2024-08-30 19:47:06
>> #554556
Pic I got from Pen! Lily getting a little too deep in researching just how that whole hypnosis thing works. She could have just asked Kaa'lin but hey...nothing ventured nothing gained!
2024-08-30 18:55:17
>> #554551
I like to think that the drop was near instant between these two photos.

"Alright, I'll take two pics just in case one gets messed up. Hopefully nothing messes with my pho-"
2024-08-30 06:20:42
>> #554516
Oh no not the ice cream!!! @.@

But ya amazing work on this Brushie one of your best yet <3
2024-08-30 02:30:34
>> #554495
RIP Parker in the background. That seagull at the front with the bag of chips is about to join it's brethren in attacking, I feel.
2024-08-30 01:54:11
>> #554494
At this point, you'd think Jess would turn off pop-in notifications from her boss' texts.

But then I remember that Jess probably does not remember any of these texts.

So shenanigans continue I suppose :3

Comm For KyleWtB
2024-08-30 18:25:04
>> #554549
"I dunno why you're making such a big deal... I'm just sucking on a yummy treat..."
2022-04-26 06:14:45
>> #466625
So hot I wish I could get a girl like her
2022-04-26 06:10:31
>> #466624
That's some amazingly THICC Rosalina *Drools and Rubs* <3 <3 <3
2022-04-25 14:16:15
>> #466569
Bluueygooey lips on a Bluueygooey popsicle~
2022-04-25 07:03:30
>> #466542
I really love her lips
2024-08-30 18:23:50
>> #554548
"Oh, of course master... whatever you want..."
2024-05-02 23:29:50
>> #542707
I wanna be her~
2024-04-28 18:46:43
>> #542300
When hypnotized...the dress comes OFF~
2024-04-28 03:28:26
>> #542234
2024-08-30 17:53:40
>> #554546
This one is inspired a one story I found on DA, soo i tried to made a visualisation
2024-08-29 03:42:37
>> #554410
Interesting Crossover...still really hot especially those barcodes *drools*
2024-08-30 17:48:37
>> #554545
@Thalaryth lol yeah thats kind of what I was asking. Like I was wondering how on paper Trai would be considered. Is he a hive mind type thing, or is it more of a conjoined twin type deal. It more so me wondering how he is in the technical sense rather then his own personal preferences. Thanks for answering though.
2024-08-28 18:53:46
>> #554369
Does each head have its own dong
2024-08-28 18:34:15
>> #554367
@Maininthemask the pronouns are a little unintuitive, but the way I've been writing it is to use 'they' for the collective of all three heads, but each of them is a he. So the use of 'they' just means plural, it's not to do with gender.
2024-08-28 18:11:32
>> #554365
I assume Clavi is going to hypnotize Trai in order to free him? They? It? from their duty :)
2024-08-30 17:43:00
>> #554544
@Thalaryrth I know I have said this before but I personally love Clavi as you have made her. Even if she is op, her power just shows that she really is a responsible person. Im sure many others wouldnt be able to help themselves in abusing that kind of power even if it was a little, or harmless. Even if she is a goodie two shoes I think thats fine as their are plenty of characters on the sight that are more then fine with being morality questionable. Of course I am biased as consensual/helpful hypnotism/hypnotists are my favorite. :)
2024-08-29 20:45:18
>> #554476
@suvasam I can see why it wouldn't be to everyone's tastes, but you hit the nail on the head for what's supposed to be the appeal with Clavi. She's meant to come across as effortlessly above mortals like the reader in a way that's both comforting and disempowering at the same time. I try to make sure she has personality flaws to make up for being overpowered, to keep her from being a Mary Sue.

It's all a way for me to explore the inconvenient feelings I as a hypnofetishist grapple with around doctors, wielders of sedatives and anesthesia and various make-you-docile drugs, who are also figures of trust and authority that you're expected to feel safe with. The character of Clavi is a way for me to kind of pick that apart and use what I find as inspiration.
2024-08-29 18:24:29
>> #554460
This is just a personal gripe, and is in no way intended as a s
slight on your work Thalarynth, as all of it is well done and well written. I think I just don't like the flawless all powerful hypnotist vibe. I'm not even sure i can put my finger on why.
2024-08-30 16:49:36
>> #554539
Added these new ones to the pool, sorry if you wanted to create a chapter 2 pool or something.

I love how she can hear his thoughts and is correcting the wrong name even there.

Naw, it's fine. I had a feeling they'd get added to the pool, eventually.

Also... yeah, I didn't realize that the artist accidentally wrote a thought bubble instead of a voice bubble until MUCH later. So that's just an illustration error. Ranko isn't supposed to hear Ryoga's thoughts. Apologies to anyone who might get that idea. I done goofed. ^^;
2024-08-30 10:13:50
>> #554530
Added these new ones to the pool, sorry if you wanted to create a chapter 2 pool or something.

I love how she can hear his thoughts and is correcting the wrong name even there.
2024-08-28 03:31:26
>> #554335
Gosh this is getting me in a dommy mood *bites lip*
2024-08-28 02:37:07
>> #554323
Page five of chapter two. We're now past the halfway point of this chapter with just this and three more pages to go. Any resistance Ryoga might have shown in the last page is immediately washed away, his mind being too deep under the hypnotism and his body to stimulated by Ranko's pleasurable skill and dominance.
2024-08-30 13:42:39
>> #554535
pretty colours... @.@
2024-08-29 17:42:17
>> #554455
That pattern's really hard to look away from, even static :3
2024-08-29 03:50:25
>> #554415
Gosh that's so lovely~~~

Makes me want to dance too <3 <3 <3
2024-07-23 20:05:55
>> #550954
I really like this pls keep doing it (maybe a lucario, zoroark, cinderace, gardevoir next time?)
2024-07-20 00:07:20
>> #550544
The best saga, hands down.
2024-07-19 21:02:05
>> #550526
It's my curse :^(
2024-07-19 20:34:43
>> #550524
*resets the DAYS SINCE SLEEPYHEAD MADE POKEYOLKS clock back to 0*
2024-07-19 15:53:55
>> #550492
LET'S GO!! Peak series

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