2017-03-20 15:36:31
>> #162829
Sorez said:
Not usually into MLP related porn, but hypnosis always makes everything better!

That and huge boobs.

This minus the first part of the first sentence
2017-03-20 15:29:52
>> #162828
Not usually into MLP related porn, but hypnosis always makes everything better!

That and huge boobs.
2017-03-20 14:40:32
>> #162821
YES! More Code Geass Hypno Art!
2017-03-25 17:10:55
>> #163803
AliaKindomu said:
Nazwa, I hope you like this!

I myself always have a soft spot for eye-rolls. o///o

Also Kya looks very very similar to my avatar... >> catgirl twins?

I love eyerolls and drooling, and this has both of those. Awesome.
2017-03-20 22:35:01
>> #162873
Never enough cute kitties!
2017-03-20 13:08:41
>> #162813
It's great, thanks! *hugs*
2017-03-20 12:20:47
>> #162811
Nazwa, I hope you like this!

I myself always have a soft spot for eye-rolls. o///o

Also Kya looks very very similar to my avatar... >> catgirl twins?
Date Mar 20, 2017User jdasheRating SafeScore 16(vote up)
2017-03-21 07:56:07
>> #162963
jdashe said:
Thanks it's a bit of a rush job I might go back and bring it up to the level of my previous works.

Ha no need to apologize still looks great =D

2017-03-21 04:17:34
>> #162929
Hypnojp said:
Amazing work =D
Well done

Thanks it's a bit of a rush job I might go back and bring it up to the level of my previous works.

Pinkanator said:
This ranks as a yes pls on the yes pls scale.

2017-03-20 20:50:54
>> #162854
Thebigsqueeze said:
Seriously? Jesus tag yaoi when there's yaoi.

This is not yaoi. Blacklist male_only if you have a problem with it.
2017-03-20 17:43:29
>> #162834
This ranks as a yes pls on the yes pls scale.
2017-03-20 15:11:20
>> #162826
Amazing work =D
Well done
2017-03-21 04:42:49
>> #162931
I think this is the first guy I've seen Myuk draw, and it's still perfect!
2017-03-21 04:12:27
>> #162928
Spirals said:
Nfirea wasn't really a trap, he just had bangs. :\

Eh he's cute either way. We need more guys that look like him as subs here.
2017-03-20 22:23:25
>> #162870
Hypnobunbun said:
Traaaaap! <3

Nfirea wasn't really a trap, he just had bangs. :\
2017-03-20 22:12:15
>> #162868
Traaaaap! <3
2017-03-20 20:24:05
>> #162852
Whisper said:
Glad to be of service~
I should write more, I have experience with RP and hypno.
I only dish out manips every once in a while or help with projects while I should do so much more myself...

Though Myuk's art is always a great source of inspiration.

I'd almost like to co-write something if we could find common ground. It's been a while since I did something like that
2017-03-20 07:58:51
>> #162792
VerticalVertex said:
Half of me wishes this was a gif @.@

yeah me to.
2017-03-20 07:56:40
>> #162791
Half of me wishes this was a gif @.@
2017-03-20 06:18:30
>> #162779
Feel like we need a clenched teeth tag... So I'm startin one
2017-03-20 14:40:44
>> #162822
Yeahh, that's definitely the moon. Kinda artsy style though
2017-03-20 06:32:37
>> #162782
OneHypDude said:
It's got a ripply halo and paws in it.

She's meowling (meowing/howling) at the moon.
2017-03-20 06:23:56
>> #162781
Rotem_Dishon said:
... ... ... I think that's supposed to be the moon.

It's got a ripply halo and paws in it.
2017-03-20 06:22:36
>> #162780
OneHypDude said:
...judging by the ripply energy around the head.

... ... ... I think that's supposed to be the moon.
2017-03-20 06:14:39
>> #162778
I found this gem on eBay, decided to dabble with Paintschainer. The style of coloring is kind of deliberate to mask the faults of Paintschainer. This is listed as official magazine art, presented in the listing with no context, though clearly some form of mental manipulation is occurring, judging by the ripply energy around the head.
2017-03-25 19:35:25
>> #163817
For all Haigure fans out there, added translations on this Haigure comic, check it out if you are interested ;)
2017-03-22 12:20:29
>> #163209
Hypnine said:
That makes all the work I did on this series worth, thanks ;)

Thank YOU for your translating, then! It's so nice to be able to read what's going on in things, and for something like this? It really did just make it unbelievably adorable.
2017-03-21 15:56:17
>> #162990
Ex_Mastermind said:
I actually use that imageboard to pull up most of his images. That's where I got this one. I-It'd just be nice to have a definite source, ya know... *crying softly*

Also, thank you for the translation. I can't quite read Japanese yet, so its nice to be able to see this adorable story. Makes it a little less frustrating :)

You're welcome!
Shame that mofo ROM is such an elusive creacher that really doesn't leave its traces.
He had the thing called Haigure Human Maker and almost all of his works on his webpage once but took them all down...
2017-03-21 06:33:53
>> #162949
Hypnine said:
He does not. He only appears in internet forums.
He used to have a webpage but now it's gone.

Now he is posting his arts on this forum regularly.
And, there is a Haigure thread going on at here weekly.

I actually use that imageboard to pull up most of his images. That's where I got this one. I-It'd just be nice to have a definite source, ya know... *crying softly*

Also, thank you for the translation. I can't quite read Japanese yet, so its nice to be able to see this adorable story. Makes it a little less frustrating :)
2017-03-21 05:58:17
>> #162942
Ex_Mastermind said:
Do not TELL me this motherf*cker is just on Pixiv! I literally can't find this guy anywhere for months and now you tell me this?! *sigh* Please, just put a link...

He does not. He only appears in internet forums.
He used to have a webpage but now it's gone.

Now he is posting his arts on this forum regularly.
And, there is a Haigure thread going on at here weekly.
2017-03-20 04:48:29
>> #162767
Is good. d('-' )

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