2017-03-10 00:35:26
>> #160545
PenKen said:
Commission i finished, pls support my stupid face on patreon or else the gnomes will get me.

i control the gnomes >:D
2017-03-09 22:28:55
>> #160520
I love how happy and silly both of them look <3
2017-03-09 15:38:15
>> #160473
This is fantastic. Love the girl whoever she is. Also great poses and special ettects in panels 4 to 6.
2017-03-09 09:50:01
>> #160449
Very nice~
Best way to fall asleep~
2017-03-09 09:02:47
>> #160441
Commission i finished, pls support my stupid face on patreon or else the gnomes will get me.
2017-03-10 06:31:48
>> #160587
No1 said:
Well there are weird people that don't find insects sexy.

I know but still surprised especially because how feminine it looks XD
2017-03-10 00:26:20
>> #160544
pokemongirl said:
It will be interesting how the anime handles the Ultra Beasts they are still very mysterious I wonder if they be able to talk like this XD

Ya I'm very surprised there isn't a lot of Pheromosa as well especially since her pheromones work on everything not just Males like Salazzle XD

Well there are weird people that don't find insects sexy.
2017-03-09 22:28:14
>> #160519
It will be interesting how the anime handles the Ultra Beasts they are still very mysterious I wonder if they be able to talk like this XD

Gengarzilla said:
On the bright side, we finally have some Pheromosa here. I'm legit surprised that a creature implied to have stronger pheromones than Salazzle hasn't been in the hub before. More Pheromosa!

Ya I'm very surprised there isn't a lot of Pheromosa as well especially since her pheromones work on everything not just Males like Salazzle XD
2017-03-09 22:16:35
>> #160516
Anon_3.141 said:
Why do you think the bigger picture would get a red star? Is there a major quality issue with the bigger one that this one doesn't have (i.e.: excessive image stretching)?

Think a little about why you would have a red star.

The bottom is horrible quality, I draw this in paint and although my pulse is not very good, anyway this would have a red star if I put the large version.
2017-03-09 21:45:56
>> #160514
DouDile said:
I don't want to put the bigger picture because I sense that it will have a red star.
Anyway, this is bull bull.

Why do you think the bigger picture would get a red star? Is there a major quality issue with the bigger one that this one doesn't have (i.e.: excessive image stretching)?
2017-03-09 07:56:08
>> #160436
None said:
You'd have to set up your own instance of and retrain it for that, since the web sample doesn't learn from user submissions.

Don't worry I know, I was just joking. I actually tried out the web sample some line art of my own and curiously it's always the shorter, wavy hair that gets colored blonde. Straight hair more often than not seems to be colored black and shoulder length seems to go the way of brunette.
2017-03-09 07:19:33
>> #160431
Mephaustis said:
Maybe someone fed it Nazi propaganda posters.

You'd have to set up your own instance of and retrain it for that, since the web sample doesn't learn from user submissions.
2017-03-09 07:07:25
>> #160427
None said:
Just for fun, here is the neural network's default output if we don't add any color hints to it at all. If you run it through a bunch of pictures, it seems biased towards blonde hair for whatever reason.

Maybe someone fed it Nazi propaganda posters.
2017-03-09 06:44:22
>> #160420
Just for fun, here is the neural network's default output if we don't add any color hints to it at all. If you run it through a bunch of pictures, it seems biased towards blonde hair for whatever reason.
2017-03-10 05:42:45
>> #160580
You are able to get away with a lot fewer samples than I usually have to provide!
2017-03-09 23:06:09
>> #160531
The tech geek in me is vibrating with delight at this.
2017-03-09 20:52:35
>> #160506
_kaliss_ said:
I for one welcome our new neural net overlords

They're going to be taking over at some point in the future regardless of what we humans do (excluding wiping ourselves out via nuclear war), so we may as well embrace their coming.
2017-03-09 19:48:46
>> #160495
fascinating stuff
2017-03-09 07:39:05
>> #160434
I for one welcome our new neural net overlords
2017-03-10 06:20:35
>> #160584
Sexy feet, as always :)
2017-03-09 23:40:16
>> #160534
Imasuky said:
Well it is Zko's art so of course it's nice, the coloring job is pretty good too.

I know it was Zko, I was referring to the coloring job, which is fantastic.
2017-03-09 19:51:33
>> #160496
Fascinating how the colouring was done
2017-03-09 10:33:07
>> #160462
Great picture aside, I can't help but be impressed with the color job. I could see this tech being a useful shortcut for artists, even as a base for more detailed color work.

Technology is incredible and all that. :)
2017-03-09 07:02:03
>> #160426
Very lovely. :3
2017-03-09 03:23:00
>> #160390
Not usually my thing but we need more Idol worship especially like that one Golden Cock comic hehe : )
2017-03-09 02:29:10
>> #160383
how is this still completely untagged?
2017-03-09 09:57:51
>> #160453
this is so close to being perfect...

but those assholes...
2017-03-09 03:58:11
>> #160395
Anyone else get a sudden craving for donuts?
2017-03-09 01:55:42
>> #160377
Praise the statue *_*
2018-03-13 23:34:31
>> #239586
There is a popsicle pic for the malicite twins too
2017-03-09 03:20:16
>> #160389
Mmmmmm~ cocksicles @.@
2017-03-09 02:29:02
>> #160382
Grima180 said:
First post here. I stumbled upon the artist and remembered Hypnoslave's series. Thought I would post his text with updated pictures. I asked his permission first, so I hope he likes what I've done here. I have no idea how to do parent posts or tags properly. :(

Correction, second post here. I like it.
2017-03-09 00:39:14
>> #160363
First post here. I stumbled upon the artist and remembered Hypnoslave's series. Thought I would post his text with updated pictures. I asked his permission first, so I hope he likes what I've done here. I have no idea how to do parent posts or tags properly. :(
2017-03-09 06:09:19
>> #160407
Great continuation nice to see I'm not the only one that wanted that series to continue
2017-03-09 00:34:25
>> #160362
First post here. I stumbled upon the artist and remembered Hypnoslave's series. Thought I would post his text with updated pictures. I asked his permission first, so I hope he likes what I've done here.
2017-03-09 02:37:34
>> #160386
Rotem_Dishon said:
Although she might need practice sparing people... you never know ^^.

Knowing her? Probably actually.
2017-03-09 02:30:53
>> #160384
brodart12367 said:
Which chapters do Videl and Sailor Jupiter fit into? Those 2 and of course Akane are the ones I look forward to most, and it's going along great so far.

Thanks! Glad you like it. Sailor Jupiter will appear shortly after Akane gets hypnotized. I'm writing a better reason for why she shows up, that being that she's friends with Akane and was waiting to spar with her. Videl will remain the same, but won't be for awhile. ^^
2017-03-09 01:41:20
>> #160375
Rotem_Dishon said:
Although she might need practice sparing people... you never know ^^.
sorry not sorry
2017-03-09 01:39:02
>> #160374
Hawkeye said:
Just so you know, it's spelled "sparring", not "sparing".

Although she might need practice sparing people... you never know ^^.
2017-03-09 01:36:55
>> #160373
Gotta say, it's nice to run into porn that remembers Akane has a hot temper and a sharp tongue. Seems like a lot of it just puts Kasumi's personality into Akane's body.

edit: Before the whole brainwashing bit, that is. After's fair game.

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