2024-02-17 19:07:11
>> #535630
The three hypnotized triplets were like putty in the hands of their soccer coach, obeying his every command. As he whispered into their ears, they became lost in each other's touch, exploring forbidden desires as siblings turned lovers.
2024-02-17 19:05:31
>> #535629
The hypnotist had a dark aura that made her feel uneasy, but she couldn't resist his mesmerizing voice. He commanded her to strip and give him all her money, which she did without hesitation. She felt powerless under his control, unable to break free from his grip. The hypnotist left with a satisfied grin, leaving her in a trance, unaware of what had just happened.
2023-06-25 05:25:32
>> #513165
Nope Im the same Mr. Swirly, current workflow is just using Ai
2023-06-25 02:47:16
>> #513158
I see, that makes sense.
2023-06-25 01:54:33
>> #513154
I think they are referring to the original Mrswirly, who was a real artist but there stuff isn't really on here anymore. I kinda miss that artist too, they had some good stuff, but I think this is a different dude
2023-06-25 00:52:05
>> #513153

orangejustice said he miss the artist.

I just reply him saying there're no artist here and maybe she saw a different picture with the same AI and minunerstood it thinking it was the same person.
2024-02-17 19:04:29
>> #535628
She stood there, hypnotized by his eyes, as he stripped her bare. Her heart raced as he took her hand and led her to the beach, where she gave him all her money, her body, and her soul. He fucked her like a whore, taking everything she had to offer, leaving her spent and broken. But she knew she'd do it again, for the pleasure was worth the pain.
2024-02-17 12:47:57
>> #535616
I love this so much XD, The thought of volunteering to a stage show and forever being altered to crave the control of the magician, very cool.
2024-02-15 09:38:09
>> #535380
Backstory from artist:

Come one, come all to the puppetmaster's grand performance!
Gasp in awe, as he asks for a volunteer only to make them strip naked and dance like a puppet on strings
Clap and give a standing ovation as he commands you to. Don't fret, everything is consensual. He can make you say that it is whenever he likes, after all
2024-02-17 11:50:35
>> #535614
I searched for 'shokushu to on'nanoko' and got links to a doujinshi.
2024-02-17 11:40:52
>> #535613
MMmm!~ I totes need sum 1 to, like, brainz wash me!~ I'll let anybody doo it!~
I Haz disc and my bussy is open!~ hehehe!~
2024-02-17 11:06:24
>> #535612
1: incredible profile picture Blueshell
2: he ate an spicy pepper XDDD
2024-02-17 04:48:32
>> #535595
Why does Bats looks more surprised than usual?
2024-02-17 01:38:14
>> #535571
i love booster gold so much
2024-02-17 10:35:56
>> #535609
Story by artist:

The dusty saloon doors creaked in protest as a silver stallion pushed past them, heading straight for the bar. It had been a long ride up here from Rattle Falls, and Clockwork was resolved to forestall any further consideration of business until he had been properly resupplied. Bits were exchanged for a satisfyingly large glassful of what Clockwork was after, and he was three sips in when three ponies passed behind him, grumbling angrily._

Cleaned ya out again did he? You gotta get better at Poker Rem.

Bullshit. Hes cheating and you know it. No Ponys got luck that good.

Heh, maybe just no pony has luck as bad as yers Rem.

This elicited an angry snarl, and two of the group tumbled out the door. As several patrons turned toward the commotion, Clockwork turned in the other direction: a small, comfortable table in a dim corner where the group had departed from. He gave a quiet laugh as he saw a familiar face staring out from the other side, black stetson perched on the chair beside him.

Well well, it IS him.

The dusty brown unicorn wasnt looking his way, and Clockwork knew he wouldnt recognize him even if he did, but he certainly recognized the unicorn. Lucky Shot, the bandit that had tried to relieve him of a very valuable cargo last year. He had smoothed over the conflict in the usual (and very satisfying) way, but he hadnt expected to see him again, especially wandering this far south. (re)Introductions were in order.

Hello there friend! Lucky smarmed as Clockwork sat opposite him. Care for a game of cards?
Clockwork smiled. Why not?

It was quickly obvious that Rem had been right. Clockwork was no ace, but he doubted Lucky was either. Certainly he wasnt THIS good. As several piles of bits shifted from his side to Luckys, Clockwork reflected that he was being robbed once again, and while the lack of a single-action in his face was an improvement, he was still going to have to put a stop to it. Besides, there were other refreshments he was still in need of, refreshments the bar didnt serve.

Sorry friend, looks like you lose again. Clockwork looked down to see Lucky was right. In response, he looked back up, right into the stallions eyes, and quietly mouthed a familiar word, one he had made sure Lucky was very familiar with on their last meeting. The effect took a moment to hit-

What was that? Lucky said, glancing up. I didnt-



The dusty stallion slumped limp in his chair, eyes wide, mouth just open, frozen in that last thought.

So tell me Lucky- Clockwork asked, sliding the bits back to his side, and then into his bag. How are you so good at Poker?

Gottaknack for it The stallion murmured blankly. Know where thgood cards are. Like they were alwaysfaceup

Fascinating. Well, its an improvement over your old profession. Still, seems to have the folk here sore. Well have to do something about that. Clockwork leaned in a little closer to the blank stallion staring back at him. Dont suppose you remember our last meeting Lucky? The dusty stallion shook his head slightly. No Clockwork murmured another special word to Lucky.

How about now?

The wanna-be card shark gasped, hunching over and twitching in his seat as a rush of sensations Clockwork could only imagine flooded over him.

Yes Lucky finally managed, panting.

Good. Clockwork grinned. Then lets head upstairs and see if youve improved any from last time. We can work out your apology to the fine ponyfolk here after that. Third door after the stairs, get going.

YesSir Lucky murmured, lurching out of the chair and onto his hooves. As the entranced stallion make his way stiffly to the stairs, Clockwork watched his very inviting flanks shift gently from side to side, and pondered which end he should start with this time.
2024-02-17 10:23:02
>> #535608
Story from artist:

With a frustrated grunt, the stallion threw the ticket across the room, watching bounce off the wall with a dull thud. A whole two months of vacation scrapped. The island trip had been ready for ages, warm sand, rolling waves, beautiful mares. He would have left tomorrow, and been in paradise a day later. Not now though. The resort company was having some kind of corporate meltdown, which meant anything involving the island was shuttered until further notice. By some miracle the tickets had been refundable, but now his vacation seemed to be cursed. No matter what alternative he thought of there always seemed to be something ruling it out. Was he really stuck here?

His eyes drifted down to a brochure sticking out beneath some clutter on his desk. He pulled it free, turning it over in his hoof. Right, Still Lagoon, water park and amusements. Ace, his longtime friend fromhe couldnt remember actually. Whatever. Ace had been trying to sell him on this place for months. Trying and failing. What was he, 10? Ace had just laughed. This place was different, he knew hed like it. Yeah right. The park looked nice enough in the brochure, but nothing special. He couldnt tell what Ace was on about. Plus half the pictures seemed like they were missing. Printer error probably. What a sign of quality. But it did have sand. And sun.


Well, what the hell, it was only a short drive away, and he could always bail if it was dumb. Which it probably was.

Two hours later, he stood in line outside the park gates. Ahead at the ticket check the line of guests was being split, some to a blue door, some to an orange one. Some kind of VIP pass probably. He showed his ticket and the friendly stallion behind the counter punched it and pointed him toward the door matching his ticket: orange. Once inside, he was pointed toward one of a series of small rooms. One door in, one door out. Weird. Some kind of welcome thing? The door he had entered through closed behind him, and a large panel TV started to play a cheerful welcome video. Yup. Well, this was dumb. But whatever, it couldnt go on for long. How many safety reminders could they possibly-

He blinked. When had the TV shut off? When had he sat down on the bench at the back of the room? He felt like he had been sitting for a long time. Good thing the bench was so comfortable. The door opposite the one he had entered from lit up with a cheery exit light, and he took its advice, pulling himself off the bench and stepping through the door, straight into the bright sunlight of the park.

He winced, blinking as his eyes adjusted. But when they did, he liked what he saw. Some impressive slides, several tide pools, and not too far away, nestled along the edge of a lazy river, very respectable attempt at a beach. The guests seemed strange somehow, and as he picked his way through them, he realized why. No foals or fillies. No mares either, unfortunately. Just stallions, mostly his age or a bit older. Strange. Was this what Ace had meant?

He realized he had been working his way to the beach when he reached it, several wide, white lounge chairs sunk contentedly into the sand at intervals. A pony was waving from one. ACE?!

Ace grinned as he approached, and the stallion braced himself for a clever told ya so. But it never came. Instead, the larger stallion shifted in his seat, revealing a very stiff, very eager cock resting against his thigh. Hey slut, come over her and get your lips around this.

The stallion blinked. The hell?! W-what was, wha-. His mouth starting on some kind of refusal. But the words seemed to crash into each other before they hit his throat, and all that came out was a confused, pitiful mumble. Ace stared, his words more stern and insistent now. I said, get over here and SUCK.

There was a TUG at that last word, and the stallion suddenly found himself moving, walking, slowly, but unstoppably, toward Ace. He was still struggling to talk, to refuse, to understand what was happening, but every step made it harder and harder, and soon he felt like he was drifting, warm and happy. He felt himself sit on the warm sand beside Aces chair. And then, with a blush, he lowered his head between his friends legs, gently bobbing as he sucked Aces thick, warm cock.

Was wondering when youd show up. Ace said from somewhere above him. Took the suggestions a lot longer than usual to work. You must have really wanted that island trip. Dont worry though, Ill make sure you have plenty of fun here.

Aces words didnt make sense anymore, but that was ok. They sounded nice. A dull smile spread over the obedient stallion between Aces legs. His thoughts were simpler now, slower. But what was left was very, very sure was was going to enjoy his new vacation.

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