitra is going to be mad.

Still, more spotlight for Febe and the goddess cult. And Inma. And Joyce...

I didn't even notice this. Yes, I'm mad. Not my story, though. :p
2016-03-13 18:36:01
>> #93115
Nazwa said:
Oh, Shinitra is going to be mad.

Still, more spotlight for Febe and the goddess cult. And Inma. And Joyce...

tbh I was thinking of moving on from these characters, but it's better to add to the ensemble instead. The only thing that worries me is if I can get a good balance or something like that..
2016-03-13 18:28:27
>> #93114
Myuk said:
lol originally she was, but I actually changed it as time went on :D

Oh, Shinitra is going to be mad.

Still, more spotlight for Febe and the goddess cult. And Inma. And Joyce...
2016-03-13 18:21:06
>> #93113
Nazwa said:
Well, tbh it's only char I hope won't appear in second story ^^

lol originally she was, but I actually changed it as time went on :D
2016-03-13 15:30:08
>> #93103
Whisper said:
Meh nebura is too op...
I dun like it...
Well i guess it is just me...

Well, tbh it's only char I hope won't appear in second story ^^
2016-03-13 09:58:33
>> #93081
another commission. guy had a major thing for anthro dudes/young anthro dudes and musk/pheromone hypnosis, so if you're into those, boy have i got some stuff you're gonna like.

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