2017-03-08 07:29:46
>> #160243
THANK YOU EDGE ! And thank you everyone ! Unfortunately, my internet died right for my birthday so I couldn't be here yesterday. ^^'
2017-03-07 23:44:26
>> #160156
pokemongirl said:
Happy Birthday Roxa and Happy 50th Pic Edge of the Moon!

Oh wow I didn't notice that @_@. Cheers PKGirl ^^
2017-03-07 22:31:18
>> #160141
Happy Birthday Roxa and Happy 50th Pic Edge of the Moon!
2017-03-07 19:35:54
>> #160122
Happy Birthday, Roxa! Hope you're having a great day!
2017-03-07 14:38:20
>> #160086
StepfordCrimson said:
"Angry" French man? :o

Either way Happeh Birthday Roxa!~

We play Overwatch together a lot. Learning a lot of French swear words @_@

Also to differentiate him from Whisper my favourite non-angry Frenchman ^^
2017-03-08 02:37:49
>> #160197
I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand its great to see some Demi-chan hypno art but on the other hand Hikari is a cinnamon roll too pure for this world that I don't want to see tainted. Never have i felt so conflicted.
2017-03-08 02:32:58
>> #160195
You have my full attention.
2017-03-07 08:59:34
>> #160059
looking forward too it
2017-03-07 08:12:48
>> #160056
Just a bit of a small preview since I haven't posted anything in two weeks despite saying I'd start drawing regularly again. This drawing is going to be probably the most complex thing I've done in a while and the line art is probably the thinnest I've ever tried to do. I arguably bit off a little more than I could chew, but hopefully it all pays off. Look forward to an upload sometime this week (hopefully tomorrow/later today since it's already past midnight for me).
2017-03-07 09:18:09
>> #160060
AWMBH said:
I want more. Is there?

There will be soon. It's going to at least be 4 pages long..
2017-03-07 08:03:54
>> #160051
I want more. Is there?
2017-03-12 12:15:36
>> #161031

N-no!! I do NOT consent to this~!! Nuuuuuu~!!! OnO;

Solaris is receiving some choice words from me!! And my preferred language is this!:
2017-03-07 10:55:37
>> #160074
Now I've got a warm and fuzzy =3
2017-03-07 04:23:59
>> #160023
Final part of the little series of drawings I uploaded.

After having two vicotries, Solaris realized by then that these two may be lovers of some sort. Seeing that there was no need to separate the two for now, Solaris called his two brand new slaves to make use of there bigger breasts and worship their new deity's cock. After all, what else could possibly be going on in their minds than thinking about that?

I thank Zombifier for these comms, and that I've been meaning to upload these earlier, but got busy with other shit.
2017-03-12 21:51:53
>> #161093
someguy231 said:
They're big because that's the thing about being solarized. The tits, ass, hands and feet grow.

Still flamestriking him. >:(
2017-03-12 15:00:39
>> #161043
KaelinYamamura420 said:

I REALLY liked the first one made by this guy...captured me quite well! But, my black hair...

...and...did my breasts really need to be that big? Is my chest not good enough as is? *sob* :c

I've a smaller cup and tiny feet! Why make them so big?

They're big because that's the thing about being solarized. The tits, ass, hands and feet grow.
2017-03-12 12:08:53
>> #161030

I REALLY liked the first one made by this guy...captured me quite well! But, my black hair...

...and...did my breasts really need to be that big? Is my chest not good enough as is? *sob* :c

I've a smaller cup and tiny feet! Why make them so big?
2017-03-07 04:20:33
>> #160022
Part 3!!!!!

Upon revealing himself, the god of slavery took advantage of Kaelin's not-as-strong will, and that she can be distracted by fire form time to time, thanks to the fire on his head, and quickly hypnotized and solarized the poor lady. Seems she has a new pair of bigger tits. :3
2017-03-12 12:05:57
>> #161029

Ohhh! You captured my fighting spirit wonderfully! You even properly drew me in my fighting stance!

I love being a savior of Kozakura. So much fame and recognition~ *u* hair's black~! Brown is such an ugly color. I love my hair! :c

Otherwise, wonderful work! I'd love to see more! :D
2017-03-07 04:18:53
>> #160021
Part two from last pic I uploaded:

After a few days have gone by, Kaelin Yamamura, a fire shugenja, and close friend of Dale, went to go investigate this temple, where Dale was last reported to be. Worrying for her friend, Kaelin goes in, ready for a fight. However, Solaris had plans for such an encounter...
2017-03-08 09:19:39
>> #160270
Mindwipe said:
If it's not, then they should hang out. They sure have a lot in common.

They do indeed. They do indeed.
2017-03-08 08:12:23
>> #160255
Imasuky said:
Please don't let one utter asshole ruin stuff for you.

I appreciate the sentiment, but it's been far more than one, this was just the most recent :p

But, I'm still here, at least :)
2017-03-08 07:44:24
>> #160250
Zombifier said:
It's appreciated, MW. Toxicity like that makes me second-guess remaining on this site every time a piece of my work attracts that kind of vitriol.

Please don't let one utter asshole ruin stuff for you.
2017-03-08 07:41:19
>> #160249
Mindwipe said:
Pretty sure he added that flag AFTER I added the tag too. Either way, I'm keeping the mods aware of LittleToyMaker's behavior.

It's appreciated, MW. Toxicity like that makes me second-guess remaining on this site every time a piece of my work attracts that kind of vitriol.
2017-03-08 06:55:52
>> #160241
someguy231 said:
Wait, that's him?

If it's not, then they should hang out. They sure have a lot in common.
2017-03-07 10:53:34
>> #160072
Yeah this was an experiment with different types of eye patterns. Not a big fan of how it turned out myself. Unless there's an abundance of support for it, I think it's safe to say this probably won't happen again.
2017-03-07 05:08:36
>> #160031
Argonis said:
yeah the last time someone brought up a phobia i looked it up and really regret it it was the phobia of holes.

Oh boy, I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon anyways
2017-03-07 05:00:13
>> #160030
Imasuky said:
I thought about answering but wasn't sure if you were unaware or fighting the morbid urge to look at some...Cause while I m may not suffer from Trypophobia myself I can say that there are some pretty unpleasant images that show up.

yeah the last time someone brought up a phobia i looked it up and really regret it it was the phobia of holes.
2017-03-07 04:56:37
>> #160028
Argonis said:
Thanks buddy

I thought about answering but wasn't sure if you were unaware or fighting the morbid urge to look at some...Cause while I m may not suffer from Trypophobia myself I can say that there are some pretty unpleasant images that show up.
2017-03-07 04:55:01
>> #160027
Anon_3.141 said:
Looked it up for you.

"Trypophobia is a proposed phobia of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps."

Thanks buddy
2017-03-07 03:19:44
>> #160015
Zombifier said:
My favorite kind :D

I love dark red but black is always lovely *giggles*

and yay Erika Joins the Solaris cult hehe
2017-03-07 01:32:52
>> #159994
My favorite kind :D
2017-03-07 01:29:55
>> #159993
Nice. Black lipstick.
2017-03-06 23:02:18
>> #159975
Amazing as always. <3

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