2017-03-24 12:20:18
>> #163577
_kaliss_ said:
Goths and nerds make the best power couples. It is known.

nerd dating a goth can confirm
2017-03-24 09:02:41
>> #163562
Goths and nerds make the best power couples. It is known.
2017-03-24 07:16:25
>> #163544
DrgnmastrAlex said:
I would not mind this happening to me. Not at all. In fact, I'd like it immensely. o/////o

SAME. @u@
2017-03-24 05:47:52
>> #163534
I would not mind this happening to me. Not at all. In fact, I'd like it immensely. o/////o
2017-03-24 05:46:04
>> #163533
hypnovictim said:
oops! I listed the source as sleepymaid so I thought it would include that

2017-03-27 01:03:13
>> #164067
Cleaned out a nasty comment (and the replies to it, since they didn't make sense without the original comment - apologies to those who took the effort to reply).

I'd like to remind everyone of what I said in another image recently:

Vanndril said:
Some of shotaloli's comments are defensive, yes, but certain of you are almost always instigating it; you know who you are. Frankly, I'm sick of seeing it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. If this keeps up, I will start handing out specific warnings and bans to those even slightly instigating.

So let's remain civil and not single out a fellow user.
2017-03-25 20:58:15
>> #163827
Mimikyu said:
I noticed you mention every lovely kiss that shows up here. Don't let anyone know it's your weakpoint! :P

Don't think its a weak point since I like giving those as much as receiving ; ) but just think its that perfect combo of cute and sexy : )
2017-03-25 17:09:20
>> #163802
pokemongirl said:
What a lovely kiss *giggles*

I noticed you mention every lovely kiss that shows up here. Don't let anyone know it's your weakpoint! :P
2017-03-25 03:34:13
>> #163739
What a lovely kiss *giggles*
2017-03-24 07:36:09
>> #163555
Maybe all the constructive criticism shotaloli's been receiving has finally gotten through to them...
2017-03-25 23:46:08
>> #163879
daveyboysmith9 said:
I know many will say she should be resisting more, but Akane got hypnotized and mind controlled pretty easily in the manga, though it only happened a coupe of times. Still, hope you all like and enjoy the art if nothing else.

She probably should have swung at him but, no Akane is all rage, not willpower. You're quite right to show her falling under fast. Shan'pu, Nabiki or Kodachi are more willpower based but depending on how you "attack" Shan'pu you can get her under easily too. Unfortunately Ukyou, while better than Akane, generally uses her anger not her mind as well.
2017-03-25 00:11:28
>> #163694
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
Yea it has something hotter when the man is at first hated by the women he tries to seduce. It's very erotic to see their angered faces at first, and then, they can't help themselves, just run their hands all across his muscular body..

I really love the bad guys and Davey is an exception! <3
2017-03-24 05:06:33
>> #163524
Davey...the word "hate" is very strong, maybe some hate your OC, I don't hate your OC...I'll give you a small example.
I think if your OC was in a manga \ anime of any genre, I would have the look of an antagonist that could be hated or loved, that's what gives me a certain attraction to your OC.
I don't know...that's my point of view.
That hate your character should not affect you ... I think that would make it more popular, that's my opinion. ^_^
2017-03-24 04:07:10
>> #163517
daveyboysmith9 said:
Thanks! Glad you like it. Sorry for the wait between pages, but I have to budget myself accordingly. As for the Jadenkaiba project, the next page is coming soon. ^^

If I had my income I would throw it at you to throw at them :(
2017-03-24 03:56:55
>> #163516
Slixer said:
This series cannot get updated fast enough.... along with a certain other project you had with Jadenkaiba

Thanks! Glad you like it. Sorry for the wait between pages, but I have to budget myself accordingly. As for the Jadenkaiba project, the next page is coming soon. ^^
2017-03-27 01:12:39
>> #164071
AWMBH said:
Seems like a point of contention to me. I get that it's a visual signifier for that particular spell in-universe, but it's also just a general magic indicator for most people.

Pretty much.

I mean, as someone who has played the game, I know that it's not MC. But if I didn't play the game, I know I'd get an MC vibe from this image.

It's a little logically backwards, but I think this is probably worth keeping for those who have not played the game and would see this as MC.
2017-03-24 04:30:10
>> #163519
I should love this picture, but I hate it instead.
2017-03-24 03:45:35
>> #163513
If it matters, I don't know if it's outright mind control... But I have come back to this pic time and time again believing it was. AWMBH isn't alone in thinking it.
2017-03-24 02:11:56
>> #163495
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and ask, did the original source of the artwork intend for this to be a Hypno/mind control picture? While the sexual orientation is known to some, so it might appear that the female is under a trance maybe, but without context, this picture doesn't really show any "mind control". Yeah, he has a glowy hand. Am I supposed to take that as the magic affecting her because it doesn't look like it? For those who didn't know she was a lesbian, does she look like she's been affected by the hand at all? It just looks like the hand is just... "there". It doesn't look like it's doing anything to the subject.

2017-03-24 00:28:50
>> #163490
AWMBH said:
Does that character just go around all day with his magic hand glowing?

Actually, yes. Which really is the only issue here, given this:

AWMBH said:
And from what I understand, the girl in the picture is a lesbian and this is outside of her normal behavior.

MindReaver said:
The fact that she's about to perform a blowjob on a male Inquisitor therefore implies that she is under some form of mind control.

2017-03-24 05:22:04
>> #163528
Taryh said:
Yeah, no. It's a grammar error, however you spin it. I can say it's my thing to replace every vowel in stuff I right on purpose, and I'd still expect to get shit for it.
It's wrong, and it makes the writing you produce suffer for it. To be aware of the fact that you're wrong but just to continue "because it's my thing" is infantile.

Well, if you don't like it, leave.
2017-03-24 02:17:16
>> #163496
MisterMan4 said:
P.S. For those of you who didn't watch my previous work I am well aware that the correct grammar form is "being" with a single e, but just so you know I will always use "beeing". It is sorta my thing. A fetish. Call it whatever you want. So please no comments on correcting this grammar error. Ty for understand and views

Yeah, no. It's a grammar error, however you spin it. I can say it's my thing to replace every vowel in stuff I right on purpose, and I'd still expect to get shit for it.
It's wrong, and it makes the writing you produce suffer for it. To be aware of the fact that you're wrong but just to continue "because it's my thing" is infantile.

2017-03-23 21:37:14
>> #163470
Kitty aliens :D nyan!!
2017-03-23 20:51:43
>> #163468
for a moment, I thought that the purple haired cat was blair from soul eater.

That would be interesting and a little scary in real life.
2017-03-23 19:40:56
>> #163460
demonjacobs666 said:
it'd work better in a post about bees. like, a queen bee trancing someone into beeing a new worker drone :P

I know. But like I said it's something I will always do :p
2018-06-13 18:37:56
>> #265132
good work
2017-03-24 05:45:57
>> #163532
Kamenrider01 said:
the kind of snake Kaa is don't have teeth as he doesn't have venom, he uses his body to crush his prey and choke it to death

also not a fan of this type of art

What are you talking about? Pythons absolutely have teeth. <<|here's a google search for python teeth.>>

2017-03-24 03:14:39
>> #163505
I'd buy a body pillow of this.
2017-03-24 02:50:04
>> #163503
All nude
Tastefully done
2017-03-24 00:12:39
>> #163486
Eininger said:
I hope he dont uses his teeth

the kind of snake Kaa is don't have teeth as he doesn't have venom, he uses his body to crush his prey and choke it to death

also not a fan of this type of art
Date Mar 23, 2017User ARfeltRating QuestionableScore 11(vote up)
2017-03-25 03:10:01
>> #163731
sanicthehedgehog said:
Thank you

I GTG, I might get in trouble for commenting on a post


Mindwipe said:
Dude, stop.

2017-03-25 03:02:55
>> #163728
ARfelt said:
A POV episode? Hmm, the idea has merit. I'll think about it.

Thank you
2017-03-25 02:18:50
>> #163721
Anon_3.141 said:
I'm not freaking out. Merely disappointed that the person who colored this didn't make the "president" orange-skinned and blonde.

Just because it's the president, doesn't mean the president has to resemble a real person. If that were the case, then if this were colored back when it was made, then he'd be black and have graying black hair. The color scheme of the person shown is all up to the artists choice, and if real life politics ain't his thing, then the generic president is much more suitable.
2017-03-25 01:54:07
>> #163718
I actually think the comic is... Shall we say a diamond in the rough?

I mean, there's an idea there that has merit, and while strange the eye-aliens are somewhat arousing. Not a big fan of the dialog, though, and the faces when people are getting whammied are just... Ergh. Even moreso now that I know that's blood coming out of their nose. Nosebleeds kinda turn me off.

That said, I'm mostly in this for the inevitable memes and randomness this comic seems to draw out from the Hub.
2017-03-24 19:57:17
>> #163620
I, for one missed our alien overlords and eagerly await one to crush my mind once more.
2019-01-11 21:13:35
>> #298489
It's great to see demi-chans like her loving Haigure. I'm sure she'll spread this love to her demi-friends :)
2017-03-24 01:04:07
>> #163492
Hikari Haigure....Haigure Hikari......Haikare....Higure......fek it. cute is cute, i don't care what she's doing.
2017-03-23 20:38:37
>> #163466
redfire156 said:
pls dont hurt Hikari :(

Don't worry haigure is a painless process.... I think.
2017-03-23 19:52:57
>> #163461
pls dont hurt Hikari :(
2017-03-23 14:06:18
>> #163435
I almost feel like someone could probably convince Hikari to do this without hypnosis lol (not that I think this should be flagged or anything).
2017-03-25 23:15:55
>> #163873
anonymous000 said:
wtf why use my name

Uh... Sorry?
2017-03-23 08:57:35
>> #163425
wtf why use my name
2017-03-23 20:22:07
>> #163465
... fuck, this is good.
2017-03-23 14:10:00
>> #163437
DrgnmastrAlex said:
I can see some of that Alter influence that you were talking about. Evil is Sexy trope on full display here. heheh~

Yeah man, Fate has good character designs and color schemes in general, even when applied out of universe. Hell, I'd say I like my alternate colour version better than the original I made!
2017-03-23 08:16:00
>> #163421
I can see some of that Alter influence that you were talking about. Evil is Sexy trope on full display here. heheh~
2017-03-23 07:31:48
>> #163410
2017-03-23 07:12:15
>> #163406
Alternate color version styled after the Alter servants of the Fate series.

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