2024-07-29 13:13:41
>> #551547
Hypnotised into a animal is just to hot I want that to
2024-07-28 18:50:06
>> #551459
I'm really crazing wanting to be a frog now for some reason @.@
Date Jul 29, 2024User HierarchRating QuestionableScore 4(vote up)
2024-07-29 12:33:44
>> #551544
Please also tag your artist tag.
2024-07-29 12:33:41
>> #551543
For anyone wondering, after taking a deep dive into where this might be from: A russian action series from 2011, called (translated) The Fugitive
2024-07-29 08:06:58
>> #551533
i dont speak Russian would love some subtitles
2024-07-29 11:59:22
>> #551542
Honestly, I don't even think she needs to be mind controlled to join G.U.N.
2024-07-15 22:09:23
>> #550052
From Source:


To replenish the G.U.N.s forces after the fallout of the Eggman War, we intend to headhunt promising talent from other organizations to join our cause. Priority should be placed upon those who feel disgruntled by their current positions, or those on the fringes of their employment- a more willing enlistment subject is preferred, but not necessary.

(1) Agent Lanolin shows promise as a Director of Field Patrol, but she will need re-education to align with our working standards. Per report 57.61 Urban Warfare, subject has only recently been instated as a leader of field work and displays impatience for her fellow teammates style of leadership. The obedience of GUN soldiers to their superiors and potential for high promotion should be pushed when appealing to her.
Plans are underway to promote Subject to Director of Field Operations, should our re-education prove successful. (Subject appears to have an affinity for coffee; consider trace amounts of included into her drinks during education to expedite the process.)
Subject carries a unique Wispon bell that uses a Rhythm function to fire concussive blasts of sound. R&D have been advised to begin researching methods of utilizing more hypnotic frequencies through such a device, should our new Director prove willing to assist us in Stage 2 of Operation Nova Genesis
2024-07-29 09:51:40
>> #551539
So fucking hot. Id love to hyonotize this pretty bitch to blow me.
2024-05-27 18:53:29
>> #545173
Mmmmmmmmmm those eyes and that succ *bites lip* @.@
2024-05-27 15:44:19
>> #545144
Even the greatest preformers get stage fright sometimes, especially before a big performance, hypnotizing a whole cruiseship of people to play along with your ghost pirate anticts in a big task after all.

To get rid of some of the stress, Mr. Mysterio decided to affirm his skills on the ever cheerful Sunny St. Cloud, and...
Yup, he's still got.
2024-07-29 09:47:10
>> #551538
This is very hot. Id sleep with them both.
2024-07-29 01:16:05
>> #551508
So lovely~~~ <3
2024-07-28 22:28:46
>> #551479
Ah, an animated version of 209415
2024-07-28 21:50:56
>> #551474
The voice of Jan is Rosemarilovesu on Twitter and the voice of Mizzy is crisplukae on Twitter.
2024-07-29 09:12:24
>> #551537
Poor florian, just came in and got cum'd on
2023-05-12 18:06:12
>> #508953
Totally this is awesome and Kaalins expressions are so good @.@ *drools*
2023-05-12 04:51:59
>> #508919
That kid is basically Donald Glover carrying a load of pizzas
2023-05-11 22:03:55
>> #508892
Hey-ho i got that ho-keball you wante- HO ARKOOS IT'S EVERYWHERE YOU ARE DEF A HE-HOE
2023-05-11 20:54:16
>> #508891
hehehe True, but she's more angry at being held back, the anticipation and need to battle (in any way) is just too much, how dare she be held back!
2024-07-29 09:04:38
>> #551536
Man these Nvidia products are getting out of hand
2024-07-29 08:26:28
>> #551535

The Boss towered over her, the taller woman's eyes gleaming with a mix of condescension and amusement. The glass, filled with an unknown murky white liquid, was pushed toward her, its contents shimmering ominously in the dim light. The command to drink was silently implied.

She regarded the concoction with suspicion, her brow creased with worry, but the circumstances left her no other options. She reluctantly reached out and took the glass, glancing once more at the door behind her as if weighing the impossibility of escape.

As she hesitantly brought the drink to her lips, a sense of unease gripped her. The liquid burned as it slid down her throat, leaving a bitter aftertaste. By the second sip, she felt the effects begin to creep in, slowly at first, like the edges of a shadow spreading over her mind. Her vision started to blur, colors around her becoming unnaturally vivid and bright.

She blinked rapidly, trying to clear her vision, but the room tilted and spun around her, and she stumbled, struggling to keep her balance. Her legs felt weak and unsteady, as though the ground beneath her had turned to quicksand.

Her thoughts blurred, becoming a tangled web of confusion as colors merged and swirled. She tried to remember where she was, who she was, but each thought slipped away before she could grasp it. The womans voice reached her ears, distorted and echoing as though coming from a distant tunnel. She tried to focus, to understand what was happening, but a thick fog clouded her mind, making any coherent thought elusive.

As the drink's effects deepened, the world around her shifted. Shapes danced in her vision, and sounds morphed into an eerie, otherworldly symphony that resonated deep within her. Her senses were overwhelmed, bombarded by the intense sights and sounds. The room hummed with an almost hypnotic energy, pulling her in as she swayed unsteadily.

She fought against the encroaching haze, trying to hold onto some semblance of control, but it was like trying to clutch at smoke. Her limbs felt heavy and disconnected from her mind, responding sluggishly to her desperate attempts to move. Panic surged within her, but even that was dulled by the creeping numbness.

She was beginning to succumb to the drink, her mouth hanging open, a thin line of saliva rolling down the edge of her mouth. She swayed, caught in a trance, the Boss's voice now a soft, alluring purr. "You look mesmerizing like this, dear~." She was pulled closer, a finger brushing lightly down her arm. "And this is just the beginning. There are so many wonders waiting for you."

The Boss's words, though still distorted, seemed to wrap around her mind like a comforting embrace, their soothing tone almost mesmerizing. She could only nod blankly, her thoughts drifting away. The haze enveloped her, making the Boss's voice sound like a pleasant lullaby. She swayed gently, captivated by the swirling, disorienting world around her, too dazed to think beyond the allure of the words she barely registered.

Why was she even fighting so hard again? It felt so much easier to let go. Her thirst urged her to take another sip of the drink, which she did, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat. The question of her struggle faded, replaced by a deep, contented surrender to the comforting haze.
2024-07-29 07:42:13
>> #551532
Fuck, I wanna be a few use bimbo gf

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