2017-03-23 17:29:06
>> #163447
Such a nice picture ~
2017-03-23 08:14:42
>> #163419
The sigil/tattoo showing her corruption/MC is a nice touch. :3
2017-03-23 07:08:42
>> #163404
So yeah I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem: Heroes lately. That's not why this picture is a day late though (I had an exam yesterday). I'll admit before Heroes, I never really played through most of the games, but I'm definitely enjoying all the characters in Heroes. Fate/Grand Order doesn't work on my phone anymore (I have to use a VM to play it), so FE:H is my new casual time killer. Being arguably the most popular character in the game, and the first 5* unit I pulled, I obviously had to draw (and corrupt) Lucina. I thought it'd be fun to keep her posed like her in game portrait in Heroes, so there you have it. Speaking of Fate/Grand Order tho, I also made a color variant similar to the corrupted Grail Alter forms in Fate. Enjoy!

As always, if you enjoy my work and want to support me, here's my <<|Patreon>>.
2017-03-23 18:05:54
>> #163448
Zombifier said:
That's why I generally don't post them on the Hub, but people find them and do it anyway XD

At least I get tagged as the artist ;p

I mean, while I'm not crazy about the huge breast expansion stuff, I think Solaris himself is fine.
2017-03-23 07:10:33
>> #163405
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Never really liked Solaris and the crazy breast expansion pics, but I can get behind this concept.
Really dig the outfit :0

That's why I generally don't post them on the Hub, but people find them and do it anyway XD

At least I get tagged as the artist ;p
2017-03-23 03:59:37
>> #163368
Damn that outfit is hot! :3
2017-03-23 03:57:03
>> #163367
She came a long way from vacuum cleaner status.
2017-03-23 03:54:20
>> #163365
Never really liked Solaris and the crazy breast expansion pics, but I can get behind this concept.
Really dig the outfit :0
2018-02-04 17:35:31
>> #232283
Here's the story: "He couldn't have gotten far!"

"Don't try and pin this one on me!"

Bushes and branches shoved out of the way, broken and disturbed by two bears.

"I'm going to pin this on you because it's your fault!" Said the male bear, his red fur making him stand out against the lush greenery of late morning.

"You wanted to play with him just as much as I did, Rough!" Shouted back the blue female.

"I tied them down before I start playing, Dark Thoughts." Rough Love Bear shot back.

"It's no fun if they can't get away." Dark Thoughts defended.

"It's less fun when they do." Rough Love stabbed.

"UGH!" Dark Thoughts groaned. "Newly turned him into a bunny. He still doesn't know how to use his legs, and we have all his gear back at the dungeon. We have to be able to catch him!"

"I agree. Then let's stop fighting and get back to hunting." he said.

"Do you hear something?" she said.

"Forget that, do you smell something?" he said, rankling his nose.

The two stopped and stared in silence, a horrifying realization dawning on the both of them.

"What date is it." Dark Thoughts said. It wasn't a question.

Silently, the two bears scanned their surroundings, looking in every direction, afraid to move before they had a full survey of their surroundings. The tiny sting of an odor laced the air, but determining it's origin was difficult. The bears eventually concluded they were alone. Rough Love pointed in a direction, and Dark Thoughts wordlessly agreed.

They crept toward the bushes and found a path. Dark Thoughts remembered this path, meaning they were not that far from the Bunny Hole Dungeon, which in turn meant the escapee had not made it far, however, it also meant they'd likely have to deal with the... problem in order to get back to safety.

"This way goes back to the dungeon." he whispered.

"I'm not letting the hero escape." she protested.

"We have his stuff!" Rough Love whispered. "How much heroing do you think he's going to do?"

"He can get it back, and that's what I'm afraid of." She said.

"You'll have to search the whole forest to find him!" he said. "Unless you think he's going to run right to us!"

Off in the distance, the sound of screaming snaked through the brush, headed for the two bears at high speeds. Rough Love's jaw dropped in shock. Dark Thoughts cocked her eyebrow and walked past him, running a finger across his chest as she passed.

"But." Rough Love stammered. "How?"

"I'm always right, honey." She said over her shoulder. She stopped before the brush and cocked her hip, smiling with a sultry smirk, waiting to exercise her influence over the hapless hero.

The sound was getting closer, his screaming more defined. She pushed up her breasts for a little effect and rested one paw on her hip with the other on her thigh.

Then it hit her. The smell.

"Oh, shit."

The thundering gallop of a brutal monster bounding through the forest resounded behind the screaming. With a mighty roar and a tiny yelp, the screaming was halted, followed by ravenous, primal, grunting and growling, and some squishing sounds.

The odor grew stronger.

"We should take a look." Dark Thoughts suggested.

"Yeah." Rough Love said. "Couldn't hurt."

Together, they walked into the woods, stepping over the brush and making their way further and further from the path, toward the source of the noise and the luscious, pink smell. Dark Thoughts wiped drool from her chin, barely aware she'd begun to salivate. Her nethers tingled as tiny drops of arousal teased their way from her fold. Rough Love's cock slowly but steadily grew into a rhythmically pulsing lance, the glint of precum sparkling from his tip.

Their footsteps became more haphazard as stealth and concerns of being detected sank deeper and and deeper to the backs of their minds. A pink blurring crept in along the edge of Dark Thoughts' vision. The heat grew inside her.

The harsh scent of estrus flooded the air, pushing the two bears into an addled euphoria at the same time they saw her. The broad-shouldered amazonian known as Nature Hike Bear, arched her back and roared her ecstasy to the sky. She bounced with every thrust of her hips as she humped and ground atop her moaning captive. Dark Thoughts and Rough Love approached from behind, and between her thighs, crushed beneath her colossal hips, two pink bunny legs, kicked and scrabbled, already having lost most of their strength and desire to escape.

"So... pretty..." Dark Thoughts slurred. The thoughts in her mind at this instant escaped her definition. Images of feminine parts barraged her, as did the strange desire to penetrate them. She imagined the lower abdomen in great detail, every line and soft curve, every flex and fold, all of it becoming like a miraculous work of art in her mind, drawing her in with each passing moment.

Simultaneously, she yearned to be spread and pierced herself. She ached to have another deep inside her, burned by their seed, soaked by their sweat, and claimed by their lust.

The thoughts clashed and merged, swirling together into a directionless need to dominate and be dominated; to penetrate and be penetrated; to bend another over as she herself bends for another.

Her vision nearly completely consumed by the pink blurriness that now permeated her mind, she barely noticed Nature Hike had stood up, leaving the bunny boy on the ground where he fell, sodden with her fluids. The bunny boy, though weak and drained, still strained against his fatigue and tried to follow his jungle mistress. Dark Thoughts could see the white stain of his seed, drowning int eh ocean of the yellow bear's lust. Without conscious motor input, Dark Thoughts reached forward, to grab onto her mate and breed with her.

A red body entered her vision from her left.

"What do you thing you're doing!" She snarled, grabbing at the offender. "She's mine!"

The red bear, his name lost to her, protested, growling and roaring back. The two fought and scuffled, wrestling, pushing, clawing, and shoving, each trying to assert ownership of the magnificent beast nearby. Their struggle ended when a gigantic paw, wrested the both of them from their quarrel, and held them up, sniffing at their chests and crotches.

One final, semi-coherent thought passed through her head before drowning, submerged completely into the warm pink haze.

"Want babies..."
2017-03-24 19:49:26
>> #163617
Brokander_Reborn said:
That feels like a loaded question.

Agreed. It's probably best if we don't poke that question for an answer...
2017-03-24 19:48:00
>> #163616
Imasuky said:
Can you be turned on normally by this?

That feels like a loaded question.
2017-03-23 18:27:08
>> #163452
XfunX said:
i am weirdly turned on...

Can you be turned on normally by this?
2017-03-23 18:25:52
>> #163451
i am weirdly turned on...
2017-03-23 02:33:27
>> #163338
So I usually despise futa, but I actually kinda liked this one, so congrats, you are the second person to make something futa related that I like
Date Mar 23, 2017User FromBeyondRating QuestionableScore 54(vote up)
2017-09-28 01:00:54
>> #201038
Pretty @w@
2017-03-28 01:05:37
>> #164262
G-ray-T said:
I have asked the plants but they do not remember, the plants have asked the rocks but the rocks do not recall.. even the rocks do not recal

Nice Samos quote. I'll give you extra brownie points for that
2017-03-24 00:13:26
>> #163487
giselle1029 said:
Who created her?

I have asked the plants but they do not remember, the plants have asked the rocks but the rocks do not recall.. even the rocks do not recal
2017-03-23 10:10:44
>> #163428
Who created her?
2017-03-23 08:09:37
>> #163415
FromBeyond said:
I tried the thing u said, pretty sure i derped it.

ty tho ^^

What I put in for the tag was "artist:frombeyond" (w/o the quotation marks).
2017-03-23 18:24:46
>> #163450
this looks gorgeous.
2017-03-23 14:08:31
>> #163436
Those open candles seem like a fire hazard to me!
2017-03-23 12:46:33
>> #163432
Oh my gosh, amazing!
2017-03-23 01:54:07
>> #163324
Woah, damn
2017-03-23 01:38:44
>> #163323
I love Erika and Rachel together, but this kinda threesome I never would have expected to be so amazing :0
Really love how it all came out! Very hot and sexy, but also pretty cute in a way...
Maybe the element of "sharing the sub" has something to do with that being cute, but idk, that's just me :3
But hey, I'm sure somebody's glad to be in-between two really powerful + lovely doms

Meanwhile, I can't help but see this as some kinda alt-ending to the comic I did, where everyone ended up getting along XD
2018-02-04 17:25:10
>> #232282
This is why w621 has the "what" tag.
2017-03-26 00:23:43
>> #163882
Mimikyu said:
"bizarre" tag needed~

I really wish there was a tag for stuff like this. Or those tree-things from kobi94.
2017-03-24 03:38:20
>> #163511
Weird stuff is weird, is that a new Sanic Ball Character? (?)
2017-03-24 02:10:20
>> #163494
Zombifier said:
My pictures always seem to inspire pun threads. I'd try to figure out why, but it's hard to get my head around.

Admittedly, it's not the most exciting picture to me, but I'm not orbed.
2017-03-23 20:42:30
>> #163467
Zombifier said:
My pictures always seem to inspire pun threads. I'd try to figure out why, but it's hard to get my head around.

<<|Looks like you dropped the ball>>
2017-03-24 03:42:14
>> #163512
Should I take this as a spoiler? (?)
2017-03-22 22:57:02
>> #163294
Why do I get the distinct impression I've caused this?

Admittedly, Francesca doesn't need me or my set to get noticed, but dang this feels too ironic to be coincidental...
2017-03-22 22:37:15
>> #163292
Any chance of seeing a Georgia of Pokemon version of this?
2017-03-22 22:24:02
>> #163290
Sirloin said:
Variety that is also conformity.

Zen like in it's bloody minded contrariness.
2017-03-22 22:22:00
>> #163289
Imasuky said:
True but...Haigure...

Variety that is also conformity.

Zen like in it's bloody minded contrariness.
2017-11-24 22:39:17
>> #213705
Now that's a marketing team
2017-03-24 03:18:23
>> #163507
demonjacobs666 said:
they live?

No, the one were an advertising agent starts seeing all ads as living creatures and sets out to destroy all advertising agencies in the world. It also had some famous guy voicing a cow made of stars... I don't know, it was apparently crappy and bombed at the box office.
2017-03-23 06:31:56
>> #163401
Bloodly said:
Of course what they never tell you is the people you're working under are never the ones on the pictures/at the front desk.
The power of bait-and-switch is strong.

well, not at first, but after a few private conversations, and they can be

ghost13 said:
*Summons the horrifically disgusting looking Advertisement monsters from that one movie all about Ads*

LET'S SEE HOW POWERFUL YOU PEOPLE ARE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Runs off to get Neutro, Brute Force, Deadpool, and the Cyborg Mutant Ninja Dinosaurs so even more damage and destruction can be unleashed*

they live?
2017-03-23 04:02:26
>> #163370
*Summons the horrifically disgusting looking Advertisement monsters from that one movie all about Ads*

LET'S SEE HOW POWERFUL YOU PEOPLE ARE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Runs off to get Neutro, Brute Force, Deadpool, and the Cyborg Mutant Ninja Dinosaurs so even more damage and destruction can be unleashed*
2017-03-23 01:56:30
>> #163325
Eh, I'd still probably sign up.
2017-03-23 14:46:46
>> #163438
2017-03-23 08:13:38
>> #163418
Ambipend said:
Is public nudity one of the consequences of climate change? Nice curves and background :>

How else is everyone supposed to stay cool with the temperatures on the rise?
2017-03-23 00:15:27
>> #163303
Pastel-Daemon said:
I see spiral eyes?

In the original photo, it's used to show how warm she's getting, not any inherent mind control.
2017-03-23 00:09:02
>> #163302
Spirals said:
Okay, but where's the hypnosis?

I see spiral eyes?
2017-03-22 23:53:24
>> #163300
Okay, but where's the hypnosis?

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