2024-04-04 22:43:59
>> #540022
She's definitely cumming; as all good cubs should.
2024-04-04 13:11:39
>> #539983
Is she cuming under her legs there?
2024-03-21 13:45:53
>> #538651
Such a sexy angel
2024-04-04 21:36:58
>> #540019
Andromalius face creeps me out, it looks like he skin another person face and is wearing it like a mask, with the hair covering the laces in the back.
2024-04-04 20:35:49
>> #540012
Man always so nice to see more Stupid Sexy Slaves~ Charlie looks so damn good in her Demon Form, and slave Nezuko is something I never knew I needed until I had it~
2024-04-04 20:35:02
>> #540011
Hello again! Its good to be back, and its especially good to be back with more art from Shinzu. I wanted to snag the first Solium Infernum work which complies with Rule 34, so I commissioned this amazing piece, one so good it inspired me to write a story alongside it. Hope you all enjoy!

Andromalius. Embodiment of Pride. Favored fallen angel of Satan. And now, having claimed the Solium Infernum, the new Dark Majesty of Hell itself. His new position came with new powers: the hellspawn and heretics of the world were now bound to his will, unable to resist a command from the Emperor of the Damned, forced to bend to his unquestionable will. Most would have celebrated after securing such power, but for many days after his ascension, Andromalius remained locked up in his sanctum, despondent. He so dearly missed Lucifer, his one and only true love. Conquering Hell in his absence did much to sate his vanity, but little to soothe his broken heart. He had secured this unholy abyss and was preparing it as best as he could for the return of its one true master, but each day that passed made the wait more and more unbearable. He longed to feel the touch of his cherished partner, and found his bed cold and lonely each night that passed without him.

And yet, he was a demon, was he not? If it was comfort he sought, there were many ways in which he could appease himself. Lust was a poor substitute for love-and furthermore, more Erzsebets domain than his own-but it was still a deadly sin, one he was obligated to indulge in to maintain his credibility. In that case, why not do so in a way he could actually enjoy? Like a bolt of lightning, inspiration had struck. Until his beloved returned to him, he would find alternative means of satiating himself. And in doing so, he would prove his power to those who still doubted his authority.

Raven was his first target. The daughter of Trigon, a pretender to the throne, a would-be archfiend from another universe who had yet to learn his place. His daughter was equally insolent, putting up a fight in the name of justice, her friends, and her family. She denied her own demonic heritage, which was perhaps the one thing that could have saved her. Now, she embraces both her ancestry and her master without hesitation. Of course, her true demonic form was such an unsightly thing that Andromalius simply had to revert her back to her more human self when he returned to his palace, his first slave in tow. He was the fairest of the fallen, and refused to allow such ugliness within his home. He liked her much better as she was now: pretty, stupid, and loyal.

Then there was Towa. Slender, curvacious, brilliant, and irredeemably evil, she was the perfect woman and the perfect demon. Andromalius ego refused to allow anyone but himself to possess such beauty. She simply had to be his, and so he made it so. The supposed Demon King she had created barely put up a fight, and it wasnt long at all until her own brother (as susceptible to mind control as he had proven himself to be) was presenting her to him as a gift to prove his loyalty, one he wasted little time in unwrapping. Perhaps his favorite concubine of all, Andromalius promised to fulfill her dream of creating a universal garden of evil in exchange for ownership over her bodyNot that she had a choice in the matter, naturally, but such was the nature of deals with the devil, let alone deals between two.

Nezuko Kamado came next, the poor little thing. Though demons often found themselves residing in the hearts of man, it was another thing entirely to see her desperately running around the realm of the living, pathetically trying to deny who she was, surrounding herself with hypocrites and virtue. Clearly, the only solution was to allow the flames of Hell to claim her, thus allowing him to welcome her homeand straight into his arms. Without those meek little mortals holding her back, she quickly embraced her true nature, and her true master to boot. She still had her faults, her moments of human frailty, but they were quickly becoming few and far between. By the time he had stamped them out permanently, she would make for an excellent warrior for his Chosenif she was ever permitted to set foot outside his bedroom, that is, which she very much was not.

Finally, there was Charlie Morningstar. The spawn of a demon who dared take on the name of his soulmate, and without being nearly evil enough to pull it off. Much like Trigon, his punishment was the loss of his daughter, taken and reformed into a true, proper demon. Andromalius had to give her credit for indulging in the sin of sodomy, but that was just about the only sinful thing she DID engage in. Everything else in her head was all about kindness and redemption and whatnot! Needless to say, it all had to be removed, emptied out and replaced with nothing more than infinite and undying love for her new owner. It took some time and effort, but it was well worth it to kill two birds with one stone, taking both her mind and soul for himself.

And so it was that the new Dark Majesty claimed the first four slaves of his harem, the beginning of a pointless quest to fill the bottomless pit his heart had become, one that would continue for as long as Lucifers disappearance persisted. Many female demons would come to be a part of it in the future, as would many males; Andromalius himself was only a he when he wanted to be, after all. Such was the privilege of body morphing. But for now, it was just him and these four, and he very much wanted to remain male around them.

After all, how else were they to bear his children?
2024-04-04 21:34:08
>> #540018
An interesting concept.. would love to see something like this Drawn by an artist.
2024-04-04 20:49:12
>> #540017
Gotta love when they are so broken they cant stop begging even if i ghost them
2024-04-04 20:42:13
>> #540016
Oh, to have a cute hypnotized girl all wrapped up in your coils, ready to be your personal plaything...~
2024-04-04 20:38:29
>> #540015
As always, thighs are based
2024-04-04 20:37:41
>> #540014
And as usual, the veilless alt. I don't even ask for it anymore, Shinzu just does it automatically because he's the best.
2024-04-04 20:36:55
>> #540013
With ya, Dargy. Why have one pet when you can have two??? Seems like a wasted opportunity here
2024-02-17 21:33:46
>> #535669
Why not just have both of them serve Lamb? ;-;
2024-04-04 20:05:15
>> #540008
Such a good strip and bend over hehe
2024-04-04 19:08:07
>> #539994
part 2 of the set.
final pic tomorrow
2024-04-04 20:04:30
>> #540007
Hehehe this is great~
2024-04-04 16:24:47
>> #539988
Has Wario been affected by his own hypno?
2024-04-04 20:02:14
>> #540005
Hot damn thats nice~~~~

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