2017-03-19 20:06:57
>> #162617
Figured I'd toss in my other picture I have of my Catbeast.
2017-03-19 21:14:28
>> #162643
Very lovely always need more of this @.@
2017-03-19 20:18:14
>> #162624
2017-03-19 20:06:58
>> #162618
Thanx Solddate! :)

Funny how this things nearly a year old.
Hopefully when schools done, can try and do some more fun fan art for this series or some others of yours
2017-03-19 20:06:30
>> #162616
A very cute piece as one would expect.
2017-03-19 20:05:33
>> #162615
A lovely fan pic of Francesca and her two loving Admin girls by RCBC
2017-03-22 21:52:54
>> #163279
Imasuky said:
I look forward to whichever Team wins that poll.

I already have a few vague ideas brewing that could work with any of them.

Sadly, I doubt this <<|poll>> will get as much exposure since it hasn't come with a new pic and all, but hey, hopefully we'll get some input.
2017-03-22 15:42:55
>> #163221
I look forward to whichever Team wins that poll.

I already have a few vague ideas brewing that could work with any of them.
2017-03-22 10:48:59
>> #163197
First, thank you for all the compliments and interest, I'm glad to such enthusiasm.

To those disappointed by the poll as it stands (with two options I added for fun unexpectedly leading), I have decided that make it up to you; the eventual contest/battle between pairs will be Dragons vs Grass (or Iris young and confident Axew, Clair, vs Erika's loyal Leafeon, Gardenia). To fans of Korrina & Maylene, they will appear as stage hands again eventually.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
The thing I love most about this series (especially outta lots of other femdom MC stories we feature on the Hub) is how these two subs in particular aren't mindless slaves, like robots or zombies. They actually have their quarrels from time to time, and it's always cute to see the Mistress get them to try and make up for it (or I suppose make-out in this context...)
Not to say that the other subs aren't great, just something I've come to really love about these two ;)

High praise indeed, my friend, thanks. I'm always of the opinion that subs should have some kind personality, how different it is from normal depending on Mistress, 'cos otherwise we just miss out on fun opportunities.

frank said:
By the High Hypno Lords, please grace us with Ponyta Shelley. The petplay is probably my favourite part of the series and I'd die if you put Shelley in full tack/pony gear. Also, have you thought about guest strips/having other artists contribute? Mezzberry seems like the obvious choice, but Myuk, ZLO etc would be awesome too.

I may well commission that and other side scenes with other artists, since there are so many great ones out there, including those you listed. ^^

Imasuky said:
I'm just going to say that I've DM'd solddate with the off of writing a side story based on this series. After all Pokemon fics are a main stay of mine.

Aye, and I've confirmed that I'd definitely love that, but keeping the trademark of this set, here's a poll for everyone to pick <<|'Team'>> to feature.
2017-03-20 20:59:49
>> #162858
Now when you say Viola is pinned by leafeon, does that mean what I think it means?
2017-03-20 10:30:59
>> #162804
i cant decide between dragon or grass damnit...
2017-03-19 23:32:10
>> #162674
Peach makes a very cute cow! ^^
2017-03-19 21:13:04
>> #162640
Surprised these two haven't been posted yet lol
2017-03-19 20:02:18
>> #162611
Ami-Mercury said:
NOO Daisy! Not best princess! Screw you Peach!

Don't worry, a mushroom will probably fix her. Probably.
2017-03-19 19:41:50
>> #162600
NOO Daisy! Not best princess! Screw you Peach!
2017-03-20 15:36:59
>> #162830
TheSpoon said:
It's a pre-sequel. Pnauts 2 is coming next year.

I know they're making a true game next, but this new one takes place literally 5 minutes after the first game.
2017-03-20 14:50:04
>> #162824
This is fucking gold oh my god

Pastel-Daemon said:


It's a pre-sequel. Pnauts 2 is coming next year.
2017-03-20 06:03:14
>> #162775
Pastel-Daemon said:
Hmm, older art that slipped through the cracks, or something recent? Either way, can hardly claim this isn't right up my alley in some respects. 8>



Well there is a 2 in development... but my expectations are not high.
2017-03-19 23:15:37
>> #162673
daveyboysmith9 said:
I really wish I could commission him some day. ^^

What you mean? He doesn't take commissions? I was thinking about it just today~
2017-03-19 21:21:46
>> #162646
Pastel-Daemon said:
Hmm, older art that slipped through the cracks, or something recent?

Definitely older art that's slipped through the cracks, I've seen (and been aroused by ><) this one aaages back
...and should probably be embarrased for not having uploaded it then if we apparently didn't have it, whoops.
2017-03-19 19:40:01
>> #162599

HiddenAgenda said:
Sounds like another feisty one.

No doubt. ^^

daveyboysmith9 said:
Awesome series! And a great continuation! ^^ Can't wait for the next part. ^^

Thank you, sir. High praise coming from yourself.

ALK said:
Who's dat Captured Gal? ;3

Now that's a segment I'd get behind!

Darknessneon said:
Always look forward to seeing this continued. Also, it's great how she actually cares for her slaves and doesn't treat them like shit, always a plus in my book.

Thank you, and I have to agree. While watching a Mistress 'use & abuse' her property holds a taboo thrill for me, I feel that a Mistress should always value that property as priceless (and never worthless). It gives them a reason to want to hold onto their power beyond simple power lust.

Slixer said:
they look so exquisitely melancholy

As only truly devoted and loving slaves can.

foffyoul5 said:
Still hoping to see Georgia in Francesca's command at some point :p

I think I know how you'll be voting in the next poll...

Apple said:
YES! I was so torn when I voted because both sounded great, and we're getting both! <3

Can't wait for the next page, and the new polls!

Thanks, I hope you'll enjoy them too.
2017-03-19 19:20:43
>> #162593
solddate said:
Apologies to those who wanted a higher power angle, it's a fun idea, but my Mistresses usually stay on top.

In any case, the winner of the last poll was 'Revisit previous contestants' with 'Outside observers FINALLY notice something is off' a close second. So, I'm giving you BOTH! The new poll with the next post will decide whom has called in to report an interloper, and the identity of the interloper herself too

One more to go.

YES! I was so torn when I voted because both sounded great, and we're getting both! <3

Can't wait for the next page, and the new polls!
2017-03-19 19:07:12
>> #162590
Still hoping to see Georgia in Francesca's command at some point :p
2017-03-19 18:50:26
>> #162588
they look so exquisitely melancholy
2017-03-19 18:42:10
>> #162587
Always look forward to seeing this continued. Also, it's great how she actually cares for her slaves and doesn't treat them like shit, always a plus in my book.
2017-11-06 16:52:52
>> #209773
Miss Martian is the best option. She can shapeshift so you will never get bored and you can be freaky sometimes by telling her to shift into a more interesting creature.
2017-04-18 23:09:59
>> #169257
Eenie meenie miney all of them.
2017-03-21 18:30:50
>> #163004
Anon_3.141 said:
It says Pick a girl...
Okay. I'll have Zatanna, and Miss Martian.
(Zatanna's a Woman, so technically I'm allowed to pick both her and Miss Martian.)

Not in Young Justice she was still young enough. If you go with season 1 at least.
2017-03-21 18:23:41
>> #163003
It says Pick a girl...
Okay. I'll have Zatanna, and Miss Martian.
(Zatanna's a Woman, so technically I'm allowed to pick both her and Miss Martian.)
2017-03-21 18:01:19
>> #163001
Pick 2 milord
2017-08-10 06:05:59
>> #192431
Holy shit, this is hot as hell!
Though I still wonder what he wanted to go to Ashenwald for.
2017-03-20 16:59:47
>> #162832
IMO, this picture needs an "unaware" tad. Protagonist can not understand that he had been enslaved.
2017-03-20 03:51:18
>> #162757
Loved it. Absolutely wonderful <3
2017-03-19 23:00:22
>> #162667
T323 said:
It's some kind of jargone, right?

No it a person who love-love goblin girls
2017-03-19 19:22:46
>> #162594
Bokasa said:
Im calling grimest in this post!

It's some kind of jargone, right?
2017-03-19 12:35:08
>> #162545
Amentibus being awesome. As usual. ^_^
2017-03-19 10:50:15
>> #162543
Adorable. Excellent work Menti!

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