2017-02-04 11:19:18
>> #154425
Wish there was a taggable name for the raised-eyebrow look, I always like it
2017-02-04 08:38:24
>> #154411
TheDominantSub said:
I see what you did there

That was unintended..But good catch with something so small....
2017-02-04 07:31:05
>> #154399
Imasuky said:
Cause it's a LITTLE better than that.

I see what you did there
2017-02-04 06:30:05
>> #154394
More Chromie plz!
2017-02-04 06:07:08
>> #154393
someguy231 said:
God, I love this so much. Also, Gnomes are the perfect height for Blowjobs.

That's very true *giggles*
2017-02-07 19:57:54
>> #154995
crazyman said:
*gets a can*

*Lines up for a spritz*
2017-02-07 11:42:33
>> #154960
crazyman said:
*gets a can*

Don't leave me out
2017-02-07 03:23:55
>> #154886
Pinkanator said:
*would totally test hypno smoke*

*gets a can*
2017-02-07 03:15:41
>> #154885
anonplsno said:
I think he means he wants to be a subject also >w <

Don't we all
2017-02-07 02:56:14
>> #154881
Pinkanator said:
*would totally test hypno smoke*

giselle1029 said:
You can always test it on me

I think he means he wants to be a subject also >w <
2017-02-04 04:43:14
>> #154372
Nice one Roxa :D
2017-02-04 04:29:29
>> #154370
Roxa said:
Step 1 : Clear her mind.
Make sure that every bit of free will and thoughts have been pulled into the lamp.

Step 2?

crazyman said:
whitewash eyes best eyes

2017-02-04 03:30:04
>> #154357
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Ohhh. Very nice. And some whitewash eyes (Underrated IMO)

whitewash eyes best eyes
2017-02-04 03:04:49
>> #154344
Oh my goodness...I love this!
2017-02-04 02:04:53
>> #154333
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Ohhh. Very nice. And some whitewash eyes (Underrated IMO)

Very underrated indeed. :/
2017-02-03 22:12:51
>> #154265
Enjoy lunch <3
2017-02-04 21:39:48
>> #154479
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
"Inanimate" doesn't really fly though. Alolan Exeggutor is still a living creature. Just a weird shape to transform into.

She didnt turn into a pokemon tho....
2017-02-04 21:14:19
>> #154475
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
"Inanimate" doesn't really fly though. Alolan Exeggutor is still a living creature. Just a weird shape to transform into.

Rubber inflatables are not living things, tho'?
2017-02-04 21:02:59
>> #154472
Pastel-Daemon said:
'Inanimate transformation' would be what I'm used to. Maybe there's a more standard booru tag tho, can't seem to find one offhand.

Alternatively people might just wanna blacklist kobi at this point since weird seems to be how they roll.

"Inanimate" doesn't really fly though. Alolan Exeggutor is still a living creature. Just a weird shape to transform into.
2017-02-04 13:47:05
>> #154433
GrandDad said:
A non-human transformation tag would be handy-dandy.
I'm gonna add that and hope to all the 12 gods of the pantheon and the spirits of the land that it catches on.
Or at the very least that some one else comes up with something catchier.

'Inanimate transformation' would be what I'm used to. Maybe there's a more standard booru tag tho, can't seem to find one offhand.

Alternatively people might just wanna blacklist kobi at this point since weird seems to be how they roll.
2017-02-04 13:24:04
>> #154432
Mindwipe said:
And then there's the guy from Germany who is currently in prison for murder for actually killing and eating a man who WILLINGLY participated, because HIS fetish was to be eaten. The REAL sick shit is out there. Just don't go looking for it, for the love of God.

I think I have that DVD.
2017-02-08 23:05:17
>> #155124
The_Curtain said:
I think drawing this kinda thing is a bigger sign of immaturity. Not trying to shame anybody, just saying.

Live and let live dude, let people enjoy whatever they like I cant stand commenters just crying because its not their personal kink
2017-02-05 12:35:16
>> #154575
grimest said:
ufff so many unmature people in the hub comments geez...

I think drawing this kinda thing is a bigger sign of immaturity. Not trying to shame anybody, just saying.
2017-02-04 09:07:31
>> #154413
2017-02-04 05:54:11
>> #154386
Fire_Psycho said:
Yaaaaay... kobi did a thing... again...

Kobi is an innovator. We have a Palm Tree tab now, thanks to his foresight. He is a mad genius.
2017-02-04 05:52:37
>> #154385
2017-09-08 03:42:54
>> #197568
ponyboycurtis514 said:
Writing while in trance... I didn't even consider that possible until now, but it makes sense. Kind of makes me wonder how well, or even what, I'd write in such a state. What was it like?

It probably depends on the person and how deep you go. I've even seen a few artists talk about drawing while in trance/hypnosis. But in my case, I guess it was probably more of unintended self hypnosis (I wasn't trying to hypnotize myself as I was just getting into this at the time)? Because I needed to write a story, I put on some binaurals I had recently found, and next thing I knew I had typed out this story but I couldn't remember actually typing it. It's like the words just came out, because normally I have a really hard time doing such things like writing and drawing because my mind draws a blank on what to do.
2017-09-06 09:33:12
>> #197318
Writing while in trance... I didn't even consider that possible until now, but it makes sense. Kind of makes me wonder how well, or even what, I'd write in such a state. What was it like?
2017-02-04 19:45:15
>> #154452
pandru said:
That's so beautiful. I love the way you describe the emotions. That's such an important part of the fantasy for me. To be wanted and held.

Thank you! That's a very important part for me as well. =)
2017-02-03 23:15:50
>> #154283
That's so beautiful. I love the way you describe the emotions. That's such an important part of the fantasy for me. To be wanted and held.
2017-02-03 21:24:15
>> #154258
anonplsno said:
It's such a beautiful story. I cried irl. Love it to pieces. Nice work man <3

Aww, thank you so much for the complement! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^^
2017-09-10 11:16:05
>> #197909
SomeCallMeSalty said:
There's only one issue here, and that's the fact that Lucina isn't a board.

Here here.
2017-02-03 23:25:35
>> #154289
There's only one issue here, and that's the fact that Lucina isn't a board.
2017-02-03 20:51:26
>> #154253
Whose hand is that on Lucina's head? I assume it's the blue-haired girl's, if only because of the fingernails, but trying to decipher that anatomy is making my head hurt.
2017-02-03 17:56:12
>> #154232
2017-02-04 04:11:46
>> #154364
The_Laurent said:
I kind of like it, though there's one sentence that makes me feel a bit iffy. "I hope they all turn out like their dear mother, obedient and caring." If only because that makes me imagine the hypnotist using his art or whatever magic on his own children, which...nope.

That said, everything else is pretty great and having more pregnancy stuff is also great.

I was intending that the mom would just teach them to be as subservient to the dom as she is, but I can see what you mean
2017-02-03 22:05:25
>> #154263
The_Laurent said:
I kind of like it, though there's one sentence that makes me feel a bit iffy. "I hope they all turn out like their dear mother, obedient and caring." If only because that makes me imagine the hypnotist using his art or whatever magic on his own children, which...nope.

There's a lady in real life who does that. Google "hypno mom".
2017-02-03 15:01:43
>> #154217
I kind of like it, though there's one sentence that makes me feel a bit iffy. "I hope they all turn out like their dear mother, obedient and caring." If only because that makes me imagine the hypnotist using his art or whatever magic on his own children, which...nope.

That said, everything else is pretty great and having more pregnancy stuff is also great.
2017-02-09 13:29:23
>> #155252
Dazeys said:
I mean, I'm a straight male, but...

Hey, that's pretty good

No matter your orientation sexy is sexy :P
2017-02-04 09:50:17
>> #154418
I mean, I'm a straight male, but...

Hey, that's pretty good
2017-02-04 04:26:48
>> #154369
Pinkanator said:

thas pretty hot

2017-02-03 18:04:38
>> #154235

thas pretty hot
2017-02-03 14:44:45
>> #154215
oh fuck yes <3

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