2024-06-27 20:15:30
>> #548164
Redheads make great pets ara ara~~~
2024-06-27 18:29:41
>> #548145
I wish there was a nude version of this.
2024-06-27 20:13:46
>> #548161
Gosh thats silly @.@

I really like it tho @.@
2024-06-27 20:12:17
>> #548160
So glad we are getting more of this~~~
2024-06-27 15:35:21
>> #548140
The next part of my Kronya corruption series, this time sans Kronya. With the amount of girls we've gotta corrupt, gotta give ladies like Manuela the spotlight as dominant and willing participants to the girls corruption.

So here we see that Manuela and her master have taken the sweet and innocent Leonie, prepping her to ride her master just as her teacher does.
2024-06-27 20:09:36
>> #548158
Always good to get both *drools*
2024-06-27 20:09:06
>> #548156
Damn thats nice~~~
2024-06-27 20:08:20
>> #548155
So simple but so hot~~~
2024-06-27 20:06:25
>> #548152
Sexy Beach Goodness~~~
2024-06-27 12:04:58
>> #548133
That's a fun face on Scarlet
2024-06-27 19:23:10
>> #548149
Already love this so much cant wait to explore all the ins and outs of the Mesmer Club~

So much thanks JM <3
2024-06-27 04:39:15
>> #548084
The elevator doors opened to the hotel lobby. It was late afternoon and I was making my way to the Mesmer Club to check in with the girls before things got busy for the evening. As I descended the broad stairs leading to the bar, Evelyn was leaving. She was already dressed in her full Mesmerized Doll uniform.

EVELYN: Master! Perfect timing! I was just looking for you.

THE MESMER: Good evening, Evelyn.

EVELYN: There's a young woman enjoying a drink at the bar that I think might benefit from some Mesmer Club hospitality. She's chatting with Lydia at the moment but I have Mallory getting dressed to help... loosen her up a bit. Of course, if you were to get involved...

She trailed off and looked back at a woman seated on a bar stool in a teal blouse and black skirt nervously clutching a cocktail that might have been a Vieux Carr. She turned back with excitement in her eyes.

EVELYN: Mallory should be dressed by now. I'll send her right over.

And off she went. I wasn't at all sure what Evelyn had in mind, but it sounded like it would be fairly obvious in a moment. As I approached the bar, Lydia made sure to get my attention.

LYDIA: Boss, I'd like you to meet Gemna!

Gemna, the young woman in the teal blouse, was revealed to have a nervous smile to match her nervous grip on what was definitely a Vieux Carr.

THE MESMER: It's a pleasure to meet you, Gemna. How are you enjoying your time at the Mesmer Club?

GEMNA: I- umm... It's... A friend of mine from work came here for a show last night and said that she "had the time of her life"... she made me promise I'd stop here for a drink on my way home, but- I wasn't expecting... showgirls?

Almost as if on cue, a barely dressed and very hypnotized Mallory arrived, seemingly compelled to dance seductively for our confused guest. Gemna seemed taken aback by the display. Her posture tensed up, but it seemed Evelyn's appraisal was accurate- she didn't look away. She seemed transfixed by the rhythmic movements of Mallory's body.

THE MESMER: You don't think your friend would enjoy "showgirls"?

Lydia smirked.

GEMNA: Umm... It doesn't seem like her...

THE MESMER: Ah. Well, if we can give people a place to unwind and relax and indulge outside of their normal appearances for a bit, then, hopefully, we're doing our jobs.

GEMNA: ...unwind?

THE MESMER: Sure. This lovely woman dancing for you is Mallory. Normally, she's actually our head of security. At the moment, she's your mesmerized belly dancer. She doesn't have a care in the world other than helping you relax.

GEMNA: What... What do I do?

THE MESMER: Just watch her and listen to the sound of my voice. Look at the way she moves her body. Think about how good your body would feel if you were in her place. So tranquil. So free. As you move, all of your tension and inhibitions, all of your worries and thoughts would just drift away.

I was just trying to give her some light relaxation suggestions, but she was lazily unfastening buttons on her blouse and tugging at her skirt. Evelyn really was an incredible talent scout.

GEMNA: I don't know what... I'm doing...

Lydia took the opportunity to lean across the bar and whisper in her ear.

LYDIA: That's perfect, Gemna. You're doing so well. You can forget about everything but our Master's voice.

It was early, the club was still close to empty and Gemna seemed incredibly suggestible. Really, it would have been a waste of everyone's time to not turn this into a full induction.


GEMNA: Yes, Master?

THE MESMER: Gemna, the more you hear my voice- the more aware you become of the power it has over you. The more aware you become of the power it has over your mind. The more aware you become of the power it has over your body. You can't resist it. Mallory's body is relaxing you and arousing you, but when I tell you that you find her infinitely more relaxing and infinitely more arousing, it's an irresistible truth to you.

I put my hands on Gemna's shoulders and gently spun her on her stool to face the bar.

THE MESMER: When I tell you that all you can think about is how attracted you are to Lydia, how enamored you are with the lines of her blue satin teddy and how much you'd like to feel them both pressed against your skin, what thoughts fill your mind?

It was a rhetorical question. Gemna was too deep in trance and too turned on to speak. Lydia, delighted to be involved, struck a little pose and gave herself a playful spank. Gemna audibly moaned.

THE MESMER: Lydia and Mallory are two of my Mesmerized Dolls. You're going to meet several others. As you find my voice impossible to resist, you're going to find that you feel surprisingly suggestible when they speak to you. Even once you've returned from this blissful, mindless trance, you'll feel strangely compelled by their voices. You'll find that whenever one of us calls you a *good girl* you'll end up in a mindless trance, just like this one, that lasts until you've done exactly as you're told. Do you understand?

With considerable effort, Gemna managed to nod her head in agreement.

LYDIA: Be a *good girl* and smack your ass for our Master.

Gemna rose to her feet, bent over the bar and smacked her ass compulsively. I looked over at Lydia.

LYDIA: Sorry! I spanked myself once and now I've got spanks on the brain. Her butt looks cute in those pantyhose...

THE MESMER: Gemna, in a moment I'm going to count down from three and snap my fingers. When I do, you're going to come back to your senses. You're going to realize your blouse and skirt are on the floor and you're seated drinking a Vieux Carr while Mallory dances for you- you're going to decide for yourself how you feel about that. Do you understand?

She nodded.

THE MESMER: 3... 2... 1...
2024-06-27 19:18:51
>> #548148
Hehehehehe cat butt~~~

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