2024-02-15 19:59:32
>> #535411
Ah so cute~~~ <3
2024-02-15 04:14:18
>> #535359
Artist Commentary:

Deejay offers you a totally unsuspicious Valentine's day treat that will definitely won't put you in a lovey dovey trance like her~

the idea for this was inspired by a drawing from @GojulasArt

the pose (and outfit) was referenced closely from a drawing by @/deni_acp

please support them if you enjoy their work~
2024-02-15 19:07:53
>> #535409
The arist wanted Pink Shoes Outis (probably wasnt the only one that did), but since it wasnt meant to happen officially, they did it themselves.

Also, look at those eyes?
Does it not look like she has been completely charmed already?
2024-02-15 19:07:45
>> #535408
Mmm. Sexy Meiru. :3
2023-11-25 02:30:18
>> #527047
@pokemongirl it's a good time to get into it! They rereleased all of the games on pc and switch.
2023-11-24 19:37:26
>> #526969
I collected the toys but gosh really should get into EXE one day anime and game wise @.@
2024-02-15 15:12:23
>> #535398
I like how the comment section had turned into an argument over whether alpha males exist or not
2017-08-29 16:48:52
>> #196133
spookyDoc said:
No we don't. Human psychology doesn't work like that. Pick up artists invented that idea to sell books to virgins on the internet

Um yes we do. Before the age of technology we lived in packs and every pack has a leader or alpha.
2016-07-30 10:47:04
>> #117259
TheKinkyFinn said:
Well, not entirely true. Yes, our society has ceased to work like that, but the typical alpha, beta, omega personalities still exists. On top of that, the way our brains have evolved means that the old parts are still in use, albeit under a lot of later additions, meaning we still play by that old model to an extent.

That aside, finally someone made a passable manip of this image.

No we don't. Human psychology doesn't work like that. Pick up artists invented that idea to sell books to virgins on the internet
2016-07-20 18:44:19
>> #115418
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
This manip is pretty old, actually. Was posted on DeviantArt sometime around the beginning of August 2012.

And I originally posted it to the Hypnopics Collective years earlier than that. ;)
2016-07-20 15:59:46
>> #115410
TheKinkyFinn said:

That aside, finally someone made a passable manip of this image.

This manip is pretty old, actually. Was posted on DeviantArt sometime around the beginning of August 2012.
2024-02-15 14:28:16
>> #535397
Unfortunately for Robin and the Poneglyph and fortunately for every other woman in the One Piece world, she's the only one who can read the words. So unless she's still smart enough to translate and the spell's power carries over during translation, she's the last to ever be effected.
2024-02-15 04:52:53
>> #535364
very nice. I prefer Robin's pre-timeskip look. her face was the only one to really change
2024-02-15 04:05:28
>> #535358
Then you have great taste!! Also, grats on the 1K! <3
2024-02-15 03:54:31
>> #535355
Indeed~ Well two of them are mine and other two I was involved in some degree lol Though ya Pol outdid himself this time with this one~~~
2024-02-15 03:42:16
>> #535354
Agreed, Pol's Robin stuff always seems to be bangers~
2024-02-15 14:08:33
>> #535396
I love Lucoa
2024-02-15 07:59:13
>> #535373
Another request. My first time drawing her.
2024-02-15 13:37:25
>> #535392
Always love some more bimbo Y'shtola
2024-02-14 15:14:58
>> #535287
Any time i see horny yshtola i think back to that time she threatened to spank us for sassing her and i realized thats my ideal for her.
2024-02-15 12:19:26
>> #535389
Mmmng Hehehe~ lyke, me SOOOOOO horny rn, totes nedz a hawt daddy to mess with me brainz!~ hehe!~ DM me!!!~~
2020-07-10 04:05:18
>> #377581
Holy shit. Just looked at the tags and realized that sypveon's a male. That's kinda hot.
2020-07-08 02:26:10
>> #377269
Mmmm such a nice butt~
2024-02-15 12:15:34
>> #535388
Backstory from artist:

Those unfortunate enough to arrange a visit to the farm are offered a chance to see the milking sheds first-hand. It doesn't matter if they agree or not - they end up strapped in the barn, hooked up to the milkers as their genitals become pink, fat udders. The magic of the barn keeps them hypnotised and docile as they slowly become more and more cowlike.
2024-02-15 12:02:04
>> #535386

...but yeah there's so much
2024-02-15 04:00:36
>> #535356
There's so much MC content in the new Penacony update, it was only a matter of time that we got art!

This set is referencing the 'Clockwork' powers you get. With these powers you can manipulate certain NPCs emotions ie. Happy/Sad/Angry. Here, Firefly is being manipulated to be horny

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