2016-03-07 09:53:58
>> #92386
Cute, almost took it, but once seeing the larger version, those heart in the eyes were just too oppressive.
2016-03-07 09:36:06
>> #92384
So pretty~
2016-03-07 09:14:05
>> #92382
MasakakiKairi said:
Yeeeeees, honey~

No! I am not a fairy, im the pirate girl! :v
2016-03-07 04:18:02
>> #92349
Yeeeeees, honey~
2016-03-07 03:29:12
>> #92345
2016-03-07 03:01:54
>> #92342
I know this is probably a weird thing to comment on, but I really like the handwriting here.
2016-03-07 00:42:38
>> #92320
"So, we arrived to a different dimension, in this one, its more like ninjas and stuff... Right after arriving we found this cute little girl wandering around... She said her name was Sakura, thats a great name... I hope we get to find more cute girls like her. Hehe..."
2016-03-07 02:08:04
>> #92333
...just one more thing.

Sasha acted as if Inma ran away recently.
There was mention of Inma being able to break hundreds of girls at once, too. But, as Febe proved, it is possible to dominate her.
There is also Nebura, who, while possesive (pun intended), seem to be nice plaything too...

...why Kara was only girl Sasha played with for two years, having at least two, possibly hundreds of other picks as well?

I write it assuming Kara was only plaything - because if not, what Febe's escape changed?
2016-03-07 01:53:58
>> #92332
2016-03-07 01:06:27
>> #92326
This is evolving to be more and more fun...
2016-03-07 00:49:30
>> #92322
muffinmuffler said:
Just make it cannon! :3

lol why not :D
2016-03-07 00:48:24
>> #92321
Myuk said:
nah, she's pressing them.

(really bad excuse...)

Just make it cannon! :3
2016-03-07 00:41:05
>> #92319
godofwar99 said:
She's been mirafied but with a lower IQ

Its more like my own character DH than Mira, but close enough XD
2016-03-07 00:33:43
>> #92317
She's been mirafied but with a lower IQ
2016-03-07 00:14:33
>> #92312
Wow, you should have looked at this girl... She came all 'I'll save you Juvia!' and look at her now... Juvia is very happy, she has a sister now, wich made me think, why stop here? We'll be moving to a different dimension soon, Im getting tired of the whole mage/guild thing...
2016-03-07 01:01:42
>> #92324
I'm not sure but I like it.
2016-03-07 00:03:54
>> #92311
What's going on here...?
2016-03-07 00:15:46
>> #92313

I'm glad I'm not the only person that saw that
2016-03-06 23:23:34
>> #92304
2016-03-07 09:42:20
>> #92385
Now I think this could have been a pretty funny part if they didn't actually do the scat. Instead show a sound effect on a bottom of a panel and show Kims face in embarrassment then running out the door. I'm not one for toilet humor but this page just came out of left field and could have been something more light hearted.
2016-03-07 07:16:35
>> #92369
Bloodly said:
...And you HAD to ruin it via scat.

Dantus said:
Scat... just why <.<?

Blacklists ain't working when you use the pool gallery... which pretty much everyone does who only wants to see the comic or just clicks on "next page" in the pool tab at the top of the screen.

It's not like we could just remove the page from the pool or something (though admittingly I am quite tempted, it could be replaced with a parent/child link after all).

2016-03-07 06:43:35
>> #92366
My take on the comments thus far:
Simply just try and abide by, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all," when specifically referring to how we structure the comments we make; so, criticism and/or feelings about a post shouldn't be discouraged when they're considered as "negative feedback."

I'm pretty indifferent to scat so I won't say much about this specific example itself, but in the case of a decent comic I like suddenly including guro/gore, amputation, nipple penetration, etc etc* on a single page, I'd probably wanna say something along the lines of "Dafuq?" in the comments, especially if there would be little indication given prior. It's not so much my way of giving the artist crap (no pun intended, shut up .____.), just giving my general reaction to what I would not have expected in the case of something appearing that would normally be on my blacklist. Again though, it would depend on how it's worded/expressed, so that's the main concern of all things considered.

*I know those examples are pretty extreme compared to someone taking a dump in their pants, but I bring them up as something I could try and relate to being turned-off by.
2016-03-07 06:22:04
>> #92362
disgustinggirl said:
Oh c'mon, this is too good to bitch about. If scat turns you off, just deal with it and ignore this one page.

@dhb: I for one absolutely adore this whole comic!

I know this wasn't directed at me directly, but as the commissioner, thanks :)
2016-03-07 05:54:33
>> #92361
Oh c'mon, this is too good to bitch about. If scat turns you off, just deal with it and ignore this one page.

@dhb: I for one absolutely adore this whole comic!
2019-10-30 22:07:35
>> #341963
Sometimes Ron is unstoppable:DD
2016-03-06 23:07:14
>> #92299
loving this so far, really enjoy random trigger stories, and having them triggered at the worst time.
2016-05-22 18:20:16
>> #105390
Okay, that's everything of dire importance off my plate. Time for to get to this. Alright Netflix! Get me excited! What am I in for?

Netflix said:
A high-schooler who's granted powers to make anyone instantly obedient-

2016-05-17 23:02:14
>> #104525
Pinkanator said:
Man, I am so confused, I should really start watching it. Give me a week or so, and I'll know what's going on in this thread.

Please do watch it. It'd be something even you'd enjoy.
2016-05-17 23:01:33
>> #104524
Man, I am so confused, I should really start watching it. Give me a week or so, and I'll know what's going on in this thread.
2016-05-17 22:57:05
>> #104523
Morgoth said:
Well, I agree it may not work out forever, if he is not careful. It is still a pretty obvious loophole in the rules of his Geass, though. By making people his slaves by using his Geass he can easily gibe out more than one command they have to obey.

It still would make for a good commanding general-like leader power, but in turn, by what you said, it makes Lelouch able to just stay behind his men and rarely come out himself to the battles he's fighting in. If I could animate in the same art styles as the anime itself; create sound effects; and almost perfectly impersonate voice actors, completely matching their shifting tones, usual (or better, less dubbed from ridiculous Japanese importance-unrelated blabbering) ways of speaking, and sound; I'd dedicate half of a new episode of my own to Lelouch transitioning to an actual front line leader who acts on his leadership with this new merged power. I. E,
waverun said:
With Lelouchs Geass and possible Code's power merged together for new and/or greater power(s), I believe he would as follows:
have the geass restriction of once-per-person removed,
be able to successfully command currently-geassed individuals;
gain complete control of whether they remember or forget anything from command issue to command exceution (with just mental will of such),
and maybe even be able to command small non-destructive portions of space and time itself at the current moment non-verbally.
Because the Code is such a powerful force in the universe of Geass; that it can alter all of the aspects, abilities, and even strengths and limits of the wielder's geass, if they have both.

Just IMAGINE IT! Lelouch dealing with Britannia's new forces who try to kill him when finding out he's still alive (because vendetta and hatred leading to defiance of the Empress of Britannia) , by means of shooting freaking laser beams spawned from the air above him, shooting energy waves of geass in the form of a giant geass sigil, and much more supernatural geass energy Awesomeness!
2016-05-17 22:42:08
>> #104520
DouDile said:
*Die with the light*

I don't get what that means, sorry.
2016-03-06 23:20:26
>> #92303
+ Kim Possible
- It gets pretty gross
2016-03-06 21:47:33
>> #92291
konohaworrior said:
Amazing, I hope there will be more of this series <3

Definitely, I've got a few more pages on my other PC, but right now it's in the middle of some updates. I'll post more later
2016-03-06 21:37:41
>> #92289
Amazing, I hope there will be more of this series <3

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