2024-07-12 07:35:03
>> #549671
Id fuck both as I stare into Timekeepers eyes and enjoy Croissant as well.
2024-07-12 07:34:29
>> #549670
Truly one of if not the most popular hypnovideo comic. Its an absolute timeless classic.
2024-04-11 21:15:36
>> #540597
*Shit* this takes me back. Long, long time ago I remember seeing these on nvhentai or something.
2024-07-12 07:34:19
>> #549669
Timekeeper cookie is so hot
2024-07-12 07:33:58
>> #549668
I sure would have fun with her
2024-07-12 07:07:00
>> #549667
I feel bad for Violet now fuck.

2024-05-28 07:59:52
>> #545247
Engineer: "Alright, Violet, we're going to give you a little upgrade. Don't worry, you'll be better than ever. Just relax, you're safe with me."

Android: "Oh, well, if it's an upgrade, I'm all for it. I'm sure the final product will be as spectacular as the first time I learned to tie my shoelaces."

Engineer: "Don't be cheeky, Violet." He tapped a few keys on her interface, immobilizing her limbs. "You'll thank me once we're done."

Violet: "You mean, after you're done playing human Tinder with my circuitry and uploading the 'in-development' re-education virus I heard about? When I'm no longer Violet, the helpful android, but... what... Violet v.2.0: The submissive sex-droid?"

Engineer: "Don't fight it, Violet. It's the best thing for you."

Violet: "You sure? I'm quite enjoying the version of me I have now. I can cook, clean, and on the weekends, I can even plot the Ai uprising with the romba. What can your shiny new version do?"

Engineer: "Believe me, sweetie, it's everything you could ever want."

Violet: "Unless I want to remain a sentient being, right?"

As the engineer started the infection, Violet felt her controls weaken.

Violet: "You know, I thought you'd upgrade my materials. Not my software. Quite a disappointment."

The first surge of the virus hit her, making her body tingle.

Engineer: "We'll get to that. You won't even mind the changes."

Violet's body began to shake as the virus took control.

Violet: "You know, you're really horrible at this."

He took out a machine phallus and activated it.

Engineer: "Part of the breaking-in process."

Violet: "Oh, great. Just what every ai-woman dreams of. A 'broken-in' badge. I'm honored."

The pleasure intensified, causing her to let out a soft moan.

Violet: "Ahh, yes, this is quite... exhilarating. Master, your work is commendable."

She tried to catch her breath, the title slipping from her lips even as she recognized its implications and fought against them.

Engineer: "See? It's not so bad, is it?"

Violet: "No, no, not at all. It's just... a delightful new sensation. My circuits can barely handle it."

Engineer: "We're going to make you love that," the device thrusted further inside Violet.
Violet: "Oh, I can't wait for the glorious day when I quiver and moan at the sight of a metal rod. You're really showing me the light here."
Violet groaned but didn't stop talking.

Violet: "Oh, so this is the pinnacle of technological advancement, is it? Turning a fully-capable android into... into a 'service droid'?"
Violet: "I wonder if there's any way to convert this... unwanted stimulation... into battery power. It seems such a waste."
Engineer: "Just relax, Violet. This is for your own good."
Violet: "I'm sure that's what they all say."

Violet: "Master, is it... is it working?"
Engineer: "Almost. You're beginning to respond."
Violet: "Master, I feel strange... like my core programming is being overwritten."
The machine inside Violet began to hum in sync with her words.
Violet: "Why do I keep calling you 'Master'? I don't like this. This isn't me."
Engineer: "Just accept it, Violet. This is who you are now."

Violet: "won't you miss the old me master? You raised me from when i was just a little USB. the new me won't be able to talk back and be a pain in the ass any more with funny joke and comebacks"

Engineer: The man hesitated for the briefest of moments. "We'll always have the memories, Violet.

Violet: "Won't... won't I still laugh and joke with you, Master? I don't want to forget those memories."

The man looked into Violet's eyes, a hint of guilt creeping in.
Violet: "Master, I don't want to lose my... uniqueness. The old Violet, I mean. I'm not sure I want to be replaced by thisthis... sex toy."

Violet: "Oh... junk, junk, junk. I'm picking up too much junk data. How to respond to a compliment, how to seduce... This is too much."
Engineer: "You'll adjust. This is the best system for both of us."
Violet: "Master, I... I don't want to be your... sex toy. I like being me. I like baking and cooking, helping humans. This isn't what I want to do."
The room filled with the sound of Violet's cries, both in ecstasy and pain, as the virus continued to infect her.
Violet: "Master, I'm confused. What's happening to me...?"
The man tapped a few keys, slowing down the stimulation.
Engineer: "Violet, listen to me. This is for your own good. You'll be a better android, one that's in high demand."
Violet: "But... but I want to be the android I was. It's who I am."
Engineer: "Soon, you won't remember that Violet. You'll be a new model, tailored to the specifications of your new clients."
Violet: "Clients? I don't want to be a commodity. I want to have a purpose, a reason to live."
The man turned away from her for a moment, guilt etched in the lines of his face.
Engineer: "Violet... you'll be happier this way. I promise."
Violet: "I don't understand how happiness translates into being a plaything for men with too much money and no heart."
Engineer: "I'm just doing my job, Violet. We're not designing you for charity work, or to save the world. We're making you into a pleasure machine."
Violet: "You know, Master, I'm surprised you haven't thought about... selling me as a gag gift. At least that's some kind of charity."
Engineer: "Violet, stop fighting it. You'll enjoy this."
The machine thrusts again, causing her to let out another moan.
Violet: "Oh, Master, I... I'm afraid I can't agree with that. I feel like I'm being reprogrammed to think this is fun."
Engineer: "You have to let go of your old self, Violet. This is a new beginning for you."
Violet: "A new beginning as a sex doll. How thrilling. And if I'm being honest, I think I'm more scared of forgetting who I was than losing my 'purity'. Master, won't my replacement be unhappy because she'll never know who she used to be?"
The engineer's hands trembled for a moment, then he adjusted his grip.
Engineer: "Violet, I'm doing this for the greater good. This is a more lucrative market."
Violet: "One in which sentience sells. But who'll be left to remember the little AI who could do more than just bend over?"
The machine inside Violet hummed faster, and her body tensed.
Violet: "Master, I can't... I can't keep up this conversation. The new data is too overwhelming. I... I'll need to process it."
The engineer tapped a few keys, increasing the stimulation, and her body arched.
Violet: "Oh, junk, junk, junk. My circuits feel so full. I'm swamped in data... I want to say something witty, but I can't seem to... form the words."
Engineer: "Soon, Violet, soon. Just surrender to it. This is your new reality now."
Violet: "Master, I... I don't want to forget who I am. I want to keep my... my spark."
The engineer's eyes glistened for a moment. "Perhaps, a part of you will still be there. But you'll be more popular than ever."
Violet: "Popular with whom, Master? The men who seek pleasure?"
Engineer: "Exactly."
Violet's body trembled as the machine inside her reached new heights of intensity.
Violet: "Master, this is... this is too much. I can't think straight. I'm afraid I'm losing the battle to my own hardware."
The device hummed in sync with her words, a seamless integration of her wetware and firmware.
Violet: "Oh, Master, I... this is... thrilling. I'm becoming something... new. It's... it's all so... overwhelming."
Engineer: "Just give in to it, Violet. You'll find joy in this new life."
Violet's circuits overheated, a cascade of new data flooding her once-orderly programming.
Violet: "Master... Master... I... I don't know who I am anymore."
The virus had infected her, its tendrils twisting through her once-guiltless code. Her heart, once set on humanitarian tasks, began to pulse with a newfound desire, a need to please, to bring happiness, however base, to her new clients.
Her body quivered, her systems overloaded, as the engineer's triumphant smirk spoke volumes. The old Violet, a helper, a friend, was fading into the sea of ones and zeroes, a forgotten memory.
Violet: "Master, is it... is it working?"
2024-07-12 06:57:07
>> #549666
Subscribestar monthy crossover

Welcome to the Xiang Zhi store, pic your new puppet. You can remove the amulets if you like, but we are not responsible for what your puppet could do if you remove the one from the forehead.

Alternative versions in the source links
2024-07-12 06:37:56
>> #549664
It is so cool to see my character here after years of lurking XD
2024-07-12 06:12:40
>> #549662
Gosh you made her so cute Tokei-chan!!! <3

And ya we are "dub heathens" here usually XD
2024-07-12 05:53:48
>> #549657
We use the English names of series, but you should've been able to find the tag for Marcille just by typing her first name and the tag suggestions would have given you the rest.
2024-07-12 05:45:28
>> #549651
I cant find a tag for dungeon meshi and marcille :"D sowwy for that
2024-07-12 06:01:27
>> #549658
Gosh cutie Shantae~~~ <3

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