2017-01-24 05:55:32
>> #152393
So, when I read the screen, I first thought it said "Empty Dess Slaves" and was wondering what the heck Kongo was plotting.
2017-01-24 04:54:00
>> #152384
DanGambino said:
Text quality leaves something to be desired, in my opinion. That font looks janky at the best of times and is especially jarring here. It seems to clash with the smooth lines of the source art.

I chose that font because it looks very "techy" if that makes sense.
2017-01-24 04:52:32
>> #152383
Sorry. I didn't realise this was already on here. I just saw it and thought it would be great with a manip. I can delete it if it causes too many problems.
2017-01-23 23:50:44
>> #152320
DanGambino said:
Slightly different.

Other font, removed faces.

Is it even "legal" to post minimal alterations of already existing manips with literally bringing nothing new to the table? ^^
2017-01-23 20:41:17
>> #152298
I always love this pic *drools*
2017-01-24 21:12:54
>> #152488
pokemongirl said:
I really love that outfit though seems vaguely familiar lol

Love to see you in it and later out of it ;)
2017-01-24 05:07:36
>> #152385
No... CHAR!
2017-01-23 20:29:34
>> #152292
I really love that outfit though seems vaguely familiar lol
2017-01-23 11:16:49
>> #152260
Mahyma said:
unless you're referring to a drink made in the city of Champaign in Illinois that should be spelled Champagne

>.< I thought it looked off, but I should have checked google before trusting word docs >.<
2017-01-23 10:42:49
>> #152258
unless you're referring to a drink made in the city of Champaign in Illinois that should be spelled Champagne
2018-06-12 23:41:03
>> #264997
I come fore the cute-zombie-girls... But now I will stay for the mistery :3
2018-02-13 02:58:51
>> #233979
KarmaX said:
Was there mind control in that? Part of my just vaaaaugly remembers there was, but for whatever reason, I cannot remember much about it. Was it good at all? I would have no idea which episode to look for.
Ah, it seems I didn't notice your reply.

For you and curious readers; It's episode 5 from season 2 of Snorks. The episode title is "A Hard Day's Snork".

2017-01-24 00:45:53
>> #152331
MaDrow said:
Reminds me of an episode of The Snorks |=(:3c

Was there mind control in that? Part of my just vaaaaugly remembers there was, but for whatever reason, I cannot remember much about it. Was it good at all? I would have no idea which episode to look for.
2017-01-23 22:29:31
>> #152308
skullman2033 said:
i'm just imagining some students not being affected because they're listening to music in class or something, they see this and are just like "what the fuck???"
Reminds me of an episode of The Snorks |=(:3c

2017-01-23 20:36:50
>> #152295
KarmaX said:
Hehehe. That is assuming of course, that sound/audio is the ONLY way this particular affliction transfers. :3

I will say, at the risk of somewhat spoiling later reveals pretty soon, there are to be multiple ways that it transfers between them. So, it will show that even if they don't hear her or someone else's commands, mantra or sounds, they still are not technically safe from turning and joining.

One plan I have is to sprinkle in a few very short, between-chapter recap/diagram explanations about the new pieces of the puzzle as more comes to light, in a lightheartedly humorous, possibly chibi kind of "lesson' way.

Basically put, I wrote up a backstory and how it explains what's happening to them for this series. In a way, I was inspired by things like a few of the George Romero movies or the Walking Dead comics and how each one would uncover new little bits of confirmations or possible theories of zombie-lore for their universe, and describe the hows, the why's and the behavior and what it means.

Without giving anything too big away, yet, I have some reveals and other transfer methods to reveal that do a bit to explain the compulsion to strip and how hidden desires, chemical reactions, mental psychology and some other unique revelations about how this "alternate reality" version of Earth existed before this, that come together to reveal how this MIGHT have come to be. For instance, why only showing females? What reality or dimension is this? What is different from the world we know, even before this began?

Of course the MAIN reason I created this was for it to be sexy fetish fuel, but there's also going to be some other mystery elements thematically in this as it goes. It won't get TOO heavy or anything, and showing cute/sexy/undressed girls will always be the focus to fap to (and why I made this), but I decided that I had a pretty decent idea how to make this a bit smart, give it a reason to be, and eventually themes about sexuality, exhibitionism, and little bits of social satire here as subtext, since there may not be too many actual "characters" in this, as far as personality goes. So I opted to put in some "world building" in on the side.

I can't wait for more this is amazing *drools*
2017-01-23 09:16:23
>> #152243
3D Custom Girl does not count as "mass produceable" images.
2017-01-23 09:02:38
>> #152242
But the Rule the flag is pointing out has an exception for images made using 3d custom girl, which this set was allegedly made with, right?
2017-01-23 20:22:18
>> #152290
KarmaX said:
MMM HMM. That is some GOODNESS. :D

2017-01-23 07:58:15
>> #152234
MMM HMM. That is some GOODNESS. :D
2017-01-23 20:21:59
>> #152289
KarmaX said:
Yes. Just yes.

*giggles and flashes her panties as well*
hehe : )
2017-01-23 07:57:39
>> #152233
Yes. Just yes.
2017-12-02 20:38:20
>> #215682
Thebigsqueeze said:
I've never really been one for furries... but this is hot.

You can never turn back now.
2017-01-23 07:02:19
>> #152231
Ahh, one of the two cutest subs on this sight. Not counting Zko's stuff, obviously. The other being her sister.
2017-01-23 05:25:34
>> #152228
I've never really been one for furries... but this is hot.
2017-01-23 05:58:47
>> #152230
ghost13 said:
So... the flute can do more then turn female listeners into horny harem girls uh? I'd like to see that explored in a future chapter.

I do have some ideas of what else the flute can do. This chapter was a bit about exploring what happens when a girl finds the flute instead of a guy.
2017-01-23 03:52:51
>> #152223
ghost13 said:
So... the flute can do more then turn female listeners into horny harem girls uh? I'd like to see that explored in a future chapter.

i think the more people that play it, the more effects it can cause
2017-01-23 03:50:25
>> #152222
So... the flute can do more then turn female listeners into horny harem girls uh? I'd like to see that explored in a future chapter.
2018-08-22 03:13:33
>> #277130
2017-01-23 02:42:10
>> #152215
2017-01-23 02:39:04
>> #152214
yay more robotization
2017-01-23 02:33:38
>> #152213
Got to love that middle one @.@
2018-04-03 23:34:28
>> #244345
G-ray-T said:
lets be honest like half the site is joining

And the other half are their masters/mistresses
2018-01-09 02:39:08
>> #226269
HMM yes please like i totally wanna join
2017-01-23 04:08:54
>> #152225
Succubunny said:
Oooh, I'll join you! *giggles and drools*

lets be honest like half the site is joining
2017-01-23 02:12:11
>> #152201
Oooh, I'll join you! *giggles and drools*
2017-01-23 02:09:17
>> #152200
Obviously not hypnotized. Nope.

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