2017-01-23 23:55:25
>> #152324
Anyone up for roleplaying something along these lines or similar? :P
2017-01-22 02:26:20
>> #151974
There should be a tag for the real personality being shown in the mirror.
2017-01-21 07:58:11
>> #151785
I didn't know Hypno could learn Bulk Up.
2017-01-21 07:41:42
>> #151783
2017-01-21 05:02:36
>> #151756
People are being too liberal with the nightmare fuel tag
2017-01-23 08:28:05
>> #152239
I want Selass to fuck my mind too...I wanna be her next little pet... @u@
2017-01-21 02:24:09
>> #151722
But I only see a blue bump.
2017-01-21 00:26:00
>> #151696
The nude version of Ash's comm was requested to be posted as well.

Hope you all like!
2017-01-21 02:11:59
>> #151718
Hypnotic eyes? Where? i don't see the powa of Hypnoseeeeseseses.
2017-01-21 01:11:03
>> #151700
Mindwipe said:
Not seeing the hypnosis here.

*shrug* Feel free to flag. As RCBC pointed out, Cynthia's eyes are always 'on', she wears the glasses to shield others.

Idc if it's taken down. I can always do some kind of manip later or something
2017-01-21 00:22:52
>> #151695
Her green eyes are always "on" when it comes to being able to hypnotize someone.
I'lll admit it's not super clear, but that is the canon from what I've heard.
2017-01-21 00:18:37
>> #151694
Mindwipe said:
Not seeing the hypnosis here.

2017-01-21 00:14:09
>> #151689
Not seeing the hypnosis here.
2017-01-22 09:27:22
>> #152058
SeaithDaizon said:

Forgot to ask who the OC owner is, as that's a requirement for the char tag.
2017-01-21 00:26:24
>> #151697
DrgnmastrAlex said:
I'd be alright with it.

Imasuky said:
I wouldn't complain

2017-01-21 00:18:26
>> #151693
SeaithDaizon said:
Out of curiosity would you guys want me to post the nude non latex version of this pic on the hub or just this is ok?

I wouldn't complain
2017-01-21 00:17:41
>> #151692
SeaithDaizon said:
Out of curiosity would you guys want me to post the nude non latex version of this pic on the hub or just this is ok?

I'd be alright with it.
2017-01-21 00:16:38
>> #151691
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Niiiiiiiiiice. Glad to see more Selass-thrall Kass on here. :3

Out of curiosity would you guys want me to post the nude non latex version of this pic on the hub or just this is ok?
2017-01-21 18:33:18
>> #151894
ErrantRealityA said:
Nice pic!

I've added some tags as well as the copyright and character tags. Those are good to add if you know them, so that people can find the image more easily.

Ah thanks! I got the image from the general manip request section, and didnt notice sona and ezreal. Thanks for the help!

Cradily said:
I'm guessing by Zko's style you mean <<|this>> image =P

There are two things I notice about your manip:
- The eyelid(s) are supposed to cover the eyes, but in this image it looks like it is the other way around. Some of the red is spilling over onto the eyelids, which in combination with the weaker glow (comparatively to Zko's) makes the edges of the eye look more artifact-y than it should.

- I'm not sure if you were trying to imitate Zko's as they have a darker outline on the upper left portion of the eye, but the light in the eye(s) are not supposed to have an outline.

Yes indeed, know that i think about it, it isnt really Zko "style" but its the only image i've seen done this way before, from the zko picture. Thanks for the feedback and for the helpful tips!
2017-01-21 08:29:53
>> #151789
I'm guessing by Zko's style you mean <<|this>> image =P

There are two things I notice about your manip:
- The eyelid(s) are supposed to cover the eyes, but in this image it looks like it is the other way around. Some of the red is spilling over onto the eyelids, which in combination with the weaker glow (comparatively to Zko's) makes the edges of the eye look more artifact-y than it should.

- I'm not sure if you were trying to imitate Zko's as they have a darker outline on the upper left portion of the eye, but the light in the eye(s) are not supposed to have an outline.
2017-01-21 05:12:14
>> #151758
SoloWingPixy said:
You're probably thinking of << | this one>>. Same artist, and similar situation.

I have the source bookmarked, so I must have just found it before on my own.
2017-01-21 02:59:00
>> #151733
OMG, finally something new about my main. Thanks a lot, mate *_*
2017-01-21 02:14:14
>> #151719
DanGambino said:
Isn't this already on here? I swear I've seen it before.

You're probably thinking of << | this one>>. Same artist, and similar situation.
2017-01-20 20:33:03
>> #151659
Date Jan 20, 2017User TheMadPrinceRating QuestionableScore 1(vote up)
2017-01-20 20:26:49
>> #151658
All right, so this is the first chapter of this series I'm doing. I'll admit it, the "art"'s not great, but I really do wish to improve, so... It's just something I quickly did.
Hope you all enjoy as much as I did making it !
2017-05-27 23:10:39
>> #178102
waverun said:
Ever wondered what OTHER powers does Asriel have in his god of hyperdeath form? Well... this is one of them.
-waverun *dress falls off wings shoot out and starts to drip*
2017-01-21 13:18:16
>> #151859
This is snazzy!
2017-01-21 03:04:52
>> #151734
removed my tag cause i never drew asriel's dick ^u v u^
2017-01-20 20:37:22
>> #151661
waverun said:
Ever wondered what OTHER powers does Asriel have in his god of hyperdeath form? Well... this is one of them.

Beautiful dear, very beautiful.
2017-01-20 20:05:02
>> #151649
Ever wondered what OTHER powers does Asriel have in his god of hyperdeath form? Well... this is one of them.
2017-01-21 15:01:16
>> #151868
Kamenrider01 said:
this looks interesting do you have a personal webpage?

Thank you ! I actually don't, I do have a Deviantart account (, which has been inactive for some time. I still favorite stuff on it though, and I intend to post my lesser stuff there, as well as this sort of thing.
2017-01-20 22:48:36
>> #151677
this looks interesting do you have a personal webpage?
2017-01-20 20:10:08
>> #151652
Hawkeye said:
Sorry, just wanted to make sure you knew since it was confusing to me at first as well.

That's all right, I appreciate it. It's a bit daunting at first, true.
2017-01-20 20:08:12
>> #151651
TheMadPrince said:
Sure, I was about to do that as soon as I finished the uploading :) Thanks

Sorry, just wanted to make sure you knew since it was confusing to me at first as well.
2017-01-20 20:06:47
>> #151650
Hawkeye said:
Can you put these in a pool and make all but the first few invisible? That's general posting decorum. If you don't know how to do pools, make a new one in the pools tab, and then go to your settings, turn on advanced editing, and then go to each of these and select "add to pool" in the list of options the left side of the picture.

And then edit each of these and uncheck the "shown in index" checkbox.

Sure, I was about to do that as soon as I finished the uploading :) Thanks
2017-09-02 09:59:02
>> #196709
Spirals said:
> Uploading Zelda in 2017
> Not using BotW design

This is specifically Smash Bros. Midna is an assist trophy, and Zelda had blond hair and a pink dress in Melee, so we can make this work.
2017-01-21 11:47:48
>> #151853
Imasuky said:
I'm suer ton on which way looks sexier. Cause Imp Minda is pretty hot in a way.

I don't really care that much if it's imp Midna or Twili Midna as long as it's Midna art (and let's be serious here, 37 pics as of now is definitely not nearly enough), but I do have a pretty big preference for imp Midna.

Also has something to do with Imp Midna being the feisty and playful one, I love feisty and playful women, especially if they aren't tsundere (Midna's affection for Link grows naturally rather than being instant I-l-I don't love you b-baka!). Makes her perfect femdom material as well. And early to mid game (as well as in flashbacks) Midna is just an amazing character. That I generally quite like small, cuteish but level-headed female characters helps also.

Love this pic, thanks for commissioning it Roxa, keep on fighting the good fight ( especially against the lack of Midna pics ;-) ) ^_^!

Also <<|Dat Ass, DAT ASS!>>
2017-01-21 03:17:02
>> #151736
Pinkanator said:
2017-01-21 02:26:38
>> #151724
That expression @.@ (me when I'm overloaded with hypno porn)
2017-01-21 01:05:16
>> #151699
sonicfire65 said:
More imp midna is needed in my life

i concur but we do need more midna period.

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