Date Apr 20, 2021User A_randoRating QuestionableScore 119(vote up)
2024-06-23 08:15:41
>> #547685
Yes, a pet must obey and please her owner in order to be rewarded with the owner's love, mate and have babies of the owner's bloodline
2021-04-21 05:09:33
>> #416297
Please remember to tag your posts as "furry".
2024-06-23 07:33:35
>> #547683
Yes . . . Great and beautiful Goddess Isabel, fuck your devotee and make him please you, he is just your insignificant property . . .
2022-03-07 22:22:16
>> #461090
Wow your captions are great !! Could you maybe do a claire nunez ( troll hunters ) or a rayla ( the dragon prince ) or even ahsoka tano from starwars one please ?
2020-04-29 02:55:27
>> #366686
If anyone would like to rp as her DM me
2020-02-24 04:00:47
>> #357284
2020-02-22 08:09:38
>> #357026
2024-06-23 07:32:10
>> #547682
Ah, what a lovely, sexy mistress!
2022-11-14 07:35:53
>> #489406
Foolish to think that the entire town is not under his hypnotic sway.
2022-11-13 22:20:02
>> #489369
...Did the broadcast actually get shut off?

Cause if not, the entire village is about to become very awkward voyeurs
2022-11-13 19:17:31
>> #489346
Big Busty Isabelle~~~
2024-06-23 07:25:32
>> #547681
Shoulda gone with the ol' reliable of kicking sand in his face, I guess
2024-06-20 22:59:22
>> #547477
the Part 1 of the Little Comic story.
2024-06-23 07:22:52
>> #547680
Good girl.... Now come here, Open your legs and sex with me....And will be my special slave....
2024-02-28 18:04:44
>> #536757
Gosh such good stuff @.@

Good girl overload sounds nice @.@
2024-06-23 07:09:18
>> #547679
There would be much rejoicing when topless Gemna model arrives. xD
2024-06-22 06:44:04
>> #547594
Okay but lets be honest, this does a great job highlighting how absurd the double standards around womens bodies are. Theres no legitimate reason a mans chest is less sexual than a womans except that women are seen as sexual objects so them showing skin is considered a sexual act.
2024-06-21 23:36:23
>> #547575
The future the feminists want.
2024-06-21 23:27:17
>> #547566
I need to get my topless model hehe~
2024-06-23 05:10:06
>> #547670
holy shit. alot of words. Good spiral, good work, Im gonna read this now..
2024-01-02 00:21:10
>> #530642
"Ah angel island
The place which is rememberable for many things, it's nature, wildlife, or the fact that it's a literal floating island in mobius.
The only non-'animal' inhabitant of this island is known to be Knuckles The Echidna.
He is the guard of this place with his history with the island spending many century's back and although he has opened tourism to the island just 2 or 3 decades ago, there has been one place he allowed no one to enter to.
The temple of the angel island emerald, it's a glowing green emerald that has been here since it's existence and the temple for it is one of the only known infastructures that still exists on the island.

There are three reasons why knuckles allows no one to approch the temple:
1. It's a ancient artifact of the island, and an possible collapse of the temple upon any tourist contact is a very real and feared risk for it cause
2. Although no one's sure about it, but the islands flotiness is very likely given thanks to the emerald, so if it's stolen(or the temple is collepsed under it) it could cause devestation not just to this wonderful island but the ground below it.
There are around 4 settlements just under the huge island, and all of them would be destroyed if the place collapsed.
3. It was literally his home, which he didn't wanted strangers to visit or rob.

Although this wouldn't stop wannabe thifes, all attempts including high profile ones have been averted so far, the only people legally allowed even near to the temple are scientist trying to figure out the emerald's true power and it's workings on the island.

Knuckles being the last of it's kind was still heard stories from his now long-gone family about the place and that although this emerald gives them life basically, this has come with a twist.
Because it's been rumored through generations that the emerald cannot stay alive if no echidnas are on the island, so it can and will use it's backed up power to ensure the echidna kind's survival and reproduction,and yea that wasn't much of a worry, until the entire race fucking died execpt for kid knuckles.

Now he has been alive for a absurd amount of time, it's even said that the emerald is keeping him alive, but also he's the only echidna on the island for century's now, and although he is healthy and alive for a long time now, he has still been aging and now he is at the point where he can feel that the end is near.
What he also has is headaches and visions at night about female echidnas which he couldn't properly recount the next day, this also had an terrible effect on his mental and physical health.
Insomnia, signs of schizophrenia and even signs of anorexia.
The science team staying on the island has noticed these issues and quickly paniced and tried treating him but seemingly his condition only got worse, fearing now for the worst the goverment that the team was constantly on contact with, gave out these instructions.

'Leave the island, stop all kinds electronic communication exepct for a a videoconference televison machine so update on the echidna's health can be given by the echidna and a researcher staying with him, close down the island's access for everyone, and go to the white house to discuss a relocation plan for all 4 settelments located under the island with the GUN and the CIA.'

And with that the island was comepletly abandoned execpt for knuckles and one male researcher named Lukas Kurtyka, an brave polish emmigrant whose field was biologist within the team, he was also known to write books, and also his own research papers that he published and was acclaimed by his peers.
In the first week the reports were generic, knuckles was still alive and functional, but his condition wasn't seemed to get better
At the second week interesting changes was reported by Kurtyka, firstly that physically knuckles's body stopped sliming, and in fact getting back to it's original form, Kurtyka hypothesized that this is the result of the strict diet that was given to knuckles after abandoning the island.
But what was a way more suprising report is his development with his mental health.
Knuckles's schizophrenia signs were seen less and less and at the sunday of the week knuckles finally managed to fully remember and give a full recounting of one of his dreams/visions he's been seeing and then forgeting.
Knuckles was recounted seeing echidna woman from persumably around the time frame knuckles was alive and his kind wasn't wiped out yet.
He has also reported seeing green spirals, while an soothing female voice was lacturing him about breeding, and that 'he needed to ensure the echidna kind's existence, especially now'
Kurtyka noted this down and in the video said that he starts researching the meaning of this and what might cause it.

After this due to the positive results giving an ensurence about knuckles and the island's state, the team begin to focus more on the relocation project, mainly ensuring the cia, gun, and the president of mobius, that the project would be nessearry to do due to said uplooking reports.
a decision was ended up being made that despite the results the relocation would still happen, just in case the situation on the island worsens
so in the next month everyone from the 4 settlements was ordered to move away from there homes to citys located far away from angel island and the goverment even gave away houses then eventually started building apartmants to everyone who couldn't move to a relative or find a house to themselfs in time.

At the very end of this process was noticed by the gun, that the science team ever since the second week of lockdown, gave no reports about Knuckles's and Lukas Kurtyka's wellbeing, so an investigation at the base where the team would make communications with angel island was ordered and the place was raided.
Checking the videotelephone, a shocking discovery was made.
After the third week of the island's lockdown, no new message was send by Kurtyka.
Watching the contents of these messages more interesting information was revealed to the Gun raid team:

-Knuckles would show up in the videos besides Kurtyka to give more information about his day and health, sometimes even showing a friendly bond with the biologist, this was only in the first two weeks, by the third week knuckles was nowhere to be seen in these video reports.
According to Kurtyka this was because 'he wasn't felt like showing up to the camera with me'
-Knuckles would keep coming back to Kurtkya recounting his dreams which would become less coherent as time would go on, but in general his speech is becoming less and less coherent(we talk about that a bit later).
During the 3th week attempts at decoding the reason of the dreams and there deeper meaning was unsuccessful.
-By the middle of the week knuckles would have a constant desire to be beside the emerald, due to knuckles's state by that point, Kurtyka forbided this.
-By saturday, knuckles would make barely any eye contact, noise, or normal sentances, the only things kurtyka heard him say was 'go. emerald. woman. change. obey. breed. save the kind.', this very obviously disturbed the researcher and proceeded to lock knuckles into a room of the house build besides the temple.
-The emerald started glowing quickly at Thursday, this would continue for the rest of the reported days.
-Around the same time the emerald's glowing event started up Kurtyka started noticing strange growth on knuckles's body.
Not only he started gainning more body mass making him seem thicker, his body shape started to pick up a more feminine look, and by saturday Kurtyka even swared that he started noticing female breasts developing on knuckles, giving him another reason to lock him up.
He begin hypothesizing that the emerald somehow has something to do with knuckles's quick mental and physical changes.
-Knuckles after the saturday video report was recorded tried (again according to Kurtyka) flirting with the researcher and even begging him to go inside his room, Kurtyka ignored this and just slided in his dinner.
-And finally, on the very last report sended to the base, on sunday Kurtyka reported something shocking, knuckles not only escaped his room, but is now nowhere to be found.
before recording Kurtyka spend 20 minutes searching for him, for some reason forgeting to check the emerald.
He would also recount the flirting incident from last night, give reports about his dream decoding(which was ofc still negative), and finally said that he is going to continue searching for knuckles, if he doesn't report back the next day, something terrible happened.

Knowing this the gun send a rescue squad to angel island, which initally reported nothing out of the ordinary, even as they approached the temple and the house where the Kurtyka and Knuckles stayed at, the only thing they initally reported that there was dead silence in the building, then when they opened up Kurtyka's room, they found something.
The camera used in Kurtyka's video reports to the science team, but something was odd, it seemed to be covered in red and white liqud, they took out the video8 tape from it and brought it back to hq as evidence, this was the only thing they brought home that day
computer there was also checked but nothing notible was found there

When they reviewed the video8 tape, this was found:
-The very last video report from sunday
-10 minutes of uncut footage of Kurtyka searching for knuckles as the sun started going down
-A part of the footage which was recorded 12 minutes after the previous part's end, here we can hear Kurtyka heavyly breathing and then panning the camera up showing some kind of cave, what we can also see is what seems to be a female echidna standing in front of the cave entrance giggleing, then she approaches Kurtyka who screams out 'Shit!' before persumeably starts to run, this part of the footage is blurry and shakey.
The parts runtime is 1 minute.
-Then we cut to what seems to be a video version of knuckles's dream, presenting rapidly appearing text, a green spiral and several images of the female echidna we just saw previously
The text seems to call out specificly to Kurtyka and is theorized to be a request to mate
The runtime of this part is 5 minutes.
-And finally for the rest of the tapes duration an hardcore sextape plays out where a male(note: NOT. KNUCKLES.) and an female echidna mate in front of the angel island emerald, which noteably glows during the entire time.
the footage ends with one of the echidna's turning off the camera

After this angel island stayed closed, and no one is allowed inside not even goverment officials.
No one truely knows where Knuckles and Lukas Kurtyka went, but rumors and theory's are going around heavyly.
What many seem to believe is that knuckles was transformed into an female echidna and brainwashed into breeding by the emerald, and Kurtyka being the only other person on the island was chosen to be transformed into a male echidna and then getting to impragnate knuckles, just what the emerald wanted, to keep to echidna race alive to ensure his own survival.
this theory was laughed off by the majority of the scientific community due to how absurd and nonsensical it is, but no one got an closer conclusion to the case yet.
Many also connect this to a very similar disappearence at the kanto region, where newly mutated lucarios where involved, these people seems to believe that something strange is happening in this universe, but no one knows what exectly."

As you can see by this basically fanfic that i've wrote, i have high hopes for this year and im glad i could brainwash and tell stories to people for soon two years now.
Stay safe and obey :)
2024-06-23 05:08:51
>> #547669
Good work as always! The slow moving spiral is easy to keep track of.
2024-01-03 11:30:07
>> #530829
I wish it was faster tbh
2023-12-27 02:37:37
>> #530055
Mnnffh oh that's perfectttt <3
2023-12-24 14:34:41
>> #529824
I peesonally do not like this one, sorry
2023-12-24 00:22:32
>> #529716
No story for this one sry.
I had to delay the making of this one like 3 times cause stuff was constently coming up.
Consider this as a christmas gift from me.
Stay safe and obey :)
2024-06-23 04:35:29
>> #547668
Guys they put Peter griffin in fortnite
2022-12-30 23:50:36
>> #494596
Now draw her twerking hehehehe~ <3
2022-12-29 22:49:40
>> #494518
This is how they keep on getting characters from other games/shows/whatever else lol
2022-12-29 18:56:19
>> #494502
yo is that uraraka fortnite???
2022-12-29 18:29:10
>> #494501
new battle pass is fucked up man

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