2017-03-14 03:37:53
>> #161445
sanicthehedgehog said:
O wait I might not be allowed to say what females I would like to hypnotize me, I might get banned for sharing my opinions

I see we can't have a Miraculous Ladybug post without at least one yo-yo.
2017-03-14 01:08:09
>> #161399
ffffffffuck yes
2017-03-14 00:56:21
>> #161396
sanicthehedgehog said:
O wait I might not be allowed to say what females I would like to hypnotize me, I might get banned for sharing my opinions

Dude, stop.
2017-03-14 00:46:59
>> #161395
sanicthehedgehog said:
I would love to see her as a hypnotist more

O wait I might not be allowed to say what females I would like to hypnotize me, I might get banned for sharing my opinions
2017-03-14 00:36:06
>> #161393
I would love to see her as a hypnotist more
2017-03-14 04:07:40
>> #161456
supersmasher2020 said:
Mewtwo is genderless. That said, I'm not complaining.

Well voices from the first sounds male and second sounds female.
2017-03-14 04:06:02
>> #161455
Ya know, I was always kind of meh about female Mewtwo.

But ya know what? ...I really happen to like Mewtwo with big tits like these.
2017-03-14 04:05:33
>> #161453
Mewtwo is genderless. That said, I'm not complaining.
2017-03-14 03:31:27
>> #161444
2017-03-13 23:09:47
>> #161378
mewtwo boobs

2018-12-01 21:11:27
>> #292542
pokemongirl said:
She's so cute and sweet and funny enough I think this would fit in perfectly with her personality fun and goofy : )

Agreed! She would be an excellent example of a child loving Haigure as her life :)
2017-03-13 21:42:32
>> #161358
She's so cute and sweet and funny enough I think this would fit in perfectly with her personality fun and goofy : )
2017-03-13 21:39:15
>> #161356
Mmmmmm~ I wana kitty cum bath *giggles*
2017-11-07 14:51:05
>> #209996
i wanna be tentacle fucked~!
2017-03-13 21:54:32
>> #161365
Would this count as a form of possession? Or would it be something different? I want to check before I add an unnecessary tag.
2017-03-13 21:38:32
>> #161354
Would love some purple tentacle goo <3

Also is the second girl from 6teen? Looks very similar at least lol
2017-03-15 16:30:56
>> #161817
Bitshift said:
I'm glad but amused that people are liking the story because it's the thing I like least about the set. I love the IDEA (That's why this happened), but the actual writing is pretty terrible, to the point where I was considering just uploading a few of the strongest images without text. Sounds like the fun of the concept has survived my writing though, so great.

And thanks. No guarantees, but knowing there's an audience definitely helps.

The writing is ... well, rather good for the median of this site. I mean, it's not trilby-else, but I won't call it bad. Quick and dirty, but there's nothing wrong with that.
2017-03-14 23:42:01
>> #161642
Bitshift said:
Heh, seem to get that a lot. Glad it's good enough to draw some people in.

I know what you mean.
2017-03-14 21:34:16
>> #161612
I'm glad but amused that people are liking the story because it's the thing I like least about the set. I love the IDEA (That's why this happened), but the actual writing is pretty terrible, to the point where I was considering just uploading a few of the strongest images without text. Sounds like the fun of the concept has survived my writing though, so great.

And thanks. No guarantees, but knowing there's an audience definitely helps.
2017-03-14 21:22:52
>> #161606
Bitshift said:
Heh, seem to get that a lot. Glad it's good enough to draw some people in.

Well, I'm more or less furry neutral; it doesn't do anything for me or turn me off. Story is the important thing. I tend to avoid commenting on pony stuff because - well, ponies, but I don't particularly care what characters are.

The format and outcome are all very hot either way, I particularly like cumming used to melt the brain. I definitely hope you do more with basically any fictional character.
2017-03-14 21:04:24
>> #161599
Heh, seem to get that a lot. Glad it's good enough to draw some people in.
2017-03-13 22:35:40
>> #161373
Shizuka + Haigure.
I extremely love this.
2017-03-13 21:53:13
>> #161364
EoD said:
I do believe the person who flagged this needs a crash course in the history of Haigure.

You'd think with as often as it shows up pepole would learn by now.
2017-03-13 21:50:39
>> #161362
I do believe the person who flagged this needs a crash course in the history of Haigure.
2017-03-13 19:49:29
>> #161335
Ah, I love how Haigure is getting slowly more lately ^w^
2017-03-14 02:53:50
>> #161434
well even more sequences like this would be hot,tho this is my fetish talking but you could add an IQ drain trigger to it
2017-03-14 01:11:16
>> #161402
hypnoshadow said:
also this is awesome,hope there is a continuation with luna

Thanks, really appreciate it. My interest is all over the place, but I'll certainly consider it.
2017-03-14 00:42:05
>> #161394
also this is awesome,hope there is a continuation with luna
2017-03-13 19:40:32
>> #161332
Not seeing an "add to pool" option, that's the issue. I know it should be there, but not seeing it.

EDIT: Ahh, I had to "show advance editing controls." That did it.
2017-03-13 19:31:36
>> #161331
go to the pools page,click new at the bottom and create it,post a picture and click add to pool
2018-09-10 21:42:46
>> #279909
I really hate Midna in this... that said I have no idea who the character is, so it just looks like some child to me.
2017-10-03 18:52:51
>> #202251
Roxa said:
Look guys ! The pool's name has changed !
What could this mean ? :3c

Very promising things
2017-10-03 18:51:19
>> #202250
Look guys ! The pool's name has changed !
What could this mean ? :3c
2017-03-14 05:46:31
>> #161472

Bayonneta definitely is cancer for smash bros.
2017-03-14 04:38:25
>> #161461
Nice one Roxa :D
2017-05-23 00:19:41
>> #176961
Lady_Gardevoir said:
Translation, I want to be in that scenario or see an image of Kat, lux and ashe in the same scenario, always have to translate

I mean, I get the "I'd like to see these other characters in the same kinda pic," but the "I see myself as this character" I just failed to understand...
2017-05-23 00:14:22
>> #176960
RedCollarBlackCollar said:

Translation, I want to be in that scenario or see an image of Kat, lux and ashe in the same scenario, always have to translate
2017-05-23 00:09:23
>> #176958
Lady_Gardevoir said:
Maybe it's bad, but I feel myself as Ashe, in the same state as those three, with Lux and Katarina on my sides, all of us masturbating to the light.

2017-05-23 00:07:18
>> #176957
Maybe it's bad, but I feel myself as Ashe, in the same state as those three, with Lux and Katarina on my sides, all of us masturbating to the light.
2017-03-15 10:34:39
>> #161786
+1 for Ahri. There can never be enough of her on the Hub.

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