2017-01-22 23:00:40
>> #152167
That's quite the present~
2016-12-25 14:15:44
>> #146270
Gabayalla said:
Adult Neptune in VII has long hair and black accessories, you two.

Ahhhh you right..
2016-12-25 13:52:36
>> #146268
Adult Neptune in VII has long hair and black accessories, you two.
2016-12-25 12:03:50
>> #146263
rocketracer294 said:
I concur.

look nepgear has long light purple hair and neptune has a short light purple hair and become long dark purple when she become purple heart
2016-12-25 11:16:08
>> #146259
andreasnaw said:
It is just me that think this girl is not neptune but her sister nepgear?

I concur.
2016-12-24 21:11:24
>> #146143
If I get controlled does my bust go up that much? *giggles*
2016-12-24 19:35:56
>> #146128
Always nice to see Solaris working the mojo
2016-12-24 13:52:24
>> #146106
Eyyy Solaris :D
2016-12-24 11:42:50
>> #146097
Merry Christmas, Solaris.
2016-12-27 06:42:26
>> #146466
I have no idea how i didn't click on this earlier; utterly amazing
2016-12-24 21:12:19
>> #146144
Lovely~ *Sways her own tits too*
2016-12-24 19:41:02
>> #146130
Very nice animation
2016-12-24 15:15:22
>> #146113
cant look away @-@
2016-12-24 13:41:35
>> #146103
Must obey..
2016-12-25 05:39:48
>> #146207
Jpew2007 said:
Always wondered what her "Infinite Dream" was. Because she's in mine, wink wink.

2016-12-25 01:17:25
>> #146169
pokemongirl said:
Her dream world is where she's Boa Handcock *giggles*

Always wondered what her "Infinite Dream" was. Because she's in mine, wink wink.
2016-12-24 09:07:51
>> #146080
Her dream world is where she's Boa Handcock *giggles*
2016-12-24 18:15:29
>> #146124
arcolel123 said:
Who's the other character?

That would be Elena of the same game.

I wish I knew why her tag was removed. I mean we don't have other images with her that I could find, but it is still good to know.
2016-12-24 17:49:10
>> #146121
Who's the other character?
2016-12-24 08:47:45
>> #146079
Reup with higher resolution, better dithering, more accurate pallet... Stuff like that.
2017-01-16 12:43:39
>> #150765
*sings* Riiing your beeell!
2016-12-27 07:15:39
>> #146468
Oh man those eyes are perfect <3
2016-12-25 11:08:10
>> #146258
There were a few typos in your comment so I decided to fix them for you.
TheKinkyFinn said:
It's that time of the year again folks, that time I bring you a FANASTIC manip and SO MANY of you LIKE THE HELL OUT OF IT because PEOPLE LIKE GOOD THINGS.

2016-12-25 08:27:07
>> #146250
Merry Christmas Everyone
2016-12-25 08:15:31
>> #146247
Ehehehe this is goooood. :D
2016-12-28 23:35:04
>> #146805
I can easily imagine this as MC due to the various subtle cues throughout the image, but only if you consider it a series of progression from left to right.

Alex's treatment hasn't started yet, and it just restrained. She's worriedly watching as Sam's mask is being placed over her face. Sam herself has this terrified look, and they both know what happened to Clover, as they already watched her go through it. Clover's expression is decidedly softer than the other two's, from what you can see beyond the mask, and her body is slightly less tense, both of which hint toward the gas at the least having a calming effect.

Anyway, all that considered, I think it passes just barely through the "is it MC" test. Not often does subtle MC pass, but it's been known to happen.
2016-12-25 01:50:23
>> #146175
Psi said:
I just love how for HypnoHub's standards, this ISN'T strange and unsettling.

Tue compered to most stuff here this is bordering on vanilla
2016-12-25 01:46:33
>> #146174
Add spiral eyes and it's perfect
2016-12-24 13:21:47
>> #146101
Imasuky said:
Sleepyhead97 posting something that isn't strange and unsettling...It's Christmas miracle!

I just love how for HypnoHub's standards, this ISN'T strange and unsettling.
2016-12-24 10:28:53
>> #146087
it needs other pages. One can only anticipate- moutpieces have holes for things to suck, dildo style things they're being forced to sit on, gas masks. It's mostly assumption. Looking at the tags is the only way to know it's "hypnotic gas."
2018-01-28 22:03:35
>> #230753
ZOOOE MAMA! Good stuff!
2016-12-24 10:10:06
>> #146086
Not sure if it's not loading right for me or what, but it plays for half a second, then freezes...
2016-12-24 07:30:40
>> #146069
Myuk said:
a breathing animation would be a nice touch as well :3

Hmmm, your on to something there~
moving shoulders or some of the stomach could add to it.
Thanks for your input c:

pokemongirl said:
Wonderful and amazing as always Darkhatboy *drools and rubs herself*

Only to those who get off to my stuff.
2016-12-24 06:21:59
>> #146061
DHB said:
"Oh hey~, I got the video you sent me, that was meant to be a
recording of your work so I know you haven't been slacking off.
But instead it was a video of your eyes... your sweet, seductive,
sexy, arousing eyes...
Telling me to spread my legs and play... play with my milfy titties!
Keeping them nice and plump for you.

So this is response video, showing you, what you really should
be 'doing', as per your request as well."

So, since animation seems to be all the rage these days on the hub.
Thought I'd give it a shot myself, since I have been growing ever so
jealous of these amazing artists.
Never applied animation to porn before, so forgive me if things look
a bit 'off' in some areas. And feel free to tell me things that could
improve it, ( if there are any that is ;3 )

Also, this is Karen, the subject | milfy teacher
She's meant to be the lady from this:

Wonderful and amazing as always Darkhatboy *drools and rubs herself*
2016-12-24 02:07:38
>> #146030
Very well made!
2016-12-24 06:39:45
>> #146066
Not_A_Changeling said:
I admit I will never understand these "girl salad" pics that just take characters from a bunch of different worlds for no apparent reason.

There's nothing hard to understand outside, "These are my fave characters from different series I'd like to feature in this sorta outfit/scenario."
2016-12-24 06:21:18
>> #146060
StepfordCrimson said:
Beautiful!~ I hope they're singing my Jingle Bells song

Merry Christmas Davey!~

What a lovely group Davey!

And I sure hope so *giggles*
2016-12-24 05:18:31
>> #146053
I admit I will never understand these "girl salad" pics that just take characters from a bunch of different worlds for no apparent reason.
2016-12-24 03:58:01
>> #146047
Merry Christmas everyone!
2016-12-24 03:09:35
>> #146046
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Eh, just think it's a bit ungrateful to say ya want more of something that's got nothing to do with the nice pic itself...

Regardless, very nice treat Davey. Thanks for sharing it with us. :3

Your welcome. ^^ Glad you like it. ^^ Wish I could have done more Christmas themed pics, but maybe next year I can do more. ^^
2018-11-28 18:31:17
>> #291988
Lovely to see Yukari become a Haigure human. Hopefully the club will become a Haigure club as well~
2016-12-24 13:56:15
>> #146107
Coltsguy said:
Fucking haigure. You take all the ladies I like to look at and put them into one of the most retarded things I see.

Oh, you-ve seen nothing yet, mate.
2016-12-24 04:37:38
>> #146048
Fucking haigure. You take all the ladies I like to look at and put them into one of the most retarded things I see.
2016-12-23 23:33:49
>> #145989
StepfordCrimson said:
Takeba's fallen under the power of haigure now too I see.

Nobody escapes haigure!
2016-12-23 23:14:53
>> #145988
Takeba's fallen under the power of haigure now too I see.

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