2016-03-04 07:49:24
>> #91950
I love theses.
2016-03-04 00:11:14
>> #91875
More drool themes!! Yay!!
2016-03-03 21:02:42
>> #91853
I'm curious even though my question will be answered as soon as another is made, I suppose - are we going to see what (presumably?) happened between this one and the last one?
2016-03-03 18:02:42
>> #91816
Myuk is the perfect fuel for my Parsee jealousy drive.
Outside of that, this is once again a good image.
2016-03-03 18:01:23
>> #91815
I think what might happen is after i finish this arc im going to start the new arc and at the same time, trace the first ones
2016-03-04 10:41:27
>> #91987
Kansattica said:
High five!

I don't think they were aiming quite high enough
2016-03-04 09:34:47
>> #91979
High five!
2016-03-04 05:12:36
>> #91930
LilithAuroros said:
We really need more Branding on here .w.

hehe, that we do ;3
2016-03-03 14:06:38
>> #91799
We really need more Branding on here .w.
2020-04-30 23:39:42
>> #366945
Banjooie said:
I'm /assuming/ the tag was written 'chouch' instead of couch at some point.

I know I am four years late, but there is a typo in the comic which is what they are referring to
2016-06-08 18:49:52
>> #108385
BritBoyToy said:
Couch = Sofa

I'm /assuming/ the tag was written 'chouch' instead of couch at some point.
2016-06-08 17:01:37
>> #108378
Cowsinner said:
lol. The hell's a chouch....?
An interesting art style tho.

Couch = Sofa
2016-03-29 11:08:49
>> #95978
hypno-hatter said:
Thanks everybody! Next page should be out soon :)

I'm excited. :D
2016-03-04 05:57:15
>> #91933
hypno-hatter said:
Thanks everybody! Next page should be out soon :)

Awesome, it's so cool that two fantastic artists have shown up on the hub at the same time. Especially since everyone else seems to have gone quiet.

2016-03-04 02:51:06
>> #91907
I admit this is nit-picky but why the nipple-shirt I wonder? it's like they couldn't decide so they drew her with and without her top at the same time @.@
2016-03-03 19:55:32
>> #91841
Myuk said:
imagine shes zipping up and down to show her resistance lol

*giggles* Plus I love how well this is drawn so close to the anime : )
2016-03-03 16:53:32
>> #91805
Cowsinner said:
I love that she seems to be fighting (and losing) unzipping herself.....adds so much more than just her being zapped and fucked.

imagine shes zipping up and down to show her resistance lol
2016-03-03 13:31:05
>> #91796
I love that she seems to be fighting (and losing) unzipping herself.....adds so much more than just her being zapped and fucked.
2020-07-25 04:49:11
>> #379314
This is the only picture with saitama on the whole hub and he is barely visible...
2017-09-27 01:20:19
>> #200839
Lord-Enonymous said:
See, I haven't even finished the show yet but I KNEW there was a reason Tatsumaki was the best character

Yeah... no. Though her having a hypnosis power would make her cooler. Turns out to be quite an awful character though. A good character, but an awful person, to be specific.
2016-03-03 20:34:47
>> #91852
Dantus said:
Nope. But you should still totally watch it because it is one of the bestest anime EVER, has insane high quality production values, is a very clever deconstruction of all sort of anime tropes and frickin' funny to boot.

2016-03-03 20:10:29
>> #91847
pokemongirl said:
Fuck this is amazing *drools*

So do I have to watch the show now? Does is character get controlled in the show as well?

Nope. But you should still totally watch it because it is one of the bestest anime EVER, has insane high quality production values, is a very clever deconstruction of all sort of anime tropes and frickin' funny to boot.
2016-03-03 20:03:50
>> #91845
Fuck this is amazing *drools*

So do I have to watch the show now? Does is character get controlled in the show as well?
2019-06-22 23:30:52
>> #323751
Pinkanator said:
Wasn't the first one a painful grindfest though? Or am I thinking of sonething else, I don't know, I got lost in FF7 before the end of the first disk, so I'm kinda sucky at JRPG.

The original release was a grind-fest... due to different opinions on grinding at the time. The later updated re-releases upped the amount of experience and money you get per battle.

Mindwipe said:
Game. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. And you'll just love her even more. She also gets possessed in that game. Just saying.

Yeah... but the possession was also some serious body horror...
2016-03-04 05:26:23
>> #91931
Just asking since I always hear 5 was the best one for Dragon Quest lol
2016-03-04 02:20:06
>> #91900
JamesF said:
It's up to you! Personally I'd play the first and go from there cause that's what I did. But play the one that catches your eye and have fun!

Wasn't the first one a painful grindfest though? Or am I thinking of sonething else, I don't know, I got lost in FF7 before the end of the first disk, so I'm kinda sucky at JRPG.
2016-03-03 22:57:58
>> #91866
pokemongirl said:
So should I play 8 instead of 5 then for my first DQ game?

In any case, just play it ASAP ! :3
2016-03-03 22:40:36
>> #91865
pokemongirl said:
So should I play 8 instead of 5 then for my first DQ game?

It's up to you! Personally I'd play the first and go from there cause that's what I did. But play the one that catches your eye and have fun!
2016-03-03 09:57:16
>> #91788
Ytram said:
But, it looks more femdom than femsub

Well interpret it however you'd like, I commissioned it to be femsub though haha.
2016-03-03 09:43:22
>> #91787
But, it looks more femdom than femsub
2016-03-03 09:02:28
>> #91783
She was doing commissions and I couldn't not pass it up. I love her artwork too much.
2016-03-28 10:46:33
>> #95809
she has really captivating markings <3 so pretty : 3
2016-03-04 01:00:21
>> #91888
Yugan said:
Well, naga are some kind of lamias so I think you ocould say so.
They're both furrized version of mythological creatures

Actually, Nagas are a creature of eastern myth (mostly Indian, if I remember right) that just happen to share a few characteristics with Lamias (mostly the serpentine appearance) but very little beyond that. Just sayin'...
2016-03-04 00:46:58
>> #91885
TheGoodShank said:
Chimeras and Nagas technically count as mythological creatures right?

Well, naga are some kind of lamias so I think you ocould say so.
They're both furrized version of mythological creatures
2016-03-03 08:57:02
>> #91782
Chimeras and Nagas technically count as mythological creatures right?
2016-03-03 16:18:07
>> #91803
(Internally screaming)
2016-03-03 07:07:26
>> #91776
Hot stuff. And yeah, the mouth is alluding to the mouths on the Mass Production Eva units.

Considering the nature of Evangelion, and specifically the Angels and Mass Production Eva units, shouldn't there be a corruption tag as well? Just something that I think should be considered is all.

CorruptionPrincess said:
Where can I get one?

You become one. >:)
2016-03-03 06:54:56
>> #91775
Where can I get one?
2016-03-03 06:54:31
>> #91774
cyberbladeau said:
Nice. But whats with the fem-joker mouth?

Because them mass produced models are scary as shit.
2016-03-03 06:40:19
>> #91773
Nice. But whats with the fem-joker mouth?
2019-04-19 11:31:04
>> #314934
I am not a mlp fan, nor will I ever be, but damn! That bosom is nice to look at.
2016-03-04 02:49:50
>> #91906
Wow, forty score already? After I posted this 43 hours ago (currently March 3rd of 2016 when I post this comment)? I don't know what it is that made you all like this so much! Is it the maid outfit? The fact that it's a Toughset artist edit? I guess I'll never know.
2016-03-03 09:41:22
>> #91786
This looks like toughset artwork, sans the mannip, obviously. I'm not sure though. If it is,please remember to tag the original artist, too.
2016-03-03 05:20:21
>> #91767
waverun said:
The pony color edit is supposed to make her look like myself, with the green eyes, the brown hair/mane color, and the light/white skin/fur color. Basically a crossgender, anthrofied ponified version of myself. I hope you all enjoy.

The actual hypno-bits are pretty decent. I feel the color change could have been done better, though. There's a lot of artifacts where the attempts to paint over the old color are clearly visible. The tail especially looks pretty bad where you tried to apply the light reflections. I think if you had just kept the original colors it would have looked a lot better.
2016-03-03 04:06:22
>> #91764
I once again decided to make a manip from a piece I borrowed from an E621 Artist. And since most of the artists have different home pages, none of them respond to any comments on their images. So I just decided, "You know what? Why not?!" And make this.

The pony color edit is supposed to make her look like myself, with the green eyes, the brown hair/mane color, and the light/white skin/fur color. Basically a crossgender, anthrofied ponified version of myself. I hope you all enjoy.

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