2024-02-27 03:38:05
>> #536573
Bakugan was late 00s right?
Cause ya how this was recorded looks like it's an early 90s anime lol
2024-02-26 22:31:55
>> #536536
Me too. Bakugan has plenty of mind control potential. Imagine if they had recruited Runo. Oh the look on Dan's face
2024-02-26 22:24:53
>> #536534
Damn I wanna obey her
2024-02-26 22:23:29
>> #536533
I'm surprised this wasn't here sooner
2024-02-27 03:35:34
>> #536572
Good stuff and so good to rub~~~~
2024-02-26 22:30:43
>> #536535
I like the artist's style; it reminds me of other artists on here that I like.
2024-02-27 03:32:56
>> #536568
SO nice to see you do a story and gosh this is so fucking hot~
2024-02-26 19:41:27
>> #536524
Benn a while since I wrote a story. So decided to write this so I don't get too rusty. Hope you enjoy!
2024-02-27 03:18:08
>> #536566
man love droned kistunes
2024-02-27 02:33:59
>> #536561
Arya's been very busy, hasn't she?
2024-02-27 02:49:20
>> #536563
Well that works just fine for me lol, glad my idea is appreciated ^_^
2024-02-27 00:15:06
>> #536548
@hypnoslave1095 This is a good suggestion, but it's not incorporated into here because it's actually fairly close to what I already have in mind for Tammy (the white bunny-woman) instead. So you will be seeing something like that, just not with this character.
2024-02-27 00:13:46
>> #536547
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, this has been very fun. Not all of these ideas go together unfortunately, but that was inevitable with a completely open prompt like that. The following is my attempt to combine as many as I can into a cohesive whole. I will probably make this into a character profile, like I did for some other prominent harem members in the past.

Jean: Jean is an 'everyone's friend' type, but also a stickler for the rules. She'd police her fellow harem members' performance in the same joyful tone of voice she'd use to cheer them on. Nothing makes her mad, but nothing is safe from her feedback either. The sort of person who might buy a welcome mat that says 'Positive vibes only!' Despite first impressions, Jean is never intentionally insincere or passive-aggressive. At the core of her is a rich and all-consuming love for her Master which motivates her every action, and is her well of inspiration for the abstract art hobby which she has retained from her old life. Jean strives to flawlessly conform to her programming, takes great pride in being just as submissive to authority as she is submissive sexually.
2024-02-26 11:43:46
>> #536500
I like hypnoslave1095 and hypnofan100 suggestion best, it's reflect her action in thwarting Becca showing a concern for her harem sisters and I imagine her protective instinct kicking into overdrive with the master

Hence her also learning measure for brainwashing, both to prevent tampering from potential threats to her harem sisters/naster but finding new ways to convert future sisters if the master deems it necessary.
2024-02-25 22:14:30
>> #536473
Jean: The gym bunny of the harem, and in more ways than one. She enjoys exercise and healthy eating which is made much easier with brainwashing to motivate her and make even bland healthy food taste great. She also takes it upon herself to make sure the harem stays fit to better please Master, and that Master stays in shape. While Kathy help Master in his mental role of harem-master, Jean wants to help Master keep a strong body, fitting of his role. Outside of her fitness passion shes curious and likes to explore and see new things, so she often brings up ideas for the harem and Master to go traveling to see new places. Shes loyal and loving towards Master and like her fellow harem members but want to expand their horizons beyond just having sex in the compound.
2024-02-27 02:27:41
>> #536559
I feel like someone needs to make an updated version of this where the brainwashing works lol
2024-02-27 01:52:46
>> #536555
Sorry about that.
2024-02-26 23:15:52
>> #536541
The audio cut out and started Lagging.
2024-02-26 14:30:03
>> #536507
So close, darn it.
2024-02-26 13:14:20
>> #536504
Couldve been sexy but was more so entertaining
2024-02-27 01:24:33
>> #536552
Kazarina is hot as fuck.
2024-02-26 23:32:34
>> #536546

The Vermillion King's Fighting style is all about turning friend to foe. Your allies who once swore to fight alongside you become unwilling thralls to his crimson royalty. Fighting against your former friends and allies. You wouldn't want to hurt them would you~?
2024-02-26 23:32:00
>> #536545
Higher Res version of the text block
2024-02-26 23:31:34
>> #536544

The Vermillion King
You enter the palace throne room and are greeted by The Vermillion King. He smirks at you as the doors behind you close. With a snap of his fingers the room fills with his pawns and knights. He takes a comfortable seat. The odds are slim to win this fight.
2024-02-26 23:23:47
>> #536542
This is the best quality image of this I could find, I also don't know who the artist is

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