2017-04-19 09:32:47
>> #169374
I really need to start watching this show...
2017-04-01 04:18:25
>> #165093
I can't seem to make a good "claws out" joke and that makes me sad.
2017-04-01 03:35:54
>> #165070
Sleepyhead97 said:
Brave of you to post on a day where people will most likely be flood the hub with shit posts. I salute you good sir.

Neither rain nor sleet nor torrential shitposting shall stay my delivery of ladybug content
2017-04-01 03:27:45
>> #165059
Brave of you to post on a day where people will most likely be flooding the hub with shit posts. I salute you good sir.
2017-04-01 03:21:33
>> #165056
yes finally thank you i think he should be lither than this but its a good start
2017-04-01 23:01:16
>> #165402
BlackWidow69x said:
Please tell me there are puns like that in the actual show? Because I love this artwork, I'm curious about this show, and I love your comment... :<

As a cat owner, I like to manx sure I have a running mental list of puns about them for whenever I feline like kitten around. ;3

Imasuky said:
Not that often but Cat does have a bad habit of making bad puns. Also it's just a good show and literately every episode has Mind Control. The villain finds pepole in emotional distress and transforms them while also controlling them.

One episode had a hypnotist get controlled with him using his power to control everyone else.

There have been several villains with MC abilities, actually, plus the corruption power of the main baddie—who is just as bad about puns as Adrien.
2017-04-01 17:03:24
>> #165333
Imasuky said:

Well truth be told neither one of them gets taken over. Though there is a guy who gets turned into a copy of Cat Noir and tries to get Lady Bug to fall in love with him.

Actually, Chat gets taken over at least twice.
2017-04-01 16:27:07
>> #165322
Oh! Oop-oops... I'll have to go check that out!

More reasons to go check it out, then, thanks~!

Though that is a bummer... Boo. Though that might be interesting all the same...! Thanks!
2017-04-01 12:13:01
>> #165272
BlackWidow69x said:
@Imasuky -- Is the joke that you're NOT using *THAT* icon? >.>?

Oh man. Well. That makes me more interested in Cat, then! Gotta love the bad puns!

And, wow... *ahem* I really do need to give it a try... How often does it happen to the, um, Cat, then? And Ladybug? >.>

PS, also if it's a spoiler, I predict spoiler-tag-warning, but... how often is it kind of hypnotising where it's kinda... um... has them play a evil counterpart of themselves? >.>?

The joke of my avatar is explained in the forum as for the show I did tag it just to be safe, but it's well worth it cause a few of the villains are very sexy. Lady Wifi is my personal favorite.

Well truth be told neither one of them gets taken over. Though there is a guy who gets turned into a copy of Cat Noir and tries to get Lady Bug to fall in love with him.
2017-04-01 12:07:41
>> #165271
@Imasuky -- Is the joke that you're NOT using *THAT* icon? >.>?

Oh man. Well. That makes me more interested in Cat, then! Gotta love the bad puns!

And, wow... *ahem* I really do need to give it a try... How often does it happen to the, um, Cat, then? And Ladybug? >.>

PS, also if it's a spoiler, I predict spoiler-tag-warning, but... how often is it kind of hypnotising where it's kinda... um... has them play a evil counterpart of themselves? >.>?
2017-04-01 04:09:43
>> #165089
Sleepyhead97 said:
Ah okay, I removed flag and added it to the pool.

Thank you. :)
2017-04-01 03:58:13
>> #165082
godofwar99 said:
This is part of a pool

GJT0530 said: yeah it's part of this

Ah okay, I removed flag and added it to the pool.
2017-04-01 03:48:30
>> #165079
2017-03-31 23:25:04
>> #165006
This is part of a pool
2017-03-31 23:10:54
>> #165001
It may not immediately look like it has MC but this is a new part in a comic that did have MC, and if you read them you'd know this baby thing is the result of MC. So this CAN stay here.
2018-04-29 00:29:47
>> #248767
Berk150BN said:
So, i know that this isn't a recent post, but would the tag yandere be appropriate here, i don't really know

judging by the text i wanna say yeah.
2018-04-29 00:26:35
>> #248766
So, i know that this isn't a recent post, but would the tag yandere be appropriate here, i don't really know
2017-06-01 00:33:05
>> #178836
*holds breath*

*you can't hold much longer. Once you started to breath you felt better and relaxed. You can't think anymore.*
2017-04-03 18:55:03
>> #165935
pokemongirl said:
I want to go jogging with Salazzle *giggles*

DragonBoy618 said:
I wanna obey her…

Why not both?
2017-04-02 15:07:43
>> #165695
Bah, I'd be a better slave for her! :P
2017-03-31 18:28:24
>> #164960
Higher quality re-upload.
Date Mar 31, 2017User DHBRating SafeScore 36(vote up)
2017-04-18 11:20:35
>> #169127
wait does that mean darkhatboy is australian? D:
2017-04-01 22:24:08
>> #165389
HypnoHammer said:
If it was, pretty sure he'd lose his standing. Kinda like I'm not gonna come on tomorrow since it'll be a bunch of mustache stuff.

Yeah I don't think its an April Fools joke.
Anyway is there an official date when the first comic is coming out?
2017-04-01 20:00:14
>> #165365
DHB said:
-sips his coffee, looks at comments-

Give it a 2 days, should have enough wood for torches and pitch-forks by then.

*already has the materials*
2017-04-01 19:49:15
>> #165362
Well, I'll admit personally I was hoping it wasn't an April Fool's joke, sad to hear it seems to be. I understand DHB gets tired of people requesting it all the time. It's his comic, that he makes/gives freely, time and talent, and that's true of anything on here. I kept hope that Stormfeder's magical music would continue/finish and while it's slow, it seems to come every now and then, I keep hoping that Jaidenkaiba's Controlling Mother series will continue eventually, and I hope this does too. If I really had any money I could give I'd gladly give it tohe artists and people funding these comics because I really enjoy them and they've never asked for anything but that from me.

Anyway, good prank DHB, and cute pun. Hope your day goes well.
2017-04-01 15:54:43
>> #165318
DHB said:
-sips his coffee, looks at comments-

Give it a 2 days, should have enough wood for torches and pitch-forks by then.

Double or nothing on one day.

And you really should be sipping tears, adds to the outrage.
2017-04-01 02:37:30
>> #165033
arcolel123 said:
What's that pink glowing thing surrounding her face? Is that what controls her?

Yup. In the show, it pops up when the villain first corrupts someone, and then whenever he exerts his will to force them to do something.
2017-04-01 02:35:59
>> #165032
What's that pink glowing thing surrounding her face? Is that what controls her?
2017-03-31 20:59:21
>> #164983
2017-03-31 18:18:45
>> #164958
2017-03-31 18:15:13
>> #164957
this one is probably more suited for a spiral eyes manip but i ain't good enough to do that yet

2017-03-31 16:48:01
>> #164955
2017-03-31 16:38:01
>> #164952
A little gem from OC Drawing thread.
2017-10-22 02:12:46
>> #206207
And that was the sound of inigo's nose breaking
2017-04-03 02:26:48
>> #165822
supersmasher2020 said:
The only question that I have is, should we tag this as "spring_lucina", or just keep it as lucina? The game treats them as two separate heroes.

It's just Lucina.
2017-04-03 01:42:32
>> #165806
The only question that I have is, should we tag this as "spring_lucina", or just keep it as lucina? The game treats them as two separate heroes.
2017-03-31 21:43:40
>> #164991
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Nice work Vio! She's adorable ^^

BTW did you see on Discord I got both Lucina and Camilla for the event!

I did I did, nice job. The gods of fan service have indeed blessed you xD
2017-03-31 21:40:45
>> #164990
Nice work Vio! She's adorable ^^

BTW did you see on Discord I got both Lucina and Camilla for the event!
Date Mar 31, 2017User PenKenRating QuestionableScore 42(vote up)
2019-01-30 06:17:31
>> #301728
TheGreenSun said:
I came
3 times to this image alone.
ONLY one of which
Was with my hand.

Sounds like something Shaggy would do while he's using 0.001% of his power.
2018-05-18 04:24:04
>> #252649
I came
3 times to this image alone.
ONLY one of which
Was with my hand.
2017-04-01 09:23:49
>> #165237
Before it gets posted or not, going to place my bet on "Penken is full of shit". Love your art, characters, all that jazz, but the way you've set this up, I don't belive you. ( ̄^ ̄)
2017-04-01 08:08:32
>> #165217
PenKen said:
Hey guys! this is the first page of a comic i'll be uploading on April 1st! I can't wait to show you guys, it's something I've been planning for SO long! Love ya'll!

I don't care how long it takes. I'll stay up all night to see any pages posted.
2017-04-01 04:36:49
>> #165104
Three pages, counting this title page. One where she expresses that she's lost, two where she finds a map. Fin.

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