2017-03-16 21:37:50
>> #162054
StepfordCrimson said:
For a second there, because it's all transparent line art, I thought she was somehow titfucking HERSELF :o

Autopaizuri is a thing.

Not too much on this site though.
2017-03-16 20:08:38
>> #162031
pokemongirl said:
That COCK~ is really lost in there *giggles*

But really do love this animation @.@

Nothing is lost that's right where it belongs. ;)
2017-03-15 03:04:57
>> #161705
2017-03-15 01:05:08
>> #161671
That COCK~ is really lost in there *giggles*

But really do love this animation @.@
2017-03-15 01:02:36
>> #161669
Yes, yes and more yes.
2017-03-19 07:03:30
>> #162528
Exquisite! What a lovely line up indeed..
2017-03-16 16:32:58
>> #162010
Nice work!
2017-03-15 21:08:30
>> #161862
This is much smoother than the previous version, and so it works a lot better. Thank you, HIG!
2017-03-15 09:29:56
>> #161773
I've used Blender for 2d animation before. It feels like using a bulldozer to make a sandcastle. But Blender is a seriously powerful but of kit. If you can get though the UI. Which you clearly have! This is very nice work!
2017-03-15 02:10:26
>> #161689
pokemongirl said:
What a lovely line up *presents breasts* Guess I should get in line hehe : )

Yes yes, it is a good lineup after all :)
2017-03-16 19:32:05
>> #162028
Apple said:
Are you me, then? Am I you? Am I the Walrus? Are you Dr. Eggman?

I've been considering changing, but it can be tricky finding an image where the initial random cropping selection when you click on Set Avatar is actually workable. My iPhone won't let me drag the edges of the selection, and clicking different parts of the image just makes it select a single tiny point rather than something I can actually use as an avatar.

(Anyone know a workaround that I haven't been able to find, by any chance?)

Regardless, I'll look around and see. I certainly wouldn't want to confuse anyone—it's much more fun to be the one getting confused, at least in fetish like this one, imo! XD

Problem solved
2017-03-16 08:30:11
>> #161972
Pinkanator said:
I'm not me

Are you me, then? Am I you? Am I the Walrus? Are you Dr. Eggman?

Imasuky said:
Also with the two of you and all the pepole using smoking goblin it's getting hard to tell who's who.

I've been considering changing, but it can be tricky finding an image where the initial random cropping selection when you click on Set Avatar is actually workable. My iPhone won't let me drag the edges of the selection, and clicking different parts of the image just makes it select a single tiny point rather than something I can actually use as an avatar.

(Anyone know a workaround that I haven't been able to find, by any chance?)

Regardless, I'll look around and see. I certainly wouldn't want to confuse anyone—it's much more fun to be the one getting confused, at least in fetish like this one, imo! XD
2017-03-16 06:32:25
>> #161955
Imasuky said:
I'm just getting BotW on Wii U

Also with the two of you and all the pepole using smoking goblin it's getting hard to tell who's who.

And on April 1st, almost everyone will be a purple smoking goblin man.
2017-03-15 22:01:56
>> #161872
Imasuky said:
I'm just getting BotW on Wii U

Also with the two of you and all the pepole using smoking goblin it's getting hard to tell who's who.

I'm not me
2017-03-15 22:01:23
>> #161871
Apple said:
Ah, a fellow Linkle! Avatar-twins! <3

Also, I'm definitely enjoying all of your Zelda uploads! Unfortunately, it's making me even more jealous of people who've been able to get a Switch... everywhere near me is sold out, with the exception of a GameStop bundle full of add-ons I don't want. XD

I'm just getting BotW on Wii U

Also with the two of you and all the pepole using smoking goblin it's getting hard to tell who's who.
2017-03-16 17:25:50
>> #162020
SAD_819 said:
So proud to know that there is already porn of this game here

There was BotW porn on here 2 months ago - that's a month-and-a-half before the game was even released. I think the first in-depth trailer was released at that time.

It practically took oo_sebastian_oo all of 2 days after the trailer came out to make a picture of BotW Zelda being hypno'ed by a Gerudo.
2017-03-16 17:24:39
>> #162019
So proud to know that there is already porn of this game here
2017-03-15 12:15:12
>> #161792
Thank you for posting this I really wanted mipha
2017-03-14 21:25:07
>> #161607
Well this is my first time doing this any tips and stuff feel free to say, i played around a bit with the colours but felt like the yellow on the eyes (it's Miphas's eye color) and the white on her hand looked the best, i also removed link's tears but if someone wants to see the version with him crying i can post it to.
2017-08-17 18:10:07
>> #193888
so we're all in agreement that lucoa would make a great mommydom, right?
2017-03-15 07:40:58
>> #161753
Roxa said:
Glad to bring the first Dragon Maid pic. :3

Edit : Or not. x')

Its great either way~
2017-03-15 06:38:52
>> #161744
The one dragon that I kinda have a problem with. Oh, well,

It looks good.
2017-03-15 01:30:56
>> #161677
I saw youtube clips of this anime and decided fuck it i like dragons i'll watch it, 8 episodes later i'm like
"who knew this would be fucking decent."Also i just love Saikawa's reaction to kanna every time they make physical contact.
2017-03-15 01:01:23
>> #161668
Roxa said:
Glad to bring the first Dragon Maid pic. :3

Edit : Or not. x')

Well more Centorea is good either way ; )
2017-03-16 22:59:24
>> #162062
Can I add Humor to this mainly for the stupid sign in the background?
2017-03-14 19:28:30
>> #161570
Whoever keeps making these mutsu tags, PLEASE add her and the gintama tag.
2017-03-14 18:40:10
>> #161563
... Once I noticed it, I laughed for a straight 5 minutes
2021-10-06 14:23:03
>> #440470
How can I get the full story?
2017-03-16 02:36:21
>> #161918
Dragon-Cana-Love said:
Bout time Kurenai got introduced, one of the best girls in Naruto and so much hotter than Hinata =P

Plus, technically, Kurenai falls under the MILF category.
2017-03-15 00:56:24
>> #161666
Yep this is very lovely and always need more Hinata for some reason... *giggles*
2017-03-15 00:43:14
>> #161657
Bout time Kurenai got introduced, one of the best girls in Naruto and so much hotter than Hinata =P
2017-03-14 18:26:28
>> #161560
wow this is a really hot concept O.O
2017-03-14 17:54:41
>> #161559
Imasuky said:
Yeah a lot of pepole don't but it's super useful.

I see
2017-03-14 17:52:37
>> #161558
NightmareKagamine97 said:
Oh, didn't know how to do that before, but thanks anyway

Yeah a lot of pepole don't but it's super useful.
2017-03-14 17:51:28
>> #161556
Imasuky said:
I meant your comment it's huge.

it looks like [spoiler ] this [/ spoiler]

Oh, didn't know how to do that before, but thanks anyway
2017-03-14 17:47:10
>> #161555
NightmareKagamine97 said:
Already did

I meant your comment it's huge.

it looks like [spoiler ] this [/ spoiler]
2017-03-14 17:46:55
>> #161554
NightmareKagamine97 said:
Already did

If you did, then we would have THIS WALL OF TEXT hidden like so:
NightmareKagamine97 said:
"It was the following day in the morning. Before Minato even opened his eyes, he heard a voice.

- Good morning. - it was Pharos's voice again. - This is the first time we've talked during the daytime.

He opened his eyes and there he was, sitting on his bed. The sky was blue and pretty on the window.

- Nice weather, isn't it? - he said. - This is indeed a new day... For both of us. - he got out of his bed. - All the fragments of my memory... They've finally come together. I now know my role clearly. The time has come. As difficult as it may be, I must tell you something. I am afraid this is goodbye. I want you to know... For me, our friendship was a miracle. But, miracles don't last forever... If only they did.

- Yeah...

- I shall trasure our conversations always. Even if today is the end, the bond between us can never be severed... Remember that.

- Pharos...

- It was fun while it lasted, Minato. Farewell... - and he disappeared just like he used to do.

The day passed slowly, but the night finally came. Their celebration was ready when Minato returned to the dorm.

The table was full of sushi plates, and they all gathered around it, before eating.

- Wow! Nice spread! - said Junpei.

- The slices are huge!

- Man, I'm starving... Can we eat?

- Hey, where are Aigis-san and Ikutsuki-san? - said Ken.

- He took her to the lab for a tune-up or something - Akihiko answered. - He said they'll join us later.

- Heh... The Chairman just can't stay away from the lab, can he? - said Fuuka between giggles.

Suddenly the sound of a car stoping in front of the dorm was hear.

- My father... - Mitsuru said. They all got up and went to the door, where Mr Kirijo came with two other people. - We've been waiting for you.

- So... - he looked around at everybody - it's over at last, huh...

- Yes.

- Congratulations, everyone. You've done well. There are no words to express my gratitude. Though you will never receive the recognition you deserve, it is undoubtedly a monumental achievement. - He walked towards Yukari. - To you, I owe a special thanks... For lending us your power until the very end. Thank you.

- Oh, it's... - she seemed a bit embarassed. - ... it's no big deal.

- The twelve 12 Shadows that were the cause of all our troubles have been destroyed, thanks to your efforts. You needn't bear this burden any longer. You deserve a chance to experience the joys of youth. The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad will be dissolved as of midnight tonight. No longer must you put your lives on the line in battle. Tomorrow, you can triumphantly return to a normal school life. - But no one said a thing. - ... Is something the matter?

- Oh... Nothing... - said Mitsuru. - Alright, everyone... It's time to celebrate. Your feast awaits you. There's no need to hold back; eat as much as you'd like.

- Sweet! I've been waiting for you to say that! - said Junpei. They all arranged themselves around the table again.

On the middle of dinner, Junpei got up and said. - I have an idea... How 'bout we all take a picture? Actually, I tried to take one last night... But I forgot it wouldn't work during the Dark Hour.

- You mean... You brought a camera with you into battle?

- Well, it was our LAST battle, after all. - he walked towards one of the poeple who came in with Mr Kirijo. - Hey, could ya take our picture?

They all lined up in front of the door for the shot.

- I feel like such a tourist. - said Yukari. - But I kinda want a picture, too.

- Oh, we'll have to get another one later with Ikutsuki-san and Aigis-chan.

The man with the camera said - Is everyone ready?

- You bet!

- Knock it off, Junpei.

- Hey!


They went back to the table, and after a while Junpei was the only one eating.

- Hey, how come nobody's eating? Don't tell me you're full already!

- Are you kidding? - said Yukari. - I'm stuffed.

- Me too. - said Fuuka.

- How 'bout you, Senpai?

- I'm good for now. - said Akihiko.

- Alright. - Koromaru approached Junpei. - Oh... Hungry, boy?

- Don't give the dog raw fish! You'll make hum sick! - said Yukari, but Koromaru whimped.

- I wonder what's taking those two so long... - said Minato. - ... It's almost midnight.

When midnight was uppon them, the Dark Hour appeared again. The people Mr Kirijo brought with them turned into coffins.

- What the hell...?! - said Junpei while Koromaru barked at the two transformed people. - I though we ended the Dark Hour! Senpai, what's going on...!?

- I don't know.

- Apparently, I was right to have my doubts. - said Akihiko.

- Yeah, something didn't feel right. - said Ken.

- No way...

- Hey... - said Yukari. - Do you hear that? It sounds like a bell, but... where is it coming from?

A loud ring of bell could be heard. It was really spooky, Minato felt a cool chill go down his spine.

- Where's Ikutsuki? - said Mr Kirijo. No one answered. - ...Well!? Why is he late!? He's got Aigis with him, doesn't he!? - Mitsuru was suddenly with a terrorized look on her face.

- Mitsuru... - said Akihiko.

- Everyone! - she said. - Prepare for battle. We're heading for Tartarus.

- Umm... to do what? - said Fuuka.

- I don't know... But that's where the sound is coming from. We have to find out what's going on.

They arrived at Tartarus's door and in front of it there was two people: Ikutsuki and Aigis.

- Ikutsuki san!

- Aigis? - said Minato. - Why are you here...?

But something was wrong. Aigis didn't seemed like Aigis at all. Her eyes were diffrent, as if she was possesed. Ikutsuki steped foward.

- She is here merely to fulfill her role -- as a weapon.

- Huh...?

- Ikutsuki-san, what's this all about!?

- You said the Dark Hour and Tartarus would disappear if we defeated the 12 Shadows. That's why we fought so hard! But, now... - Akihiko stoped talking, and Mitsuru steped foward.

- ... What is your intention? ... It was a lie, wasn't it? You knew from the beginning that the Dark Hour wouldn't disappear.

- Excellent deduction, Mitsuru. Unfortunately, your realization has come too late.

- No...

- You tricked us!?

- Everything is as I planned... - he said. - It is not unexpected that the Dark Hour and Tartarus remain. In fact, I never intended for you to rid the world of them. Quite the opposite, actually.

- What do you mean?

- The 12 Shadows were parts of a whole... They were destined to be reunited... And that was accomplished in no small part, thanks to your efforts. Soon, Death, the almighty, shall arise and bring forth the Fall...

- ... Death?

- What are you talking about!?

- The end of all shall come and free this world from despair... The death of everything... But also the beginning.

- Wh-what is he saying...? Is he out of his mind...?

- Ten years ago... I, too, was a scientist for the project we've spoken of. The experiment went awry, but that is not why the Dark Hour and Tartarus were born. They manifested as a result of harvesting the Shadows' power--just as the experiment was designed to do. That is why your grandfather gathered so many Shadows... To bring about the Fall.

- That can't be! - Mitsuru said.

- People have filled the world, yet turned it into a void! The only hope of salvation lies in ruin! According to the prophecy... The Fall will be orchestrated by "the Prince." And once the Prince has delivered us all he shall rule the new world as King! The man who tried it ten years ago failed. But I will not; I shall succeed!

- Man, he's totally lost it...

- I apologize for deceiving you, but this was for your sake as well. If you follow me for just a little while longer, you, too, will find salvation.

- You call that salvation!?

- ... I have a question for you. - said Yukari.

- ...Yes?

- In the video from my father... He said to defeat the Shadows... Was that a lie, too?

- Ah... He did record that himself... Of course, I had to make some modifications.

- You doctored it!? - Mitsuru was furious.

- I corrected it. - he said. - Your father was a superb scientist, Takeba. He may not have known it, but I truly respected him. While others focused on the Shadows' abilites, he explored much more important things... But unfortunatelly, he could not comprehend the magnificent potential of the Fall...

- What...?

- He left that recording at the expense of his life. - Mitsuru said.

- It would seem so... But, it did prove rather useful, so I'm sure he's happy.

- So you were behind it all!? - Yukari was also furious. - You used both me and my father!

- "Used" is such an ugly word... It was for the sake of the world, so how could it be wrong?

- Our role is to correct the mistakes of the past... - said Minato - ... and we intendt to do just that! - He, Yukari and Mitsuru grabbed their Evokers.

- Hey, w-wait! - said Junpei.

- How disappointing. I had hoped you would see the light. But, you are just children, after all. I suppose it can't be helped. Aigis. The time has come for you to fulfill your role. Capture them, and prepare them to be sacrificed! - He pressed a button in some kind of remote control.

- ...Understood. - Aigis answered.She went full force against them. They can't remember a thing of how they got captured.

When they woke up, they were on top of Gekkoukan High School, apparently it had kept it's form inside a dimensional shift in Tartarus. The SEES members were tied up in crosses, they could hear a voice.

- What's going on!? - it was Mr Kirijo's voice.

- What the hell!? - said Junpei.

-What is this?! - said Yukari.

Mitsuru woke up as well. - Father!!

Aigis has Mr Kirijo tied up in front of Ikutsuki.

- Ikutsuki! What is this!?

- It is just as it appears... They are to be sacrifices--harbingers of the Fall. The arrengements are complete; the prophecy shall be fulfilled.

Aigis turned her weapon towards Mr Kirijo.

- You traitor! Are you insane!?

- Of course not... You know, your father was an unlucky man. Even you, his son, after all this time do not understand his vision.

- My father was wrong. Death as deliverance... That is not an ideology anyone should ever embrace!

- Fool! You are but a nuisance now. Aigis!

- WAIT! PLEASE, AIGIS, NO! - Mitsuru screamed desperatelly. Aigis suddenly stoped.

-What are you doing, Aigis!?

- I... am...

- Forget it! - Ikutsuki grabbed a gun, pointed towards Mr Kirijo. - Ten years... I've wasted ten long years! I'm not like your father... I won't make any exceptions!

Mr Kirijo released himself from the ropes, and grabbed his own gun, it was a quickdraw, two shots, both of them got hit, but Mitsuru's father's wound was worse. He fell on the ground.

- Father.... FATHER!!!

- Aigis... - Ikutsuki continued. - End this. Execute their sacrifices now! - Aigis turned towards the SEES members, and aimed at Minato.

- Aigis!

- Damnit! Snap out of it!

She had her target locked on the SEES leader, and prepared her bullets. But she was trembling. She couldn't shot him. Her primary directrix was to protect the one she was now targeting for termination.

- Aigis - he said. - You don't want to do this.

She closed her eyes, moved her arms and fired at them, but her precise shots released them.

- Damnit! You piece of junk! - he grabbed that remote control - I'll do it myself.

But Koromaru was quick in running at him and taking it out of him.

- You don't get it, do you? - said a trapped Ikutsuki. - This useless pathetic world will gradually fester over time. Only it's destruction can bring about it's salvation. And then, at long last... I will rule over the new world... I was so close... - And just as Takaya and Jin did last night, the Chairman threw himself from the rooftop into darkness. His body was never found.

- How did it come to this...? - said Yukari. They turned around, Mitsuru was over her father's dead body.

- One time, my father made a promise. He swore that he would atone for endangering our generation, even if it cost him his life... But, I... I wanted him to live... I... I became a Persona-user to protect him... - She couldn't hold out any longer, her tears came rushing down from her eyes.

Everyone else was at a loss for words..."

2017-03-15 00:54:45
>> #161664
Yep same uniform *giggles*
2017-03-15 00:32:12
>> #161651
gguy123 said:
Hypnotizing silly Bookwyrms is a fun use of library time.

We need to have a talk about the appropriate use of literary women
2017-03-14 18:29:30
>> #161561
You should tag her name in, gguy. Unless you want to keep her name a secret, in which case that's cool too. :P
2017-03-14 17:03:46
>> #161547
gguy123 said:

2017-03-14 16:07:10
>> #161538
She is adorable!
2017-03-14 15:08:07
>> #161521
Sample of a book <<|Full Version Here>>

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