2024-02-07 22:08:11
>> #534703
So damn hot. Shes so wet and horny as she goes down.
Date Feb 7, 2024User LumitielRating QuestionableScore 10(vote up)
2024-02-07 21:29:07
>> #534700
It's not like I like enslaving you or anything baka...
2024-02-07 20:51:04
>> #534698
Ahh, the old fiery Mars. :)
2024-02-07 20:34:55
>> #534697
She protests too much, as the saying goes.
2024-02-07 20:55:10
>> #534699
This is so like Junko.
2020-11-02 07:06:56
>> #392597
vanom-yo said:
Hopefully I can get mind done sometime tomorrow.
You will get the mind of the victim in your image done by that day xD?
2020-11-01 19:34:29
>> #392542
2020-11-01 18:50:03
>> #392524
vanom-yo said:
Damn it, couldn't get mine done before you! I guess it be like that sometime lol.

Hopefully I can get mind done sometime tomorrow.

Looking forward to it.
2020-11-01 07:17:47
>> #392481
Damn it, couldn't get mine done before you! I guess it be like that sometime lol.

Hopefully I can get mind done sometime tomorrow.
2024-02-07 20:33:40
>> #534695
Deilan12 is the artist, if anyone else was curious.
2016-12-20 12:08:11
>> #145297
I think I'd like to kneel and wait for my next command... Mistress.
2016-07-11 21:08:24
>> #113950
StrangeMan52 said:
I... don't know how to tag this. It's femdom in that the female is in control, but it's... nice femdom.
Anyway, just a quick manip. Let me know what you think.

What's wrong with having a beautiful woman take control and just let her do nice, sexy things to do?
2016-06-30 04:02:41
>> #111968
Man....if my draenei had looked like this i'd have played more.......
2016-06-30 02:03:36
>> #111933
StrangeMan52 said:
I... don't know how to tag this. It's femdom in that the female is in control, but it's... nice femdom.
Anyway, just a quick manip. Let me know what you think.

I like it, but in some places like the tail you can still see its roughly cut out and jagged. Smooth it out a bit and it would be perfect.
2024-02-07 20:30:58
>> #534694
Oh now this is just adorable
2024-02-07 19:18:05
>> #534689
So hot~~~ and cute @.@
2024-02-07 20:18:18
>> #534693
Yes save the bunnies, bring them back to your master.
2024-02-07 20:06:38
>> #534692
Carmen being so free-spirited compared to other harem members is meant to be because of her lack of a memory wipe, which leaves her with more of a sense of her own individuality. Sure, there are 'solutions' to take away her autonomy, but that wouldn't be nearly as hot.

To me at least, the appeal of mind control is all about being turned into someone's willing accomplice. The sub isn't forced to obey, they do what they want, but what they want has been usurped. It is *mind* control after all. Being an active and enthusiastic participant in your owner's plans is a truer and deeper submission to their will than just being enslaved. If the sub is so invested that they start having their own ideas, like Carmen sneaking off to secretly expand the harem, well that's even better.
2024-02-07 18:27:23
>> #534676
That's fair. I am really looking forward to said hijinks
It's just weird seeing this when she so blatantly disregarded her obedience to get Wendy into the harem up to and including using Kathy's trigger.
Maybe a solution could have been destroying their phones. Not only would that remove the spiral as a last resort making the interaction more about persuading someone with two conflicting sets of priorities, but would also mean a failure has no easy resolution.
Regardless of if this is or isn't contrived, I am still excited for this series to continue
2024-02-07 18:20:37
>> #534675
If Kathy was in this situation, she probably would take them straight home and eat whatever repercussions came her way for being there, but Carmen has trouble owning up to wrongdoing. It would be difficult to come up with a decent explanation for what she's doing at an enemy base when she told her master she was visiting family, after all. If she makes no progress, sure, then she'll get help, but only if she has no luck fixing the problem on her own first.

But contrivance or not, the real reason is that trying to use the broken brainwashing booth will lead to more entertaining hijinks than leaving it alone like a boring responsible person would.
2024-02-07 18:04:33
>> #534674
Couldn't they just contact Kathy, tell her whatever version of events doesn't make them sound as insubordinate as they are and brainwash them at the old brainwashing booth? If it's a matter of fearing their defiant programming kicking in, this is a sex slave mention. BDSM gear should be in ample supply. And organizing transport should be easy given the resources on hand.
I feel like using the old booth is a bit of a contrivance here.
2024-02-07 19:18:51
>> #534691
Show master the goods @.@
2024-02-07 19:18:34
>> #534690
Damn thats nice @.@
2024-02-07 19:17:31
>> #534687
Yesss more mouse~~~
2024-02-07 19:17:05
>> #534686
Is it furry if shes a robot?

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