2017-03-03 17:55:28
>> #159326
oh wow

first time ive legit been trapped
2022-02-27 06:29:39
>> #460060
Thank god I wasn't imagining things
2017-03-05 06:19:54
>> #159653
Yuu-chan said:
I swear if you were in charge of this site no one would be allowed to say anything about anything, you're so goddamn sensitive.

That's ironic considering the MindWipe is the admin that started HypnoHub in the first place.

Mindwipe said:
I'm just saying, maybe take this conversation to the appropriate forum thread and leave it out of the comments?

Yo Mindwipe, why not take a break from all those and come to <<|Saimin Booru>>? We have cake.

2017-03-05 06:15:01
>> #159652
Mindwipe said:
I'm just saying, maybe take this conversation to the appropriate forum thread and leave it out of the comments?

I don't see why the conversation needs to move. It's not harassment, has nothing to do with religion/politics, does not expose overly sensitive information, etc etc. The pic has cocknosis, so it's perfectly fine to talk about cocknosis. You can't call this a hypnosis fetish site if people aren't allowed to talk about their hypnosis-related fetishes/fantasies/experiences.

I swear if you were in charge of this site no one would be allowed to say anything about anything, you're so goddamn sensitive.
2017-03-05 04:50:07
>> #159642
Mindwipe said:
I'm just saying, maybe take this conversation to the appropriate forum thread and leave it out of the comments?

Why should we? It's fitting to the picture and not against any rules. If a harmless conversation gets removed because a mod is slightly triggered at it, im done. Dont read the comments if you get disgusted that easily..
2017-03-05 04:46:03
>> #159641
Sophia said:
too bad for you lol

I'm just saying, maybe take this conversation to the appropriate forum thread and leave it out of the comments?
2017-03-03 08:45:20
>> #159304
VioletRiot said:
So this is that new anime everyone's going on about.

Is that a dragon maid joke?
2017-03-03 08:42:21
>> #159303
So this is that new anime everyone's going on about.
2018-06-19 09:40:21
>> #266100
This is my favorite picture ❤❤❤❤
2017-03-04 01:31:29
>> #159397
I've died and gone to heaven
2017-03-04 00:05:42
>> #159367
Everything here is great... I gotta be honest, the part that makes me hottest is the water reflection.

That is some solid technique.
2017-03-03 23:48:11
>> #159362
That's a great mindless smile Ariel's got going on there.
2017-03-03 19:22:14
>> #159336
This is very lovely...both of their expressions and poses are just perfect *smiles mindlessly*
2017-03-04 03:29:29
>> #159430
Sophia said:
*angry cat noises*

*holds back sophia from ripping out Vi's throat*
2017-03-03 15:01:12
>> #159318
Mister Vi said:
*pats head* good boy.

*angry cat noises*
2017-03-03 08:57:03
>> #159306
Monochrome said:

ye b ro..
Mister Vi
2017-03-03 07:00:19
>> #159294
my favorite thing is how the sub's arms go limp after a while.
Pinkanator said:
yis pls all day

*pats head* good boy.
2017-03-03 06:55:07
>> #159293
yis pls all day
2017-03-05 19:50:05
>> #159744
that hair is just adorable on the kitty~
2017-03-04 01:18:49
>> #159393
please let there be a continueation
2017-03-03 06:54:21
>> #159291
Kaitty is my spirit animal.
2017-03-08 08:05:23
>> #160254
Pieman754 said:
I swear I remember this being uploaded along time ago.

That my friend is what we call the Mandela Effect.
2017-03-03 07:42:04
>> #159300
I swear I remember this being uploaded along time ago.
2017-03-03 06:43:22
>> #159286
MatticusPrime said:
I have been sucked into Hypnohub helpp

There is not escape! Resistance is Futile and Useless. You will be assimilated.
2017-03-03 06:15:10
>> #159283
Hot. Shame there's no artist source.
2017-03-03 05:23:01
>> #159275
MatticusPrime said:
I have been sucked into Hypnohub helpp

Welcome among us...
2017-03-05 04:25:41
>> #159637
Clean mind, happy mind...
2017-03-03 03:26:16
>> #159259
I love this art style. please consider drawing at least one straight image in the future

this is really, really hot, and I am jelelous of all the members who can get off from this.
2017-03-03 01:12:03
>> #159228
Imasuky said:
Type [ spoiler ] at the start and [ /spoiler ] at the bottom just don't space the brackets.
Thank you.

2017-03-03 01:08:02
>> #159226
Linkle33 said:
I just realized I have no idea to "spoiler" comments.

Type [ spoiler ] at the start and [ /spoiler ] at the bottom just don't space the brackets.
2017-03-03 01:06:22
>> #159225
I just realized I have no idea to "spoiler" comments.
2017-03-04 14:39:06
>> #159541
Yeah but if he stays in the sun too long she's gonna burst out from inside him.
2017-03-04 04:52:56
>> #159457
Mezzberry said:
Haha, that was my first thought too - she'll be in there forever, which of course makes it that much sexier for all parties involved ^^

Honestly, if she's just lying as a perpetual lump in his stomach (I assume still in trance), then Kaa's eventually gonna regurgitate her, since there's no point eating something you can't digest. It's taking up valuable room that can be used for sustenence.
2017-03-03 05:45:16
>> #159277
Mezzberry said:
Haha, that was my first thought too - she'll be in there forever, which of course makes it that much sexier for all parties involved ^^

Oh now I really badly want to see a follow-up to this where the stomach acid melts supergirl's clothes off.

I actually have a fetish for women who expose themselves to things that would obliterate mortal flesh but for them only destroy their clothes. Y'know, bathing in acid, setting themselves on fire, stuff like that, only it doesn't hurt them at all and all and their clothes just melt or turn to ash.

Alas... I've never been able to find anything like that. The only people who had even vaguely similar ideas weren't so keen on the girl being invincible if you know what I mean.
2017-03-03 03:16:59
>> #159256
Mezzberry said:
Haha, that was my first thought too - she'll be in there forever, which of course makes it that much sexier for all parties involved ^^

*giggles* Very true

2017-03-03 01:26:00
>> #159233
kwyjibo said:
lo siento. esta fue una comision. hacer eso costaria.

Ay... Me lo figuraba. Bueno, la foto es espléndida todavía.
2017-03-07 15:38:11
>> #160093
Vanndril said:
I'm going to forward this to the QCC. The drawn segment of the image is pretty good (I actually like the colors and shading), even if the lines are a little unsteady. It's primarily the clashing artstyles of the characters vs. the environment that is a cause for concern to me.

That's understandable just know that this image is going to be used in my game Hypnotic Student with little to no modification because other then adjusting the line there's really not a lot I can do to improve it
2017-03-06 08:39:19
>> #159885
I'm going to forward this to the QCC. The drawn segment of the image is pretty good (I actually like the colors and shading), even if the lines are a little unsteady. It's primarily the clashing artstyles of the characters vs. the environment that is a cause for concern to me.
2017-03-03 02:59:13
>> #159252
Sonrio12 said:

Thanks :)
2017-03-03 02:06:11
>> #159249
2017-03-02 23:36:28
>> #159211
I realized i haven't uploaded anything about my visual novel project Hypnotic Student:Infiltration of Kuro Highschool. So i decided to draw the first hypnosis scene of the game even though this scene is not going in the game for a while based where i am in the game atm. I decided to use the second character option for this one. Because in the game you have small character customization, this is the second character option. If the player chose that option then this image would show up in the game. If they chose the first option the red hair would to change to the option the player chose. I'm having trouble with figuring out the tags to use can someone help me out?

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