2017-01-14 07:38:49
>> #150337
EoD said:
I'm pretty sure she's just in a constant state of arousal.

Pretty much XD I masturbate bare min twice a day *giggles*
2017-01-14 07:38:07
>> #150336
Link said:
You really don't need a lot to get turned on, do you

No XD but its a pokemon "girl" related pic so I'm already down 100% hehe
2017-01-13 22:33:55
>> #150216
Link said:
You really don't need a lot to get turned on, do you

I'm pretty sure she's just in a constant state of arousal.
2017-01-13 22:30:58
>> #150214
We need more Olivia pics and fast.
2017-01-13 11:05:58
>> #150129
Dat neck coil
2017-01-13 02:40:20
>> #150070
Oh look, Aya is a playable character in Touhou 16.
2017-01-13 11:07:55
>> #150130
Licky licky
2017-01-13 05:11:05
>> #150099
That Paint Effect OMG!!
2017-01-13 03:42:39
>> #150082
and MINA TOO!!! *drools more*
2017-01-13 02:25:01
>> #150067
Pinkanator said:
oooooo i want mezzmerrine painty tooooooooo

dat grade A engrish tho
2017-01-13 02:17:42
>> #150064
oooooo i want mezzmerrine painty tooooooooo
2017-01-13 03:55:51
>> #150086
Makiavelli said:
Will we see more of this wonderful wizard?

Not my OC so probably not. This was a commission.

Mindwipe said:

Well, I never left, but it is nice to post stuff again. :)
2017-01-13 03:45:41
>> #150084
Will we see more of this wonderful wizard?
2017-01-13 03:43:38
>> #150083
MMmmmmm~ needs some spirit cuffs hehe
2017-01-13 02:56:41
>> #150074
2017-01-13 02:16:38
>> #150063
Oooh. Thats a kewl eye effect...Favorited just for that.
2017-01-13 01:03:01
>> #150053
arashidrgn said:
Why was he naked to begin with? Shut up that's why. Some art and write up done on a whim.

As a NSFW site, I figure that's one of the last things people would care about...
2017-01-13 00:40:17
>> #150052
Ooooo thhass aa funn
2017-01-13 00:31:07
>> #150051
The sprite appeared from out of the corner of his eyes. A creature made of pure mana, it apeared as collection of faintly glowing water burbling and bubbling in the air. The muscular dz'isu smiled in intrigue, seeing such a thing was the sort of rare occurrence he had only heard stories of. Curiously he reached his hand up to it and the globule of water playfully burst around his finger tips. He could feel a tingling of magic in the air around it and an oddly pleasant surge on his scales wherever he could manage to touch the thing before it slipped through his digits. It was not long before all of the air around him was filled with a pleasant warmth.

Transfixed by the aethiric creature he dropped his hand away to watch it weave about in the air in front of him. He pulled away slightly as it began to spin and pulse with a stronger light. He ducked his head as he watched the excited display. Only in the back of his mind did he notice the odd tingles of magic playing with his body. Subtly his brawny frame was being smoothed over. Already his impressive stature had dwindled; however, the sensation was a listlessly tranquil presence that he could not be bothered to give any more of his mind.

The water bubbles spinning path grew now encircling him. The last bits of hard muscle ebbed away in moments leaving behind a supple and plush form the radiated with heated pleasure. The dz'isu tried to follow the path but found it difficult to track the dancing flashing lights. His head spun, a drunken dizziness overtook him. Faintly he realized that he was being changed, had been changed. He was a diminutive afterimage of his former self. Slender arms hugged against a smooth boyish chest, and yet he found no anger at his alteration. Rippling pecs and rigid muscle had been there just a moment ago, hadn't they? Or was he thinking of another dz'isu that he knew. His head swam as the sprites magic sapped away his mind the way it had his body. His former self becoming a lewd fantasy that made him grin with arousal.

The sprite pulled away now its bubbling mass full with the dz'isu mind and essence.The sprite ambled away with plodding and meandering path, lethargic in its satiation. The shy little male tilted and weaved with every arcing path the water took. An empty mind and alien center of gravity left him clumsy. With a dimwitted but delighted grin and giggle he watched the spirit go.

Why was he naked to begin with? Shut up that's why. Some art and write up done on a whim.
2017-01-15 07:50:24
>> #150569
The sub's eyes look like empty eyes to me. The little blot of light is largely outside of the iris, and is more present on the sclera. It's sort of a fine-line distinction, but that matters, since whether or not eyes are empty depends almost entirely on the reflections shown in the iris.
2017-01-13 11:01:13
>> #150128
Blake eating pussy, cannibal.
2017-01-13 07:28:00
>> #150112
Should this be tagged "Catgirl"? Blake is one, sooo... I mean... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk
2017-01-12 23:32:51
>> #150045
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Mindfucker, MindMasher, Mindwipe...
What a predicament! :0

Now, choose same avatar pics. *grabs popcorn*
2017-01-12 23:18:09
>> #150044
MindMasher said:
I don't like how our names are similar...

Mindfucker, MindMasher, Mindwipe...
What a predicament! :0
2017-01-15 06:25:28
>> #150563
Anno1404 said:
If you have pokemongirl what else would you want? ;P

thats cold ;-;
2017-01-15 06:19:14
>> #150562
Anno1404 said:
If you have pokemongirl what else would you want? ;P

I'm not going to tell <3
2017-01-15 05:39:40
>> #150553
BritBoyToy said:
You forgot to put a hairclip in CorruptionPrincess's hair.

If you have pokemongirl what else would you want? ;P

Mister Vi
2017-01-13 11:44:37
>> #150133
Pinkanator said:
Ooo! Ooo!

And me! And me!

2017-01-13 04:54:33
>> #150095
Anno1404 said:
*takes the remote* Thanks for doing the work but now they're mine

You forgot to put a hairclip in CorruptionPrincess's hair. However, I'll gladly have one placed in mine <3
2017-01-12 18:32:36
>> #149987
The source does, in fact, have the "催眠" tag which means "Hypnotism" according to Google Translate. She also gets empty-eyed later in the sequence. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude there is hypno content.
2017-01-14 00:55:44
>> #150254
crazyman said: that... is that liquid refrigerant?

I-If someone... wants it to be... oops

Dystopia69 said:

This is too fucking awesome. Love the crack sexiness of it xD



Thanks xD These two have too much potential.
2017-01-13 01:34:03
>> #150054

This is too fucking awesome. Love the crack sexiness of it xD
2017-01-12 23:15:24
>> #150042 that... is that liquid refrigerant?
2017-01-12 18:41:59
>> #149990
Pinkanator said:
yo thas pretty hotttt


HypnoCat said:
Bad bad naughty Ouma, teaching that poor AI such dirty things. XD

This is pretty hot though. Kiibo looks so adorable.

*giggles* But Kiibo has to learn somehow!! To be a "real boy" he must learn so many things! And brainwashing *coughprogramming* can help... increase the speed of that!!

Thank you~! Kiibo's precious as freak, so I'm glad that I did him justice for you to say that!
2017-01-12 17:13:53
>> #149979
Bad bad naughty Ouma, teaching that poor AI such dirty things. XD

This is pretty hot though. Kiibo looks so adorable.
2017-03-10 11:28:03
>> #160616
BlackWidow69x said:
OTHER THAN THEIR TALENTS, AND A SINGLE LINE FROM THE DEMO, THERE ARE NO SPOILERS IN MY COMMENT HERE! I know VERY LITTLE about the new game, so I'm spoiler free :< Because of this, I'm not tagging "spoilers" in this image! (I hope that's okay...?) -- There'll be a follow-up image showing just how much Kiibo (the robot) is enjoying it~! <3

as great as this is...
w e n e e d m o r e j u n k o

So. Thanks to the some lovely translators, the Demo to NewDanganronpaV3 had some... interesting dialogue. Including from our lovely Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kokichi Ouma, to the Ultimate Robot - Kiibo.

In his own "curiousity", Kokichi asks, "Do you have a penis!?" Kiibo was embarrassed, I was amused.

Between my Master and i, this was born. Mostly my Master's idea, but they took into consideration my interests and it was applied heavily here! As embarrassed and nervous as I still am to share things... I'm proud of this? I hope that doesn't sound bad #>_<#

The Title that my Master gave it was "Do Robots Dream Of Electric Footjobs" after "Do Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep" -- which I now have to find out about!

Here we have Kiibo displaying just how much he does enjoy it! Thanks to Kokichi's "help" of course! With a peeping Monofunny in the corner!

Note: The binary behind Kiibo's head in the speech bubble there, doesn't mean anything this time! I knew too much of it would be hidden, so I just left that to be random binary...

He's such a wonderfully obedient re-programmed robot! He does want to learn to be more human... so this is just helping that process along! Or at least that's my interpretation of demoville :<

2017-01-13 20:07:37
>> #150195
Jakku~ said:
Robots do indeed, have dicks.

The best part is that they're customizable.
2017-01-12 23:02:44
>> #150037
Robots do indeed, have dicks.
2017-01-12 18:43:37
>> #149991
2017-01-12 15:20:10
>> #149967
OTHER THAN THEIR TALENTS, AND A SINGLE LINE FROM THE DEMO, THERE ARE NO SPOILERS IN MY COMMENT HERE! I know VERY LITTLE about the new game, so I'm spoiler free :< Because of this, I'm not tagging "spoilers" in this image! (I hope that's okay...?) -- There'll be a follow-up image showing just how much Kiibo (the robot) is enjoying it~! <3


So. Thanks to the some lovely translators, the Demo to NewDanganronpaV3 had some... interesting dialogue. Including from our lovely Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kokichi Ouma, to the Ultimate Robot - Kiibo.

In his own "curiousity", Kokichi asks, "Do you have a penis!?" Kiibo was embarrassed, I was amused.

Between my Master and i, this was born. Mostly my Master's idea, but they took into consideration my interests and it was applied heavily here! As embarrassed and nervous as I still am to share things... I'm proud of this? I hope that doesn't sound bad #>_<#

The Title that my Master gave it was "Do Robots Dream Of Electric Footjobs" after "Do Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep" -- which I now have to find out about!

Here we have Kiibo displaying just how much he does enjoy it! Thanks to Kokichi's "help" of course! With a peeping Monofunny in the corner!

Note: The binary behind Kiibo's head in the speech bubble there, doesn't mean anything this time! I knew too much of it would be hidden, so I just left that to be random binary...

He's such a wonderfully obedient re-programmed robot! He does want to learn to be more human... so this is just helping that process along! Or at least that's my interpretation of demoville :<

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