2017-05-11 19:40:49
>> #174362
Not sure if this is a manip or just pulled directly from the MilkyQuest game so I updated the source to Bluehat's Pixiv page. If this is a manip, feel free to make yourself a manipper tag Finn.
2017-03-04 02:25:47
>> #159412
Imasuky said:
I love that big elf butt.

Is that an elf or a mushroom lady though? =O
2017-02-26 01:53:28
>> #158413
I love that big elf butt.
2017-02-25 21:34:07
>> #158360
Thats what you get for fiddelin' with the mushrooms
2017-02-25 18:46:21
>> #158313
Oh I do love your OC.....and this art is supreme!
2017-10-29 21:00:36
>> #208163
2017-02-27 08:19:55
>> #158717
Mimikyu said:

EDIT: Took me a full minute to realize it's Ronald McDonalds. Double Nope.

Well if you wanna get technical it may be based on Ronald McDonald, but this IS an OC made by kobi. Personally I don't mind her, I think she can be cute.
2017-02-26 22:47:20
>> #158617
Clown housewife...

Sure, I like it
2017-02-26 02:57:01
>> #158426
so when does she become an inflatable dinosaur costume or whatever
2017-02-25 19:05:44
>> #158319
JoyJoyBoy said:
I'm lovin' it.
2020-02-28 22:30:21
>> #357875
Fic said:
"Ahm fed up wit dis wuurld! Ahm gonna be a huckar!"

Ah did not brainwash hur. That is bullshit! Ah ded naaaaahhhhht.

Oh hi Fang
2017-02-25 17:28:45
>> #158300
boogars said:
I've been enjoying the hell out of these! I can't help but think of fatalpulse when I look at this series.

Gonna be honest and say this series probably won't end with Lightning having a miscarriage and heroin overdose in a public bathroom after being beaten up and robbed on the street by a gang of shithead brats after doing everything in her power to reclaim her life.

Edit: Huh, I confused Shindol with Fatalpulse. In my defence, they cover very similar subject matter.

All that's needed is a pic where Fang stares Vanille right in the face while getting plowed so hard by Pence she makes dumb faces while saying stupid shit like
"Sorry Vanille, women can't ever hope to win against cock"

Not likely to happen with Fang and Vanille. But there are plenty of other lesbian anime couples...

gguy123 said:
"Yer tearing me apart Fang!"

"Ahm fed up wit dis wuurld! Ahm gonna be a huckar!"

2017-02-25 17:24:09
>> #158299
boogars said:
I can't help but think of fatalpulse when I look at this series.

There isn't enough women wanting to be punched in the stomach to be fatalpulse.
2017-02-25 17:20:22
>> #158297
I've been enjoying the hell out of these! I can't help but think of fatalpulse when I look at this series.

All that's needed is a pic where Fang stares Vanille right in the face while getting plowed so hard by Pence she makes dumb faces while saying stupid shit like

"Sorry Vanille, women can't ever hope to win against cock"

2017-02-25 17:18:22
>> #158296
"Yer tearing me apart Fang!"
2017-02-25 21:50:19
>> #158374
crazyman said:
ill still take any pink i can get :P

I really need to post that story I wrote for him. It's written from the readers POV but I had Pink in mind when I wrote it.
2017-02-25 21:47:27
>> #158372
G3m4sSt4ff said:
nah just a quick uncolored sketch haha

ill still take any pink i can get :P
2017-02-25 21:46:32
>> #158369
crazyman said:
is it what i think it is :O

nah just a quick uncolored sketch haha
2017-02-25 21:45:53
>> #158368
G3m4sSt4ff said:
talking about pink, i finished a pic of him lol

is it what i think it is :O
2017-02-25 21:38:11
>> #158365
crazyman said:
reason #265 why we love pink

talking about pink, i finished a pic of him lol
2017-02-26 04:24:56
>> #158446
For those who are curious, next and last one in the team is Sableye ^^
2017-02-26 04:21:52
>> #158444
IDPet said:
I know this is just an hypno harem but let me imagine the background story, I like to justify everything xD.

Sylph. Co was experimenting with a new model of "Master Ball" that allows to attract legendary pokemon just by pressing a button.
Something weird happens and a scientist enters the experiment room only to find all the researchers acting as pokemons with a pokeball collar.

The scientist reads the reports and has an idea, to create his own hypno harem and make money using clandestine battles in the black market, then he decides to steal all the information and improve the "Hypno Balls" (adding multiple things, like an "in heat" trigger ) then manipulates his brainwashed colleagues to return home forgetting the project and awakening them from the trance (only able to manipulate short-term memory).

When the pokeball is thrown against a human this tries to adhere to her neck and then reprogram her with the last pokemon he was thinking, of course, someone can shout a pokemon name to force that thought.

Multiple disappearances of gym leaders have been reported, so far nobody knows anything about this.

The pokemon clandestine stadium has similar effects to the hypno balls but much weaker, its real function is to make its clients do not divulge their secret.

Of course, when he is alone with his harem, he takes advantage to do what he wants. To avoid suspicions, the victims return to their routines after a few days, but with a trigger for when he want to have fun again.

I like it, I have my own idea about the "catching" part of the story (I'll draw something about that) but I like the involvement of the Sylph co. ^^

ghost13 said:
Damn it, I was hoping you'd pick Misty! (And before you say she's too young, don't forget her Gen II form).

With Misty it's not about the age (I don't forget her more adult form ^^), I just prefer Lorelei.

IDPet said:
What about Sabrina? xD

I have plans for Sabrina. She's not in this team but don't worry, I have something in mind for her ^^
2017-02-26 02:48:35
>> #158422
What about Sabrina? xD
2017-02-26 01:26:52
>> #158412
Damn it, I was hoping you'd pick Misty! (And before you say she's too young, don't forget her Gen II form).
2017-02-25 23:05:30
>> #158387
Hypnolion said:
Before anyone start writing about it, yes I know she's an ice type trainer but most of her pokemons are also water type. For the dragon type part I could have picked Iris but she's too young to me (I could have picked Drasna but I completely forgot about her, mostly because I didn't play gen VI) ... and I really like Lorelei.

That's a shame Drasna needs way more love. Dragon Milf is too sexy.

Though I won't complain about this after all Lorelei is super sexy.
2017-04-22 00:01:31
>> #169969
if only it was animated
2017-02-26 03:12:10
>> #158429
Should this have the horse_girl tag? This is Equestrian Girls where everyone's a human and she was never seen in the horse world in the movie except for the book.
2017-02-26 03:08:33
>> #158428
OverlordMiles said:
The tacos seem kind of out of place, but the induction was really strong :) Excellent job!

Well in the movie she asked 'do we have to do this now? Its taco Tuesday!' And getting exited saying how it was taco Tuesday. So it became a meme on how she loves tacos.
2017-02-26 02:16:24
>> #158416
The tacos seem kind of out of place, but the induction was really strong :) Excellent job!
2017-02-25 15:52:20
>> #158287
StepfordCrimson said:
I'm wishing I was Rarity right now, because this outfit is just an enigma to me :I

I mean it doesn't look bad and it cetrainly does a good job of showing the good parts of Sonata, but... man... what IS this thing??? It looks like a one piece and it looks like no other bathing suit, apron or dress or whatever it is I've ever seen my life :I

This is the <<|Virgin Killer Sweater>>. <3

*gives you a light-green one*
2017-02-25 21:47:26
>> #158371
SloppyTuna said:
Me too, OMG! *_*

Think of how useful she'd be!
2017-02-25 21:44:06
>> #158366
Imasuky said:
She's so tiny and adorable!

I now want a pocket sized Hypno-tan to carry around.

Me too, OMG! *_*
2017-02-25 21:23:26
>> #158358
She's so tiny and adorable!

I now want a pocket sized Hypno-tan to carry around.
2017-02-25 21:22:33
>> #158357
Loli-tan is best Tan.
2017-02-25 20:58:12
>> #158349
Dawww that's adorable
2017-02-25 10:27:47
>> #158257
Speech bubble apparently got removed because of the transparency, but I do hope you guys still enjoy this.
2017-02-25 18:42:00
>> #158309
National Hypno Snake Awareness Week?
2017-02-25 10:15:11
>> #158256
ayylmao123 said:
Does this qualify as copypasta?

2017-02-25 08:42:53
>> #158248
Does this qualify as copypasta?

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