2024-06-07 17:37:33
>> #546220
Oh fuuuuuck~ I need that~
2024-04-23 04:25:30
>> #541758
That looks like it feels so good.
2024-04-20 10:08:32
>> #541409
Waste of electricity if you ask me

You could put Erika under with a dollar store quartz wristwatch
2024-04-20 04:50:53
>> #541398
huh. haven't seen HER around in a hot minute.
2024-04-20 04:47:29
>> #541396
Yep this turned out awesome~~~ <3
2024-06-07 16:57:42
>> #546219
Great job with the boobs
2024-06-05 14:26:48
>> #545985
Fuck so hot. I love seeing Persona girls brainwashed into fucking Kaa.
2024-06-07 15:32:39
>> #546216
"Bring me the gender potion"
2024-06-07 03:45:22
>> #546174
Gender potion had me dying
2024-06-07 03:42:47
>> #546173
I forgot to share one of this considering the fact that Wirai haven't upload it elsewhere, but I guess he wouldn't mind if I share it here. :3
2024-06-07 14:50:04
>> #546213
I am assuming that this is the continuation of id=190454. I wonder if there are any more parts coming.
2023-10-05 05:37:29
>> #522253

What do you mean? Did I miss that this was posted before? If so, can you tell me what post id number it is?
2023-10-05 02:11:41
>> #522234
Whats with the repeats of these posts? why cant people post the newest stuff that people make?
2024-06-07 12:54:20
>> #546211

We should definitely not split up, analyze our surroundings slowly-

Such a careful and thoughtful first step for the team would have been primordial, a safe bet for the mission the Diamond Cutters had been called in as Lanolin went on to read once more the missive sent to them. An immense energy spike, a foreign one in an old Eggman base, would certainly bode ill as they had been sent to scout and report their findings. An emergency team for either striking or gathering intel, they were still a work-in-progress as one of their member was...anything but careful and thoughtful.

Splitting up to gather more ground? Roger that, fearless leader! said the one key member whose boundless energy and enthusiasm made for the heart of the well as most of its recurring troubles when in the field. Tangle was certainly not shying away from duty, ever eager to participate and make the world a better place, though how Whisper actually tolerated such reckless behavior did make Lanolin question how the lemur and the wolf ever got along to begin with. Will do! Be back in a few!

...I'll follow her, was all that Whisper had to say, speaking in the same volume as her namesake, a quiet and reserved sniper and fighter whose actual belonging to the original Diamond Cutters did lend some credence to their team. Lanolin was a stern kind of gal, someone who craved order and discipline, which she oft received from Whisper yet very rarely from Tangle. However, removing the lemur from the equation was out-of-the-question as she knew well-enough that doing so would not reduce their ranks to 2...but rather to one. As brash and impulsive as Tangle was, she always did have Whisper by her side, which meant that to have the experienced fighter and reconnaissance wolf...she needed to accept the excitable and downright hyperactive lemur as well. A rather bizarre alchemy, something still meant to gel together somehow, yet this mission would certainly raise their level exponentially...

In ways certainly unexpected.

Energy spike, uh? I should be looking for like big sparks...oooh, or maybe something like a Chaos Emerald! Tangle said, not speaking to anyone specific but rather herself. Her voice was loud, however, certainly easy to hear from any distance as the old warehouse and small factory echoed her words without any difficulties. As she swung by using her tail, extending it and employing the appendage to grab and do acrobatics, she kept her eyes wide open in case either a badnik or anything unsavory would show itself. Perhaps a new Death Egg? An experiment by Starline left on the stove for too long? Rough and Tumble pushing a button they shouldn't have pressed?

Silently was she followed by her dearest friend, the one that Tangle was closest to as Whisper was part endeared and yet exasperated by the lemur. A sharp contrast could be easily spotted between the two, Whisper being calm and as far removed from the loud qualitative as one could be. An expert in stealth, reconnaissance and shooting targets from afar, she could ever track her target without any challenge, Tangle being especially ranked in the child's play category given how noisy and hyper she was. Still did the once-called Guardian Angel of the Battlefield do honor to her moniker once again, ensuring that Tangle would not be caught unaware nor without any back-up.

Oh hey! That's funky-looking! Tangle said, getting near an object that stood upon a small table, certainly clashing with the rest of the dcor due to its aesthetics. In the cold, grey and partly rusty metallic framework of this once-thriving environment, such an object could only stick out as the lemur got closer to what seemed akin to a golden oil lamp, one adorned with obsidian details and a large blue gem on top of its lid. Could it be like a magic lamp? The kind that grant wishes like in the tales?! Jeez, that'd be-

Silence was greeted with at first a certain relief from Whisper, only for the wolf to realize that this meant something went terribly wrong. Tangle could indeed be silent and listen, especially when it was just the two of them, but during a mission it seldom if ever occurred for her not to say anything. As Whisper went on to get closer, rushing towards where she theorized Tangle ought to be found, triangulating with tracks and previous sounds, she did reach her dearest friend as quickly as she could. The sight greeting her was nothing short of alarming, the lemur somewhat incapacitated mentally, tantalized and seemingly captivated by a trace of slithering, serpentine blue smoke that glittered and shimmered in the ambient air. This caused for Whisper to see the dazed, entranced Tangle as she did something she rarely ever committed to: she shouted. Tangle!

Time went on to slow down, panic occupying the wolf's mind while the lemur's one was emptying itself. Spirals in wide eyes, a slight happy grin, steps forward and coils of smoke went on to invade Tangle as Whisper went on to run towards her. Screaming did nothing, thus direct action would be preferable as lunging, running and then grabbing the lemur became her own course-of-action. The fear of seeing Tangle receive any harm caused for Whisper to throw caution to the wind, resulting in the same smoke going on to gain an interest in the newest entity within its vicinity. What followed was a daze, a mixture of awe, fear and bliss cumulating in a strange lethargy that Whisper felt at odds against...and her chance to fend it off were growing minimal at best, impossible at worst.

What neither knew about this object were numerous. Its origins, its objective, its powers...a plethora of unknown, though the relic in question did go on to assimilate a great deal from those two. The item which had placed both under a soothing and inescapable spell was known as a Lamp Emerald, an artifact from another dimension altogether. It ever did seek people with strong desires, those who could withstand and channel its power by connecting with the lamp through an unique kind of symbiosis. As the smoke went on to pour through their pores, nostrils, mouth and every possible unveiled crevices did Tangle and Whisper begin to grow ethereal, glowing with wanton magic. The energy spike had resulted in it manifesting on Mobius, the call from a previous Lamp Emerald finding a suitable being intriguing this one.

The process of rendering them in gaseous form was effortless, its programming being so complex as to being akin to actual will as the Lamp Emerald went on to absorb both at once. Thus was not the actual objective, more a random event which it would need to contend with, yet in such misfortune could a blessing be found as there was choice as opposed to obligations here. One of them would be best-suited to the task, having a great wish to grant in order to link itself to the Lamp Emerald. Which would prove strongest was but a matter of observations, analysis and cold facts as the lemur and the wolf were scanned through a myriad of layers and manners. Their aspirations, their preferences, their history, all there to be learned from, creating data to sift through as the Lamp Emerald began to weight in...and then quite a situation was created here and there. Not only were their wish rather similar...

But each of them involved the other.

The lemur wanted nothing but for her friend to belong, to find a good space, to be with their loved ones and to eventually drop their guard. The wolf, meanwhile, desired to protect the first and most priceless friend she ever had, someone who meant a lot more to her than she could properly describe. Within the equation of power, opportunity and duty that the Lamp Emerald possessed and tried to complete there was no proper way to solve such a quandary. To grant one wish would result in the other being completely annihilated. Emotional and spiritual devastation on one side, no matter whom was selected. It was a problem, for eons of existence had made it so there would ever be just one genie for one lamp. It had ever been thus...yet ought it always be, now and forever? A new element was introduced, creating theorems and hypotheses to solve and test.

The Lamp Emerald was working against established logic, attempting to create a new one to solve the issue as they always did select beings with strong wishes, obvious desires that once granted would guarantee loyalty and devotion. Yet to go with one would doom the other, which would then create friction with the one that had actually been selected. It proved difficult to approach this through standardized procedure...but then an irregular thought did create a myriad of exciting new possibilities.

Who said that there could only be one genie per lamp?

The power would be divided, but then again they would both be contained within itself, which would render this point entirely moot. To select them both would ensure that they'd both be happy, completely trusting and then eager to work with the Lamp Emerald as the fusion, the symbiosis and passing of the cosmic energy went not to either just Tangle or Whisper...but to both. Non-tangible, more ideas and designs than actual beings right now, they were rewritten and recreated through magic, an immense amount of power which would then course through them right here and now. Two beings, two souls, connected through the same power and contained within but one artifact, bound to it and to each other now and for eons if not more.

The Lamp Emerald went on to glow, making it so a nearby scout went on to notice it through everything else. Worried about her team, Lanolin did go forth and try to catch up with them, exasperated though also worried about them. Yet as she saw the bright blue emerald lodged upon a most intricate lamp begin to shine and radiate did it catch her eye, creating a sort of awe-inspiring silence as the sheep went on to understand that this was what they sought. Yet as she approached cautiously, about to take pictures and notes did a smoke of orange and blue went on to get unleashed. Like thick tendrils did it slither and sway within the air as eventually did two forms manifest from nothing...two beings that Lanolin did recognize.

Nary a word was said, though their body language and their gaze told everything that needed to be known. Tangle had grown, her tail still as thick and long as ever, though she now wore a bedlah that could fit within such tales as the Arabian Nights. Pantaloons of grey and black with light orange trimming here and there, a top not dissimilar in pattern along with a bolero vest, she had a noticeable calm and happy smile as one of her arm was gently wrapped behind the other apparitions's back. The second being was none other than Whisper, whose eyes were slightly open as she mimicked the same pattern as Tangle: spirals. A smile beneath a translucent veil, a tight-bound top accompanied by a long semi-skirt, complete with jewelry as much like the lemur did the wolf show off much skin...yet Whisper did it even more so. Both looked radiant, sublime, alluring beyond measure with their cleavage, midriff and general glow as Whisper's hand and arm copied the same stance as Tangle's: wrapped behind the lemur's back.

Lanolin felt a plethora of emotions, questions rising yet one key element that could be felt, not just out of intuition but also as if it were thick and tangible within their aura: happiness. One nuzzling the other, a kiss on the cheek, a soft and delighted chuckle, as stern and cold as Lanolin could be on occasion did she recognize two beings in love when she saw them. No stress from Whisper, no detachment...and from Tangle could safety and relief be found in Whisper's company. It was beautiful to behold, though it left her in a daze to even stare at this spiraling and bright eyes. That manifestation was short-lived, however, as both bedlah-clad damsels embraced one another, with a small cyclone of smoke and magic sucking them within the spout as the Lamp Emerald then rested upon the table anew. Its mission completed, its future entirely in its proverbial hands, it needed nothing more but to employ its magic through various means and other would-be passerbys. Its next one, however, would be near-immediate as Lanolin snapped back to reality as she gently grabbed the lamp...then brought it along with her.

Many questions would arise, both Tangle and Whisper bound in servitude but also together as the couple that they always wanted to be, deep in their hearts. Their wish granted, together through thick and thin would they eventually be summoned as the Diamond Cutters still needed to go on, yet now they would be wielded for good and through a more direct leadership...yet also possessing a new name.

The Lamp Emerald Cutters.
2024-06-07 12:43:13
>> #546210
A Day in the Life of a Butler

A year passed since the lives of Silver and Rouge changed forever.

The naive hedgehog was turned into the butler of the palace and the alluring bat became a powerful and hypnotic genie that not only was the owner of said place, but also had control over him. Even though Silver was the owner of the lamp, and was the one responsible for liberating the seductive genie, their relationship wasnt the usual one as Rouge was the one in charge thanks to her hypnotizing him and turning him into both her master and her most important servant. The end of their first encounter meant the start of a new life together and more things came after that. Not only did the sumptuous genie create a palace for them to live in, but they also worked together, going around all Mobius and hypnotizing their friends and other allies, turning them into their loyal servants and inviting them to the luxurious place. Life in the palace couldnt be better, but even though they were the rulers, the one that dictated the rules and had control over everyone, Silver and Rouge had the important task of checking what was happening around the place.

That day was just another usual with the moment the elegant butler went to see his beautiful mistress, the seductive bat wanted to test a new technique. Rouge usually practiced with Silver, who also helped the Harem Girls when they needed a subject for their own routines, but as a sumptuous bat wanted to see the reactions of multiple subjects at the same time, and to know what to improve, she gave her butler another task. After she explained what she would do, Rouge commanded Silver to bring her three subjects to her room and the psychic hedgehog quickly came back with them: Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. She always enjoyed taking control of the three heroes of Mobius, liking the idea of making them become submissive and mindless while also showing them that they were no longer in control. Eager to start, the alluring bat didnt waste any time and quickly coiled them with her genie tail. She couldnt help but to laugh, enjoying the way Sonic, Tails and Knuckles struggled to break free from her coils. Although they were hypnotized by the beautiful genie before, their reaction was related to a trigger that she implanted in their minds.

On certain occasions, she liked to make them forget about their life in the palace and even the memory of her hypnotizing them, feeling that it would make the induction more enjoyable and as Rouge was trying to test a new technique, she activated it the moment she used her pink genie tail to coil them. As the sumptuous genie stopped laughing, she eyed at her butler, Silver smiled, understanding that was his cue for him to start. Walking closer towards the three heroes, he moved his hand closer to the inside pocket of his vest and pulled out his pocket watch before positioning himself in front of the three subjects. Thanks to his knowledge with all of the servants of the palace, the butler was familiarized with how they were going to react. Surprisingly, Sonic was always the first one to lock his gaze into the pocket watch, looking at the hypnotic pattern from the start and quickly losing himself in that calm state. Tails would close his eyes and tried resisting the urges, but once his curiosity would win over him, the smart fox would take a peek before being the first one to reach the trance state the genie and her butler wanted to see. Finally, Knuckles was the one that resisted the most, but he stopped fighting against the urges of submission once Rouge or Silver would manipulate him, repeating that this was one thing he wanted and becoming mindless in the process. The moment all of them reached their trance state, with them smiling and having those pink spirals in his eyes, Silver carefully moved back, letting her mistress delight the three hypnotized heroes with her dance.

Mistress Rouge ever loved to be the center of attention, a kind of failing when it came to being a jewel thief, yet one that she circumvented all the same prior to her new form and powers. Now as a genie, her bedazzling beauty could be presented with her bedlah and belly, with a performance of baladi. Thus with a few sways of her hips did she captivate them, her abdomen akin to a sea of sumptuous skin that would ensorcel them with allure and arousal. Knuckles was ever the first to fall, his own attraction to the bat an open secret prior to the event a year past, but now entirely obvious and revealed as he began to drool ahead of the others. Silver himself ever did notice such details, though he himself was far from immune from the appeal of that dance as he did try to avert his gazethough occasionally did glance nonetheless.

As her tail was wrapped around them, warmth brought along a subtle perfumed aroma, the quickest one of them all was but the second to fall, his eyes mimicking the colors of her bedlah and makeup as Sonic began to grin, a big smile on his face as he was certainly under her control as well. She spun her hips in a circle, using her tail to spin as well, creating a soothing massage to weaken their body alongside their will. The trio of heroes were indeed already sighing and going for low gasps, unable to contend with the euphoria offered by their mistress. Silver himself felt but a pang of jealousy, unbecoming of the head butler and personal servant to Rouge herselfyet still did he want to be in their shoes as her spin made her smooth hips, her luscious flesh seem as glimmering as the most precious gems.

She spoke and it was the timbre of her voice, the tone of her words rather than the content itself which went on to pacify and seduce them. A deeper trance, reassuring as Tails own curiosity ever got the better of him. While still not grown enough to be the prey of a more obvious charm that Rouge would possess, he did have an inquisitive mind which made it irresistible for him to observe and admire. The belly rolls, the shimmies fascinated him, which made the fox ever the last one to fall, though he always did so at 100%, committing to his growing captivation. It was by realizing Miles Prower own situation that Silver was able to regain some modicum of self-awareness, having glanced perhaps a bit too much into the superb performance that Rouge offered as she chuckledand then snapped her fingers as the induction was all but done.

Pleased with her own performance, the seductive bat commanded her three subjects to leave and once she and her butler were alone, the two discussed her performance. It was a task that he had been not just instructed, but programmed to do as no matter if he was able to keep his focus and thoughts steadyhe would still be taking notes no matter what. An automatism installed within his very brain, with notes such as an unconscious leaning towards Knuckles for the first half, a lack of hand motions near the end, a few minor elements to improve overall. The genie and her master continued talking about the dance for a while before leaving the room, where the two talked about their schedule for today.

As usual, Silver had to check the Harem Girls and Rouge needed to see some projects she was doing around the palace. They would have continued if it wasnt that they stopped to talk with Whisper and Vanilla, who were accompanied by Shadow and Espio respectively. A few days ago, the purple chameleon and the dark hedgehog were selected to become butlers of the palace. With the new servants that lived there, the elegant butler and the beautiful genie needed more help and as they looked at all the candidates, they went with Espio and Shadow as they considered them the best ones for that job. Even though it looked like they had the same status as Silver, the psychic hedgehog was still the only one who could see the Harem Girls and Rouge wherever he desired and their uniform wasnt the same as his. Because it was their first day, Whisper and Vanilla were in charge of showing them the palace and explaining to them about their new job.

As the sumptuous bat had things to do, she wished to her butler and kissed him tenderly before leaving them. Those signs of affection and the nice moment with his beautiful mistress motivated Silver to do his best, wanting nothing more than to continue pleasing the beautiful bat he had the honor of serving. As he continued talking with the girls and the butlers, telling them how happy he was for them again, the elegant butler mentioned how happy he was to see them with his new roles before leaving, having to take care of his list of things to do for that day.

His first stop was a pleasant one as he had to see Amy, the leader of the Harem Girls. The pink hedgehog told him in advance that she was preparing another moment for them to talk about what was happening around the palace and to drink tea. Upon arriving, the psychic hedgehog was surprised to see that not only was Amy there, but also Blaze and Marine. It was on his plans to see the can princess and the racoon gal after seeing the cheerful gal, so seeing the two there was a pleasant surprise.

I know you always go with Blaze after you see me, so I decided to invite her and Marine and turn this into a tea party, the pink hedgehog said while smiling. Even after she was hypnotized and turned into both the leader of the Harem Girls and one of the most trustworthy servants of Rouge, she continued to be that nice and caring gal who always wanted to make others happy. Amy was also aware about the relationship Silver and Blaze had, with both still thinking about the feelings they had before they became the servants of the genie. While things changed, with the elegant butler being with the alluring genie, both still showed their affection for the other and were always happy to have a time together. As Amy made Silver sit on his chair, reminding him that he was a guest and that she would be the one serving everyone instead of him, she invited Blaze and Marine to sit down while she filled their cups.

The pink hedgehog prepared everything for them to enjoy, from the tea to the cookies and even getting the sweets that Silver and Marine liked. Instead of this being a time for her to ask the butler what was happening around the palace, Amy decided to talk about the dance she, Blaze and Rouge were practicing. As she finished talking about the new dance moves and what they changed after the last time they performed for him, the cheerful gal also mentioned that it was in her plans to invite Sonic to their tea party, but he had to help Knuckles and Tails with the new parts of Metal Sonic and Omega. As the four were enjoying their time together, the elegant butler suggests the idea of having another tea party together, but this time inviting their mistress, the three heroes, the two robots and Espio and Shadow, the latter two as a way to reward them for their new roles in the palace. The idea was accepted by everyone and even Silver offered to help Amy prepare all, agreeing on doing it during his next visit.

After the tea party came to an end, the psychic hedgehog thanked Amy for inviting her and promised Blaze to try to see her more before leaving for his next task, needing to pick Sticks, Tangle and Surge. Even though everyone in the palace had their usual sessions, letting themselves be hypnotized by either the seductive bat, the butler or both at the same time, those three Harem Girls were the ones that usually had more sessions. Each of them had their own reasons. From the moment he captured Sticks, Silver always helped the paranoid badger achieve that feeling of calmness, doing that literally each time he had a time with her. Tangle was struggling to keep her composure, always losing herself in her wild performance and as Whisper asked him and the alluring genie for help, both agreed on assisting the cheerful lemur. Lastly, Surge was making progress with trusting everyone around the palace yet, she still had some moments where her old self would come back to the point of almost hurting others.

Originally, the genie and her butler would work together, having sessions with the three girls, but as she needed to take care of other things around the palace, Rouge didnt have much time and made Silver in charge of the three Harem Girls. As usual, to not disappoint his mistress and to help the three girls reach that nice state of trance, Silver took his role as a hypnotist seriously and quickly came up with a way of having a moment with the three of them. Once he was reunited with the Harem Girls, having to wait a bit more for Sticks as she was finishing having the personal dance practice with Rouge, the four arrived at one of the dance rooms, ready to go forward with the sessions.

Silver always had the same order, making Surge being the one to go first. Because of her wild state and her times being hypnotized by Dr. Starline, the punk gal was easier to hypnotize, with the only problem being her bipolar state. On some occasions, she would cooperate with him, letting herself be hypnotized into submission by his pocket watch while other times she was more interested in showing him her new dance technique in an attempt to ditch their sessions. Either way, the elegant butler remained firm, with the idea of pleasing his mistress being stronger than anything else. For that session, he decided to use the new pocket watch from his wonderful mistress, one that had a continuous image that changed between images of him with his mistress, the harem girls or just Rouge by herself and after he told Sticks and Tangle on the cushions that were nearby, he put moved closer to Surge before swinging his pocket watch in front of the punk gals face.

From the start, he knew that Surge would be cooperating with him as she quickly locked her gaze into the pendulum movement of the pocket watch. The psychic hedgehog knew that the wild tenrec had a few conversations with their mistress, talking about how she should trust them while continuing to remind her that no one would hurt her again. This same idea was repeated by the butler, making emphasis on how good it was to obey their beautiful mistress and that they would protect her and Kit. After he was done with the wild tenrec, he praised her for being a good subject before moving to Tangle. The cheerful lemur was always eager to have a moment with the butler, considering him one of his closest friends in the palace. Just like the punk gal, Tangle didnt attempt to resist, she just looked at the pocket watch and giggled, hoping to be put in that state of bliss she always liked. As the cheerful lemur was very cooperative, Silver let her admire the hypnotic movement of the pocket watch a bit more before ending the induction with a command for her to follow. Using her tail, Tangle coiled Surge before the two were told to repeat a mantra related to always being loyal to their beautiful mistress Rouge and to being happy with their life in the palace. Pleased to see the two Harem Girls in that state, with pink spirals in their eyes and losing themselves in those pleasant thoughts, Silver smiled before going with the last Harem Girl

Ready, Sticks? the paranoid badger nodded her head slowly. The two of them had a bit of history together, from the moment Silver hypnotized her and invited her to the palace, Sticks wanted to do things right, trying to show her gratitude with the butler for the help and for letting her become a Harem Girl. The main issue for her was that she couldnt let go of her fears and wanted to be helped, an important reason for her always wanting to be hypnotized by Silver. As she put herself in position, standing while the butler swung the pocket watch in front of her eyes. Relax, Sticks. I know it is hard for you to achieve that state and I also know you want me to help you. Stop worrying about that and listen to my voice, let this butler fulfill your request and assist you in achieving that trance state you want to be put in.

Even though it was one thing she wanted, the paranoid badger couldnt help but to tremble, thinking about her fears and unsure about how to react. In a way, Sticks reminded Silver of himself, thinking about the time before he and his mistress found each other, when he was someone who always wanted to do good while he fought against his own personal demons. He had some assistance in becoming the confident butler he was now, always grateful for his beautiful mistress for that and more. While paranoid, the badger gal was someone who liked to do good and help others at the same time she had her own battle, fighting against her own fears, but the elegant butler saw her potential and as he wanted to give her a chance, he did everything he could to help Sticks become part of the Harem Girls.

You are doing good, my little badger. Stay still and look deep into the pocket watch. Admire its movement as it moves from the left, to the right, left and right, leftandright the elegant butler said in a calm yet dominant tone. Just like the beautiful bat he had the honor of serving, Silver always wanted each induction to be perfect. He was grateful that his mistress always let him practice with the Harem Girls to see their reactions and also to see what he could do during their sessions. With Sticks, he knew that he had to use some words in particular, reminding her to trust in him and to assure her that everything was going to be fine, similar to what he did with Surges sessions. I know you want this, to submit and to let that nice feeling take over you. This is something you deserve for being such a good girl. You continue to impress the other girls, our wonderful mistress and myself. Let me continue helping you and let me take all those negative ideas and fears out of your mind, my dear badger gal.

Yesmaster Sticks said while blushing. In the past, Silver might have corrected the paranoid badger, reminding her that he was the servant of mistress Rouge, but after the day she performed for the seductive genie and him, Rouge told her butler to let her say that, understanding that it was her way of asking for help. She wanted to serve the butler and while he had his doubts about if it was correct, after the seductive bat told him he would please help and please the two by doing that, he accepted the idea of becoming her master. And so, the elegant butler continued giving the paranoid badger more of what she wanted, admiring the constant movement of the pocket watch and being caressed by Silver, who petted her face. Unlike the first two Harem Girls, the psychic hedgehog took his time with Sticks, understanding that she was the one that needed this the most. As the eyelids of the badger gal started to grow heavy, Silver decided to end the induction there, but not before giving her one last command to follow.

I want you to sleep, to close your tired eyes and achieve that calm state you desire. Keep thinking about the hypnotic movement of the pocket watch and let yourself go, my sleepy badger, Sticks was so tired that she almost fell down, but luckily for her, Silver caught her making her do a light chuckle. The idea of being that close to her master was a nice way of ending the induction and as the elegant butler stopped moving his pocket watch, she closed her eyes and started dreaming about that nice moment she had while her admiration for her master also grew stronger. With the induction of the three Harem Girls finally coming to an end, Silver commanded Surge and Tangle to say their mantra one last time before waking up. As for Sticks, thanks to her state, he had to carry her to her room, which was close to the place they were in. After he carefully put Sticks in her bed, Silver looked at the sleepy badger one last time before leaving the room and going to see the last two Harem Girls: Breezie and Wave.

For reasons unknown, the casino gal and the alluring avian decided to start performing as a duo, both having that same desire of being the best dancers in the palace and they agreed on having joint sessions with the butler, only going back to the usual when either of them wanted to have a private moment with him. It was normal for Silver to see Wave teasing him and once she and Breezie became a team, not only she didnt stop, but the hedgehog woman started treating him the same way. Most of his encounters with the two alluring women were related to massaging them, serving them the drinks and refreshments they enjoyed and of course, becoming their target of practice.

Ah, Silver, just in time, Wave said in a swaggering tone, confident about what she and the hedgehog woman had planned. Normally, the elegant butler would try to ignore the attitude of the bird gal, but upon looking at the bedlahs of the two Harem Girls, Silver couldnt help but to blush each time Wave decided to perform. It was obvious that they were taunting him, swaying their hips slowly with each step they took and even vaulting so he could take a closer look at their cleavages. Stay there and enjoy the show. Trust us, you will love it so much that youll ask us to perform for you again~

Despite Wave going for the introductions, the first one to actually perform and take the proverbial center stage, by force, was Breezie. The hedgehog was indeed hogging the spotlight, a woman who knew what she wanted and how to obtain itand the prize was Silvers attention. Her arms raised slowly, mixing figure-eights and shimmies, she rocked them fast and pushed them exceptionally close to the butlers own waist, a smirk on her face. Why not make yourself comfortable? Sit down, take a breatherdo it for me~

Not one to be upstaged, Wave went for another kind of figure-eights, going vertical as she went on the tip of her toes, clasped her palms together above her head and then shimmied her hips as well. A particularly difficult balance act, her time on her extreme gear had certainly given her a few steps ahead in that regard as she moved closer to Silver, going for the opposite side as the competition was on now. Just sit down on a cushion and relaxyoull have a better view~

Silver felt compelled to do so, not just because he wanted to ensure no bad blood would be born from thisbut they were indeed comely indeed. Helping out dancers and watching their performance was a part of his job after all, thus did he sit down as they lost no time in moving their midriff right in front of his own face. Those curvaceous hips, taut bellies, deep and round navelthere was something exquisite about them both as they certainly did draw his attention near-immediately.

Such a kind man, the mistress favorite~ Wave continued, partly stating this as a fact but also as if that were a challenge. Even under her own trance and new worldview did she see herself as inherently superior as she moved one hand to her lower belly, grazing her stomach with her fingers as she went for flutters. Sucking it in, pushing it out, all in piston-like fashion as it created slight ripples and waves upon her midsectionall the more to claim Silver for herself. To be subjected to the dance of the absolute best gal around is no small gift, wouldnt you say?

Quite true, Wave, which is why he is so smitten with me~ Breezie said, her own ego and pride making it so that there was no competitionat least according to her. Silver would just need to acknowledge the obvious as she went for sultry and slow belly rolls, amplifying them with soft sways akin to a pendulum swinging upon undulations. A small circle around her navel with a sole finger, doing so once, caused for a most mesmerizing effect as she smirked a bit while looking at the butler now on his knees. But suffice to say, you ought judge by what you seeand by gazing deep and long at our dance~

Those suggestions, those confident tones and charismatic performances were more than enough to put Silver under, as per their design. It hadnt been the first time either of them had made a move on the butler, yet it had been the first time they competed for him as not a single one amidst this duo could set the other aside. Two different styles, close-enough yet with subtle variants that proved enticing and entrancing enough as Silver switched from side to side, swaying in place as he did so.

It sounds to me like youre having the hardest timemaybe we ought to focus a little on you first then~ Breezie said, glancing at Wave as the bird did nod in response, this duel only weakening their own hold as they went on to match not just the others pace, but their motion too. Hips swaying in opposite directions, then circles in another axis made it so one was the mirror for the other, their own practice with one another and the other harem girls making it easy for them to team up when the need did arise. Look at us both thenand relax, let all your worries, stress and anxiety leavealong with your thoughts~

Yesitll feel nicego into a trance for ushelp us practice our hypnosis~ Wave went on to say as she matched Breezies own cadence admirably. Like twins, as if they had performed together all their life did she move and sway with not just precision but allure. Her rivalry was on hold for now, enjoying the dominance over Silver more as she had a smug little smile on her face by now. Dont resistjust enjoy yourself~

The psychic hedgehog did as he was asked, countless trances and the desire to please having domesticated him to the path of least resistance. Their stomachs, their motions, all were hypnotic and he lost himself within their baladi, his mind swimming in their charming and mind-numbing seduction. Spirals in his eyes, a little limper, he was as good as theirs as they got closer and then Breezie placed one hand on his head. Doing so gently, she brought him close to her midriff as by now the two towered over him not just in stance but in power as well.

Give tribute to our bellies~ Breezie commanded and without an inch of rebellion or resistance did Silver obey. Those navels, that luscious flesh demanded tribute and he was hungry for that, his mouth and lips moving on their own as the hedgehog dancers hand went on to pull him gently towards her midsection. Just like you would with mistress Rouge~ The phrase had an impact on the psychic hedgehog. Pleasing his beautiful mistress was very important to him and the casino gal and alluring avian wanted the same kind of treatment. It was fair, they delighted him with an outstanding performance and it was his time to show them how much he loved it. The psychic hedgehog moved closer to Breezie and kissed her belly before giving Wave the same treatment. He kissed their midriffs and licked their navels as the two seductive women looked at him, smiling and feeling proud of themselves for a successful induction. They thought that their time for praise wouldnt end soon, but then, they heard something that put an end to that.


The moment Breezie and Wave heard that sound, the two became firm while their eyes were filled by pink spirals, this being a trigger that Rouge implanted in all of the Harem Girls. They were not aware about her presence, nor about the fact that she arrived in the room during the last part of their performance. The only reason why the alluring genie didnt interrupt them was because she wanted to see how their dance would end, wondering if it might help her get ideas for her own dance. She also waited a bit more, wanting to give both of her girls a reward by letting her butler kiss their bellies and navels for a moment before activating the trigger she had for all of her Harem Girls.

That was a good performance, you two really impressed me. I admit there are a few things to change, but cant deny that it was really good and by the way Silver is giving tribute to the two of you, I know that he agrees with me, Rouge said, chuckling softly while seeing Silver licking Breezies navel. After she carefully made her butler stand up, still under the trance state of the casino gal and alluring avian, the sumptuous genie petted his face before looking back at the two hypnotized dancers. Ill take my master with me. For now, you two remain like this, going deeper for us and thinking about how good it was to get that kind of praise from my most important servant of the palace~

After Rouge petted Silvers face before coiling him with his tail, she snapped her fingers, taking the two out of Waves room and arriving at the place she desired to be with her master. Normally, at the end of a day of work, the genie and her butler would come back to the alluring bats room, where she would dance for her loyal hedgehog as a reward for his service, but that day, Rouge wanted to do something different seeing that it was the anniversary of the moment they became together.

All the servants in the palace still had the idea that she was in her room with him when in reality the sumptuous genie and the hypnotized hedgehog were in the room of the latter. Because Silver was still under the deep state of trance of the alluring avian and casino gal, Rouge decided to wait, not wanting to interrupt him from being in that state of bliss and calmness. Of course, she was also confident that no one in her palace would put her loyal butler into a deep state of trance like her, even considering it an impossible thing to do if all the Harem Girls tried.

While waiting, Rouge decided to take a look at Silvers room, being the first time she was there since the last time she infiltrated there to write in his journal, which was the same day he revealed his secret to her. The naive hedgehog always did a good job putting everything in order in the palace and his room was no exception. His bed was clean, his bookshelf full of books and gifts she gave him was in order and his desk had everything in its right place. What she liked the most was the pictures he had there, one of all the Harem Girls and some of the servants and one of the two of them.

She knew that her success couldnt have been possible without her loyal butler. Every induction, every new servant that they captured, how they controlled everything in that dream place, all was thanks to their collaborated effort and the alluring bat always wanted to show how happy she was with him. Of course, there were times where Rouge was worried about Silvers safety, just like happened a few weeks ago, where they captured a small group of survivors that planned to infiltrate into the palace to liberate everyone. Their leader, a female echidna, was ready to go into the palace, infiltrating as a servant, but her plan was stopped once the genie, her butler and some of the Harem Girls took care of everyone.

Silver was close on using his pocket watch against her, but she used one of the weapons under her control and knocked him out. Thanks to their link, Rouge could feel that her master was in danger and didnt waste any time before capturing the female echidna. She originally was going to punish her, doing the same thing she did to some of the survivors that either didnt want to submit or she knew were going to give her problems in her palace. To her surprise, before she could do her thing, Silver talked with her, mentioning how a fitting punishment would be turning the female echidna into one of the maids of the palace, even offering to do the induction himself and training her. Although he said it was a punishment, the alluring bat could feel that he was doing this to give her a second chance. One of the qualities she always admired about the naive hedgehog was his big heart and even before being turned into a genie, Rouge liked the fact that he always wanted to help others. She had her doubts, but accepted his idea, but not before letting her be in charge of the first induction.

Holding the photo of the two, she smiled, glad that her master and most loyal servant was also someone who understood her and always supported her. Losing herself in memory lane, still thinking about the past inductions and the times they worked together, Rouge didnt notice that Silver awakened a couple of minutes ago, remaining silent out of respect for her as he thought the beautiful bat he had the honor of serving wanted to talk to him. Mistress? Looking back, Rouge chuckled softly, happy to know that her butler awakened from his trance. Their day might have come to an end, but the sumptuous bat still had one last thing to do, which was also the task she considered the most important.

Putting the photo back into the desk, she moved closer to her butler, looked at him in the eyes and kissed him tenderly. Even though he received those kinds of kisses daily, the naive hedgehog could feel that there was something different. The seductive genie kissed him for a while, enjoying the way Silver shook as she giggled, being pleased with the reactions of his loyal butler. It went like that for a while, with the psychic hedgehog feeling more and more at ease with each kiss, stopping thinking about anything else that wasnt that lovely moment with the alluring bat. As she planted one last tender kiss, Rouge petted her masters face while looking at him with a calm yet seductive look.

My dear and cute master, the one I owe my success to. You know what day it is today? She asked while stroking Silvers chin with the tip of her tail. The butler always paid attention to her words and commands yet, this was the first time he didnt know what his mistress was talking about. Luckily for him, that was the reaction the beautiful and sexy genie wanted as she wanted to talk about how she felt and show him what he had prepared for the two. Today is our anniversary. A year ago, you came to me and liberated me from that lamp. You saved me and as a way of thanking you, I gave you this role of yours, as the butler of my palace and as my dear and loving master~

He did remember that moment, his time in the palace, how he found the room where his mistress was, the dance and those pink spirals, all came back to him and the naive hedgehog couldnt help but to blush hard. Thinking about his own choice, deciding to stay with the beautiful genie instead of going back to the future was a difficult choice yet, it was the bat herself who convinced him, promising a future where nothing bad would happen to anyone. Silvers life changed for good and after a year serving the sexy Rouge, he didnt want to go back nor leave his position.

We got new servants, the palace grew, we even got some nice treasures for ourselves, but what I liked the most was how much you changed. Youve become stronger, confident and Im glad to know you did all of that for me, The sumptuous genie said before kissing Silver tenderly. Their moments alone together not only meant that the psychic hedgehog could be back at his old self, but it also meant to show Rouges own feelings. In her palace, all of her servants knew about how great she was, but with her master, she could talk about her own personal feelings. Becoming a genie gave me a lot, more than I could dream about, but what I treasure the most is what we have. You are worthy of this, of your role of my butler and master, of my love and many more things~

During their private sessions, Rouge normally remained calm, keeping that usual confident yet seductive attitude she used while she was a G.U.N agent, but going through memory lane, thinking about how far the two had come since everything started, Rouge couldnt help but to bear her heart out. She praised him, mentioned how important he was for her and told him that while she didnt repeat that much, the alluring bat was grateful that her master not only was someone loyal and eager to listen to her and obey her commands, but that he was also a nice and caring master that inspired her to be a good mistress to her other servants of her palace.

Just wanted to say that Im thankful for you being part of my life and hope what we have will never end. Just a life of dreams for this beautiful genie and that butler she loves~ Before Silver could even reply, wanting to mention how much those words meant to him, Rouge kissed him one last time before lifting Silvers chin with her tail so she could admire her eyes. Just like the first time, the alluring bat delighted him with the captivating pink and teal spirals that he enjoyed during their first induction. Thats it, you recognize what this means. Even though I used different kinds of spirals, I know the pink ones are your favorite. Watch them, admire them, let everything else go and let me take you to that nice state I always love putting you in~

The elegant butler couldnt look away, his gaze loved those spirals and the sweet aroma just made the whole experience better. He was put in a trance daily by his beautiful mistress, always enjoying a wonderful and nice experience that was never like the other. Even though this was barely the start, the elegant butler quickly found himself falling into the first stages of his trance. All that time enjoying each and every single dance of the alluring bat turned him like that much to the delight of his beautiful mistress, who went on with the next part of her routine, swaying her cleavage from one side to the other. Silver had a difficult time about what to concentrate as both the hypnotic and colorful spirals and her bountiful bosom competed with each otheruntil they eventually complemented one another, his focus zooming in on both at once.

If you remember, at the start of our day, I wanted to practice my routine and asked you to bring me Sonic, Tails and Knuckles so they could be delighted by my performance. Now that we have our usual time together, Ill tell you the truth: I knew that today was that special day and asked you to see us to know what you liked about it and what not. I did all of this just for you~ Rouge said in a calm yet seductive tone, finally revealing her plan to her most important and trustworthy servant. Thanks to the triggers that she implanted on his mind, the alluring bat prepared everything she needed and perfected her dance just for him. There was no reason for her to keep it as a secret anymore and it was her time to show Silver an unforgettable performance. Now, stay still, relax and admire the performance you deserve, my sweet Silver~

Swaying her breasts one last time, delighting him with the same trick she used during their first induction, Rouge moved on to the first part of her routine. It wasnt an issue that the elegant butler got the chance of looking at it before as her dance had all the changes he wanted to see. Following the same tempo as her cleavage, the sumptuous genie started by swaying her hips from one side to the other. It wasnt necessary for her to be a genie to have that kind of impact on others, even turning something as simple as walking into something sexily thanks to the way she swayed her hips. Silver followed the pendulum pattern, loving the way the sexy bat danced for him. Those curves swayed from one side to the other, going at a fast pace that made the naive butler feel more at ease. It drained his anxiety, the speed making it so everything else lost in importance and thus could he concentrate on what mattered most: his mistress.

You earned this reward after being my trusty servant all this time. I always reward you with love and pleasure, but tonights performance is even more special. What kind of mistress Ill be if I didnt give my most important servant what he truly deserves~ Pausing her routine one moment to pet his face, the hypnotic genie let him take one last look at her hypnotic eyes before going back to her routine. Not only did he love her sexy dance, but he appreciated how beautiful his mistress was. She had a nice-looking body, wide hips, a deep luscious cleavage, a pretty face and was someone he saw as nice and admirable. She might have used hypnosis so he could submit, but that wasnt an issue given how he had grown accustomed to trances, Silver finally found happiness and he was always thankful for that. I can feel you are too intimidated to talk, after all, this was your old self before you became my butler. Dont talk, my dear, you dont need to do that. Remain silent, just admire my sexy body and how it moves. Can you do that for your beautiful mistress?~

He nodded his head slowly, continuing to go deeper into trance the more he admired the sexy dance of the beautiful bat. It wasnt necessary for him to talk nor Rouge needed that link, they had to know how he felt. The blush in his face, the way the pink spirals in his eyes moved, she could even feel it in her coils, noticing that he was really enjoying her performance, which made her chuckle. Taking advantage of him being in her coils, she started petting his face with the tip of her tail, letting the psychic hedgehog by delighted by that sweet and entrancing aroma while he continued to admire her performance.

Thats it, dear. Keep watching. Im giving you nothing but the best, the reward you deserve for all your hard work and your decision to become mine. I can see it in your smile and in your eyes~ Rouge said before changing routine, going for those figure-eights and letting her curves continue to entrance her butler. Her last comment was related to the changes he experienced after submitting to her. While the alluring bat had the more noticeable one, with her body and whole being changing completely, everyone could see that Silver wasnt the same as before thanks to his eyes going from a shade of yellow to pink and his skin becoming paler, those being the signals that his mind and sould belonged to Rouge. He just smiled, only concentrating on those entrancing curves and ignoring everything else. While he continued to enjoy the routine, he recognized that his mistress took his suggestions, using her hands a lot more, changing dance moves in a more natural way and even adding some new movesjuxtapositions and sudden changes between vertical and horizontal figure-eights, even managing to fuse both in surprising ways. Tell me how much you are loving this, dear. Tell your beautiful mistress the truth~

I love thisIlove you, mistress there it was, the shy and scared hedgehog showing his feelings for her, only this time being calmer instead of feeling nervous or breaking down like the first few times. Silver changed mainly to please his mistress, wanting to show her how worthy of a butler he was and, in the end, he was successful. Rouge was proud of him, admiring him for doing all of that for her while also wanting to improve for the better.

At the same time she finished her performance, doing wild shimmies while also shaking her chest, the hypnotic genie liberated him from her genie tail and put a pillow so he wouldnt hurt himself. She knew what was next and as finished her dance with a sexy pose, it was her turn to get her recompense. The sumptuous genie moved in front of her master, placed her hand on his head and carefully put him at the same eye level of her belly and navel and he knew what that meant. Come closer, my sweet Silver. Be a good boy, kiss my belly and give tribute to my navel. Give your mistress praise and love she deserves~

Yes, mistress, he wanted nothing more than to pepper that skin, to give tribute to the wonderful woman he had the honor of serving. Although he went crazy when the Harem girls commanded him to give tribute to their bellies and navels, with Mistress Rouge, Silver always took a calmer approach out of respect. The sumptuous bat wasnt like the other girls, she deserved to be treated with respect and while he wanted to go while and pepper her flesh, he remained still, starting by slowly kissing her belly. The flavor was outstanding, tasting like the sweetest of fruits. This motivated him to go for the part he always enjoyed, as he licked her navel slowly.

The more the psychic kissed her belly, the happier he felt. It took him all the way back to the first induction and how even after all that time, he still enjoyed being on his knees showing the beautiful and hypnotic genie how important she was and how much she loved her. As he continued to pepper her flesh, Rouge decided to take a look at her butlers journal. She saw this as her own reward for their session, always loving to read all the nice words her master wrote about her, the Harem Girls and what was happening around the palace. That was enough for her to give him another reward, one more personal and even more enjoyable than the one he was having at the moment.

Good boy~ She said in a confident, charming way. There was no need for further words, for even deeper context as that ever proved more than enough. Approbation from her did make his own energy spark up, his happiness rise exponentially. Upon hearing those two words, Silver started to feel dazed. With his last grasps, he continued to lick her navel, wanting to give tribute to his beautiful mistress for as much as he could, not getting enough of that sweet taste he loved. Before closing his eyes, the elegant butler noticed that the sumptuous bat snatched his pocket watch from his vest and replaced her legs with the pink pair of pantaloons she usually sported when she wasnt in her genie form. Silver smiled, glad that the last thing he saw was his exquisite mistress.

Waking up, the butler found himself in his bed, wearing a clean vest and feeling with a lot of energy. Thinking about how he ended there, he got flashes of what happened the last night, smiling upon remembering the second performance of the sumptuous genie and the moment where he got to give her tribute again, albeit in a more lovely and satisfying way. Looking at himself and the bed, Silver noticed a pile of books next to him. This wasnt the seductive bat trying to play a joke with him, it was the opposite as with some of their routines, Rouge liked to read to her butler while he rested on her chest, delighting her naive master with her sexy voice as he drifted into sleep. Continuing thinking about the way they enjoyed the anniversary of the day they became together, Silver chuckled, noticing that his right hand was holding a tray with two drinks, just like the first time he awakened in the palace.

With a new day starting, the psychic hedgehog was ready to go on with his routine, wanting nothing more than to please his beautiful mistress again, but upon looking at his pocket watch, he found out that he still had a couple of minutes before going with Vanilla to prepare the breakfast for their genie mistress and the Harem girls. Deciding to use his time wisely, the butler used his psychokinetic abilities to put the books back into the shelf he kept his collection and moved to his desk, wanting to write in his journal about how much he enjoyed his day and the way his mistress and him celebrated their anniversary together. As Silver opened his journal, he blushed upon seeing that the beautiful bat wrote about how she felt during that moment and how much it meant having him in her life. She also left a note, saying that she wanted him to be with Sticks for the day and that they were going to continue discussing the future reunion they planned with Amy, Blaze, Sonic and Shadow.

Reading both things one last time, the butler turned off the page and grabbed a pen from his desk before starting to write down his own thoughts, all while looking at the pictures he had in his desk, mainly the one of him and the beautiful bat he had the honor of serving. That life of servitude and his job as the butler of the palace gave him happiness, glad that he wasnt alone anymore and had a new purpose. His fears and doubts were also there, but they no longer affected him like in the past and only came back when his mistress mentioned how proud she was of him, making emphasis on him improving with time.

Even though his life in the palace was good, the elegant butler was still looking towards his own future, but the reasons to do that were different as Silver was writing about what would happen next. Enjoying another tea party with Amy, Blaze and Marine? Go to see Sticks, Tangle and Surge and use his pocket watch to help them overcome their own personal demons? Become the target of practice of Breezie and Wave again and enjoy the part where he would be kissing and giving tribute to their bellies? Have a wonderful time with his beautiful mistress Rouge and show her how much he loved her and appreciated that chance he got? All of those could happen again that day and he was looking forward to that. In the end, Silvers future finally became what he always dreamed about and the best part was that he was enjoying it with the one that saved him and also the most important woman in his life.

His loving mistress, Rouge the bat.
2024-06-05 08:04:07
>> #545969
Sonic art missing the "furry" tag - classic
2024-06-04 23:40:24
>> #545934
It's a day in his life, from start to finish. If you have more doubts, click on the link, there's a story that give details to each panel.
2024-06-04 23:38:54
>> #545933
Yea same. First 2 seem connected, same with the last 2. But the transition from the 2nd to the 3rd pic AND THEN especially the 3rd to the 4th pic is throwing me off.
2024-06-04 23:14:32
>> #545925
well drawn but i am a bit lost, whats happening here?
2024-06-07 12:34:33
>> #546209
Whoopsie daisies. I mean forcing that particular mask on someone is just asking for trouble if were being honest. Then again, maybe this was the desired outcome.
2024-06-07 11:44:28
>> #546208
"under *her* spell"? Honestly it looks more like she's the one entranced.
2024-05-08 07:04:58
>> #543301
This may not necessarily seem like hypnosis, at least not for the whole video, but the artist makes the claim that it is. From their twitter: "PUBLIC RELEASE
Ankha's Hypno Dance
Ankha puts you under her spell with ease, what happens next is yet to be seen~"
2024-06-07 10:14:49
>> #546206
Omg the expression on the tist's face and the way she's holding her subject's neck
Then with the fox girl holding her legs like that while servicing her
Fuck it's all unbelievably hot
2023-12-13 19:09:18
>> #528758
Gosh thats all kinds of wonderful @.@ *drools and rubs*
2023-12-13 14:18:25
>> #528736
Hot but also funny using a fidget spinner

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