2024-01-30 02:52:45
>> #533919
Mmmm... Oh yes, Master... Forgive this humble slut's presumptuousness, but I think I just might be your finest creation yet. In fact... I think you simply *must* show me off to the world.
Yes... I think there's an "art" convention in town... So many of your adoring fans must already be there. Why don't you grab on to my leash, walk right out that door... and make your first in-person appearance for them? Show them all the main character of your upcoming masterpiece?
Oh yes... And who knows...? Maybe you might even make some new friends. Nothing like having a woman naked on a leash to put words like "public humiliation" into perspective, hmm?
...And besides...
...I hear pets are excellent icebreakers.
2024-01-30 02:52:00
>> #533918
Yes... Yes of course... Such a lewd and sinful body... Of *course* you'd have to give me a heart to match.
Oh, what a poor and wretched creature I'd be, Master... Every day would be a struggle to keep my regal composure.
But it's hopeless, Master... With your pen on the page, the very fabric of reality would conspire to humble me.
Clothing itself would have to loathe to touch me... A single moment's weakness, a single indecent enough thought, and every inch of my regal gown would simply unmake itself in shame... leaving me naked for all and sundry to see...
Every day... every *hour* would be a battle I'd barely want to win... A fight to stay in my clothes... and off my knees...
Page after page after page, you'd wear me down break my will... drive me mad with desire...
... You'd use the magic of circumstance to parade prostitutes and prisoners and slaves before my privileged eyes...
...tempt me away from the life I know with pleasures only a masochist could ever be tempted by...
...until at long last I'm finally the insatiable whore your adoring fans knew I was doomed to become...
And there I'd be finally free of the clingy dress that teased your readers so...
...too horny to care that I've been stripped of everything I own..... everything I am...
A kingdom traded away in lust... A life spent pleasuring the cock of a man who sits on the throne that used to be mine...
...Oh... What a fitting end for a wretched thing like me...
2024-01-30 02:50:45
>> #533917
...Well, we'll just have to do something about that, won't we? And lucky for you... I'm "quite" the therapist.
Shhh... It's alright. Just stare at the pretty lights, Darling... Any part of the pretty lights you please.
No need to be afraid of little old me... None at all.
I'm just another one of your drawings... brought to life by you and you alone...
...not a thought in my head you didn't put in there.
Go on... Draw my outline with your eyes... Go over every dip and curve with strokes so thick and long...
Give me form and shape... and fill me out with colors and shades... Make me crest and fall in just the right ways...
...Make every inch of me unmistakably, irrevocably yours.
Body of ink... soul of paper... I owe them both completely to you.
My entire life shall be a dance to your glory. I'm ready to be filled, and emptied, and molded to your pleasure.
...Now, oh glorious creator... what sort of story are we going to tell with a comely queen like me?
2020-04-18 02:18:17
>> #364987
Gotta admit, I'm starting to really like the "submissive hypnotist" tag.

You're just making it better. Props to you.
2024-01-30 02:49:39
>> #533916
Hello there, Darling. Sorry to drop in unannounced, but I wasn't sure how you liked to be contacted.
...You *are* the infamous chainlink, are you not? I have to say... it's an honor to meet you in person. I'm a *huge* fan of your artwork. You have such* a way with colors and lines, and... ahem *subject matter*. In fact, I was hoping I might be able to commission something from you.
The treasurer sadly watches the castle coffers like a hawk, so I can't exactly pay you on the royal dime, but... I'm sure I can find some *other* way to pay.
...Oh dear. That line doesn't really work well in this context, does it? I wasn't talking about "exposure", Darling, I promise. Well... not the kind of exposure *you're* familiar with, anyway...
...Goodness, you're blushing like a schoolboy. What's wrong? Did I come at a bad time?
...What, this? I thought you might like it if I posed like the members of your impressive art collection over there. Oh, the things you people come up with when I'm not looking. Giant pillows with pictures of lovely ladies on the pillowcase? That's absolutely charming. Do you sell those? How much do they usually go for?
...Oh dear... Could it be? I'm so sorry, Darling, I had no idea... I would never have guessed... Are you... not... "good with people"?
That certainly explains why you were so hard to find, even for me. But it's almost impossible to believe. Could it really be that chainlink, the pen that's enslaved a thousand women... freezes up at the sight of a *real* one?
2020-03-31 02:23:51
>> #362097
2020-03-30 14:09:33
>> #362008
Hope you like the updated redesign of Queen Lindabelle! Not much has changed, mostly just her outfit. And also, major props to razu-draws, and let this be the first of many more of their pictures on the hub.
2024-01-30 02:45:18
>> #533915
Sailor Mars, my beloved.
2024-01-30 02:39:11
>> #533912
2024-01-29 10:26:27
>> #533812
Hypno-buns are the best kind of buns!
2024-01-30 02:38:41
>> #533911
Fuck yea hypno bunni.
2024-01-30 02:38:21
>> #533910
Holy shit new palworld stuff fuck yea
2024-01-29 19:27:53
>> #533870
You can catch any of the tower bosses by doing the following:
1. Attack a guard to get the "wanted" status.
2. Fast travel to the tower of your choice.
4. Let the guards attack drawing aggro.
5. Throw your pal ball, any kind, at the back of the boss.
6. ...
7. You now own a tower boss.
2024-01-29 19:01:43
>> #533862
From what I read usually no, just normal humans but a glitch let her catch her.
2024-01-29 18:58:39
>> #533861
So can you catch her for Realzies?
2024-01-29 17:37:12
>> #533840
Honestly she's the only "pal" I'd be interested in capturing if I got the game
2024-01-30 02:12:19
>> #533906
Story in the link.
2024-01-30 02:12:03
>> #533905
She has a great design~~~
2024-01-30 00:12:13
>> #533887
Damn its hot

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