2017-02-12 19:14:47
>> #155880
could someone make a story with these two, and maybe a little more, but without the exaggeration.
2017-02-12 18:39:04
>> #155875
You do a really great dom Rarity.
2017-02-12 18:37:25
>> #155874
Hello. It's been quite a while now. Been busy with my exams these past days. But now I had some free time and decided to make this as a sequel to my other manip

For now I'm not making a pool cause I have no ideea if I will continue this any further. A big thanks to the artist marauder6272 for making these pics and inspiring me to make hypno manips. As always, Hope you enjoy darlings!
2017-02-12 23:15:56
>> #155946
I think the real question here is what kind of potion is capable of turning whatever clothes you're wearing into diapers?
2017-02-12 18:02:22
>> #155871
Pastel-Daemon said:
No prizes for that prediction, I'm afraid. [Tho' your avatar makes any sort of prediction/theorising much more entertaining.]

Damn i was hoping I'd at least get a cookie. But yeah this avatar makes just about everything funny.
2017-02-12 17:59:41
>> #155870
Imasuky said:
Just like I predicted.

No prizes for that prediction, I'm afraid. [Tho' your avatar makes any sort of prediction/theorising much more entertaining.]
2017-02-12 17:50:33
>> #155868
Just like I predicted.
2018-01-04 14:36:45
>> #225261
Imasuky said:
This can only end one way...

Everyone needing a healer or an undertaker as that potion's that toxic?
2017-02-12 22:59:09
>> #155944
Sleepyhead97 said:
. I just love age regression and a lot of great ABDL artists draw scat in their work too.

I love age regression, there isn't nearly enough of it with the hypnosis combo.
2017-02-12 22:31:13
>> #155938
Riley said:
I miss Sleepyhead's haigure obsession. Scat is just a no-go for me.

I mean I still have a backlog of like 200 haigure pictures to post if you want me to start XD. I myself aren't that big of a scat person but I can deal with scat as long as it isn't totally visible. I just love age regression and a lot of great ABDL artists draw scat in their work too.
2017-02-12 22:17:54
>> #155934
I miss Sleepyhead's haigure obsession. Scat is just a no-go for me.
2017-02-12 19:31:10
>> #155884
Always so close to something sexy. SO CLOSE. It's like a sick joke.
2021-09-26 04:34:38
>> #439095
Oh god... I... I found master y-yesterday... After weeks of lewd fantasies... My body got so hot when I saw him... I could feel myself getting horny... Oh god so horny... My body was screaming for him... So... I decided to tell him after school... And he said one word... And it was like my brain melted... I couldn’t think straight... He said some stuff... And all I could say was yes... And yes master ... Fuck... It was so damn hot... Then he took me to his car and we went to his place... I couldn’t refuse a word he said... God masters so hot when he orders me around... He tied me up... Touched me oh so good... I practically couldn't stop myself squirming... But after a while it hit me... He wasn’t letting me cum... He wasn’t fucking me... Master had been teasing me for hours... Adding to my bottled up frustration... Fuck... My body is so hot... So horny... My... My mind... Melting... Ffuck... I... I want... Need... I need master t- to fuck me... Oh god I think I’m gonna burst... Sohornysohornysohomnyongodohgodohgod!! P PLEASE MASTER LET ME CUM OH GOD I NEED TO CUM SO BADLY!!! W- why can’t I speak... Why... Why won’t my mouth move!! Wait... Am I even tied... Where are the ropes? Why won’t my legs move? Oh god... His cock... Fuck... So good... Mmmmm ... More... Tease me more... Master... I wanna be your desperate cum slut... Break me... I don’t wanna think anymore... ALL I WANT IS MASTERS COCK!!!

My new pet is so hot. She does whatever I say. I guess the weeks preparing her paid off. She came to me in school today and I tested some of her triggers. They worked like a charm. Even got her to think she was tied down on my bed. I'm keeping her there now. Now I can watch her real mind break. Then I won't even need to drug her. There's gonna be nothing left of her to resist me. I wonder how long it'll be before I can start ordering her around by the name slut. I bet in a few days she won't even remember her own name. Yes. So hot. I can't wait.
2017-02-12 21:01:58
>> #155919
pokemongirl said:
This is amazing keep up the lovely work *drools and touches herself*

I shall try~
2017-02-12 20:29:37
>> #155902
This is amazing keep up the lovely work *drools and touches herself*
2017-02-12 20:23:43
>> #155900
squelch_party said:
Are there going to be any more of these? Because god damn these are great.

Thanks. :) if I can find the gifs to go with the ideas in my head then yes there are a few more twists and turns to go before these stop~
2017-02-12 19:21:49
>> #155882
Are there going to be any more of these? Because god damn these are great.
2017-02-14 05:51:09
>> #156181
Oh god, I can hear the laugh. Mandark why.
2017-02-12 20:26:43
>> #155901
I think this might be based off a comic that had a scene very similar to this granted this is not disgusting and drawn much better XD
2017-02-12 20:14:43
>> #155895
plsignore said:
Look at Mandark: he's made of scanlines. So it might be a hologram or timestop or something.

I think it's just suggesting movement without resorting to a gif - anyway, 1) her pants are down, which a hologram couldn't do, and 2) she's whistling, which a time-stopped person couldn't do

its kind of hard to say the limits of a don't-notice-me effect that has no true correlation to the real world
2017-02-12 19:07:03
>> #155877
Bloodly said:
He's giving it all he's got. What the hell is she made out of that she isn't noticing the bounce back and forth? Or else she ain't moving, which raises MORE questions.

Look at Mandark: he's made of scanlines. So it might be a hologram or timestop or something.
2017-02-12 18:39:06
>> #155876
Grim said:
I suspect it has more to do with the helmet on his head then her resistance... or also possibly his size/age - mandark and dexter are young, weak, and spindly - notice he has to get up on a stool to reach... although her going on tippy toes probably doesn't help....
of course, to play devil's advocate, he apparently has a baseball bat for a dick

That's why I'm not questioning her seeing him. But you'd notice that much movement in yourself, especially given you're doing the washing up, which requires stillness or risk smashed plates.
2017-02-12 08:49:10
>> #155835
Mindwipe said:
I think some flagger has their standards set a little too high.

Not to mention, most of the recent flags are for, like, REALLY unnecessary reasons.
2017-02-12 08:47:30
>> #155834
DouDile said:
Poor quality...bfff my god.

Look at the source of this art.
2017-02-12 08:47:09
>> #155833
DouDile said:
Poor quality...bfff my god.

Seriously. I only looked at it for a couple of seconds and I can tell that Hypno and Drowzee are blurred on purpose.
2017-02-12 07:11:12
>> #155827
Poor quality...bfff my god.
2017-02-12 06:44:59
>> #155825
I think some flagger has their standards set a little too high.
2017-02-12 19:44:16
>> #155886
Nice skin texture!
2017-02-12 13:10:39
>> #155845
The way the smoke/gas/perfume/... flows looks a bit (quite a bit ^^) strange, but I love the base concept of the pic!
2017-02-12 03:02:23
>> #155797
2017-02-12 20:42:01
>> #155912
Zodiac said:
Maybe. But aren't we all a little bit of weird in the inside? Like Ron Stoppable always says, "Never be normal!"

Hehe well can't argue with that : )
2017-02-12 08:08:00
>> #155831
pokemongirl said:
Is it weird that it bothers me that the cum is perfectly spread out XD

Maybe. But aren't we all a little bit of weird in the inside? Like Ron Stoppable always says, "Never be normal!"
2017-02-12 05:19:30
>> #155815
Is it weird that it bothers me that the cum is perfectly spread out XD
2017-02-12 03:56:55
>> #155805
Hawkeye said:
Very funny. Though, are characters only narrated and not seen supposed to be tagged?

2017-02-12 03:41:04
>> #155801
Zodiac said:
I'm not sure. That could be anyone's booyah!

Very funny. Though, are characters only narrated and not seen supposed to be tagged?
2017-02-12 13:46:15
>> #155846
Rumpo said:
would love if this was just pure hypnosis

2017-02-12 01:52:11
>> #155783
would love if this was just pure hypnosis
2017-02-12 17:32:44
>> #155864
All of the yes!
2017-02-12 02:00:46
>> #155785
2017-02-12 01:49:11
>> #155782
super cute
2017-02-12 01:41:26
>> #155781

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