2017-02-11 08:46:06
>> #155618
Xelrog said:
However this resolves, it would probably be wise to update the rules with clear and specific language to avoid this confusion in the future. Ie, is "solid color" defined as literally a single solid color, or as including gradients that are deemed not varied enough?

The rule concerns utility. If the eyes are a gradient that's so indistinguishable from a solid color that they may be a solid color, then it will be considered a solid color.

That said, this one is not a problem. The color is not solid, even if a little subtle.
2017-02-10 06:48:35
>> #155387
However this resolves, it would probably be wise to update the rules with clear and specific language to avoid this confusion in the future. Ie, is "solid color" defined as literally a single solid color, or as including gradients that are deemed not varied enough?
2017-02-10 05:34:55
>> #155378
Moderators? What say ye on the matter?
2017-02-09 07:35:45
>> #155212
If something's low quality, it's low quality. Getting caught up in the concern of whether or not some pixels are imperceptibly different is silly. This, to me, looks low quality.
2017-02-08 23:09:45
>> #155125
Xelrog said:
Is there a final word from mods on this one? I have another version. It'd just be a shame to lose the favorites and such.

I'll gladly remove my flag if the Moderators come and say that I'm incorrect. I'm one to freely admit when I'm wrong, but only if authority stacks proof against me. To me (and a few others it seems) the eyes are solid color, not gradient. It might be that the monitors of the other complainers are too small of a resolution to be able to show them the gradient, but at 1366x768 (My monitor's resolution), I'd expect to be able to see a noticeable degree with the gradient if there was one, especially since I do actually have an artist's eye. It's not that I can't see it, it's that I believe it's too subtle of a gradient for most people who'd look at it to be able to see it themselves. If a moderator says that it's noticeable enough, as I said, I'll revoke my flag, and stick out my white one instead.
2017-02-07 06:54:37
>> #154912
that would be cool but scary at the same time
2017-02-07 21:02:01
>> #155000
ABS Always be sucking~
2017-02-07 12:15:45
>> #154963
The_Gearheart said:
My first post here on the hub, and also my first manip! Enjoy everyone. While I'll never play LoL... I'm finding Tristana impossibly attractive.

You and me both buddy.
Mister Vi
2017-02-07 09:11:14
>> #154945
i could just imagine a hypnod trist being all like " I wanna Suck something" like her old selection quote.
2017-02-07 07:32:51
>> #154921
Yordles, Yordles, Yordles.
You're adorable.
(Sung to the tune of that "I made you/it out of clay" song.)
2017-02-07 07:27:40
>> #154920
The_Gearheart said:
My first post here on the hub, and also my first manip! Enjoy everyone. While I'll never play LoL... I'm finding Tristana impossibly attractive.

You're not the only one in reality, but for now I'll stick with Kat, Ashe, MF and Lux :P
2018-01-28 03:43:52
>> #230546
Trishbot said:
Sure looks like it, as if that's a bad thing.

Nah, it’s a good thing because the capturers (is that a word?) have a free slave!
2017-02-09 16:53:00
>> #155274
Xelrog said:
Is this before and after? Like, they found her out in the wilderness and made her a subject?

2017-02-07 18:44:21
>> #154991
Xelrog said:
Is this before and after? Like, they found her out in the wilderness and made her a subject?

Sure looks like it, as if that's a bad thing.
2017-02-07 07:01:04
>> #154916
Is this before and after? Like, they found her out in the wilderness and made her a subject?
2017-02-07 05:31:42
>> #154903
2017-02-07 12:28:25
>> #154964
Orphaen said:
Was not me. I got it in the Gravity Falls booru. had no source.

This appears to be the original source:
2017-02-07 07:00:09
>> #154915
Was not me. I got it in the Gravity Falls booru. had no source.
2017-02-07 06:39:20
>> #154909
Source or you?
2017-02-07 04:54:08
>> #154897
Oh wow this is really doing it for me *pants*
2017-02-07 02:34:32
>> #154875
haha oh wow
2017-02-07 02:17:08
>> #154873
2017-02-07 17:01:27
>> #154984
Pinkanator said:
I already said this but, she's from the short-lived comic series.

2017-02-07 02:11:19
>> #154871
sanicthehedgehog said:
I don't remember her from the movie

I already said this but, she's from the short-lived comic series.
2017-02-07 02:02:35
>> #154869
I don't remember her from the movie
2017-02-14 19:07:53
>> #156246
Trail of drool <3
2017-02-08 07:43:33
>> #155074
Added the Kaa_eyes tag
2017-02-07 04:51:47
>> #154896
mariosonicfan said:
Welly well well! Very nice! I knew these two would look good together!

Excellent work zorro! And very nice commission idea Erika!

Mmmmm~ looks like a fun time *giggles*
2017-02-07 02:12:19
>> #154872
2017-02-06 23:44:24
>> #154856
Welly well well! Very nice! I knew these two would look good together!

Excellent work zorro! And very nice commission idea Erika!
2017-02-06 21:38:29
>> #154827
Thicc Sabrina *drools*
2017-02-07 10:31:39
>> #154951
kirux said:
The same could be said of Saber Alter on how cheesy it is. If that's our preferred word here.

Not really, The ichor from the grail enhances negative traits while suppressing positive ones. If you compare Gilgamesh (Archer) vs Kid Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh (Caster) you can see an amazing difference in all three personalities. Archer Gil is an egocentric, dismissive, callous bigot, kid gil is a nice kid and hates his future self, and Caster Gil is probably the Broest character in Grand Order.

Saber Alter is really a Mean, spiteful Saber, since her sense of manners and morals are suppressed to let her frustration and lothing come t the fore, which is why her Charisma skill takes a 1.5 rank drop from A to B-. She is a shit heel.
2017-02-07 06:55:28
>> #154913
that expression is just fucking great
2017-02-07 02:08:52
>> #154870
kirux said:
The same could be said of Saber Alter on how cheesy it is. If that's our preferred word here.

Not really what I was getting at with the cheesy comment. Personally I like Jeanne Alter the most in F/GO after all.

It's more just about how Gilles took Jeanne's shape, slapped a paint job on and inserted a new personality and called it a day. Saber Alter is supposedly an aspect of Arturia brought out by the grail mud, but there's no Alter personality inside Jeanne for the grail to bring out in her case.
2017-02-07 00:52:18
>> #154862
kareshy said:
It's fairly explicit that none of what makes Jeanne Alter different actually existed in her normally. It's about the same as a cheesy Sonic OC; Gilles wished for a Jeanne that was outraged at her treatment and would seek revenge on France and England, the grail granted that wish by creating a new version of her.

The same could be said of Saber Alter on how cheesy it is. If that's our preferred word here.
2017-02-07 00:50:31
>> #154861
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Said insane man is Gilles De Rais, who fought alongside her, and has a corrupt Caster version (that you see in Fate/Zero) and a more knightly Sabre version. The insane Caster version was obsessed with Jane and managed to create the Dragon Witch Jeanne from his delusions. So it's arguable that Jalter is both a fake and a corrupt version of Jeanne, according to one closest to her.

It's fairly explicit that none of what makes Jeanne Alter different actually existed in her normally. It's about the same as a cheesy Sonic OC; Gilles wished for a Jeanne that was outraged at her treatment and would seek revenge on France and England, the grail granted that wish by creating a new version of her.

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