2024-06-12 17:31:33
>> #546700
I feel PlasmaDragon would have an epic ton of fun using CivitAI... the sheer number of brainwashing chair and headset images i was making there... oh my gawd..
2024-06-12 17:02:42
>> #546698
Can I offer you these trying times in an egg?
2024-06-12 15:55:22
>> #546697
Holy shit please make this a series
2024-06-12 00:50:34
>> #546638
She didn't do it because she was dared to she thought it be hot to be a human pet.
2024-06-12 15:10:15
>> #546695
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to :3c
2024-06-12 13:59:06
>> #546692
Oh, I'll take all 3 of you. It's just more of a question of who gets it 1st
2020-10-19 20:14:23
>> #390691
Supergirl for me
2018-11-13 05:29:20
>> #289536
Found this by chance on random and I think my choice is obvious
2016-01-16 07:41:21
>> #85309
grimest said:
I mean... Miss Martian is a whole combo just by herself she is the obvious option to me xD

I agree if I could only choose one it'd be her
2016-01-15 17:32:12
>> #85217
I mean... Miss Martian is a whole combo just by herself she is the obvious option to me xD
2024-06-12 13:54:22
>> #546691
I see this as a complete win
2017-11-23 03:36:41
>> #213361
HypnoHammer said:
yeah, but let's not forget. Clark's birth parents both died in the destruction of Krypton, but in the Supergirl show, Kara's mom survived and is a villian

thats her aunt on the show that is alive
2017-10-15 22:09:26
>> #204795
axg1982 said:
Well I learned something new. Did not even know she had a sister (via the adoptive family). I always thought the family had no kids like the Kents.

Anway really nicely done on this!

yeah, but let's not forget. Clark's birth parents both died in the destruction of Krypton, but in the Supergirl show, Kara's mom survived and is a villian
2017-10-15 17:28:50
>> #204746
HypnoHammer said:
Family isn't just the blood in your veins. It's the love you have for one another. Foster kids who are adopted dont share blood with those who adopt them, but that doesn't affect how they love one another

Well I learned something new. Did not even know she had a sister (via the adoptive family). I always thought the family had no kids like the Kents.

Anway really nicely done on this!
2017-10-13 18:58:28
>> #204445
Ogodei-Khan said:
So she'll hypnotize me with her ass then give me to... Power Girl for slavery?

I see no issue here.

Blessedbycows said:
I had no idea supergirl had a sister

Family isn't just the blood in your veins. It's the love you have for one another. Foster kids who are adopted dont share blood with those who adopt them, but that doesn't affect how they love one another
2024-06-12 13:48:57
>> #546690
Clever girl, she used 2 green Kryptonites to weaken her and a pink to make her gay
2024-06-12 13:43:38
>> #546689
Power girl is definitely sexier, it's not just her body, it's also her personality. She is confident and a little dominant
2020-05-03 17:33:36
>> #367369
Nobody67 said:
"Should I get big tits too?"

Unless that plastic surgeon has a kryptonite scalpel, that might be a little difficult.

Pretty sure there’s a color of Kryptonite that can do that without surgery... =w=
2020-05-03 10:00:57
>> #367335
So that guy is paste smeared on the bed and wall now right?

I mean she's still Kriptonian so at best his spine is in several different states at this point.
2020-05-02 20:53:23
>> #367229
"Should I get big tits too?"

Unless that plastic surgeon has a kryptonite scalpel, that might be a little difficult.
2020-05-02 10:25:37
>> #367191
DanGambino said:
Can people PLEASE stop using other booru sites as a "source"...please?

It's only a matter of time before someone links a Google Images search results page as a source.
2024-06-12 13:37:41
>> #546688
Well, since you asked so nicely, yes Star Fire. You can absolutely go 1st
2023-12-26 01:33:21
>> #529930
Wonderful, would love more King Cock story arcs.
2022-09-12 02:40:39
>> #481977
Glowstick Dick returns! Does this mean he won his duel with Hand Wave Guy?
2022-09-09 04:10:50
>> #481688
It does on mine. Zoom in and the text is clear as day?
2022-09-08 11:22:02
>> #481618
Not on mobile. It only increases the resolution there, which doesn't help when the text is too small to make out anyway.

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