2017-03-24 07:31:07
>> #163553
Defcon7 said:
Milk me too!! I'm a good little cow! @u@

Well if you insist
[Primes Machine]
2017-03-24 07:23:06
>> #163549
Milk me too!! I'm a good little cow! @u@
2017-01-28 21:22:00
>> #153095
Pinkanator said:

You'll have to bug Lavenderrose to do part 2 if you wanna see it sooner
2017-01-28 03:48:45
>> #153021
Riley said:
I wouldn't drink it if I were you. You'll find out in part 2.

2017-01-28 02:54:05
>> #153003
Riley said:
I wouldn't drink it if I were you. You'll find out in part 2.

Can't wait for Part 2 then hehe nice to have some boy cows as well *giggles*
Date Jan 27, 2017User Pastel-DaemonRating QuestionableScore 23(vote up)
2017-01-28 02:53:24
>> #153002
This is a very lovely idea @.@
2017-01-28 02:20:54
>> #152981
I could really use this in my life right now... Or all the time. Forever ♡w♡
2017-01-27 23:01:08
>> #152963
2021-03-21 19:29:22
>> #411536
Roxa said:
Futa version !

I saw you had a link to the non-Kaa, non-futa version on the other post. Do you by any chance have the futa version without Kaa as well?
2017-01-28 17:07:31
>> #153074
praise roxa!
2017-01-28 02:05:10
>> #152980
This is one genuine masterpiece. Love every line of it.
2017-01-28 01:40:07
>> #152976
I love the little furs specific parties! So cute lol. Very nice work on both version! Love them!
2017-01-27 21:42:57
>> #152958
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
Futa rarely works for me ... However this ...
I always knew Roxa was Super-Awesome-Fantastic, but managing to make me enjoy a penis so much ...
Really, don't stop being so good !

Among the 3, My fav is still of course the Kaa-non-futa version, but that penis is an awesome surprise.
Hmage does superb drawings, very nice details.

I already love futa but like you said this one is something special.
2017-01-29 16:28:28
>> #153253
Hypnopony said:
Ooh... is there a non-Kaa version of the previous pic too?

Sorry but there isn't.
2017-01-28 05:30:05
>> #153031
Ooh... is there a non-Kaa version of the previous pic too?
2017-01-28 02:52:32
>> #153001
Roxa said:
Needed a sequel to <<|that pic.>> :3

Mmmmmm~ lovely as always Roxa got to love Peach and Rosa *drools*
2017-01-27 21:35:46
>> #152957
Roxa said:
I don't really see the point of uploading it here, but <<|here you go.>>

Thanks I have a friend who would otherwise never see this at all.
2017-01-27 21:15:25
>> #152953
Imasuky said:
Don't like Kaa but everything about this is so damn good I can put that aside.

I don't really see the point of uploading it here, but <<|here you go.>>
2017-01-27 21:46:24
>> #152961
It MUST be a blow-up doll... there is no way Diamond is that strong to lift her up like that. xP
2017-01-27 19:06:00
>> #152930
Talk about awkward.... XD
2017-01-27 18:39:40
>> #152926
I hate it when you're trying to watch a film and the head of the person in the front row gets in the way.
2017-01-28 04:16:52
>> #153025
Spirals said:
Oops, got Felicia and Lilith mixed up. Been a while since I played Fates.

Well it would certainly make Soleil's comments about milking cows being "good practice" a hell of a lot less creepy.
2017-01-27 21:45:47
>> #152960
Hawkeye said:
Are you saying you put Felicia in charge of the cooking?

Oops, got Felicia and Lilith mixed up. Been a while since I played Fates.
2017-01-27 20:30:21
>> #152942
Yes!!! More Camilla!!

Lovely work Sebastian!
2017-01-27 19:21:14
>> #152934
Spirals said:
So is this the milk we've been giving to Felicia?

Are you saying you put Felicia in charge of the cooking?
2017-01-27 19:18:48
>> #152933
So is this the milk we've been giving to Felicia?
2017-01-27 13:34:06
>> #152908
See this is how you know its good. I'm gay and I love it xD
2017-06-20 04:59:42
>> #182884
Cocopa said:
Does anyone have the episode name or number?

Rise of the Cybermen, new series season 2, episode 5. Or 6, but I'm fairly certain it's 5 (6 is part 2 of this story).
2017-06-20 04:57:02
>> #182882
Does anyone have the episode name or number?
2017-02-01 01:09:28
>> #153716
JaoShingan said:
The episode where the Cybermen assimilated rather than converted made me so uncomfortably horny. Seeing the huge lines of people with clips on their ears, marching dead-eyed and complicity, to be brainwashed and programmed was too much for me. And, if memory serves, Rose was in a maid outfit and (pretended to) join them.

Oh gosh yes. I remember them finding Jackie in the closet where she'd been hiding, the clip activated. She just stood there mindless, no longer trying to hide.
2017-01-28 02:49:57
>> #153000
Sleepyhead97 said:
There was a thread in the forum about what got us into mind control. I was reminded of this scene from an episode of doctor who that really got me into MC so decided to make a gif of it.

I remember this. This was a hot scene mmmmmm~

KarmaX said:
Seeing this gif at least reminds me of some of my other favorite tropes of things like this, and I wanna put them in that comic series i've been making lately.

Namely the whole thing of suddenly going under while doing something, or in the middle of doing something or otherwise pre-occupied and becoming mindless and unconcerned with the result of losing themselves.

Like dropping something they are involved with or giving up on something they care about at the moment, or losing comprehension of how they are dressed or what they look like.

I mean, my most favorite thing that is a theme of a lot of my stuff of course, is going under in the shower, in a towel, getting dressed, ect...
but there's also a lot to be said for the mindless innocence of more mundane things like seeing a phone or a similar object uselessly dangle and fall out of their fingers, dropping a plate, ect, or letting food or drink they were chewing or drinking, dribble uselessly out of their mouth and other such things.

There's something very fascinating about that 0 to 50 mindlessness taking over I have always liked. Especially if it's abandoning something they were very keen on just 1 second ago. Dropping their wallet or a decent amount of money, or letting an entire carton of milk or glass of juice crash to the floor. This reminds me I wanna work in things like this and explore those.

Mmmmmm~ yes such perfect situations
2017-01-27 23:08:19
>> #152964
Seeing this gif at least reminds me of some of my other favorite tropes of things like this, and I wanna put them in that comic series i've been making lately.

Namely the whole thing of suddenly going under while doing something, or in the middle of doing something or otherwise pre-occupied and becoming mindless and unconcerned with the result of losing themselves.

Like dropping something they are involved with or giving up on something they care about at the moment, or losing comprehension of how they are dressed or what they look like.

I mean, my most favorite thing that is a theme of a lot of my stuff of course, is going under in the shower, in a towel, getting dressed, ect...
but there's also a lot to be said for the mindless innocence of more mundane things like seeing a phone or a similar object uselessly dangle and fall out of their fingers, dropping a plate, ect, or letting food or drink they were chewing or drinking, dribble uselessly out of their mouth and other such things.

There's something very fascinating about that 0 to 50 mindlessness taking over I have always liked. Especially if it's abandoning something they were very keen on just 1 second ago. Dropping their wallet or a decent amount of money, or letting an entire carton of milk or glass of juice crash to the floor. This reminds me I wanna work in things like this and explore those.
2017-01-27 23:32:02
>> #152965
SkrontheSecond said:
Fun fact: the Voxai are actually weak to fire attacks.

Tcs1298 said:
Do one where it rapes a guy but uses a vagina instead

There are two types of people in this world
2017-01-27 21:44:00
>> #152959
Do one where it rapes a guy but uses a vagina instead
2017-01-27 19:55:07
>> #152937
SkrontheSecond said:
Fun fact: the Voxai are actually weak to fire attacks.

Yeah, but they nearly always get the first move.
2017-01-27 19:46:28
>> #152936
Fun fact: the Voxai are actually weak to fire attacks.
2017-01-27 14:15:07
>> #152909
LordWasp said:
More Voxai, that's always fun.


Once again, I must ask, how do I contact this Doc Chaos? I really would like to know because I might consider commissioning. :)
2017-01-28 07:09:06
>> #153041
asaola said:
May I get a D?

Triple: waves his D infront of
Trippy: presses her D cup tits agenst Amy's back "we got the only D's you need~"
2017-01-28 03:31:29
>> #153018
psychowarrior said:
Since there's another pic of Mimi as a MetalEtemon bimbo, I'll be doing a sequel manip. Part of the abandoned story stated that it'd take more than a week of 'viral uploads' to keep the girls like this forever... much to the girl's and MetalEtemon's delight. And it doesn't matter HOW the code gets in them. x3

Can't wait for that *giggles*
2017-01-28 03:15:49
>> #153013
pokemongirl said:
Yay for lots of Digimon Talk!

Really like all these ideas @.@ and this pic is lovely *drools* I wana be a chrome singer now XD

Since there's another pic of Mimi as a MetalEtemon bimbo, I'll be doing a sequel manip. Part of the abandoned story stated that it'd take more than a week of 'viral uploads' to keep the girls like this forever... much to the girl's and MetalEtemon's delight. And it doesn't matter HOW the code gets in them. x3
2017-01-28 02:47:16
>> #152999
Yay for lots of Digimon Talk!

Really like all these ideas @.@ and this pic is lovely *drools* I wana be a chrome singer now XD
2017-01-27 17:39:58
>> #152920
Imasuky said:
I am well aware of TV Tropes...As for Tri I need to watch the last batch of it, but ober all I really liked it. Hit me right in the nostalgia.


Apple said:
Its always shocked me how little people (like those who create content for this site) consider that since humans are data in the digital world, and 1/3rd of all digimon are virus types, that something might be able to CHANGE that human data.
Or... in my NSFW rated mind, HOW that data might corrupted. x3

I can't promise it'll hook you like it did me, though, I had nostalgia from watching the first two seasons as a kid... plus, you never know when something might grind your gears that never Gatomon someone else's. On the other hand, an interest in the show might end up spiral-ling out into an obsession.

Regardless of whether you end up watching or not, I wish you the Crest of luck! XD

I got all those puns. HAHAHA!!!

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