2024-06-06 19:01:03
>> #546132
Hell yes some Anna zombie walking @.@
2024-06-06 18:59:02
>> #546131
Mmmmmmmmmmm so lovely~

Got to love the bimbo bubble pop @.@
2024-06-06 18:57:45
>> #546130
*bites lip*

Good to cum for master @.@
2024-06-06 06:25:19
>> #546088
Evelyn was watching with satisfaction as her friends and coworkers spun mindlessly around the stage. Eventually, she noticed that my focus was on her rather than the dancers. She instantly knew what I was planning.

EVELYN: Oh, you bastard...

THE MESMER: Thank you so much for all of your help tonight, Evelyn. Now won't you please be a good girl and slip out of your bodysuit for this adoring crowd?

I'd been using "good girl" as a basic trigger to compel obedience with all of the girls for ages. Her annoyed expression went blank and she immediately began to undress. I had a feeling she would have been a good sport and played along tonight, even if she weren't hypnotized to obey. If I remembered, I'd have to ask her about it in the morning. Molly was dancing within arm's reach, so I gently pulled her closer.

THE MESMER: Molly, would you kindly raise your arms for me so that I can borrow your tutu?

Her arms shot above her head before I'd even finished the question. Her whole body shook at my touch as I slid the skirt over her head.

MOLLY: Please make me cum... Master... Please make me cum...

Molly seemed to be on the verge of being overwhelmed by her suggestions, but I ignored her pleas while I helped a dazed and naked Evelyn into Molly's tutu.

THE MESMER: Evelyn, you've listened over and over tonight as you've helped me guide the lovely girls on this stage into becoming empty-headed ballerinas. As you feel this tutu settle onto your hips, you realize that all of those words have had the same power over you, now unleashed. You realize the feeling of this wonderful crowd drinking in your body fills you with indescribable bliss. You realize there's no resisting the urge to dance for them. You realize the more you excite them, the more they excite you.

Under the cover of applause as Evelyn began to dance, I whispered to Molly.

THE MESMER: You can cum for your Master now.
2024-06-06 18:57:08
>> #546129
The spies doing what they do best~~~
2024-06-06 18:48:48
>> #546128
mmm so nice being blank and happy~
2024-06-06 08:05:10
>> #546094
I was looking forward to the last one in this set, but had no idea it would be so amazing
2024-06-06 17:08:44
>> #546123
I'd like some Clussy
2024-06-06 15:14:43
>> #546121
Vanilla, that wasn't the complaint. the complaint is against people who upload 30 pictures at once and flood the front page, thereby pushing everyone else's pictures off of the front page.

also, adding pictures to a pool doesn't hide them from the front page. making them child posts does
2024-06-06 13:04:42
>> #546110
We've always asked people to either space out their uploads or parent groups of pictures so as not to have one person taking up a large part of the front page.

Considering how Hypnohub is with pools now since it got remade? I don't think we should make then a pool until all the pictures are fully uploaded and it's been at least a full 48 hours. Because otherwise nobody will be able to see them on the first couple of pages and likely miss out on something they could like and/or favorite.

I know I was a bit bothered when someone made a pool of the comic commission of mine involving Ranma and my OC but didn't ask me permission or let me know. Especially since I've got more chapters of that planned. Cause now the moment I upload them? They're gonna get added to that pool and just vanish onto the whatever page they end up on, thus people are unlikely to see the rest of the story.
2024-06-06 05:28:57
>> #546086
We've always asked people to either space out their uploads or parent groups of pictures so as not to have one person taking up a large part of the front page.
2024-06-06 04:50:23
>> #546083
its really not that bad tho i dont see the problem ? @mindwipe
2024-06-05 21:34:47
>> #546026
Again, dude, space out your uploads. Like, 3 a day is plenty. More if you parent them.
2024-06-06 15:07:43
>> #546119
Cta. Certified cta.
2024-06-06 09:23:37
>> #546099
Id like to fuck her
2024-06-06 04:42:10
>> #546081
Ahegao face alt in child posts
2024-06-06 04:41:28
>> #546080
Looks like Izutsumi is remembering the fun time she had while entranced in the Golden Country~
2024-06-06 14:47:48
>> #546118
Christmas morning in Galar, and the new Champion had expected many different kinds of presents from the fans, but the Champ hadn't been expecting the sight that greeted them when they got downstairs. Sitting right next to a pile of presents from admirers and fans were two of Galar's top beauties: Sonia, the newly professor-ed gal; and Nessa, the swimming model of Hulbury!
Not only were they sitting happily in the Champion's house, but they were wearing Santa hats, a smile, and little else besides a tiny bit of ribbon around their bodies that covered their naughty bits. Another notable thing was that their eyes seemed unfocused and dazed, like they weren't all there while they held hands and barely noticed the Champ.
Then, the Champ noticed a card right next to the oblivious beauties. Opening it, the card reads the following:
"Hey there, Champ. Consider this my way of saying, 'no hard feelings for beating me out for the Champion spot.' These two will be up for anything once you say these words: 'Playtime for the Champ's Dolls'.
Have fun, and maybe on Boxing Day the two of us could play with them together."
"We already let your mum in on our plans, so don't worry about her interrupting."
"Sonia and I will be back to ourselves on the 27th; until then, enjoy."
As the Champ finished reading the card, a smile played out on their face:
Best. Christmas. Ever!
2022-04-18 05:44:18
>> #465780
Only the 27th...

I think I have a way around that
2021-01-17 01:45:25
>> #402762
Hypnotizedd said:
Definitely, I need more Tessa in my life. Happy new year

Did you mean Nessa?
2021-01-03 19:31:53
>> #400845
Definitely, I need more Tessa in my life. Happy new year
2020-12-26 23:11:08
>> #400007
Merry Christmas~~~ I will never tire of these two <3
2024-06-06 14:44:35
>> #546117
I must confess, when I first learned of the unique phenomenon that occurs in the Galar Region, I was less than impressed. Giant Pokemon? Doesn't sound nearly as impressive as Mega Evolution or Z-Power. Until something occurred to me: What if I used the concept that allows Pokeballs to be Dynamaxed to widen the area of effect the HuMon ball possesses? Enable it to capture multiple people at once.
Sadly, I lacked the knowledge necessary to make such a leap in innovation. Fortunately, Professor Ivy was more than happy to point me in the direction of someone who might be able to enlighten me: Professor Magnolia, and through her, I was able to meet her sensual assistant and granddaughter, Sonia. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she would make a wonderful new addition to my harem. And when I approached her with my HuMon ball, well, fortune smiled on me again: I found her with this lovely lady, Nessa.
Catching the two, like my previous conquests, was laughably easy: I just had to present my HuMon Balls as a device for improving Human-Pokemon relations, and they were more than happy to experience it. "So then, my newest catches, how do you feel?"
"It's amazing, Master! I want to do whatever you command! Why, just the thought of obeying you is making me want to fuck!"
"Me too, Master. Why, I'm so wet right now, I bet you'd think I just got back from skinny dipping. Now why don't you fuck my obedient brains out?"
"Hey, Nessa, that's not fair! I'm the one Master wanted to enslave; I should go first!"
"So what? He clearly found me desirable enough to adjust those plans. Just because you met him first doesn't make you better!"
"Ladies, please. No fighting. I have every intention of fucking you both senseless. Instead of arguing, focus that energy on ensuring we have the best threesome imaginable."
"Yes, Master, we obey!"
2019-06-27 06:20:10
>> #324319
Granddad2 said:
why are they arguing while holding hands

serin126 said:
If that's how you picture it, but I think it's meant this would be at the end of the conversation.

What Serin said.

ACC said:
Once again nice

Glad to hear it!
2019-06-26 14:42:44
>> #324236
Granddad2 said:
why are they arguing while holding hands

If that's how you picture it, but I think it's meant this would be at the end of the conversation.
2019-06-26 07:32:36
>> #324212
why are they arguing while holding hands
2019-06-26 06:20:05
>> #324207
Once again nice

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