2017-02-01 00:29:52
>> #153703
impulseajz said:
The silhouette on the right looks like the guy from up.

Charles F. Muntz? I can see the resemblance, but he has a poof in his admittedly thin hair, and his jaw style is square, but curved inward like a skull shape. Besides, Senor Senior, Senor makes more consistent sense in being here
2017-02-01 00:03:04
>> #153687
The silhouette on the right looks like the guy from up.
2017-01-31 22:20:59
>> #153673
technically this is 4th, not 5th, but I think it works just as well, if not better, after monique's scene
2017-01-31 20:13:01
>> #153657
This is why you're my favorite, Penken
2017-02-02 10:19:48
>> #154005
I love this pic. (:
2017-02-01 01:02:22
>> #153714
Bob137 said:
Sir you have the best profile pic, never change it.

Imasuky said:
The moment I saw it I had to make it my avatar, everytime I look at It I crack up.

The cigarette in the pipe gets me every time.
2017-02-01 00:42:33
>> #153708
Bob137 said:
Sir you have the best profile pic, never change it.

The moment I saw it I had to make it my avatar, everytime I look at It I crack up.

Christina said:
More than one waifu will ruin your laifu

In that case my life is ruined beyond imagination.
2017-02-01 00:40:24
>> #153705
Imasuky said:
My first waifu....

More than one waifu will ruin your laifu
2017-01-31 21:08:37
>> #153664
Imasuky said:
My first waifu....

Sir you have the best profile pic, never change it.
Mister Vi
2017-02-01 20:24:35
>> #153846
anonplsno said:
So that's 3 for taking the new stepford domestication class. Anyone else?

well I'm a someone else... i'd rather not ruin all my button downs though that'd be awful.
2017-02-01 19:23:00
>> #153843
doctorpluto said:
Hey either way, I'm all for bein domesticated

DrgnmastrAlex said:
Wish I could become one...

pokemongirl said:
No need to fight *giggles*

So that's 3 for taking the new stepford domestication class. Anyone else?

Nikolai.exe said:
I was here first!

You can be the teacher if you want ;3

2017-02-01 13:58:42
>> #153817
StepfordCrimson said:
Okay you got me there :I

But we will still multiply and spread across the website? Mwa ha ha ha ha ha?

StepfordCrimson said:
Okay you got me there :I

But we will still multiply and spread across the website? Mwa ha ha ha ha ha?

Hey either way, I'm all for bein domesticated
2017-02-01 10:16:42
>> #153801
Imasuky said:
You ruling seems a bit contradictory

Okay you got me there :I

But we will still multiply and spread across the website? Mwa ha ha ha ha ha?
2017-02-01 05:51:14
>> #153770
StepfordCrimson said:
Oh wow, it's been awhile since I've seen this guy's art~

Also she says "Oopsie doodle." That's amazing. I love it x3

Yush! All shall kneel and tremble before the power of the mighty Stepford Wife, and we shall rule this website! >:3 Mwa ha ha ha ha

Nikolai.exe said:
can i become one? <3

Wish I could become one...
2017-01-31 20:44:42
>> #153659
Mmmmmm~ I really like this nice to have some simple corrupted Dawn *giggles*

StepfordCrimson said:
Well not sure about dat face, but hey at least they didn't give her their usual shitty looking haircuts :P

This is very true she get to keep her lovely hair : )
2017-01-31 11:55:15
>> #153635
Well not sure about dat face, but hey at least they didn't give her their usual shitty looking haircuts :P
2017-01-31 09:51:58
>> #153628
TheGoodShank said:
This is the look of a woman just coming down from copious amounts of ecstasy, ketamin, and hash, and she just found out someone shit on her dog.

"Dammit, Rex."
2017-01-31 09:42:56
>> #153626
This is the look of a woman just coming down from copious amounts of ecstasy, ketamin, and hash, and she just found out someone shit on her dog.
2017-01-31 09:24:43
>> #153624
Happened across this on Tumblr. Looked like a corruption piece, given the Team Galactic uniform, so I thought it might have a place here.

Artist is Ginkirikirikiri
2017-01-31 23:41:13
>> #153683
Juuzou said:
Yeaahh.. I'm just gonna leave this here. Lol.
Why do you complain about empty spaces? Just select and cutpaste till you've more room to draw (or cut the image in half).

2017-01-31 07:28:53
>> #153617
Yeaahh.. I'm just gonna leave this here. Lol.
2017-02-04 05:39:23
>> #154383
I always did think that TP!Link needed more Rule 34. Adding MC on top is amazingly good.
2017-01-31 20:09:42
>> #153656
The LOZ universe is full of so much Femdom potential.
2017-01-31 19:31:31
>> #153653
i mean i would do whatever she said without the MC but dis good though
2017-01-31 18:39:47
>> #153650
Oooooo do want~
2017-01-31 17:39:30
>> #153649
malesub ahegao is good shit 110/100
2017-08-19 03:22:19
>> #194175
Dragon-Cana-Love said:
DBZ Nerd here Gero would not be an Android in this point in time he didn't do that till way after the RR Army fell. Otherwise this is an amazing piece XD

He may not BE an android yet, but he's known to have already begun to experiment with androids before the Red Ribbon Army fell. In this set, Bulma would just be an early experiment (Android 10, perhaps...)
2017-01-31 05:57:08
>> #153600
DBZ Nerd here Gero would not be an Android in this point in time he didn't do that till way after the RR Army fell. Otherwise this is an amazing piece XD
2017-02-02 20:17:13
>> #154044
(insert 10 ft tall "ok" hand here)
2017-02-01 06:13:31
>> #153777
Zko said:

I can't help but read that in Lanipator's voice.
2017-02-01 06:11:35
>> #153776
Cradily said:
Don't encourage Zko to drink!

2017-02-01 02:03:36
>> #153721
Thanks for the comments =D Good thing about pixel art is you can't have different brush strokes so less things for me to mess up.

Zko said:
low resolution, very limited color pallet and what I assume is 3 frames of only a small section that's animated really help. Pixel art in general can be a really small file size for all those reasons.

also I NEVER THOUGHT THAT DOODLE WOULD SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY BUT HERE IT IS, I think you should do more pixel stuff ouo

Pastel-Daemon said:
Oh dang, I didn't realise it was animated, as well. Nice. :>

Yep only 3 frames. Animating the eyes was the easiest part. This was mostly a one-time thing for fun, I lack the knowledge of anatomy/lighting/etc to draw/make anything good and not trying to learn it right now.

anon9 said:
I hope for this to be a regular thing in the future.

Don't encourage Zko to drink!
2017-01-31 20:59:42
>> #153662
Pastel-Daemon said:
Oh dang, I didn't realise it was animated, as well. Nice. :>

That's when you know its hypnotic.
2017-01-31 05:18:31
>> #153593
Patricia's bunny boobies and flesh looking shirt give me the impression that they got under her skin and I'm wondering if I like that idea or not

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