2024-08-16 16:48:25
>> #553250
I admit, at the beginning my relationship with my beloved Master wasn't that great.
Back then I was a Princess- a spoiled, little brat without any purpose in life. I was so stupid, that I rejected my Master's offer to have wild, degrading sex with him.
I know, unbelievable.
Fortunately, he was really skilled as the magician and my will was pretty weak.
I love serving my Master as his loyal slave and maid. I love fucking with him.
I love cleaning his castle.
Sometimes, when I clean his bedroom I can find some patches of his cum, which I always clean (with my tongue) I think that the only thing I don't like are those knights. They are trying to kidnap me from my Master and make me completely forget him! Damn those motherfuckers.
Of course, they don't stand a chance with my Master. None of them died, they are all locked underneath his floor. Only their weak dicks are sticking out.
I really like playing with them. They are not as good as my Master's cock but I can do anything with them. Master was so kind, that he made some of them my slaves and now I can play with their whole bodies! I love you so much Master
2017-10-04 20:30:02
>> #202465
*looks at the arms* That's.. not how perspective works....
2017-10-04 04:37:24
>> #202350
I hope he's keeping them alive with magic or he's gonna have a big food budget for the sake of floor dicks
2017-10-04 00:58:59
>> #202301
imagine all the piss that would needed to be cleaned up every now and then, all well :3
2017-10-03 18:34:23
>> #202248
Two things

1. That must hurt getting stepped on

2. He doesn't turn the nights into maids or his own guards
2024-08-16 16:39:05
>> #553249
Some people have really special talents. I can be a good example. Everybody finds their fate with me, sooner or later. That's my talent- I can teach them that their place is under me. No one can resist me, man or woman.
Eventually, everyone becomes my slaves. They just stare at me, listen to my voice and let themselves fall into a trance. Like you.
You are hypnotized. Entranced by me.
Dominated by me.
Look at my foot, taking care of my future dildo and fall deeper.
I am a Mistress.
You are a slave.
Feel my power destroying your mind. Cum for me.
Give yourself to me.
Submit to me.
Good slave.
2024-08-16 16:38:07
>> #553248
"As we're stuck together and are both bound for Hell, it isn't unreasonable for you to at least enjoy a sinful pleasure."
"I mean... no, I'm not embarrassed. Like I care! Go on, behold! Yes, admire me, be mesmerized by me, as much as you want!" Mesmerized... as much as I like? Alright... Ah... her stocking-clad foot running back and forth on me is so divine...
Back and forth and back and forth... so comfy and rhythmic, even as it's sexy... And her panties are so nice and white... "W-wait, what are you doing staring at me like that?! That's disgusting!"
I feel so good right now I don't even care... "That's it! Come now, pick-"
Come now...!
"Wha-AUGH! Filth! Don't come near me!"
2018-04-07 23:25:26
>> #245126
ShadowWarlock said:
wll explained opinion

The game is actually balanced enough that you *can* beat it with 1-3 rarity servants, not to mention the Rarity 4 welfare (freebie) servants that are given out during events. But by and large, the gatcha while a bit of a blight is fairer then most others.
2018-04-07 21:17:19
>> #245099

So, is FGO any good?

As someone who plays it... and at the risk of inciting opinions but wanting to serve as a warning for others...

Yes, it's a great game, with one major caveat: the payment model is basically gambling but worse. The game itself plays relatively simply. It has a nice story that is very good compared to other mobile games and okay compared to more serious story games. The characters look nice, all the characters have interesting backstories in my opinion, and the rarer characters usually have attack animations that are nice to watch. Compared to other mobile games it is not as demanding on you to grind heavily, but you can if you want to. The combat has the possibility for depth but you can usually get by with simple strategies. You don't need to use rare characters to win but they make it easier and faster. Of all the mobile games I've played, I would recommend it the most.

The bad: Getting rare characters. Characters are rated from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the rarest. You will easily get all characters from 1 to 3 stars. For 4 and 5 star characters, you need to draw them from a gacha, with a 3% chance for 4 star characters and a 1% chance for 5 star characters. The game rotates characters through "rate-up" periods where if you do hit that 1% or 3% chance for a 5 or 4 star character, then 70% of the time it will be the rate-up character instead of some other character of the same rarity. There are no pity breakers or other ways to increase your chance to get a rare character. This means if you want a specific 5 star character like the one in the picture, your chances on any one draw are 1% * 70% = 0.7%. That's really low.

The game gives free draws out gradually... if you are free to play and at least login every day, over the course of a year you will get about 500 draws or so and you can prorate that down to about 40 a month. If you want to pay real money then each roll costs about $1.70, so 100 rolls would be about $170. To put that into perspective, if you want just one specific 5 star character, saving up free resources for slightly more than half a year would give you about 300 rolls, and that would only give you about a 75% chance of getting them. If you were to buy that 300 rolls with money, it would cost about $510 and you would still have a 25% chance of getting nothing for that.

So... if anyone is considering playing, let me give you this advice. First, strongly consider either re-rolling your account for a 5 star character or buying a starter account from a re-roller that has 5 star characters you like. Now is a great time because the character in the picture is on rate-up and is really strong. Having a 5 star character at the start means you'll have someone nice to look at and feel invested in from the beginning. Do not /ever/ spend real money unless you are seriously, religiously committed to a limit you can maintain. The gacha system is basically created to function the same way a slot machine works. No amount of money you pay in will ever give you good odds, and the whole thing is engineered to make you feel like any money you spend is a sunk cost to force you to keep spending hundreds or thousands of dollars just to get one character. If you're willing to pay at all, then pay to buy an account that starts with some good characters and then you can be happy with them even if you don't get lucky later.
2018-04-07 14:52:05
>> #245049
added several obvious tags, including the series and game Jalter belongs to.
2018-04-07 14:16:00
>> #245047
LOlivia said:
Sorry, added.

The artist's name already existed here, so didn't need a new tag to be added. Better to check before adding it.

And when you want to add a new artist tag for those that aren't on the site, instead of doing "momio_(artist)", do "artist:momio"

EDIT: The other post you made doesn't seem to have the artist's tag listed here. Try adding the artist of it there the way I explained above.
2024-08-16 16:17:35
>> #553247
pokemongirl is right. I do just really like this character XD
2024-08-16 08:59:27
>> #553232
It's super coincidental because I literally just started re-watching that series like 3 days ago xp
2024-08-15 18:30:33
>> #553176
Im pretty sure the poster just really likes this character

Who I keep thinking is Sadara @.@
2024-08-15 18:15:06
>> #553166
I thought I commented this on one of the earlier posts, but I can not find it, so I will say it here again.

We have been getting a lot of Carmen Sandiego posts lately, did I miss some news or something?
2024-08-16 16:14:37
>> #553246
Sorry, didn't know who the character was and the og twitter post had the name Kairi in it.
2024-08-16 15:58:21
>> #553244
Ngl, I was super confused that the tags had Kairi from KH, when that's Kari from Digimon.
2024-08-16 14:58:06
>> #553243
her name is Sango in the japanese. her name in the english dub is Coral, so she is tagged as Coral
2024-08-16 08:57:25
>> #553231
Wait I thought her name was Sango? I mean that is just coral in Nihongo (Japanese) but still.
2024-08-15 18:26:25
>> #553172
Hell ya some more Coral~~~

Good to have her nice and obedient hehehe <3
2024-08-15 08:26:59
>> #553140
Caught another pokegirl with the PokeRing! This time it's Coral.
2024-08-16 14:40:20
>> #553242
Isn't this more related to Erza's childhood trauma and not actual like brainwashing?
2024-08-05 18:39:59
>> #552242
2024-08-01 16:41:54
>> #551877
in about 10 more episodes til index.php?page=post&s=view&id=86104

probably ep 16 or 17
2024-07-30 20:01:33
>> #551709
This is definitely an interesting idea. I kind of want to see how the rest of the scene plays out. Maybe I should actually try to watch fairy tail.
2024-07-30 13:52:11
>> #551666
Been waiting for years to see this fetish fuel in motion
2024-08-16 14:36:11
>> #553241
Agreed Changer... agreed.
2024-08-16 07:37:47
>> #553226
You know, the response by someone who is being controlled of "Of course I remember, and I don't care." is not used nearly often enough.
2024-08-16 01:06:26
>> #553194
So a reference to secret of mana including ripping a phantom and a rose.
2024-08-16 10:24:50
>> #553238
It's not even a good Draenei, their horns are the wrong colour - it should be the same as the rest of them
2024-08-16 03:11:02
>> #553204
I hope Pol knows about this and is ok with it because form the main page I also thought it was one of his.
2024-08-16 01:53:19
>> #553200
probably trained the AI on Pol's art to get this much like their style.
2024-08-15 18:29:38
>> #553175
Geez thought that was one of Pols >.>
2024-08-16 10:23:44
>> #553237
Thanks dirtyop, I'll try to keep in mind it's sailor guardians not warriors :)
2024-08-15 15:37:30
>> #553156
Tried to translate, but I'm much more comfortable in the role of a proofreader so likely some big errors. It should be good enough for the gist though. If anyone wants to proofread give it a shot.

Also I don't know the show all that well so might be terminology I got wrong. The hotspots being what Giwaaku calls her clones, the "evil black quarts", and "sailor warriors" if you know better please fix it :)


1: Not sure how I feel about hahaha as fufufu honestly people here are pretty Nipponjin (Japanese the nationality) minded so I could've just kept it as that. Added the comma to emphasize it was a complete "sentence" (Nihongo (Japanese the language) is kinda weird with definitions like words and sentences) and give a pause between that and the name. Unfortunately couldn't find a snappy way to be more forceful to represent the 'zo'

2: As said earlier, there might be a specific thing the "clones" are called in the English translations of the show. Went back and forth between using !? separated or the single character version I ended up using, not sure if it will show in these comments "" ended up using the combined one to be more faithful. I used bastards to add back in the connotation of ittai.

3: I never know how to translate yo, and tbh I think this will be a problem for as long as I'm translating Nihongo

4: What you thought I'd have something to say about a bubble with literally just her name? Well I do, the way this is in another bubble really implies that pause I was talking about with #1 and made me think maybe it wasn't the intention of the artist with the first one, however after thinking about it more I think this one being separated was more to do with framing the picture than implying a gap in words, specifically showing the reason why giwaaku told Mercury to stay still, because she was putting that gem thing in her slit. With a very direct [COME BACK TO REPLACE THIS WORD YOU CAN'T THINK OF] while doing it.

5: I opted to get rid of the comma from the og text since that's not really a common way to show words getting cut off in English, I could've added a hyphen "wh- what" but it still felt a little much in this case so I just left it out (I could be swayed towards adding it though). As always with Nihongo the hardest parts come from the parts deliberately left out that your supposed to understand via context and language comprehension. There are many things that could go after that 'wo' and I had to narrow it down to 1 when there are a couple different permutations existing in my head at once in my "Nipponjin brain" the one that was probably the most strong was "what are you doing (to me)" so that's what I went with.

6: I did not know the words for pure quarts/crystal before seeing this line, water sparkle/clear huh? interesting, anyways this along with the next line really ballooned a lot more than I liked but I guess it's inevitable when "evil black quarts" can be represented as 4 characters in Nihongo. speaking of that is one that I am very uncertain of the translation, as said earlier it seems ripe to be something with specific terminology from the franchise's official translation. The Nihongo does not actually have stuff about the crystal exerting it's power over Mercury, however I think that's another unspoken context part. Also for fun I threw this one into AI translation, here was the result XD "The power of the black recommended by the corpse and..." I then gave it the context of being about a black quarts inside of an *alive* body, it gave this "The power of the black recommendation of the corpse and..." I have no clue what was causing it to focus on recommend so much lol.

(o)Halfway (o)

7: Still not sure about being so flowery with the language here, specifically assimilate, the operative word in the Nihongo is not nearly as aureate, but I really liked the imagery of it.

8: As mentioned earlier, I'm unsure if Sailor Warriors is the official translation. I'm not entirely sure what the ellipsis is conveying here, perhaps the passage of time while the gas and stuff permeates? Or that pause before saying the name I've talked about twice already.

9: Honestly I'm feeling fufufu more now so I'm gonna change it, but since I write in stream of conscious I'm not gonna bother changing it up there xp.

10: Okay I genuinely have nothing for this.

11: This one could also be "This unknown thing feels good" but it makes less sense to me

12: It always feels terrible when I can't include the connotation of omae, kisama, or temee in the translation. Unfortunately things like bastard, scum,or sod don't really fit here.

Yaya I'm done.
2024-08-14 20:29:25
>> #553081
Sailor Mercury. The genesis of my infatuation with short-haired nerdy girls in long boots. :)

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