2017-01-25 19:38:42
>> #152637
HypnoCat said:

This ain't no Nightmare Fuel, it's pretty dang dark and twisted, but that's exactly why this is so awesome!

That's what the nightmare fuel tag is synonymous for: Dark, twisted and awesome. Well for me anyways. If you click through the tag you'll see varying intensities and I think the low bar for what is considered Nightmare Fuel is probably a bit lower than this actually.
2017-01-25 10:06:37
>> #152613
Dystopia69 said:
Nightmare fuel?

This is a fucking dream come true.

So fucking hot. We need more Borg hypno porn. Like for real.


This ain't no Nightmare Fuel, it's pretty dang dark and twisted, but that's exactly why this is so awesome!
2017-01-25 07:16:07
>> #152594
breeder drone... interesting ;)
2017-01-25 06:24:24
>> #152586
Nightmare fuel?

This is a fucking dream come true.

So fucking hot. We need more Borg hypno porn. Like for real.
2017-01-25 06:14:04
>> #152585
MindMasher said:
I think they went a little overborg on this assimilation.

I have to admit that pun is pretty good. I'm not enough of a nerd to know any good Star Trek puns to add to this.
2017-01-28 01:43:29
>> #152978
Grim said:
no, no, we said there was a ginger you could snap up

That's a good one.
2017-01-28 01:42:16
>> #152977
CorruptionPrincess said:
All I wanted was some gingersnaps from the bakesale.

no, no, we said there was a ginger you could snap up
2017-01-27 05:41:53
>> #152853
All I wanted was some gingersnaps from the bakesale.
2017-01-27 05:38:27
>> #152852
Release the drakken.

I'll see myself out.
2017-01-27 04:03:51
>> #152840
So who else came here for the bake sale?
2017-01-26 02:27:09
>> #152679
This makes me smile
2017-01-25 05:31:36
>> #152568
KarmaX said:
Oh, I dunno about that. :P I just wanted to make the situation even HOTTER. :D

No need to be modest, the way you described the scene was great. I've been writing porn for a good while so I can tell when someone has talent.
2017-01-25 05:29:54
>> #152566
Imasuky said:
You are not just a good artist but a good writer as well.

Oh, I dunno about that. :P I just wanted to make the situation even HOTTER. :D
2017-01-25 05:28:13
>> #152565
KarmaX said:
Imagine the two of them trying to continue their directive of taking a shower, while their primal sexual instinct is busy with them rubbing their slippery, wet, smooth naked bodies together and getting off on that.

They would have a really hard time trying to correlate "hump sexy body" together with "take shower, get clean.", like two orders in their brain fighting with itself on which they need to do. Ruled by compulsion and urges, they're addicted to the humping and can't stop, but it's like they're also pathetically trying to wash and bathe at the same time, in a really feeble and confused way, gently touching and rubbing with soap while in the middle of a sexual drive they're confused by.

Their moans would get deeper, they'd get more lost than before in each other' empty eyes, their mouths hanging open, quivering lips inches apart, moaning and breathing heavily, panting huffy breaths into each others lips, arms tight around each other's slippery body, rubbing each other's pussies together in a masturbatory haze of confusion, their inability to understand throwing them deeper into the throes of mindless passion....

mm. :)

You are not just a good artist but a good writer as well.
2017-01-25 05:25:31
>> #152564
Imasuky said:
That makes it even better.

Imagine the two of them trying to continue their directive of taking a shower, while their primal sexual instinct is busy with them rubbing their slippery, wet, smooth naked bodies together and getting off on that.

They would have a really hard time trying to correlate "hump sexy body" together with "take shower, get clean.", like two orders in their brain fighting with itself on which they need to do. Ruled by compulsion and urges, they're addicted to the humping and can't stop, but it's like they're also pathetically trying to wash and bathe at the same time, in a really feeble and confused way, gently touching and rubbing with soap while in the middle of a sexual drive they're confused by.

Their moans would get deeper, they'd get more lost than before in each other' empty eyes, their mouths hanging open, quivering lips inches apart, moaning and breathing heavily, panting huffy breaths into each others lips, arms tight around each other's slippery body, rubbing each other's pussies together in a masturbatory haze of confusion, their inability to understand throwing them deeper into the throes of mindless passion....

mm. :)
2017-01-25 03:43:12
>> #152537
No background, just a gradient. Also no lighting effects. Put up because I thought it might be ideal to have a pure version without a photo background, here.
2017-01-25 03:40:54
>> #152536
Textless version, because while I like the text, it also was a bit in the way, so here's for the benefit of anyone who wants this scene to not be cluttered with letters.
2017-01-25 05:52:27
>> #152577
Any Myuk girl is best waifu.
Super travail Yakai!
2017-01-25 05:41:02
>> #152572
Myuk said:
here's her official art:

Joyce is best waifu
2017-01-25 04:12:07
>> #152543
Myuk said:
here's her official art:

*is ded from cuteness overload*
2017-01-25 04:06:36
>> #152542
crazyman said:
joyce has blue hair????
and i thought i couldnt love her more than i already did.

yeah ^^ joyce ORIGINALLY had black hair, but after seeing ara/pastel daemon's rendition of her :
which had a little blue tone to it, I thought it fits her a lot better ^^

here's her official art:
2017-01-25 04:01:04
>> #152540
joyce has blue hair????
and i thought i couldnt love her more than i already did.
2017-01-25 03:03:29
>> #152528
Ambipend said:
Ok, I know it's a chronometer, but it looks like

2017-01-25 00:16:10
>> #152518
Ok, I know it's a chronometer, but it looks like
2017-01-25 19:53:33
>> #152641
I agree -- tag what you see, and if this picture gets the ash_ketchum tag it really ought to have malesub and crossdressing tags. I'd lean towards including shota too -- Ash is, after all, "ten years old" every time his age is mentioned.

the manip text does not change the image -- even if the text talks about Judie, the image shows the Ashley costume of Ash Ketchum, so the image should be tagged appropriately.
2017-01-25 03:21:55
>> #152530
That's why people need to pay attention to the source material of what they're manipulating. Since I don't see how one would be able to divorce the two at all.
2017-01-24 23:49:51
>> #152514
Even if it's not meant to be Ash in the text, he still needs to be in the tags.
2017-01-24 23:38:20
>> #152511
Sleepyhead97 said:
Wouldn't this be malesub and crossdressing cus of it being Ash? Or does the context of the manip override the existing character?

I'm pretty sure it's the second one since the story does nothing to mention Ash or Pokémon
2017-01-24 23:22:45
>> #152510
Sleepyhead97 said:
Wouldn't this be malesub and crossdressing cus of it being Ash? Or does the context of the manip override the existing character?

That was my first thought.
2017-01-25 02:07:11
>> #152521
iirc the female is actually the hypnotist here by way of that flute. Though the given commands were indeed for him to get dommy with her. So for lack of a better solution, threw in all four dom/sub tags.
2017-01-24 22:18:56
>> #152502
kind of surprised this wasn't already up here, it's pretty old
2021-02-12 12:06:20
>> #406147
The 4lord deserves better tagging.
2017-01-25 04:32:02
>> #152552
pokemongirl said:
Well its stuff like that, that's going to get real life stuff banned from this site...granted at this point I doubt many would care since any "real" real life hypno won't be posted since I really bet a model who is getting paid is that hypnotized...well maybe hypnotized by money *giggles*

Hypnosis by money eh?... *drops paper money one at a time* Just watch the money fall slowly~ xP
2017-01-25 04:17:34
>> #152545
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Apparently we allow the screenshots of said paywall vids to be allowed. Although, I find there quality to be incredibly lackluster when it comes to posting here....

EDIT: Also, you should/need to put a working link in the source.

Well its stuff like that, that's going to get real life stuff banned from this site...granted at this point I doubt many would care since any "real" real life hypno won't be posted since I really bet a model who is getting paid is that hypnotized...well maybe hypnotized by money *giggles*
2017-01-24 23:03:20
>> #152507
Anno1404 said:
Isn't the video still behind the paywall at GGH?

Apparently we allow the screenshots of said paywall vids to be allowed. Although, I find there quality to be incredibly lackluster when it comes to posting here....

EDIT: Also, you should/need to put a working link in the source.
2017-01-24 22:59:40
>> #152504
Mindfucker said:
this pic doesn't have hypno but is the first of the screenshots from the video.

Isn't the video still behind the paywall at GGH?

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