2017-03-20 06:49:18
>> #162787
crazyman said:
your avatar says otherwise

Dominant female loli + naisu badii moe-ball does not a yuri make, sirrah!
I'm saying sleepymaid somehow got me to roll my head at cunnilingus. I can't even.
2017-03-20 04:55:49
>> #162768
If this can help me raise my domminess more often, sign me up. :3
2017-03-20 04:23:11
>> #162761
2017-03-19 23:09:18
>> #162672
Lloyd said:
Great Ganon's gonads,

sleepymaid never misses!

... I don't even like yuri ...

your avatar says otherwise
2017-03-19 23:05:23
>> #162668
Great Ganon's gonads,

sleepymaid never misses!

... I don't even like yuri ...
2017-03-19 05:56:23
>> #162518
Just some sketches because lately I've been very busy to do complete drawings :/
Mister Vi
2017-03-20 07:36:17
>> #162789
PenKen said:
god I'm shit at drawing horses

there are a non-0 amount of areas that could use improving like I'm looking at RD's pose there... did her wings end up behind her thighs?
2017-03-19 21:25:33
>> #162649
Sirloin said:
Dunno, you got the look of abject terror down.

And really, do you need anything else?
2017-03-19 19:15:00
>> #162592
PenKen said:
god I'm shit at drawing horses

Dunno, you got the look of abject terror down.
2017-03-19 15:18:41
>> #162556
Kansattica said:
Yes, tag list, I suppose they are barefoot.

Lolol hey just wanted to cover all the bases!
2017-03-19 10:06:43
>> #162541
Yes, tag list, I suppose they are barefoot.
2018-08-11 00:47:26
>> #274550
2017-03-19 03:27:01
>> #162498
Catmom remains hot as fuck for some reason.
2017-03-19 03:22:11
>> #162497
Squishy Grabbing me likey @.@
2017-03-19 19:50:47
>> #162606
GG said:
Hmmm yeah you're right but I'm glad that this story is back kicking

Me too, glad you liked it.

crazyman said:
plot twist, she actually works for a higher power

Not quite, hehe. ^^' We all know how badly that <<|plot twist>> can work out.

reader8363 said:
Wait, that's her ringtone, and here I thought for a moment that it was some sort of walkie talkie. Or it might be.

Nope, ringtone. A Mistress variation on Obey by Dwele.

asaola said:
Who's going to come in... here comes trouble

koopa08 said:
I got a bad feeling

I know! Me too! ^^

2017-03-19 14:14:30
>> #162549
I got a bad feeling
2017-03-19 07:05:34
>> #162529
Who's going to come in... here comes trouble
2017-03-19 05:14:25
>> #162508
Wait, that's her ringtone, and here I thought for a moment that it was some sort of walkie talkie. Or it might be.
2017-03-19 03:51:03
>> #162502
plot twist, she actually works for a higher power
2020-09-09 03:33:27
>> #385142
I really hope we get to see what the rocket sluts primarily domino did to Shelly at one point cause it sounds really hot
2017-03-19 19:58:04
>> #162607
HypnoHammer said:
Nice new addition

Thanks, apologies again for the wait.

Imasuky said:
I still find it funny in way that I have a story called Ice Queen and it was about the same three women.

As for this I look forward to seeing what you have in mind.

I believe I got the phrase off HypnoHammer, but it's also no secret how much I ADORE your stories, so it may have come from those too. And thank you, I hope you enjoyed what came after.

IDPet said:
>didnt you have fun as a ponyta?

Damn, that was off-screen xD

MasterKyu2 said:
My thoughts exactly

Yup, tho I may yet provide a flashback, so hope is not lost. ^^

JoyJoyBoy said:
What software do you use to add text?

For this, I used Gimp 2.6, although in this particular case I used a ridiculously inefficient method. It wasn't until RCBC showed me a tutorial vid that I got it right in the next pic onward.

The font is Unmasked BB, you can download it off the web. Same with Gimp, they're both free.
2017-03-19 16:18:34
>> #162560
solddate said:
Well, that took a long time to edit! Here's hoping my text isn't too small or just bad to read. More to come, as well as the eventual poll.

What software do you use to add text?
2017-03-19 07:29:08
>> #162531
IDPet said:
>didnt you have fun as a ponyta?

Damn, that was off-screen xD

My thoughts exactly
2017-03-19 05:18:11
>> #162510
>didnt you have fun as a ponyta?

Damn, that was off-screen xD
2022-01-07 13:16:33
>> #452780
Oh god... I cant s... stop... Touching... Myself... F... Fuck... M... Master... Please... Fuck me... On god... Oh god... Oh god... I wanna cum... I wanna cum... Master please... Please... Please...

T... That bastard... H... He did something... A... Again.... I'm... So wet... So hot... M... My body is too... Too sensitive... F... Fingers... T... Too good... Thinking... Ahhhh... No... Cant... Lose... Focus... Need... Cull... Pleasure... Fuck... I wanna cum... I've been touching for hours... And nothing... I... It's getting so hard... T... To think... Nggghh... Need to cum so bad... So desperate... Master... Please... Let me cum... Let your filthy slut cum oh god please!!!

I cant believe I let that slut get in my head. I still can’t stop thinking about her perfect ass... Snap out of it damn it. Oh well... She won't get control again. Not after I leave her in that room for a few days. All she can do is touch herself and she can't even cum without my say so. Which she won't get. I'm gonna watch her mind melt away into the perfect little mindless bimbo doll for me to use as my sex toy as I see fit. It won't take long. Soon she will be a drooling and mindless slave with a wonderfully perfect ass for me to worship. Damn it. Need to really snap out of that. More because it's getting too annoying always complimenting my mistress. Fuck. That's not what I meant.
2017-03-19 10:13:21
>> #162542
I feel like this is should be turned into some really weird romance story.
2017-03-19 03:43:25
>> #162501
I feel like their going to end up mind breaking each other at the same time at the rate their going.

2017-03-19 02:44:01
>> #162489
Sorry about the bad hair. First time I've had to edit the hair for this pool~ Enjoy~
2017-03-19 01:17:02
>> #162472
Thanks for translating a lot of these images
2017-03-19 01:49:48
>> #162478
ElectriKirb said:
I'll fix the tags for ya. (well, most of them at least)

Thank. I'll need to learn how to do that all myself but that's for another time.
2017-03-19 01:49:13
>> #162477
coolpizzacook said:
Also I'm bad at tagging so pls help.

I'll fix the tags for ya. (well, most of them at least)
2017-03-19 00:54:20
>> #162469
My catbeast has had a few commissions picked up by me, so... figured I'd upload them. Also I'm bad at tagging so pls help.
2017-03-19 02:28:26
>> #162486
mariosonicfan said:
Oh my goodness! This turned out so well man! It was definitely worth the wait. Very nice work!

Lol our girls looks so cute together! The little kiss just steals it for me.

Glad you like it!
Hope Kaa'lin is not that rude with little Ahiru, we don't wanna break her... too soon at least :DDD
2017-03-19 02:17:22
>> #162485
Oh my goodness! This turned out so well man! It was definitely worth the wait. Very nice work!

Lol our girls looks so cute together! The little kiss just steals it for me.
2017-03-19 01:38:04
>> #162474
Pinkanator said:
intense levels of daw

amen pink, amen
2017-03-19 01:26:00
>> #162473
This is soooo cuuuuuute~
2017-03-19 01:12:33
>> #162470
intense levels of daw

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