Date Feb 21, 2017User Sleepyhead97Rating SafeScore 47(vote up)
2017-02-22 03:19:27
>> #157665
pokemongirl said:
Cynthia is da best *drools*

She is the girl I've done more stories about than any other girl from pokemon.
2017-02-22 03:18:01
>> #157662
Cynthia is da best *drools*
2017-02-21 23:47:18
>> #157641
Imasuky said:
I like the way you think, how'd you like a raise?

I'm just a simple farmer attending to my crops, which in this case are images - but still crops!
2017-02-21 23:21:05
>> #157639
Systemfailure99 said:
Still not enough! I want mountains of the stuff! Mountains I say!

I like the way you think, how'd you like a raise?
2017-02-21 22:55:02
>> #157637
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
You make it sound like we don't have many pics. 90 posts I'd argue is a pretty sizable number most characters would never get to...

Still not enough! I want mountains of the stuff! Mountains I say!
2017-02-23 00:03:25
>> #157786
rusty_spoons said:
that a big ole ass hole

ass portal
2017-02-22 23:26:05
>> #157775
that a big ole ass hole
2017-02-22 01:08:26
>> #157647
JustMeGabeNewell is the artist's name, current one has a typo, Don't know how to correct the tags, I tried to and it said it has to be a unique name or something :v
2017-02-21 21:25:23
>> #157625
Pastel-Daemon said:
Changed it to an artist tag, then xD

Oh, sorry
2017-02-21 21:14:17
>> #157624
anazron said:
that's the artist

Changed it to an artist tag, then xD
Date Feb 21, 2017User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 31(vote up)
2017-02-21 20:36:25
>> #157621
Having Lunch or having Lunch? Which is it?
2017-02-22 01:05:47
>> #157646
As I've probably said one too many times, I just can't get behind Rachel as the sub... meh
Gotta wait till some rachelXerika art springs up at some point...
Love that stuff :0
2017-02-21 21:33:23
>> #157631
Being a fuck maid is always fun @.@
2017-02-21 18:33:44
>> #157619
Artist that I look forward to made a CG set solely about Rachel, which is awesome because I could not tell you the amount of hours I've spent looking for porn of her, which I really should have spent learning how to play her. Description said that there was brainwashing in it, so it's probably relevant here (I'm guessing this part in the set is the brainwashing part but I'm not really sure).
2017-02-21 17:50:34
>> #157614
Mindwipe, I love you
2017-02-21 18:28:09
>> #157616
The_Laurent said:
Basically unreadable.

PSA (since this keeps happening): before posting this comment, please use the "View larger version" button to see if the text problems are a result of the resizing. In this case, the original version is fine.
2017-02-21 17:34:18
>> #157613
Basically unreadable.
2017-02-21 15:46:52
>> #157608
Here the alternative version for fans of heart eyes...
2017-02-22 23:47:39
>> #157778
Incubus said:
Glad you like it! n_n
I am still surprised that there is not more art of her, Skyrim is insanely popular, the DLC's are praised and often seen as add-ons (In memory of actuall expensions instead of "pay 5$ for extra gun" stuff) so most people own them as well. Then she has basicly more personality than half of Skyrim combined.
Also, as a vampire, she has femdom potential...
Yet there are just 3 pics, all from the same single user....

I'll have to start requesting some femsub stuff of her. I wish I had the money for a commission, but I will work with what I have.
2017-02-22 07:49:10
>> #157709
brodart12367 said:
I am so freaking happy to see some Serana art. Thank you.

Glad you like it! n_n
I am still surprised that there is not more art of her, Skyrim is insanely popular, the DLC's are praised and often seen as add-ons (In memory of actuall expensions instead of "pay 5$ for extra gun" stuff) so most people own them as well. Then she has basicly more personality than half of Skyrim combined.
Also, as a vampire, she has femdom potential...
Yet there are just 3 pics, all from the same single user....
2017-02-22 04:22:35
>> #157677
I am so freaking happy to see some Serana art. Thank you.
2017-02-21 15:44:53
>> #157607
An older commission from Viruslex. Hope you like it. It is also loosely connected to a little 2-part scenario that's halfway in progress...
What do you think of the new maid uniforms? I think I keep the old design but will use these 2 as well.

Direct sequel will be uploaded tomorrow.
2017-02-21 14:46:35
>> #157601
Duly noted, I'll keep it in mind!
2017-02-21 11:43:42
>> #157596
I'd love to se one of these staring either Yukari Tachibana from Persona 3 or Chie Satonaka from Persona 4
Date Feb 20, 2017User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 19(vote up)
2017-03-22 12:54:42
>> #163214
I want to be her baby!!!
2017-02-21 11:25:15
>> #157591
This is so adorable. What a cutie pie
2017-02-21 21:32:11
>> #157630
Lovely all the small hypno details *drools*
2017-02-21 11:16:35
>> #157590
I finally completed a request by <<|hypwriter>> on tumblr~

DANG this was a lot of fun.

Basically, each of the girls above are characters in many stories he writes on his blog. (the camera flash is one of my personal favorites!)

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