2017-02-17 09:15:18
>> #156698
Psi said:
... Jokes aside, manipping site aside, I find it rude to comment directly on the picture that you'll edit it without even asking permission. It's like "Ok, but not good enough, lemme fix it".

Well this seems relevant again.
2017-02-17 03:24:30
>> #156645
*Comment removed by owner*
2017-02-17 02:57:07
>> #156641
Thank you guys!!
Uhmmmm yeah I've left Tentacoli without updates for a while now... I'll try to draw more soon! >w<

... as for the non-futa version, I'd say nope. This looks very good and I like how Roxa and Zelamir combined my fetishes together for the gift. It's a really awesome picture as it is! *_*
2017-02-16 06:57:49
>> #156505
Happy birthday Psi :D
2017-02-16 06:32:13
>> #156498
Look, not trying to ruin the moment, but is it possible to get a non-futa version? This picture is awesome but in my opinion that just ruins it for me.

Btw happy birthday psi
Date Feb 15, 2017User XelrogRating ExplicitScore 9(vote up)
2017-02-16 05:16:21
>> #156488
IDPet said:
Oh, i remember this

Me toooo

Oh it makes me so happy to see this. So very happy.
2017-02-16 01:51:55
>> #156451
Oh, i remember this
2017-02-16 01:05:08
>> #156443
Is this Tag? It's been so loooong! One of my first hentai ç_ç
2017-02-16 00:57:33
>> #156442
Hot damn but this comic has the best costumes.
2017-02-15 22:00:38
>> #156423
A Haruko Ghost that turns you into Yoko...well I guess their both Ganix but it really works *drools*
Date Feb 15, 2017User XelrogRating ExplicitScore 20(vote up)
2017-02-15 22:01:03
>> #156424
That was it, thank ye.
2017-02-15 22:00:05
>> #156422
Xelrog said:
This is supposed to be the first image in a pool, but I don't see the "add to pool" option... any help?

Go to the arrow by "My Account" --> "Settings" --> "Advanced editing" near the bottom. It should make the pool buttons pop up.
2017-02-15 21:50:17
>> #156421
This is supposed to be the first image in a pool, but I don't see the "add to pool" option... any help?
2017-02-27 11:31:34
>> #158729
ya know looking at the thumbnail for this I though it was going to be Suzu instead of Fuu
2017-02-16 15:56:34
>> #156542
IDPet said:
Is like a Tales of Hypnosis Sequel (?)

Nah, I just got the idea from it. =)
2017-02-16 06:00:52
>> #156491
Is like a Tales of Hypnosis Sequel (?)
2017-02-16 05:13:43
>> #156485
Imasuky said:
So who put those tags on them?

I'm imagining a comedy of errors where they somehow put the tags on each other.
2017-02-15 23:06:46
>> #156432
2019-02-05 12:56:30
>> #302900
Using the term "Fixed" to describe turning someone into a whore turns me on.
2017-04-26 23:57:23
>> #171177
A specific bit I'd like to comment on:
Fic said:
Commissioner here, and I'll give some context. I'm from a remarkably liberal country. In the past two decades, our attitudes toward homosexuality have switched from fear to completely embracing it. I grew up in a society that in my formative years viewed gays with side-eyed suspicion, and remarkably quickly, flipped attitudes.

It's not really like an entire population's attitude changed overnight, it's just the acceptance within the population slowly increasing over several decades until it was safe for politicians, mainstream celebrities, etc. to jump on the bandwagon... which they did, overnight, yes. We have seen the exact same thing recently with green energy and climate. It does not tell us much about the people jumping on that bandwagon, other than that they are opportunistic.
2017-04-02 15:52:20
>> #165704
Watch the "Clockwork Orange".
There is idea that you can change ppl through these kinds of therapy. Some fucked up doctors thinks that they can fix ppl by just overriding their "appetites" (i dont know if this is correct word).
Also whole psychology thing is kinda fishy. People with "mind sicknesses" are treated like they are sick while a lot of people have (mild or not) cases of same "disease" but they just learn how to cope with it or their surrounding doesn't have problems with that. Like psychopaths on managements, they are good at theirs jobs and they cope with society, but most psychiatrist would keep them in hospitals (funny thing is there is no definite way to determine if someone have personality disorder or is their personalty is just different)

2017-02-20 19:16:01
>> #157410
GrandDad said:
Because it strikes a stronger chord within people. It's the same reason why people go crazy with blackface, non-black people pretending to be black, but not so much with non-asians pretending to be asian. There's such a strong association with that horrible note in history that of course people are gonna get offended, even with fetish porn. In fact, just recently a post here got deleted because it had blackface.

On that note, think about how black people are sometimes portrayed in anime, or in Asian entertainment more broadly. It's often in a manner that the West would consider wholly inappropriate and racist (due in large part to the history of blackface), but that Asians see nothing wrong with. It's a different culture(s) with a different history, so calling them out as being racist serves no purpose beyond communicating offence.

Now think about electroshock gay conversion therapy. Something I'd heard of perhaps once in my life before posting these pics (and being introduced to Mike Pence memes). The practice didn't exist where I'm from (beyond the generic "Christ cures all ails" spiel). So if as an American, you take offence to this because it evokes a horrid practice in your own country, I sympathise, but that is not the intent, and never was.

On an advisory note, I find loli and shota content abhorrent. So I blacklist them.
2017-02-20 15:21:52
>> #157384
ninkynanka said:
to be honest with you, i've been observing this whole debate passively and i'm a bit baffled by it. the content of the pictures you've commissioned is disturbing, there's no doubt about that, but not only is the entire genre of hypnosis and mind control disturbing on some level (especially when it's contextualized as being permanent, or includes identity death), there are so many other fetishes that feature prominently on the site that wouldn't provoke such a strong negative response from the very same people commenting negatively about these FFXIII pics. yes, there's a lot of history behind homosexual conversion - but there's also a lot of very terrible history behind misogyny, sexual slavery, etc. and nobody seems to bat an eyelid at those.

Because it strikes a stronger chord within people. It's the same reason why people go crazy with blackface, non-black people pretending to be black, but not so much with non-asians pretending to be asian. There's such a strong association with that horrible note in history that of course people are gonna get offended, even with fetish porn. In fact, just recently a post here got deleted because it had blackface.
2018-11-17 21:52:36
>> #290343
akaece said:
Oh my god; this is probably THE funniest thing I've ever seen here. It is so amazing. Thank you so, so much for helping bring this horrible, hilarious, godawful thing into the world.

Everyone, even if you think you won't like this, give it a shot - with volume on as loud as it will go. SPLORT SPLORT SPLORT SPLORT

We need that gif of jontron rubbing his eyes.
2018-08-30 22:00:38
>> #278392
When is winxtang going to make the next part where they actually smash
2018-02-11 22:57:33
>> #233717
Can you please reupload it because it was taken down from drive google....
2017-02-16 02:10:03
>> #156452
Jeeee...that's so cool.
2017-02-16 01:37:07
>> #156449
Anno1404 said:
Just got this commission finished by the wonderfull winxtang :D
The full video can be found <<|here>>
Feel free to add missing tags

Oh my god; this is probably THE funniest thing I've ever seen here. It is so amazing. Thank you so, so much for helping bring this horrible, hilarious, godawful thing into the world.

Everyone, even if you think you won't like this, give it a shot - with volume on as loud as it will go. SPLORT SPLORT SPLORT SPLORT
2017-02-15 09:03:00
>> #156389
2020-09-07 00:00:18
>> #384862
Now that's best way to have sexs butt sexs
2017-02-15 08:59:09
>> #156387
RunningAmok said:
I know it's based off the original art style but that back/torso size is not tenable lol

Who's back/torso size? Dudley's, or Kitty's? Because that angle of back arching isn't doing Kitty any favors, especially with her moderately large breasts.
2017-02-15 08:03:05
>> #156382
I know it's based off the original art style but that back/torso size is not tenable lol

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