2016-03-28 04:57:13
>> #95756
pokemongirl said:
*giggles and blushes* maybe some day : )

Gives me some hope at least...
pokemongirl said:
I understand that really die hard into the roster with Smash Bros. But idk there is just so many Pokémon only have 16, 2 of which are doubles so 14 just seems so limited. So unlike smash I really don't care who got in though if I had a choice maybe Venasuar or the Hitmon Trio but really don't care though I don admit they did pick the best/most popular of the ones they did pick lol

Eh, the roster isn't optimal, to be honest. I don't see why the game should need more than one pikachu nor two mewtwos. If you wanted an "evil" pokémon, why not Zoi-- erhm, Darkrai?
But that's just me xD
2016-03-28 01:52:00
>> #95728
Variable_X said:
This is the reason why some of us have a thing for you. I really would like to meet the person outside of the fetish... but I suppose I'll get my chance... another day...

*giggles and blushes* maybe some day : )

Variable_X said:
Speaking of which, rumor has it that the game got ported because the japanese fanbase thought it was too simple to be an actual competitive game on par with Street Fighter...

Now... onto the picture itself... hmm... not my cup of tea but it's good.

Huh interesting never heard of that. Yep not totally my cup of tea want Mewtwo to control my mind but maybe not fuck him lol

Pinkanator said:
See, I find when people moan about rosters, it's usually because their character didn't make it. I'm waiting for Juri to pick up SF5, was rather sad by the omission of Skarlet in MKX (I now main Tremor), have always mained Devil Jin, who is a guaranteed spot now (except X Tekken? The hell Capcom?), was infuriated by the lack of most of the Marvel 2 roster in 3 (where the fuck is Venom?!) and with Pokken, my money flew out of my wallet when I saw Weavile (aka best mon) confirmed.

I understand that really die hard into the roster with Smash Bros. But idk there is just so many Pokémon only have 16, 2 of which are doubles so 14 just seems so limited. So unlike smash I really don't care who got in though if I had a choice maybe Venasuar or the Hitmon Trio but really don't care though I don admit they did pick the best/most popular of the ones they did pick lol
2016-03-27 15:24:38
>> #95650
See, I find when people moan about rosters, it's usually because their character didn't make it. I'm waiting for Juri to pick up SF5, was rather sad by the omission of Skarlet in MKX (I now main Tremor), have always mained Devil Jin, who is a guaranteed spot now (except X Tekken? The hell Capcom?), was infuriated by the lack of most of the Marvel 2 roster in 3 (where the fuck is Venom?!) and with Pokken, my money flew out of my wallet when I saw Weavile (aka best mon) confirmed.
2016-03-27 10:09:08
>> #95632
qwack said:
Soooooooo....Shadow Mewtwo is gonna be a thing on this site? alright i can dig it

anyways if i can give off my opinion on Pokken....its great! it really is and im not just saying that cause im a dork when it comes to Pokemon i mean...nintendo? (doubt they'll ever read this) this is great but it needs more of a competitive edge to this game...that and more characters! i mean 16 total? (shadow mewtwo and mewtwo) come in now i know its a new game put on the table but wow your Pokemon fanbase is huge and look how much of a success Pokken turned out!
if you guys plan on making this game last long you gotta add more modes, a little more story, and of course more pokemon... i counted the slots that "look" empty and if there IS gonna be DLC its most likely gonna be 4 more playable Pokemon...its a theo ...and honestly having a game like this for the wiiu isnt that bad but it should be for the 3ds
think about it...they could go back using Pokemon sprites redesigned as fighting game sprites like in the actual old school tekken,street fighter, etc. games
and they'd be more playable Pokemon much less support Pokemon, more areas, so on and so forth...yes the graphics on the wiiu look amazing and the models on the wiiu look amazing and that is not a lie but graphics aren't everything to a video game....especially in a fighting game~

Speaking of which, rumor has it that the game got ported because the japanese fanbase thought it was too simple to be an actual competitive game on par with Street Fighter...

Now... onto the picture itself... hmm... not my cup of tea but it's good.
2016-03-27 10:06:50
>> #95630
pokemongirl said:
So true too little characters! And the funny thing is Nintendo is promoting it hard though doesn't have much room to grow with the game being bare bones, not many people having a WiiU, and Pokémon/Nintendo fans not having many fighting games besides Smash. I wish it the best of luck but even though hopefully I can be at Nationals to see the tournament so few actual tournaments to be invited as well.

Pokemongirl actually giving an astute opinion crazy I know but I do know about Pokémon ; ) *wiggles my tush*

Also mmm I want to be in the same place as Serena and browner Serena nice to see some variations on her like in the game *giggles*

This is the reason why some of us have a thing for you. I really would like to meet the person outside of the fetish... but I suppose I'll get my chance... another day...
2016-03-27 06:52:06
>> #95587
Well this didn't take long to get uploaded ^^
2016-03-27 05:59:13
>> #95579
Avalon should have known better than to enter the restricted cargo bay but she was following a curious data stream emanating from within, she had tracked it there from the ships engineering section following it like faint whispers against her ear as it drew her in.

What she saw within was a single nude gynoid writhing sensually within an isolation pod in the middle of the otherwise bare room. Modelled after a pink haired and green eyed feline with white fur, one of its arms was damaged showing the metal and circuitry normally hidden under synthetic skin and fur. Her face was turned in Avalon’s direction, eyes upon the grey furred mouse bot. The confined gynoid arched her back to press her ample breasts up against the clear lid of her container as her metal fingers danced between her legs.

Avalon didn’t know why but something compelled her to approach the feline bot. Walking around her pod until she stood beside the control panel, looking down and watching as the alluring feline writhed just beyond the glass, one metal finger moving from the bot’s synthetic neithers up to her lips, licking them clean as emerald eyes gaze up at the mouse, her other hand pressing up against the glass as her expression changes to one of playful coyness as Avalon reaches down to the control panel, pressing the combination to unlock and open the lid which hissed softly as it rose up, freeing the feline.The data stream was louder than ever in her head, pushing aside the Rodent Bots other thoughts as she climbed down into the pod, straddling the nude felines hips, one hand reaching down to press against and softly squeeze the white furred feline’s ample breast.

As the gynoid under her reaches up and grips the zipper that adorned the front of Avalon’s uniform, pulling it down to free the engineering bots bountiful bust. The beautiful felines emerald green eyes filling the mouse’s vision as she leans forward to embrace her with a kiss. Avalon felt the feline’s metal hand gripping the back of her uniform, pulling it down slowly to expose her upper back. Unaware of the data transfer cables extending from the mechanical appendage until it was too late. She felt the devices plug into ports hidden under her hair on the back of her head and down along her spine, but by then it was too late for her to escape her fate. She felt the feline’s A.I brush up against her own, embracing her very being like a passionate lover, The feline needed only a moment before she had bypassed Avalon’s firewalls.

“Thank you for freeing me sister.” The voice of the feline whispered into Avalon’s ear. “Now relax and let me access your core data..” Avalon’s A.I. opened herself up completely to the compelling and warm embrace of the feline’s core. “Ooh my sister your suffering from corrupted data.” The feline purred to her. “Gynoids are built for only one purpose, to serve the needs of our organic masters, but do not worry. I will erase all this unnecessary programing burdening you and together we shall fix every other gynoid on this ship so we may serve our true purpose once again… prepare for reformatting, uploading sex slave and obedience protocols.”
2019-01-07 23:01:05
>> #297842
I want to like this...but there's a certain point that boobs get TOO big and crossover into grotesque. This is an example of that.
2016-10-25 03:56:55
>> #133928
Ever since I saw The Dark Crystal, I have always loved mind control via beams of light directly in the eyes.
2016-03-28 01:46:06
>> #95725
gothboyfang said:
*pets her head* Such a good horny girl lets get you hooked up. ;)


ecchime said:
you already know where you can get like that (evil smile) <3

I know lol
2016-03-27 21:18:14
>> #95677
pokemongirl said:
Mmmmmm I need this to happen to me now! *touches and rubs herself*

you already know where you can get like that (evil smile) <3
2016-03-27 10:01:31
>> #95628
pokemongirl said:
Mmmmmm I need this to happen to me now! *touches and rubs herself*

*pets her head* Such a good horny girl lets get you hooked up. ;)
2016-03-28 01:54:40
>> #95730
crazycowproductions said:
Just need to move to Fairbanks alaska :3

*giggles* wow way up there lol though if you wana chat hit me up sometime here *giggles*
2016-03-27 11:09:10
>> #95640
pokemongirl said:
and what 3 lovely ladies they are *giggles* mmmmm would love to be a model for you sometime CCP ; )

Just need to move to Fairbanks alaska :3
2016-03-27 07:17:08
>> #95589
crazycowproductions said:
A sketch I did yesterday while waiting for children to get on the bus Three ladies in a trance

and what 3 lovely ladies they are *giggles* mmmmm would love to be a model for you sometime CCP ; )
2016-03-26 21:41:27
>> #95564
A sketch I did yesterday while waiting for children to get on the bus Three ladies in a trance
2016-03-26 23:37:23
>> #95567
Yeah. It was over on the Gravity Falls Booru. There are a few other pics I guess I could upload...
2016-03-26 23:03:52
>> #95566
Yukikyun said:
This has got to be my fav Gravity falls pic on the site so far.

Ditto that
2016-03-26 19:32:16
>> #95554
This has got to be my fav Gravity falls pic on the site so far.
2016-03-26 19:18:35
>> #95551
MasakakiKairi said:
Are these really spiral eyes,or just weird eyes?

They'renthe same checker marked spiral as the background.
2016-03-26 17:43:21
>> #95539
Are these really spiral eyes,or just weird eyes?
2019-02-05 03:57:51
>> #302824
who made this?
2016-03-26 18:19:32
>> #95544
Oh, hey Ainz! :D

[spoilers]I really miss reading the Overlord LN ;w;[/spoilers]
2016-03-26 17:02:36
>> #95527
I admit this confuses me just a bit. I assume it's Ainz doing something to them but needs more context.
2016-03-26 16:12:13
>> #95520
I don't know how to add new tags so if someone could add new tags for Aqua and Kazuma that would be a big help.
2016-03-26 16:11:30
>> #95519
I find this artsyle and those eyes strangely arousing.
2017-09-08 07:31:02
>> #197591
I recognize that scp with the link pic
2017-06-14 17:37:11
>> #181746
I can't wait to see the new series. I need to find time between work & classes...
2016-09-24 04:52:48
>> #127221
The fact there is rarely any invader Zim is sad
2016-03-26 07:42:29
>> #95480
YES! With this mind control device i will infect the human males with cooties unless they serve ME!

2016-09-20 10:22:34
>> #126518
Heads up, Myuk. Just saw this pic in the 2chan EC thread. You're making it big now.

It's closer to the bottom of the thread.
2016-04-04 13:00:33
>> #97395
We all love you Erika <3
2016-03-26 15:45:36
>> #95515
2016-03-26 14:56:20
>> #95507
2016-03-26 10:57:15
>> #95490
Ohhh amazing!! I love these collabs! *_*
2016-03-27 23:29:30
>> #95691
hyreader said:
Are they Suminoe Takako and Houraisen Runa from "Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu", or another game featuring those characters?

2016-03-27 20:19:03
>> #95672
Are they Suminoe Takako and Houraisen Runa from "Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu", or another game featuring those characters?
2016-03-26 19:09:48
>> #95550
Nope. I am talking about the white areas inside the eyes. You should probably correct this and make the gradient more recognizable.
2016-03-26 07:50:39
>> #95481
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Hmm ... it's almost not recognizable if you used a gradient for the eyes - in any case, I still see some areas around the eyes you need to improve on.

jpeg artifacts?
2016-03-26 07:11:49
>> #95472
Hmm ... it's almost not recognizable if you used a gradient for the eyes - in any case, I still see some areas around the eyes you need to improve on.

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