2024-08-31 13:39:16
>> #554644
I know this is a bit of a stretch, but I'd like to think both speech bubbles are coming from her. It makes it look like she's accidentally hypnotized herself into thinking she's a peach. It's cute and very sexy.
2024-08-31 05:40:45
>> #554621
Lack of expression is still an expression

Like Shaved it's a Hairdo!!!! XD
2024-08-31 04:16:01
>> #554618
That is some gooooooood expression. Or lack of expression. Whichever.
2024-08-31 02:38:15
>> #554612
Picture made by the artist DazedDream
2024-08-31 12:35:57
>> #554643

I had so much fun infiltrating myself into his journal last time that I decided to do it again.

It was a spontaneous decision that came during the end of one of the many usual sessions, one I gave him after he came back with a new servant, an echidna named Shade. When I asked what he was doing tomorrow, one of the first things that he mentioned was writing in his journal. As I let him go, I couldnt stop thinking about it. Silver still doesnt know that I added some things the last time, mostly because I added some triggers in his mind that would make him believe that this is still a secret.

I dont have the heart to ruin this for him, it looks important and I know he feels a bit ashamed for having a secret yet I also know that he is waiting for the perfect moment to tell me about it. I could easily manipulate him to tell me the truth, just like I do with the other servants, but I can't do that to my master, not after all the things he did in the palace. The servants like him, the girls in the harem consider him very important and if it wasnt for him, I wouldn't have gotten most of my followers, slaves and assistants.

While Im eager to write about it in this journal again, Im also giving Silver a reward, something that he likes. First I surprised him with a kiss, making him feel dazed before using the trigger that I normally use for him to kiss my belly. Even though its the start of the day, he couldn't ignore the opportunity to please me. I can feel it by the way he is kissing my midsection and licking my navel.

The first time, he wrote about his life in the palace and the main servants like the gentlemen, the Harem Girls, and of course, his wonderful Mistress. This time, Ill write some of the moments that happened in these last few days, some good, someless good let say, and some that were so memorable that they will always be in my favorites and I hope they became also those of my dear butler.

Without further ado, Ill start.

Surges Reward

The punk-looking tenrec quickly got used to her new role in the palace.

After the servants and Harem Girls welcomed her and Kit into the group, Silver and I worked non-stop with them. Her new outfit was Silvers idea, who created a black bedlah with a pair of spiked cuffs and collar and made it a bit more harsh. She always did have an edge and to try and make her look softer would be too much of a clash. For Kit, as he is a shy individual, I took my time explaining his role, one that he liked as he became her personal assistant, just like Marine and Whisper are for Blaze and Tangle.

Both didnt have any issues with the other servants. Surge was helped by Amy and Blaze, my best dancers, who taught her the basics, while Kit became more open talking with other servants like Tails, Charmy, Marine and Tangle. As they liked their life in the palace, the thing that the duo liked the most were their sessions as my butler and I had to call them twice a day, mostly because Surge was a bit resistant during the time we put her in her eternal state of trance. It revolves around a particularly bad past involving the concept of hypnosis, which we had to talk about and assist them in turning this from painful to pleasant.

The shy Kit barely needed a few, but there was something strange with the punk tenrec. She got more than was needed but we quickly saw that she developed a kind of kink to hypnosis. It is no secret that most of my servants develop it eventually, Silver, the Harem Girls, some of the guys, even I enjoy having a session. Surge is a different case as she was hypnotized multiple times in her old life as stated earlier. The idea that she got inductions from someone helping her as opposed to downright turning her into a weapon did change the paradigm as her hatred towards the world and herself are diminished and turned into actual confidence, not arrogance. Her self-worth skyrocketed and now she cannot get enough it seems.

At first, it was just sessions to turn the tenrec into a loyal Harem Girl, but with each one we had, she started to act differently, craving for more sessions, eager to let my butler, myself or even the two of us together putting her in an even deeper state of trance. Some time after the last important session, I thought that she was going to continue with that nice attitude she presented with the other servants, being only harsh when its her time to dance, but then we had some complications.

Surge was very protective over Kit, feeling uneasy each time someone else wanted to be with him, especially the Harem Girls. Silver and I tried to assure her multiple times that every single servant is loyal and that her friend was going to be fine, but the punk gal still wasnt sure about it, mostly because she practices with him almost daily and she doesnt go with anyone else except Silver when I want a private session or Sonic when she and Amy agree on what she can and cant do. They had indeed a history together, sharing trauma and goals for a bit, the two against the whole world and even though it had been fabricatedwell they got to trust and appreciate one another.

Yes, this was supposed to look like a nice thing, but the tenrec dancer started to become more protective, and after a moment where she was a bit harsh with Sonic, where she punched him before making him kiss her belly, I had to do something. First I had a session with Kit, where I talked more than I danced. The small fennec was the complete opposite as he was going to help me with anything I needed, and once I said it was to help Surge, he was more than eager to do whatever I wanted. Her past was still an anchor that refused to let up, to let her progress. Her hatred of Sonic was turned into playful revenge, but perhaps indulging it was not the best move on my end.

Once I was done, Silver went to pick Surge, who was in such a wild state that she even tried to convince him to drop the induction to show him a new routine she prepared only for him. Once she arrived at my room, I decided to taunt her. I rolled my belly while I talked, this being not only one of my many ways of starting a routine, but also doing it for the punk gal to be paying attention to what I had to say. It was better to be safe than sorry, after all.

Of course, given her own proclivities for wanting more hypnosis, perhaps seeking peace of mind however she could obtain it, I went on to reassure her first and foremost. We werent angry, neither Silver nor I would punish her, but she did need to apologize to both Sonic and Amy, the latter indeed possessive though not unhealthily so of the blue hedgehog. There was no need for violence, only peace much like when she was being hypnotized, pacified, made to feel good and to listen not only to my words, but to how she feels as well. Not her anger, but her true self.

The undulations were but the start, naturally, as I went on to tell her to focus as I went on to swing my hips without ceasing those rolls, making my belly look malleable, easy to bend and flow like waterjust like her mind really. She could assimilate this, add this to her repertoire and even show it off to Kit after this induction. This alone made her not just focus more, but smile in a shark-like grin that wasnt predatory so more aslightly threatening despite this being just a showcase of anticipation and eagerness.

Then Silver arrived with Kit and a whole new dynamic was added as the pocket watch wasnt used by our dear butlerbut by Kit instead. The fennec was hesitant at first, equally hypnotized by my midsection and yet I encouraged him to go forth and swing the watch right in front of my own belly, doing his best to go in the opposite direction of my hips and navel. Silver having already taught him some easy techniques, the butler dear to all our hearts went on to supervise as what I instilled was not a one-way relationshipbut something perhaps a bit more balanced. Surge did hypnotize and charm her partner quite oftenwell now so would he. Perhaps not in a perfect ratio of equivalence, but enough to not be so dependent on Silver and I.

I spoke instructions, commands, danced and Kit shyly mimicked my words, made to focus on Surge instead as he too felt good about this. Not to subjugate, not to rupture but to help his dear friend and precious partner. It wasnt the final and conclusive solution to what ailed thembut it was a step in the right direction as it would give a little more agency to Kit, place more moments and opportunities of relaxation for Surge and eventually shed open up a bit more to othersand so would Kit. Until then, more sessions would be mandatory, but both Silver and I gave them a few more tools.

Just as a mistress and her personal butler should.

Sticks Performance

This came from Silver, this idea I mean.

Ever since he captured Sticks, he always saw potential in her, feeling that her crazy attitude was a facade to hide her own fears and insecurities. I was impressed during the moment where he suggested the idea of making her a Harem Girl, being the first time that he defended an idea he had. Ive had meetings with some female servants who wanted to be part of them, and while I gave them a chance, not all of them could be properly integrated. Sticks was an exception as my dear butler was the one who requested it, and his plea was indeed a good one in the end.

It came after the last meeting he had with her, Silver awakened the badger from her trance, then revealed that there was another surprise, that being my cue to make my entrance. She was surprised yet glad to see me there, and after I told her to remain still, I mentioned that I was aware of her attempts at a dance routine. She was nervous, shaking as Silver held her to calm her down. After we finished talking, I said that I was eager to see her perform the next day in my room, where only my butler and I were going to see her. Performance anxiety would be lesser with a smaller audience, though judging by how she was it could have still been an issue.

We prepared for that moment, telling the other servants that we were going to be busy in the morning before Silver went to escort Sticks from her room to mine. The badger and I talked for a bit, where I took my time getting to know more about her, to put her at ease. Once we were done, I moved to one side while Silver put himself on the cushion, being the usual target of practice that he was. After taking a deep breath, the badger gal gave me the signal as I started the music, letting her do her thing.

There were definite rough edges to her performance. While she had indeed been spying on the likes of Amy, Blaze and Tangle to get a general grasp of the techniques employed in baladi, to observe and to actually know what one is doing are two very different things. Nevertheless, her somewhat manic energy and her own figure did assist her as she knew surprisingly well how to shift her weight, how to occupy her space and her steps werent too hesitant despite her own fears and mine. Her hips could indeed sway, she could isolate them well enough, but their flow and rhythm werent entirely adequate. The efforts were there, the will too and there was room for improvement as she did try to go for more complex moves like shimmies, moving her arms separately and glancing at us two

until she stopped.

While Silver and I tried motivating her to continue, Sticks started to panic. She trembled as she tried to find a way out or to think about what to do. I felt bad, Ive heard some of the servants talk about the panic mode that Sticks could occasionally suffer from yet that was my first time looking at it. This was a serious thing and I wanted to help her, but before I could come closer to her, Silver quickly got up from his cushion, pulled out his pocket watch and commanded her to look deep into it. He was used to it, her anxiety familiar to him as it did show how well he knew everyone in the palace and how he could adapt his approach and attitude to others.

I was aware about the sessions she had with him but I was still surprised to see how much control my butler had in this situation. Sticks quickly remained still, locking her gaze onto the pocket watch as Silver spoke calmly while also moving closer to her. Slowly but surely, the badger gal stopped shaking as her eyelids grew heavier and the pink spirals in her eyes took over her. It was such a calm state that contrasted with what happened prior that Silver easily went closer and held her by the shoulder as he was planning on holding her closely.

While he moved the pocket watch closer to her face, Sticks muttered the words master while blushing. This was something I discovered while reading the journal, those were the same words the badger gal said the day he hypnotized her. Before my butler could correct her like the first time, I stopped him.

There was a reason for why I did that even though one of the main rules in the palace was that Im the only mistress, the sole figure of authority. I linked her words to a feeling of safety, the nervous badger felt calmer when Silver did this to her and as she wanted to change for the best, she wanted to become his slave. He had his doubts, obviously not wanting to break one of the important rules I createdyet I could see the clear benefits here.

He needed assistance with that, but unlike Sticks he quickly understood, his desire to please me being more powerful than any other thing. Silver continued with his induction, moving the pocket watch in a slow yet steady pattern, saying the usual words and triggers to calm Sticks and even petting her face and stroking her chin with his unoccupied hand, making her blush. There was a bit of my own approach in there, the comfort and seduction, though perhaps Silver was oblivious about the latter and how he was doing it.

I have to admit that he surprised me. I'm used to seeing him as a loyal servant or someone who always blush when I or the other Harem Girls dance for him. This was my first time seeing that Silver had control over a situation without my involvement. Even Sticks was enjoying it, something that I expected as I felt she was the most submissive of all my girls. The idea that she could be made to stop worrying, doubting, stressing or panicking in a single moment was most probably the most appealing of them all to her. It was natural for her to seek it out.

Once Silver got to the last part of his induction, where he made her repeat some mantras about remaining calm and to be happy to have a wonderful mistress like me, I went closer and whispered into his ear a new part, where his status as a master was added. Once Sticks repeated everything Silver said, I suggested one last trigger, a kiss on the forehead, a cute gesture that would put her not only in a calm state, but would also give her a good night of sleep. A little token of affection that would indeed be a more physical and easy to produce effect. Silver did blush about that, but he is the most obedient and devoted here, performing it without any further questions.

The badger gal shared a light chuckle before closing her eyes, letting Silver hold her tightly. Judging by the way he was smiling, I knew my dear butler was proud of himself, but being the usual servant who preferred to talk about the accomplishments of others, he talked about Sticks dance. I quickly went with what he had in mind as we talked about it, with Silver saying the things that looked good and I talking about what she could do to improve.

Although the dance was cut short, and Sticks wasnt in condition to talk to me, I decided to let Silver take care of her for the rest of the day while I planned our next encounter. I felt that she needed help, and after seeing the way she reacted to my butler, I knew he was the right one for the job. As he left with the sleepy badger in his arms, I started to think about a new schedule that would be beneficial for her. I admit that before this, I ignored Sticks, but after seeing what happened, she became someone who I decided to help a lot. Much like Surge, she needed assistance and in my position of power it would be my role to ensure that she gets it.

And one thing I was going to make sure was giving her the best life she could get.

An Excited Lemur Dancer

Something that came out of nowhere yet I was glad to see.

It came right after Silver finished taking care of the Harem Girls. Before we could go back to my room, Tangle jumped towards us, eager to show us something. The instructions I had put in her turned the lemur into a more energetic gal, someone who was always at her 100% and that rarely had a negative or quiet feeling. After she apologized for the way she came, Tangle wanted to show us her new dance routine.

What actually caught my attention was what Whisper told me. The quiet wolf revealed that each time she performs she loses control. I thought she was exaggerating as I already saw Tangle dance, which was a bit wild but it wasn't dangerous or all over the place. Of course, it had been a while since she showed me a new routine, and the last time Silver saw her perform was when he came with Whisper, reuniting the two.

To see it by myself, I decided to invite both the next day, both to give Tangle what she wanted while also seeing if Whisper was correct about what was happening to her. I could have done it at that moment, but the short notice did surprise me and I wanted to check some new dance moves myself and needed the butler for that. With Silver being quite busy and me giving him some more leeway, I did want some time that he would be there solely for me.

Both came early the next morning. Silver put a cushion for Whisper, one that was close to me, and he put himself closer to Tangle. The naive hedgehog told me that Tangles performance was a bit unique and that he preferred to be standing instead. I was a bit skeptical at first, but since he passed more time with the cheerful lemur, I let my butler do as he pleased.

After giving her the signal, Tangle went on to show me her danceand nothing could have prepared me for that.

It did start off well enough. Her tail slithering slowly, joining her hands in small waves and undulations as her hips were a bit more subdued, letting her unique appendage go forth and claim some more space. She began to spin her hips, closing her eyes and smiling as the beat of the drums made her go a bit faster, half-coiling herself as if her tail was a snake until it spread out in a way that was indeed rather magnificent to behold. It was merely the start however.

It was when she began to shimmy that Tangle seemed to go a little bit overboard. Whisper did tick a little, certainly appreciative of what she saw yet also prepared for what was to come as Tangle began to do hunting steps, arabesques and the like and she went on to occupy her space welland then a little too well. As if there were two dancers, her tail and herself, she seemed to go for way too complex motions, sometimes a bit chaotic as if there was no choreography but just feelings instead. Her tail zig-zagged while she herself shook her shoulder, bent forward and backward, letting the music carry her and losing herself to the beat.

It was when her tail went much closer that things started to get a bit more wrong. To get closer to the spectators, to tease them a little was a good approach. I did it often and the Harem Girls employed such techniques often to tantalize. Tangle took it not just one step but half-a-dozen further as her own tail brushed against Silver, then went on to coil around him as she brought him closer swiftly. As if she had captured him, she made him spin and twirl in one place, then moved him to her previous spot while she moved to his as he became her impromptu dance partner. It would have been fine if she had slowed down, gone for smaller and more intimate movesyet she didnt.

When Silver was getting definitely dizzy, close to being sick was when Whisper got up and approached Tangle to calm her down. I did the same in order to secure Silver but also pacify the dancing lemur, yet my own intervention was not needed. Whisper cupped her cheeks, hushed her down and with Tangle being far too fond and both unwilling and incapable to harm or disappoint her wolf companion, she did slow down as eventually did the dance and the music die down in favor of a severe clash in energy and tempo.

As the performance was definitely over, Whisper went to check on Silver while I went closer to Tangle. Once things got quiet and the lemur gal came back to her senses, she started to apologize profoundly for possibly hurting her friend. Being the nice butler that he was, Silver assured her that he was fine and that he liked her performance. Still, Tangle continued to apologize and looked ashamed of herself. She was aware of how she could be and had yet to find countermeasures not to get completely too invested and going overboard, which was indeed partly if not wholly my fault.

I quickly came up with an idea. I commanded Silver to take Tangle to her room so he could help her with some things while I stayed with Whisper as I wanted to discuss something with her in private. Tangle apologized to me again before my butler took her to her room. While it could have seemed like I was angry or that I was planning to punish her, that was far from what I had in mind. It is a poor mistress which harms those in her care.

She lost control and didnt mean to hurt Silver, she wouldnt hurt the one whom she considers one of her closest friends. Still, something had to be done and that was why I was alone with her partner. Whisper wanted to help Tangle yet she didnt want to force her to change, for the passionate lemur is the one she loves. Each time I use my hypnotic powers, the same thing happens as I try to be fair. I use it not solely for the manipulation of their mind, but mostly I help my slaves come to terms with what they desire, thats the main reason for why I always have to have a session with each servant, even if Silver was the one who originally hypnotized them.

Whisper was relieved when I revealed my idea, and even liked to hear that Silver was going to pay more attention to her and help Tangle be calmer. Apart from the fact that since he was a close friend of hers, it would be easier to make her understand what she had to do. We talked for a while, seeing the possible options and what we needed to do to help Tangle. I know that it will take time, but Ill do anything for my Harem Girls. Wed deconstruct what I built, if only to build it better without removing the foundations of what makes them great to begin with, such as Tangles motivation, passion and energy. A better balance needed to be made as I would take care of them no matter what.

And I know my butler would do the same just to please them and myself.

Triple Dance

This idea came during the last reunion I had with the Harem Girls.

It was the first topic I went with once I welcomed Surge into the group. The first thing on my list was creating a new routine, one that I called the Triple Dance as it includes myself and two other girls, Amy and Blaze, two of the first Harem Girls and the best dancers of the group. In this case, I talked with everyone, asking for suggestions and also wanting to know what they thought were our specialties, to pave the way for us to create our routine.

Apart from the usual group, Silver was also there as I told him to prepare the meeting a few days ago, taking in consideration that he needed to talk with the girls in advance and prepare all the refreshments and snacks that each girl would prefer. As we all practiced with him, he was the perfect guy to ask about ideas, about suggestions given how he had memorized a great deal about everyone in the palace. I wasnt worried that the dance wouldn't have an impact on him because of his presence, with each new routine the butler was left speechless and blushed hard as he admired all the dancesthere was also the fact that I had a trigger for the moments where I wanted him to forget things, just one kiss and the dance would be a good surprise.

Blaze was told to be a bit more bold, the reserved and regal feline indeed needing to embrace her connection to fire and flames. While she had grown to use it in her own routine, using her arms a bit more, perhaps even trying to conjure forms like fiery veils, blazing scimitars and the like would wield excellent results. Amy was both power and grace, her Piko Piko hammer certainly a great tool of destruction and she had the strength to wield itthus should she play on the dichotomy between appearance and might. A mix between graceful and then strength, like sudden hip drops and bumps in her choreography would do quite well. Me, on the other hand, had an immense arsenal of tools and techniques at my display, yet needed some more imagination as apparently I had become a bit more reliant on several techniques, employing them a touch too often. Broadening my dancing horizons would yield fruit.

For the next few days, Amy, Blaze and I practiced, using not only the ideas we heard as bases, but also improvising on the spot, trying to add something special into the routine. There was also what I told them to do, for Blaze, the sudden apparition and disappearance of flames could have a massive impact and yet I knew not how she wielded her own gift, how easy or hard it could prove to be. On the other hand, the thing I had to discuss with the pink hedgehog was a bit easier yet also personal as I requested her not to dance for Sonic as I felt she would be distracted in the practice. She could do it after the very first trial runbut not before. After assuring her that the results would be worth it, and after she made me promise that Silver and I would have some sessions with Surge to add triggers that would forbid her from hurting Sonic during her routine, Amy paid attention to everything I had to say and prepared herself for the first time we would dance.

We decided not to tell Silver about when we were going to show him the first version of the triple dance. This was an idea the three of us agreed on as we wanted to surprise our dear hedgehog with it, giving him a performance that would surprise him and that he would end up loving. The right moment came just after he finished seeing to the obligations of the other servants, as he had to prepare another Harem Girls reunion and wanted things to go well again. Ever so hard-working, diligent, taking the role I gave him so seriously. It was time again to reward him for that. I came from behind and when I snapped my fingers I transported us into my room, where Amy and Blaze were already waiting. His expression told me everything I needed to know, he was blushing hard as the pink hedgehog and the cat princess went closer to him.

It all began with a bang, near-literally as both Amy and Blaze went on to nearly smash hammers before them, Amy with her Piko Piko one while Blaze had created one from her own flames. A strong start as I stood in the middle and spread my wings just as I went on to sway my hips, that part of me seldom used in dancing prior. I crossed my arms, floated above everyone and yet as both of my dance partners discarded their weapons, they then went on to sway too, clasping their palms together and yet they were a mirror to one another. Blaze went left, Amy went right, then the opposite while I went on to shimmy my hips and brush my fingers upon my wings as we then glanced at Silver right here and then.

Silver was astonished, one moment he was prepping for more work, then he was treated to such a show. I do so love how expressive he is as I went on to get much closer to him, my wings acting as small walls as I placed my hands on his shoulders, floating behind him. One girl at a time, though I would rotate his vision, the periphery of it to be exact, to ensure as to whom hed be admiring. I started with Amy as she then went on with a walking stick, holding it above her head with both hands as her own routine was a mixture of cabaret and baladi. Striking gently on the ground, tapping, using the stick in itself to twist and turn with soft momentum, she sometimes struck the ground hard as if to awaken Silver as her turn passed and then did Blaze come up.

Blaze herself went on to create fans with her own flames, complete with silk-like trails as she fluttered them in order to create undulations in the air. She followed such motions with flutters on her own stomach as she placed the fans behind her head, far away to the side, in front of her and then improvised to make sure that they would never be stuck in the same place. She even sometimes made one vanish in order to summon it anew a few seconds later, dazzling with fiery passion as she smiled all the while, the ruby in her forehead glistening brightly amidst this whole dance. This was, however, merely a preview of each individual style before I went on to open my wings and then did the triple dance truly begin.

I grew larger, My wings now like walls to envelop and englobe everything as each one of them went on to cover behind Blaze and Amy respectively. As Blaze created orbs of flame, it was Amy who guided them with her stick as she created a makeshift hammer with it, then twirled it above her head, using it as if she would a scimitar for balance. All the while, I rolled my belly, providing more of that midriff fixation Silver had developed as the other two followed my guidance and replicated my moves. Like two priestesses in front of a goddess, each roll, each sway, each flutter was replicated as Blazes flames went on to make the entire performance ethereal and ablaze. Amys stick then turned to ash, yet not before actually being converted to light by my own spells in a dazzling spiral that would entrance Silver further. Then, it was time for him to congratulate us, to worship our being and we all know how that goes by now, do we?

Just like I expected, our dear butler couldnt turn down that opportunity as he quickly kissed our bellies, showing his gratitude by planting his lips in our midriffs. Out of the three, he kissed Blazes belly the most. That wasnt an issue for me as Im aware that the butler and princess had a thing for each other in their old life yet neither revealed those sentiments. I know Silver is happy to see Blaze in that group, and I know she loves being part of my Harem Girls and getting these kinds of sessions with the butler, but both know their roles and who is more important. Of course, I let him continue, this being a small reward for helping us with the first version of the dance.

Once he finished giving tribute to our bellies, we thanked him for always being of assistance. We stayed there to discuss a few things related to our dance as we told Silver to continue with his commitments. I felt we did a good job but as Im someone who wants things to be perfect, and also to give my dear hedgehog what he deserves, it is necessary to never be complacent and to always improve.

Just a few more things and he will receive the performance he deserves.

The Alluring Avian and The Three Heroes

I know I said I do not believe in punishmentyet sometimes I feel its an unfortunate necessity.

Apart from checking what was happening around my palace, I also enjoy putting some of the former heroes in a deep state of trance. Ones like Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles, heroes that I know had a thing for me, or may just have yet never said anything, have what I call surprise sessions. I command them to follow me to the room where I then dance for them. What happens in these sessions is that they tell me their true feelings and why they never said anything.

Knuckles I go easy on due to him being obviously attracted, our little will we/wont we being clear to many as my own nature and his own duties did often clash, which is pretty much why it was exciting for us both. I tend to go a bit closer, a touch more flirtatious, a little hands-on here to great effect as the guardian of the Master Emerald is easy enough to subdue with seduction. Ever reluctant, yet his own obstination is also the reflection of his devotion and loyalty.

Shadow, on the other hand, is reserved and has a superiority complex that also masquerades as an inferiority one. Many boasts, a self-applied title as the ultimate life-form, an aggressive stance that is mostly a defensive layer on his own egohed never admit it unless Id bring him under a trance, which has indeed happened quite a few times now. He was excruciatingly reluctant prior, but now my hip swaying does lull him in, dropping pretense as I try to build up his own happiness instead.

Sonics attraction I never quite knew, but he does respect my own independence and my own moral codes. My actions werent always to his liking, but the core of my being was and like a great many he did enjoy my own obvious appeal. Himself being a hero that I do respect, selfless in many ways and enjoying freedom, I do try not to restrain it too much as the blue blur being anchored too deeply in one place is bad for everyone. Mobius needs him and so does Amy, so I always make sure to give him extra incentive to come back to us all, which he thankfully does.

Yet theyre all strong, independent, more than capable individuals. Silver is different, not because he isnt skillful or anything like that, but because his own weaknesses are better-known to him. His vulnerabilities are almost on his sleeves, those previous three not that great to speak about their own failingswell more Shadow and Knuckles than Sonic anyway.

This is the reason why I chose Silver. He has much more to offer and is most ready and willing to do soyet with a bit of guidance. That was why he was especially vulnerable and open to my hypnosis, letting us both seize an opportunity to turn things around for the better. Maybe Id have felt a bit bad doing this to any of the previous three mentioned above, but Silver was ever ready to become more, to be pushed in a direction. Thus why he gets more sessions, more personal times and has gotten the privilege to be my own butler, everyones butler in fact. He embraced it all steadily whilst the others needed more sessions, more convincing and more subtleties while he went in after but one induction.

As I left Sonic in his room, making him think about me in a special way, I went with the Harem Girls. I thought Silver was with Breezie as during our last reunion with the girls, she wanted help to polish her gem collection and asked for help from my butler. Even before I asked him, he looked eager to help. Thats why I thought he was there with the casino gal and the gems (that werent as pretty as the ones in my own collection). To my surprise, Breezie was the only one there. After she explained to me what happened, I discovered that Wave requested to see the butler and the hedgehog woman let her take Silver. A strange reaction if you ask me but it was good to see that my girls got along pretty wellbut for some reason she looked a bit nervous.

Once I assured Breezie that I wasnt angry, I went to Waves room. I expected to see something bad as I remember reading those strange ideas that Silver mentioned in his journal, ideas related to thinking a lot about the alluring avian and him having a lot of pleasure in kissing her belly. Of course, I expected the latter, being a kind of kink myself and the other girls implanted in him after so many sessions. For him to enjoy it was but natural.

As Wave is always the last one, I decided to make a surprise entrance and foundthe usual. She was dancing, using fans composed of large feathers, sending in her perfume towards him while also employing those tools to better frame not only her body but his line of sight. It looked like Silver was enjoying it as he was blushing hard and was smiling, a rather standard reaction given the situation.

This was a pleasant surprise actually. Out of the Harem Girls, Amy, Blaze and Tangle are the ones that are part of the better half while Wave was with the same group composed of Sticks and Breezie. Not that the latter three were bad, more that they needed more guidance, lessons and their quirks of personality could indeed prove a bit much to handle even with hypnosis. Seeing the way she moved made me understand that she was working hard to be to the level she thought she deserved to be. I expected that, seeing that she had a lot of pride in herself and wanted to prove she was better than the rest. Such ego could be both beneficial and disadvantageous as competition could help with improvementsbut also cause friction.

Part of me still felt conflicted about this, feeling that there was more than just her wanting to improve her dancing, but as it was the end of a long day and it was my time to talk to my dear butler, I decided to wait until the dance came to an end. I think Wave was aware of my presence, all the times I made my entrance and then used her as a practice target finally caught up to her.

The alluring avian smiled before bowing in respect. She quickly explained her desire to learn more and as Silver just helped with the Triple Dance she wanted to practice a bit more. I had to admit that I was even more surprised than before. Was this the same Wave that Silver and I took? The one who tried to play with our minds to get out? She still tried to make him blush for her beauty and other things, that was an open secret around here yet I could see something different from her.

I decided to praise her routine while also giving her some suggestions and advice

After she thanked Silver for being of assistance, calling him a good butler he smiled before walking towards me. I still feel that theres something else about all this but it looks like neither Wave nor Silver were going to tell me. I even wondered if he experienced those blackouts or thoughts that invaded his mind. He might be the butler of this palace and the usual target of practice of the Harem Girls, but even if thats the case he has to be treated nicely. And if they dontwell, I dont think I need to explain what would happen. I decided not to worry after that, knowing pretty well that sooner or later Ill get an answer.

The end of an ordinary day, which meant only one thing.

A Genie and Butler Session

It was a busy week, probably the busiest one since the day I decided to invite others into my palace.

Apart from my usual sessions with the three heroes, Silver and I had to check multiple things with the servants and other denizens, guests and visitors. We decided to divide our tasks and even though my dear butler offered to do more, I told him it was fine and that I didnt want him to be overwhelmed. From my side, I had to check the projects Tails was working on, Espio and Metal Sonic found most of Omegas lost parts and continued with their search and went to talk with all of my girls about some future dances along with what they could do to improve. On the other side, Silver had to prepare another reunion for the Harem Girls, train some of the new maids and servants and most importantly have the sessions with Tangle and Surge by himself.

Those were his first tasks of the day and as always it all went fine. The two girls remained still, smiled and listened to everything he had to say. To reward them, he made them believe I was dancing for them, a reward that they were always eager to see even if just through their minds eye. As both of us finished with our things, we decided to change a few things as instead of going forward with our sessions, we talked for a bit. A lot of things changed, we got more servants and my Harem Girls were starting to improve with their routinebut even though all of that was good, I mentioned that my favorite thing was our first encounter, how he found the lamp and how I danced for him.

Always being the nice butler who he was, Silver told me he agreed with me, happy to revive that memory and glad to have the privilege of being my servant and how he would always help me with anything I desire. As I thanked him for his kind words, I went forwardand surprised him with a kiss. This was yet again another trigger I implanted in his mind, the taste of my lips being so good for him that each time I kissed him he stopped resisting or thinking about anything else that wasnt his wonderful mistress. As he continued to melt with each successive kiss, I went with the main commands and instructions of our sessions as I told him to go back to being the Silver who he was before.

Yes, even though the Harem Girls and I hypnotize him almost daily, he still cant let go of who he was before I took control of his mind and body. As a butler, Silver is confident, strong and would remain calm at any situation and while he was also like that during his old life, my dear hedgehog was someone very emotional. He had his fears and doubts and sometimes let those ideas take over him. Although it doesnt look like it, I dont command him to go back to that state to feel more powerful than him or to make him feel bad, I would never do that to my master. This is to represent a reward, giving him a sensation that he never experienced during his former life

As I continued to overwhelm him with my kisses, witnessing how he shook and blushed, I moved my hand closer to his vest and snatched his pocket watch from him. The only time I ever used this watch was the day I gave it to him, when I demonstrated how to use it. One thing I promised myself was never to use it again as I felt it was his now. But as I wanted to try new things and was eager to make this a very special session between my master and myself, Ive decided to once again break my own rule for our own delight.

After the last kiss, I positioned the hypnotic object in such a way he could see my eyes, my cleavage, and of course, the pocket watch all in one frame. He continued to blush, puzzled to see that the tool that he used regularly was turned against him. Before my dear butler could say anything, I started swinging it from the left to the righta pattern that we both knew what it meant.

I forgot how cute he looked when he tried to resist, the spirals in his eyes were moving faster and his eyelids were getting heavier as I moved forward to him. I think he had a hard time deciding what he liked the mostthe idea of what I was doing, my eyes and how they focused on his own, the pocket watch swinging left and right or the deep luscious cleavage that titillated most of anyone without any effort. He struggled not because of his resistance, not anymore, but due to him wanting to experience it all, which I offered by getting closer and letting him enjoy the prettiest sight of them all.

Once he was in the state of trance I desired, I put the pocket watch back into his vest before I gave him one last kiss, this being my cue to start with my dancenaturally, I started with one of the key elements which pulled him in, rolling my shoulders and then shaking my chest as those jiggling motions were transferred to my own midriff, turning into belly rolls in skillful ways. To say I could never have danced like this before being turned into a djinn would be a massive understatement, the change bringing in a great many skills along with it as by now Silver was most entranced and delighted.

As this session was between us, and neither the Harem Girls nor the other servants would know about it, I could activate the triggers I normally keep to us. I taunted him a bit with a few figure-eights, lifting myself up so that my hips would come very close to his own face, especially his lips. I also told him to wait for the right time and it was easy to see he just couldnt wait. He was shaking and the spirals in his eyes moved faster and faster. He wanted nothing else than to kiss my belly, to get that amazing privilege that barely anyone else in the palace hador at least certainly not as often as he did.

I didnt do it as a cruel thing, it was more of letting him wait for the right time. As I finished my current move with a few rapid rounds of shimmies, I put my hands on my hips and let him come closer to me. I beckoned to him, stopping that barrage with my waist and hips as I enchanted him both literally and figuratively. As always, so he wouldnt hurt himself, I made him float

Even though our sessions always have some different notions and experiments, one detail that is always the same is how Silver kisses my belly at the end of them. First, he kisses it once or twice, getting to enjoy the flavor as the ideas of smooching it even more win over him. The kiss then turned into him going for my navel, licking it slowlyfinally, it was his time to go wild as he peppered my midriffa lot

I petted his head while he continued to kiss me and once again he told me the same things as before. He is scared, he wants to do more for me and he doesnt feel worthy of his role. Returning such thoughts to him is one of the bad things about putting him in that state, his role as a butler gives him confidence and happiness, but his time going through memory lane made him feel like that. Even though he had feelings for me, like most of the servants before coming to the palace, it wasnt enough for him to feel bolder, more certain of himself. Luckily, thats a thing of the past, as now each time he mentions those memories, he also mentions that he is thankful for all that I did for him, and how I gave him something special.

We both got carried away, him enjoying my belly and navel and I continued to say all the good things he did. In a way, we both were glad for the way this ended. From the moment he found me, the moment I hypnotized him and turned him both into my master and servant, I felt nothing but pride and joy. As my new role needed a servant that I could control, I was and am still glad that it was him.

Once he was done, I hugged him one last time before surprising him once more as I was eager to show him another experiment I had in mind, with the first change being that I changed from my bright pink tail to the pair of pantaloons he made for me, ones that had pink swirls over it. I would mention what happened after that, but that kind of session is something I prefer to keep as a secret as I consider it very special, and it is meant to be kept private between master and slave.

It was fun infiltrating myself in his journal again, I had to admit it was the most fun Ive had during this busy week. We still have a long day to look forward to. It's my turn to put Tangle and Surge in their state of trance and Amy, Blaze and I will practice the new changes of the Triple Dance. On the other hand, Silver has to see Sticks, who has been getting better at belly dancing but still needed hints and hands-on guidance. He also had to prepare for the next reunion of the Harem Girls. It is planned to be a special one for us, and I know my naive hedgehog would do his best to ascertain as to its upcoming quality.

Now Its time for Silver to stop kissing my belly and go back to his role as the butler of the palace.

I kinda spaced out as I couldnt remember the moment where Mistress Rouge arrived.

Just like the moments I have with Wave, I wondered what really happened, but unlike the purple bird I decided not to say anything and instead apologized for being absent minded. Mistress Rouge is very important to me, sometimes I still feel unworthy and sometimes I feel bad for not sticking to my role and place as a servant. Even some like the plea I made to turn Sticks a Harem Girl or the suggestions I said during their reunions make me feel nervous. There is nothing in the world I want more than to please her and the Harem Girlsthough Mistress Rouge takes priority.

After I apologized for spacing out, I received a kiss from my wonderful Mistress. She even called me her most important servant, which made me smile. She didnt stop there as the bat whom I have the honor of serving continued to say nothing but good things about me. Im used to receiving those kinds of compliments, but it felt nicer for some reason. Am I finally worthy of being her butler? I always ask myself that after each of our sessions, and by the way Ive been working on these last couple of weeks, I think I finally did it. I was close to hugging her, but remained still out of respect, even though unlike the servants I can do these kinds of gestures of affection without any problem.

Ive decided that at the end of the day, I would show her my journal, no longer keeping it a secret from her and instead show her all the things Ive written. Again, part of me still has that conflicting thought, one that is believing she might get angry or that something worse would happen. Nonetheless, I came to terms with this, Ive lived through a lot of moments in this palace and I wont let my fears or doubts take me again. Im glad Im a butler, Im happy to be of assistance to the Harem Girls, and most importantly Im glad to be her servant. My old memories are still a bit blank, but I decided not to look back. Ill just embrace this opportunity of a lifetime and continue to serve my wonderful Mistress.

Im glad to be her butler and I hope I can please her for the rest of my life.
2024-08-31 11:04:13
>> #554640
Mindwipe Castle is now out. The link in the source has both the free demo that includes the first trial of the game, and the full game if you like what you've seen.
2024-08-31 11:03:20
>> #554639
Mindwipe Castle is now out. The link in the source has both the free demo that includes the first trial of the game, and the full game if you like what you've seen.
2024-08-31 08:24:51
>> #554635
This is a public preview of a currently-paywalled page, which may become fully public in the future.
2024-08-31 08:20:54
>> #554634
This references the last page in the pool this is a sequel to.
2024-08-31 07:44:32
>> #554630
Yeah, that ain't right, poke.
2024-08-31 00:48:47
>> #554587
Good stuff~~~

And yet we have Code Geass back and barley anything XD
2024-08-30 19:17:36
>> #554553
This Episode really did inspire a lot of people it seems xD
2024-08-31 07:35:15
>> #554628
No prob. Im also a fan :)
2024-08-31 06:06:59
>> #554625
Oh man, Napdust. I remember when they were still active and posting. Shame a lot of their old works seem to have disappeared. I really liked their work. Thanks for putting some of it back up.
2024-08-30 04:05:33
>> #554503
yea, im curious what happened to napdust too, first I've heard of them, but I see lots of comments saying how much they miss them on some posts
2024-08-29 19:23:50
>> #554464
What happened to Napdust, anyway?

Also I swear there was a comic with the spider girl (Melissa?) on here that was at least 2 parts, but I can only find one part of it...
2024-08-29 09:39:35
>> #554434
Aaand thats officially a wrap on all the Napdust art I had. Hope you all enjoyed.
2024-08-31 06:13:55
>> #554626
Female Headcrab Zombie = NO
Female Headcrab Pets = YES!!!!
2024-08-31 05:53:37
>> #554623
They said they felt uncomfortable sexualizing transfem dani (even more when she turned into a self insert) maybe that?
2024-08-31 01:00:57
>> #554597
I also noticed a lot of their work being removed, Spicifically the "Family photos" what was up with that?
2024-08-31 00:59:58
>> #554596
Yep totally doesnt work hehehehe~
2024-08-31 00:55:23
>> #554592
Noticed a lot of their older works were not on here, decided to post them here because they are still hot as fuck.

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