2018-11-17 04:42:31
>> #290237
Ah yes Fate series, it's now felt like Marvel or DC characters. So many variants so they can sell more figurines.

What an overrated show (prepare myself from incoming salt)
2017-02-08 09:18:15
>> #155090
...Just the way the Lily's face looks makes me think Nero. I can't really imagine the canon Saber making a face like that, Lily or original.
Joke: Maybe Nero possessed Lily's body!
There's also this though, this is an artist's rendition of these three version of Arturia Pendragon. He can have them as any kind of version of the stories he is she wants.
2017-02-07 10:24:21
>> #154948
tryingtolurk said:
That doesn't mean I'm not right. Alter is Lawful Evil and Saber is Lawful Good, their morals and ethics are opposites, but they share some things. That doesn't make them the same person in my mind. To put it like this, Lenin and Stalin both on the surface wanted a communist Russia, but their motives, morals, ethics, and how they would go about it were not the same. No one would say Lenin and Stalin would create the same communist country, even though they had the same goals of making Russia communist. The same with Alter and Saber. By being murderous and evil, you aren't Saber anymore. Alter was made from Saber, but Saber is not made from Alter. It's kind of like "Ship of Theseus" argument . If you slowly replace a ship piece by piece, at what point is it a new ship or is it the same ship? Or to put it in smaller terms, your great grandfather had an ax. Your grandfather replaced the head(it's now 50/50 new and original stuff) your dead replaces the handle now. Is it really your grandfather's ax? My answer is no, and I don't believe Alter is King Arthur or Saber. By doing the things Alter would do, you cease to be Saber, and the fact that she went through a magical process to become Alter, could suggest that the grail gave birth to a new person altogether.

They *are* the same character, just because some games have them as seperate characters doesn't mean they are. Alter is Saber without compassion, but she only existed because Saber was tainted in the 5th Holy Grail War by Dark Sakura. She doesn't technically exist anywhere else but Heaven's Feel.

Alter is still Artoria and Artoria is still alter, if there was some way Shiro and Rin could have excised the taint from her, Alter would have turned back into normal saber.

tryingtolurk says
To put it like this, Lenin and Stalin both on the surface wanted a communist Russia, but their motives, morals, ethics, and how they would go about it were not the same.

This analogy can't work, Alter and Saber still have the same motives, the same ethics and the same morals. Alter just uses them differently. She still abides by the code of Knighthood and chilvery, even though she is an evil, she will hold no quarter, but she won't cheat. She will face all challengers, but will fight to the death,

Plainly speaking, you are wrong, so stop.
2017-02-07 06:55:49
>> #154914
tryingtolurk said:
That doesn't mean I'm not right. Alter is Lawful Evil and Saber is Lawful Good, their morals and ethics are opposites, but they share some things. That doesn't make them the same person in my mind. To put it like this, Lenin and Stalin both on the surface wanted a communist Russia, but their motives, morals, ethics, and how they would go about it were not the same. No one would say Lenin and Stalin would create the same communist country, even though they had the same goals of making Russia communist. The same with Alter and Saber. By being murderous and evil, you aren't Saber anymore. Alter was made from Saber, but Saber is not made from Alter. It's kind of like "Ship of Theseus" argument . If you slowly replace a ship piece by piece, at what point is it a new ship or is it the same ship? Or to put it in smaller terms, your great grandfather had an ax. Your grandfather replaced the head(it's now 50/50 new and original stuff) your dead replaces the handle now. Is it really your grandfather's ax? My answer is no, and I don't believe Alter is King Arthur or Saber. By doing the things Alter would do, you cease to be Saber, and the fact that she went through a magical process to become Alter, could suggest that the grail gave birth to a new person altogether.

They're still the same person, so your point is moot. You're arguing a philosophical point when the only thing that is changed is how Arturia acts on her ideals. So your analogy falls short.

Keep in mind, I understand where you're coming from, and why you approach this the way you do. But you're using an analogy that doesn't fit, and my saying "it's still the same body that she was born with, the same origin that both share" is enough to refute the evidence and argument that you use to support your claim. It would be better to say that Alter Arturia is a darkened version of the base, which is how she functions in Heaven''s Feel.
2017-02-07 06:42:03
>> #154910
tryingtolurk said:
That doesn't mean I'm not right. Alter is Lawful Evil and Saber is Lawful Good, their morals and ethics are opposites, but they share some things. That doesn't make them the same person in my mind. To put it like this, Lenin and Stalin both on the surface wanted a communist Russia, but their motives, morals, ethics, and how they would go about it were not the same. No one would say Lenin and Stalin would create the same communist country, even though they had the same goals of making Russia communist. The same with Alter and Saber. By being murderous and evil, you aren't Saber anymore. Alter was made from Saber, but Saber is not made from Alter. It's kind of like "Ship of Theseus" argument . If you slowly replace a ship piece by piece, at what point is it a new ship or is it the same ship? Or to put it in smaller terms, your great grandfather had an ax. Your grandfather replaced the head(it's now 50/50 new and original stuff) your dead replaces the handle now. Is it really your grandfather's ax? My answer is no, and I don't believe Alter is King Arthur or Saber. By doing the things Alter would do, you cease to be Saber, and the fact that she went through a magical process to become Alter, could suggest that the grail gave birth to a new person altogether.

Interesting fanon. I never thought of Saber Alter like that.
Date Feb 5, 2017User IDPetRating ExplicitScore 2(vote up)
2017-02-06 18:22:12
>> #154778
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Ok, so as I'm trying to deal with some of these tag_me posts and help get rid of em, I noticed the artist's name is Utakata, while pool has him named Utukata. I'm assuming the prior's the right one, so if that's the case (will need someone to confirm), is there a way to edit the pool and fix the name?

Let me fix that.
2017-02-06 18:04:49
>> #154772
Ok, so as I'm trying to deal with some of these tag_me posts and help get rid of em, I noticed the artist's name is Utakata, while pool has him named Utukata. I'm assuming the prior's the right one, so if that's the case (will need someone to confirm), is there a way to edit the pool and fix the name?
2017-02-08 23:13:41
>> #155127
Bob137 said:

I now realize that I learn more of japan from this site than my Japan loving friend.

And that is how you know that you spend enough time on the internet: When you learn more facts about the world from porn forums than you do from talking to people face-to-face.
2017-02-08 21:19:49
>> #155116

I now realize that I learn more of japan from this site than my Japan loving friend.
2017-02-07 02:52:31
>> #154877

OldmanSour said:
The proper term for this sort of thing is 'Nyotaimori'. It's more than just plopping food on a female body, or someone dropping a scoop of ice cream on their shirt. It's a presentation, even an art form.

pokemongirl said:
Yep and I find it so sexy @.@ Want it done to me so bad *drools*

A table so perfect you can eat right off it ♡w♡
2017-02-06 21:37:09
>> #154826
OldmanSour said:
The proper term for this sort of thing is 'Nyotaimori'. It's more than just plopping food on a female body, or someone dropping a scoop of ice cream on their shirt. It's a presentation, even an art form.

Yep and I find it so sexy @.@ Want it done to me so bad *drools*
2017-02-06 18:09:39
>> #154773
The proper term for this sort of thing is 'Nyotaimori'. It's more than just plopping food on a female body, or someone dropping a scoop of ice cream on their shirt. It's a presentation, even an art form.
Date Jan 13, 2017User IDPetRating ExplicitScore 5(vote up)
2017-02-16 00:35:24
>> #156438
hypnoshadow said:
and it stopped again

*sigh* yep
2017-02-06 17:44:39
>> #154766
and it stopped again
2017-02-06 16:10:07
>> #154752
Oh this is delightful. Needs to be a fic or manip
2017-03-18 18:52:04
>> #162403
I hope the hypno accesory would be earrings
2017-03-05 21:56:45
>> #159761
I kinda wanna see Gwen 10 drawn like this.
2017-02-25 00:53:27
>> #158136
Spark said:
Is it just me or do her wrecking balls get bigger with each page.

2017-02-24 19:09:37
>> #158083
2017-02-11 22:03:22
>> #155734
patience and porn will always be enemies. cant wait for next part though.
2017-02-13 19:52:16
>> #156079
Awakening is a good place to start. Personally I don't think it's as good as Path of Radiance, but it is more accessable, and more forgiving.
2017-02-13 13:12:34
>> #156049
I played in Awakening and I recommend this game.
2017-02-07 05:43:04
>> #154906
anonplsno said:
So it's a game worth trying?

soapyfoten said:
same I'm not good at strategy games....

skullman2033 said:
sometimes i wish i could get into fire emblem, but i have a feeling it wouldnt fit my usual rpg playstyle.

They just released a free mobile game, Fire Emblem Heroes. You can get a VERY general feel for some of the mechanics that way, and see if it'd be something you might enjoy. The actual games are pretty different, mind you, but it's a nice preview.

If you do want to give one of the main series games a try, I'd opt for Awakening before the Fates trilogy—you get a full story for a great deal less money. There's also Echoes due out in May.
2017-02-07 04:19:46
>> #154891
Hypno-man said:
uhhhhhhhhhhhh im torn, because I wanna fap to that hotness but I also grew very attached to kana in the game in the way a father would arghhhhhh.

Agreed, Kana is far too precious and pure for me to get into this.

2017-02-07 03:25:39
>> #154888
skullman2033 said:
sometimes i wish i could get into fire emblem, but i have a feeling it wouldnt fit my usual rpg playstyle.

same I'm not good at strategy games....
2017-02-06 14:17:31
>> #154742
Beware the floating hypno-erection.
2017-02-06 13:31:34
>> #154738
Imasuky said:
A floating diembodied dick chasing you around the house in VR would be great DLC for RE7

Now if only it were SAO style vr...
2017-02-06 12:14:02
>> #154735
StepfordCrimson said:
Either it's a floating diembodied dick, or I wanna say either Leon or Wesker

Waiting for Resident Evil 7 hypno porn

A floating diembodied dick chasing you around the house in VR would be great DLC for RE7
2017-02-06 12:12:14
>> #154734
Imasuky said:
Who or what is that dick connected to?

Either it's a floating diembodied dick, or I wanna say either Leon or Wesker

Waiting for Resident Evil 7 hypno porn
2017-02-06 12:11:45
>> #154733
2020-09-03 12:34:19
>> #384449
Very nice indeed.
2017-02-06 16:07:14
>> #154750
Brokander_Reborn said:
reading this... should there be a transgender and a tranformation tag or not?

Added! Thanks for pointing that out
2017-02-06 07:24:37
>> #154707
reading this... should there be a transgender and a tranformation tag or not?
2017-02-07 06:47:54
>> #154911
What you could do as a simple solution is leave this up and upload a version with those popculture hypnosis eyes (empty eyes, spiral eyes, etc.), and we can just make this one a child post of that version. In doing this, this post would be allowed to stay as an alternative to the hypno eyes version.

I'll give you some time to do this if you want.

If I must. I suppose I'm in the minority here on the eyes thing. I mean, half the pictures on this booru are just regular pictures with the eyes made empty (which is really, really unnoticeable), and no real hint at hypnotism otherwise in terms of the way the characters are behaving. To me, those are a further cry from a good hypno pic than one that relies on textual implication.

Would a set of images further establishing the setting help? Like a continuity? I'll attempt an eyes version for now, in any case.

EDIT: Done.
Mister Vi
2017-02-07 04:42:22
>> #154895
petkitsune said:
Mhm, luna in that outfit...

it's like the artist knew that luna is like... the most popular character and so they made sure she was the one who was showing off her butt to the viewer.
2017-02-07 01:02:34
>> #154863
Xelrog said:
(Please don't make me give the teachers the eyes to keep this up. I really, really find them tacky.)

Unfortunately, subtlety in art is hard to place as MC or not. Allowing a subtle piece like this to stay solely on the merits of the image itself is dangerous if only because it opens up the idea of just about any sort of image being considered MC. In other words, its MC is so subtle that it blends in with most non-MC images out there and becomes indistinguishable from them.

What this means is that it can't stay solely on its own merits, as there's not enough of an obvious MC symbolism.

What you could do as a simple solution is leave this up and upload a version with those popculture hypnosis eyes (empty eyes, spiral eyes, etc.), and we can just make this one a child post of that version. In doing this, this post would be allowed to stay as an alternative to the hypno eyes version.

I'll give you some time to do this if you want.
2017-02-06 21:22:30
>> #154818
Apple said:
Seems like the manipper hoped to imply it by mentioning a master.

That was the intent, yeah. The story is that the teachers have been controlled to impose some new school policies on the non-hypnotized students. I have a few more pic ideas for this setting down the line if this one's allowed to stay.

TBH, my main thing is public humiliation, with hypnosis being a means to that end. And I was eager to do this pic specifically because it's one of my favorites. Future manips will be more explicit hypnosis, though. :x

(Please don't make me give the teachers the eyes to keep this up. I really, really find them tacky.)
2017-02-06 11:41:11
>> #154730
petkitsune said:
Mhm, luna in that outfit...

*.* Agreed

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