2017-02-18 22:56:52
>> #156941
This site really needs more whitewash eyes.
Mister Vi
2017-02-18 21:53:08
>> #156931
aww she looks soo cute with the limp arm and the hair falling over her eyes.
2018-08-25 17:56:24
>> #277638
2017-02-19 04:15:19
>> #157017
Imasuky said:
Mime control

I'm not sorry.


Also big mime butt *giggles*
2017-02-19 03:03:41
>> #156995
It's telling that mime porn is the most normal thing I've seen from kobi in a while.
2017-02-19 00:39:07
>> #156954
Well she and Yuu can now gesture to each other and they will understand what it means to be speechless.
2017-02-18 22:26:33
>> #156939
She's mesmermined.
2019-06-24 10:17:06
>> #323973
"Why would I? They look like they are having fun."
Yeah, just one of them at the hospital, but yeah
2018-03-16 05:52:18
>> #240204
well... that was VERY unexpected... :|
2017-06-16 09:31:46
>> #182096
Heavenly said:
Hey that sounds like an interesting possible plotline... like what if a group of people found out about the whole mind-controlling people into sex slaves. Like, for example what if there is a boy and girl who are secretly together and they turn the guy into a slave who will only love them or something. And the girl finds out and vows revenge. She starts this whole long search for someone who can help her, collects allies and all that ala Lord of the Ring party while avoiding discovery and following rumours and one-off mentions of the one who is immune to the hypnosis in hopes that he will turn the tables on these devilish women.

Then they meet Todd who just shrugs and doesn't really care. Or something... maybe there could be some revenge from the wronged girl and Todd does help....

In exchange for her trying on some of the non-sexy cosplay that the club members refuse to put on. (These damned philistines!)

"Hey guys? we need to have a talk. you see, the girl I brought with me has a bit of a complaint with us. apparently one of you guys has hypnotized her boyfriend into loving only you....That's kind of a dick move. so i'm just gonna have to ask that you let him go, and most likely undo all memories of ever being associated with this club, AND the triggers. In return she's agreed not to tattle on us. "
2017-04-27 23:40:52
>> #171368
in hindsight, i'm still amazed people liked todd this much, amazed and a little bit touched
2017-04-01 05:36:52
>> #165167
sonicfire65 said:
I want more of this catgirl please do one where she successfully hypnotizes someone

i still ship todd and blonde catgirl.
2020-12-31 23:55:12
>> #400530
Nabooru was my first childhood waifu.
2017-02-19 15:07:55
>> #157210
DanGambino said:
That Gelbooru link doesn't work. No direct linking images. *waggles finger*

Eh, lame. The Zelda manga ditches the Iron Knuckles stuff and just outright brainwashes Nabooru to attack and kill Link. She's just a bit more seductive since she's in her rather skimpy normal attire.
2017-02-19 11:03:51
>> #157177
That Gelbooru link doesn't work. No direct linking images. *waggles finger*
2017-02-18 23:25:14
>> #156945
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Seconded. And it can benefit from more Sexy Twinrova hypnodom. :D

(Shame that Nabooru wasn't hypnotized into a harem dancer to seduce Link, instead of being stuck in a suit of armor to kill him. Then again, that wouldn't be appropriate in an E-rated game. XD)

Well, we got pretty close to that in the official manga.
2017-02-18 21:38:51
>> #156927
Trishbot said:
The world can always benefit from more Nabooru hypno.

pokemongirl said:
Agreed @.@

Seconded. And it can benefit from more Sexy Twinrova hypnodom. :D

(Shame that Nabooru wasn't hypnotized into a harem dancer to seduce Link, instead of being stuck in a suit of armor to kill him. Then again, that wouldn't be appropriate in an E-rated game. XD)
2017-02-19 02:32:28
>> #156983
Atagoo <3 Keeps getting better and better
2017-02-18 19:43:58
>> #156907
I'm loving these.
2021-05-03 17:00:54
>> #418158
lickitup said:
Honestly I didn’t expect a reply so soon if at all considering this post is 5 years old

The post might be so old but your comment was relatively new.
2021-05-03 14:03:25
>> #418150
LillyTank said:
Well it is a promotional image for a horror movie so that does add up to some degree. All I can really say is that the image bothers me enough for the tag to be applicable.

Honestly I didn’t expect a reply so soon if at all considering this post is 5 years old

2021-05-03 05:52:49
>> #418100
lickitup said:
How is this nightmare fuel?

Well it is a promotional image for a horror movie so that does add up to some degree. All I can really say is that the image bothers me enough for the tag to be applicable.
2021-05-03 05:01:00
>> #418097
How is this nightmare fuel?
2017-02-23 06:56:27
>> #157832
If anyone's interested, here's a link to the rest of the art gallery. Most of them aren't directly about hypnosis, but they're pretty fantastic.
2017-02-18 16:24:07
>> #156884
something something river in Africa.
2017-02-18 22:01:18
>> #156935
Is that Miyuki Shiba from Irregulars at Magic High School?
2017-02-18 12:39:48
>> #156874
Was lacking some inspiration lately. This randomly poped up on me so I decided to try and make something out of it just out of boredom. Hope you enjoy darlings!

P.S. Added the source too on this one. From the original I wasn't a big fan of amputee so I tried hiding that in this manip.
2017-02-18 16:52:45
>> #156886
Nadie said:
Come on, what's appealing about having every woe, worry and responsibility wiped away forever and sliding smoothly and snugly down into blissful, comfortable, moist oblivion?

ohhh ggoooddddd
2017-02-18 16:50:48
>> #156885
Come on, what's appealing about having every woe, worry and responsibility wiped away forever and sliding smoothly and snugly down into blissful, comfortable, moist oblivion?
2017-02-18 12:27:26
>> #156873
StepfordCrimson said:
Do not want.

*Goku flies towards me at mach speed, kicks me in the stomach and I couch you up still in one piece and you turn back to normal*


foiled again
2017-02-18 12:21:10
>> #156872
Pinkanator said:
well, unless you eat someone else next...

Do not want.

*Goku flies towards me at mach speed, kicks me in the stomach and I couch you up still in one piece and you turn back to normal*
2017-02-18 12:15:08
>> #156869
StepfordCrimson said:
*uses Chocolate Beam to turn you into candy and noms you*

... wait... I'm not gonna inherit your weird ass fetishes and obsession to be dommed by Junko Enoshima am I? . _.

well, unless you eat someone else next...

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