2017-02-11 22:20:03
>> #155738
Mindcollector13 said:
No problem! Hahahah.
I'm actually intending to have two more... I guess you could say "parts" of this with other characters.

Yes! You're the best.
2017-02-11 20:27:56
>> #155719
YES! Finally more Witcher stuff! Oh I've been longing for this, thank you kind sir, this is too amazing!
2017-02-11 20:21:30
>> #155718
brodart12367 said:
Shit, finally some more Witcher 3! Thank you very much for commissioning this.

No problem! Hahahah.
I'm actually intending to have two more... I guess you could say "parts" of this with other characters.
2017-02-11 19:44:12
>> #155705
Shit, finally some more Witcher 3! Thank you very much for commissioning this.
2017-02-11 18:41:56
>> #155692
Commission done for me by oo_sebastian_oo

The proper way to use Axii ;)

Hope I got the tags right, it's kinda weird trying to tag characters and franchises that aren't already in the Hub's database...
2017-02-12 19:10:35
>> #155879
wow... a lum comic.... bravo sir
2017-02-12 00:10:37
>> #155763
Oh, I'll definitely do it sometime don't worry. Probably right after the Maids. In fact, I've already set out a very basic outline for how both of those will go.

As to the BEA, it's an online addventure with extremely varied levels of writing and is based primarily on porn. You will see absolute trash, but also some nice hidden gems. Including plenty of mind control. It may not be for everyone. I primarily use it as a creativity outlet.
2017-02-12 00:00:06
>> #155758
Lumitiel said:
Well, it seems pretty obvious which one is winning. If it's Sailor Moon Maids you want, then Sailor Moon Maids you shall have! In about 2-3 months.

For those not in the know, I tend to write on the BEA. I also have a blog where visitors can participate in a voting game to help determine what BEA threads I'll be writing that week. Feel free to check it out.

What!?! No! I wanted the anti-bimbos! There are so few of them!

OTOH, what is this BEA you mention?
2017-02-11 22:02:05
>> #155733
Well, it seems pretty obvious which one is winning. If it's Sailor Moon Maids you want, then Sailor Moon Maids you shall have! In about 2-3 months.

For those not in the know, I tend to write on the BEA. I also have a blog where visitors can participate in a voting game to help determine what BEA threads I'll be writing that week. Feel free to check it out.
2017-02-11 19:39:53
>> #155704
Maids if you could.
2017-02-11 15:49:04
>> #155660
"It ain't a date, ya old fool!"

Ryunosuke punted his father down the street and huffed wearily. Gah! That stupid old man! Always getting in the way, always gotta mess with everything she got up to.

Yes, she. Believe it or not Ryunosuke was a girl. Many girls still don't believe it even after they see her changing in their locker room. This chick gives off a weirdly masculine aura, but manages to be so pretty that either gender could realistically consider her super hot and still be straight. So what's her problem?

Well that's easy. She wants to be a girly chick. But don't got no clue how to go about doing that. Her old man raised her as a boy, 'cause he's an unrepentant asshole. If there was a contest for universal asshole supreme, he wouldn't win but only 'cause he'd have pissed off everyone so much they disqualified him just to get rid of him. His favourite hobby seemed to be "interrupt whenever Ryunosuke decided to try wearing something a girl would wear."

She finally arrived at Shinobu's house and went to knock on the door. To her surprise Lum answered.

"Oh welcome Ryunosuke," Lum said, flipping back her hair. "How are you today?"

"Eh, same old same old," Ryunosuke sniffed. "Shinobu didn't say you were here too What's this all about anyway?"

"It's a girl's night in," Shinobu called from further into the house. For some reason she was wearing some dumb looking trenchcoat, didn't suit her at all. "Come on in please! We'll have so much fun together."

"Yeah," Ryunosuke said. She stepped inside the house and shuddered a little. Freaky. Her fighter's instinct was kicking up an awful fuss. "So long as my old man leaves well enough alone. He was saying this was some dumb date."

"You poor dear," Lum cooed over her, taking her by the arm and leading her upstairs. "A cute girl like you, having to dress and act like a boy against your will because of that mean, nasty father of yours." The alien chick tutted. "At the very least darling can see the beauty you have to hide away from the world."

"Yeah," Ryunosuke snorted. "That's a real great consolation prize. I get hit on by Ataru Moroboshi, makes me feel real special."

The two girls looked at each other for a moment, then Lum continued to lead them upstairs so that Shinobu was at the back, and Ryunosuke was trapped in the middle of the two of them.Trapped huh? Funny word to use. And that was a funny little motion Lum was making with her hips as she was going up the stairs. Kept on drawing her eye.

They entered Shinobu's room, and to Ryunosuke's surprise there was a massage table set up there. She shot the girls a questioning look, and Shinobu politely coughed. "To be honest, I was just giving Lum a massage. Although to be honest I think you need one more."

"A massage?" Ryunosuke asked. "Never had one before."

"Oh, it's simply wonderful," Lum tittered, guiding Ryunosuke towards the table. "Shinobu's hands are like magic! The stress just melts off you."

"I'm just a perfectly ordinary girl," Shinobu protested, twiddling her thumbs. "But no, really. Lie down. I'll sort out any kinks in your back in no time flat."

"If you say so..." Ryunosuke settled down on the table, lying face down and finding the surface surprisingly comfortable yet sturdy. A massage, huh? Might explain why these two are acting so dippy. They're all distressed or something.

Behind her Shinobu dropped her trenchcoat. Ryunosuke could not see but she was wearing a bunny girl outfit , and shortly after that she had a veil across her mouth and a pair of bunny ears on top of her head. She blew a kiss to Lum, then set about her work, bringing her hands down upon Ryunosuke's back. The shirt was still in the way, as were the chest wrappings underneath. This would be the last day she'd wear them, those horrible things.

Shinobu grinned to herself quite freely. What a wonderful thing Lum had bought. It had turned her into Ataru's perfect woman. What did that mean? It sounds simple enough: A gorgeous girl happy to be part of a harem. But no. It had to be more than that. It had to be so much more. Ataru's truly perfect woman had to be able to help him create a harem.

And so it had taught her. The power of hypnosis through dance. The longer a person watched, the more under her thrall they became. Ryunosuke didn't realise it yet, but Lum had been dancing just a little bit ever since she opened the door. Right now she was standing in Ryunosuke's field of vision rubbing her hands along her waist, preparing for the holy dance that would fully awaken this beautiful girl to her ultimate destiny.

"You should take off your shirt and wrappings," Lum suggested evenly. "It will let Shinobu work more efficiently."

"If ya say so..." Ryunosuke grumbled. Shinobu laughed just a little, unable to help herself. While it was true that Lum's dance was much stronger than hers, Shinobu's fingers truly were magic. Lum had spent the last hour ensuring that she fully understood how to satisfy men or women using nothing more than a backrub. Ryunosuke had probably never felt arousal before in her life. She would have no way of understanding what she was feeling until they explained it to her.

"If you really think it'll help me feel better," Ryunosuke said, just a touch groggily. Good. Now the two of them could really work their magic. "Although... Guh! Are you guys sure about this? I'm startin' to feel weird."
2017-02-11 16:36:48
>> #155669
Striker134 said:
Would this count has hypnotised hypnotist tag?

Yes indeed. Added tags to the three relevant pictures.
2017-02-11 16:34:48
>> #155668
Would this count has hypnotised hypnotist tag?
2017-02-11 15:46:51
>> #155657
Pity poor Shinobu. She was just a perfectly ordinary girl whose acquaintances were anything but. Her ex-boyfriend was something of a local celebrity, his current girlfriend, excuse me fiancee had tried to take over the planet through some stupid tag race, and right now that very same girl was standing in Shinobu's doorway grinning an inane grin.

"Hi Shinobu!" Lum said rather too happily for Shinobu's liking. "You know, it's such a shame isn't it? We never really sit down and talk. Do we?"

"No," Shinobu admitted. "Usually we only talk when you or Ataru pull me - and probably the rest of us too - into one of your silly little misadventures. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh, not much," Lum said. She stepped inside the house. Uninvited, Shinobu noted. "I just thought it was about time that the two of us talked. Really got to know one another. Tcha!"

Shinobu looked her up and down. Lum was wearing her usual tiger print bikini, no sense of modesty at all. Since Lum was already inside Shinobu shut the door and pushed her up towards the stairs. Lum didn't resist. Actually, it felt more like she was quite eager to get upstairs to Shinobu's bedroom, although why was an absolute mystery.

"So what's really going on?" Shinobu asked once they were alone. "You're not the sort of girl to drop by for no good reason. So please save me some time and tell me everything."

"Alright!" Lum said. Strange. She gave in much quicker than Shinobu anticipated. "The truth is... Do you know much about Oni customs?" Shinobu shook her head. "Yes, that's the problem you see. I think the reason that Darling and I have such a rocky relationship is a cultural exchange problem. I think that might be causing some real misunderstandings between us."

This seems unlikely. Still though, it was nice to see Lum openly admitting that her relationship with Ataru was a little rocky. "What sort of cultural differences do you think might be causing issues?" Shinobu asked.

"Well, for one thing my bikini might be a little too daring for Earth," Lum pondered. "You all seem to wear much more covering clothing. Perhaps if I made some adjustments, like this?"

Suddenly Lum reached into the top of her gogo boots and pulled out a series of semi-transparent, yellow tinted silk clothes. They were quickly clipped onto her bikini, or wrapped around her head so that they covered her mouth. In the blink of an eye she had transformed from a bikini clad alien into a -

"You look like a belly dancer!" Shinobu protested.

"Belly dancing?" Lum asked. "Oh, you must mean the ancient Oni dance of liberation. Yes, I have heard darling call it a belly dance on occasion. For some reason he appears to enjoy it."

"Of course he enjoys it," Shinobu snorted in disbelief. "You're giving him a free erotic dance!"

"There's nothing erotic about the dance of liberation!" Lum replied indignantly, but also with a little bit of cheekiness underneath. Suddenly the alien gave Shinobu a gentle push, forcing her to sit back on her bed. "Here, let me show you. It's perfectly innocent."
2017-02-13 05:36:42
>> #155999
Yes yes yes. I like this a lot =D
2017-02-11 21:07:38
>> #155728
SomeCallMeSalty said:
lies, all lies
2017-02-11 20:50:53
>> #155723
Imasuky said:
Yunyun the better Crimson Demon Waifu.

lies, all lies
2017-02-11 15:46:21
>> #155656
Yunyun the better Crimson Demon Waifu.
2017-02-12 21:41:01
>> #155929
Rumpo said:
GREEN HAIR... Where is the green hair?

The difference of green and blue is culturally relative.
2017-02-12 14:39:13
>> #155851
GREEN HAIR... Where is the green hair?
2017-02-12 06:11:04
>> #155821
A moment of silence for those who doesn't know Lum...
2017-02-12 00:06:30
>> #155762
Lum harem such a perfect idea always need more dancing *drools*
2017-02-11 18:54:20
>> #155694
makuta15 said:
Lumitiel! It's always great to see what you come up with. I love your stories.

Ah, thanks! Glad you like my work.

In this case, I kind of felt it was a shame there wasn't so much Urusei Yatsura stuff on here. That classic series should be rife for hypnotic erotica, but so few take it up.
2017-02-11 23:56:27
>> #155756
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
If you serve me well, I may grant you the gift of gazing at my nude form.
But for now, as you are relishing those instants of bliss, your eyes shall remain closed.

Loving this <3
2017-02-11 18:19:05
>> #155689
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Boo. Shame she wasn't given some kinda alternate outfit like the sailor scouts, although I won't deny ho so still loved this regardless :3

Maybe this will tide you over?
2017-02-11 17:39:38
>> #155683
Is there going to be a part four?
2017-02-11 17:25:24
>> #155682
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
If you serve me well, I may grant you the gift of gazing at my nude form.
But for now, as you are relishing those instants of bliss, your eyes shall remain closed.

Too. Hot.
2017-02-11 16:39:27
>> #155671
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Boo. Shame she wasn't given some kinda alternate outfit like the sailor scouts, although I won't deny ho so still loved this regardless :3

Maybe she hasn't earned one yet.
2018-04-12 23:25:01
>> #246193
Mimikyu said:
Is the dom the domming one or is he only a subject of the succubus???

The dude is the one being dommed. Check the sauce for story
2017-02-13 18:29:03
>> #156068
Garg22 said:
Ah cloning the members of your adventures party that kept giving you blue balls, and then removing the part of you that felt guilty over it. This guy has the best girlfriend/mistress ever.

Holy shit you're right
2017-02-12 19:07:29
>> #155878
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Converting bunnygirls and kitsune into succubi hybrids? Fuck yeah, do want more. :D

2017-02-11 23:04:33
>> #155741
Ah cloning the members of your adventures party that kept giving you blue balls, and then removing the part of you that felt guilty over it. This guy has the best girlfriend/mistress ever.
2017-02-11 15:46:19
>> #155655
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Converting bunnygirls and kitsune into succubi hybrids? Fuck yeah, do want more. :D

This looks so very good, I want it!

Mimikyu said:
Is the dom the domming one or is he only a subject of the succubus???

I don't know, but whatever, I'd do this!
2017-02-12 07:29:20
>> #155829
@Imasuky Ahh! You should! They're great VNs/Games! At least to me! Though I mean. The deaths are depressing for me :< But other than that, agreed with the others that promote it!

@HypnoHarley @Hypnocat =n.n=

@Dystopia & Pink Thanks~!!
2017-02-12 01:21:14
>> #155780
Pinkanator said:

2017-02-12 01:17:49
>> #155779
crazyman said:
incoming pink comment in t minus 2 hours

2017-02-12 01:17:32
>> #155778
critical daw levels
2017-02-12 00:03:32
>> #155760
... That is just so freaking adorable. Omg.
2022-01-02 23:17:31
>> #452036
Sex with a goddess. Yes please
2021-07-05 17:17:23
>> #427598
Masterbrain said:
We need more arcoos

2021-07-05 17:00:04
>> #427596
We need more arcoos
2017-02-13 05:53:31
>> #156003
I'd like to think that Mew's out of frame, holding the pendulum.
2017-02-11 23:33:34
>> #155747
Pastel-Daemon said:
Where is your god now?

Fapping it seems.

Although that aint <<|my God>>.

<<< 9782 978397849785978697879788>>>